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The Arizona GOP has selected state Sen. Jake Hoffman, a “fake elector” indicted last week and accused of working to overturn President Joe Biden’s 2020 win in Arizona, as a national committeeman for the Republican National Committee.

Hoffman — who was indicted Wednesday along with 17 other people, including former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani — was elected to the RNC post along with former state Rep. Liz Harris, who was expelled for reasons related to questioning Biden's 2020 victory in Arizona.

"I'm humbled and honored to have been elected as the next RNC National Committeeman for Arizona," Hoffman wrote Saturday evening on X.

"The road to saving America runs through our great state, and the RNC has a crucial role to play in supporting and empowering the Republican grassroots who fight every day against the Democratic Fascists," Hoffman added.
On Jan. 5, 2021, Hoffman, then days away from becoming a state representative, sent a letter urging Vice President Mike Pence to delay the counting of Arizona’s electors and to “seek clarification from the Arizona legislature as to which slate of electors were proper and accurate.” Hoffman himself was one of the 11 “alternate electors.”

Announcing the charges against Hoffman and others accused of being involved in the scheme, Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes, a Democrat, said in a recorded video released Wednesday, “These defendants deceived the citizens of Arizona.”

“The defendants intended that the false votes for Trump and Pence would encourage Vice President Pence to reject the certified Biden-Harris electors' votes regardless of the result of any legal challenge,” she added.

Along with Hoffman, the Arizona GOP also selected former state Rep. Liz Harris as a national committeewoman. Harris was expelled from the Legislature a year ago after she invited an election denier to provide testimony laced with unsubstantiated allegations at a televised legislative hearing on elections.

Jacqueline Breger, an insurance agent whom Harris invited to testify, claimed without evidence that a Mexican drug cartel bribed Gov. Katie Hobbs and Republican House Speaker Ben Toma and that “bribes and infiltration have been used to affect the outcome” of the 2020 and 2022 elections.
At the controversial hearing on Feb. 23, 2023, Breger claimed that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints “control[s]” government agencies and was “integral to the laundering activities.”

An Arizona ethics panel report found Harris “committed disorderly behavior” and damaged “the institutional integrity of the House” by inviting Breger. Harris was removed from office after 46 of the 60 members of the Republican-controlled House voted to expel her upon the release of the ethics panel report.

“These are not just your run-of-the-mill election deniers,” Barrett Marson, a Republican strategist in Arizona, said of Hoffman and Harris. “They are leaders in the whole experiment of election denialism.”

Marson said he believes Hoffman’s and Harris’ new gigs are indicative of the Arizona GOP’s transformation in recent years.

“I think it shows that both election denialism and a fealty to election denialism is now the state Republican Party in Arizona,” he said.

The Arizona GOP did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the selections of Hoffman and Harris.
>At the controversial hearing on Feb. 23, 2023, Breger claimed that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints “control[s]” government agencies and was “integral to the laundering activities.”
So mormons fixed the election for Biden? What?
You know most of the FBI are mormons, right?
source? and anyway I guess if you think the mormon FBI rigged the election that's slightly better than Venezuelans and Chi-coms rigging it like Sidney Powell thought.
Not "my" source, but the mainstream bullshit you were looking for anyway, I'm sure. Once a culture like that gets established nepotism obviously sets in. People like to hire people like them.

I caught on to the LDS-FBI link when that movie "Sound of Freedom" came out. I didn't realize LDS was the re-branded name for Mormons. I had a boss who was a Mormon when I was a teenager and heard him talk about his missionary work in Mexico. Tim Ballard was mormon; I believe he's been ex-communicated but I don't really care enough to follow the story.
Umm, no were not.
Where is yours? You initiated the conversation and didnt include any sources or credible news info.
It's a pity the FBI doesn't publicly release this easily obtainable information from their employees, eh? I guess we'll just "never know."

I do know LDS only represents less than 2% of the overall population and they represent a lot more than 2% of the FBI employees, and there's an implication that nobody likes (outside the church) hidden somewhere in there.
Why would they care? It's not like they can hire people based on religion.
Interesting how Republicans are putting the people who betrayed democracy and America in charge of 'defending' it.
To be fair they don't have anyone else. The Mitt Romney types have either quit the party or get voted out.
Mormons practice polygamy like the Muslims and believe in witchcraft stuff like dowsing for water...evil people.

>Arizona GOP appoints fake electors to run 'election integrity' board
fox guards the henhouse
child guards the candy store
drug addict guards the pharmacy
firebug runs the firehydrant
tRump guards his sleeping daughter, ivanka
Why would Republicans put Democrats in charge?
That just doesn't make any sense.
>Why would Republicans put Democrats in charge?
Why would cats put rats in charge of the pantry?
That just doesn't make any sense.
>Why would cats put rats in charge of the pantry?
What country is this a saying from? Certainly not an English speaking country.
Because the cats are fucking crazy and keep making up paranoid conspiracy theories about the rats which never happened.
>keep making up paranoid conspiracy theories about the rats which never happened.
You should be careful referring to them that way, friend. They could close your bank accounts and get you fired for that sort of thing these days.
Another conspiracy theory
not a conspiracy. Republicans actually want this to happen to protestors.
That moron biden was never president you stupid idiot, that piece of shit is a squatter.
But enough about Trump's failed coup and treason.
>betrayed democracy and America
But enough about Joe Biden.
After 2020 and the leftist howls of "Revolution! Kill whitey!" Nobody cares what you have to say about anyone else having an uprising.
You mean the Boogaloo Riots? Those people weren't leftists.
>The page "Boogaloo riots" does not exist. You can create a draft and submit it for review or request that a redirect be created, but consider checking the search results below to see whether the topic is already covered.
That's funny neither does "BLM riots"

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