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/pol/ fucking LOST
thread prediction: poltards claim they are victims for not being able to violently threaten others
Presumably this won't pass the senate, but if it does it's going to get struck down in court.

If Congress wants to change the 1st amendment there's a process for it and it isn't this. They don't have the votes for it, so they try this nonsense instead.
Post the article
No one knows because OP didn't paste the article text
>No one knows because OP didn't paste the article text
I reddit and /pol/ caused this becaus the normies think that anyone who don't like to see brown babys blown to pieces and starve is anti-jewish(Zionists are anti-semites).

We pro-Palis don't hate Jews or israel, just the zionists doing the genoidin'.

But now we all get tarred with the same brush like the ''kill kikes'' scum.
And The Zionists love /pol/ and even give 4chan shekels to keep it afloat and the IDF posts there because they can say "SEE, ANTI-SEMITES everywhere11!"
Thread prediction: leftards are fine with destroying free speech and letting an NGO determine what constitutes free speech.
>think that anyone who don't like to see brown babys blown to pieces and starve is anti-jewish
Tough shit pal but the actual people determining laws and handling the budget to give free gibs to the chosen ones don't think like that. You're not allowed to criticize Israel (law being voted on), you're not allowed to boycott Israel (already a law), and if you dare think any thought against Israel you're a Nazi. You're not in a good place to bitch about subtlety when prominent lawmakers are freaking the fuck out on social media and labeling protestors as criminals.
Every poster ITT will be kneejerking about what they think the article says until OP actually pastes the text of the article
There would have been less effort to paste the article text.
I read the article. Congress says an NGO can govern free speech.
>The Alliance, an intergovernmental organization, defines antisemitism as a “certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews” and include the calling for harm or death to Jewish people
i don't think threatening death on people is a first amendment right
>i don't think threatening death on people is a first amendment right
It doesn't even have anything to do with that. CHUDs didn't read the article, as usual. The bill basically updates the definition of antisemitism in the enforcement of already existing anti-discrimination laws i.e. at school, work or housing. In no way does this impact any citizen's ability to say whatever they want about Jewish people. You make a big mistake by ever assuming that right-wing shizos have ever read and critically engaged with any article they are reeee'ing over.
>a direct quote from the article has nothing to do with the article
do lies this shitty work where you live?
>The bill basically updates the definition of antisemitism in the enforcement of already existing anti-discrimination laws i.e. at school, work or housing. In no way does this impact any citizen's ability to say whatever they want about Jewish people.
Explain to me how what I just said was wrong
>Congress says an NGO can govern free speech.
You did not read the article
>i don't think threatening death on people is a first amendment right
then it doesn't need another bill passed, does it?
>The Alliance, an intergovernmental organization, defines antisemitism as a “certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews” and include the calling for harm or death to Jewish people “in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view on religion,” as well as “mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews.”
Yeah... not going to affect your ability to say what you think...
kek, JIDF once again wanting to ban free speech
if it gets poltards in more trouble i'm all for it
>In his criticism of the bill, Gaetz referenced part of the definition on the use of symbols “associated with classic antisemitism,” including “claims of Jews killing Jesus.”
I guess that settles it, guys. Jews didn't really kill Jesus and you better not imply that they did.
>I'm sure this could never be used against me or my worldview
Yeah, I'm sure. Get those poltards!
i mean, it was the romans
I believe the story is the Romans let the Jewish leaders decide between condemning Jesus or Barabbas to be crucified, and they chose Jesus because being a blasphemer is a greater crime than being a rapist and a murderer.

But I wasn't there so I don't really know. I'm pretty sure the people who wrote these rules and laws weren't there, either.
that's certainly one of the pol versions
>Pol launched in 2011
I don't think they're the ones who came up with it, but whatever you say.
i know you prefer being obtuse but not everyone interprets biblical passages like you or the other poltards
>Everybody I don't like is a poltard!
Oh, I see.
you're just a single poltard, i dislike plenty of people other than you
>Everybody who believes the bible is a poltard and I hate them.
Yeah, I get it.
>believes the bible
do you believe all religious texts?
I've never read any religious books except the Satanic bible and that was mostly bullshit.

But I am at least aware of what the story of Jesus is.
>Yeah... not going to affect your ability to say what you think...
Either you didn't read the article or you're actually too low IQ to understand. The bill adopts The Alliance's definition of antisemitism in the enforcement of existing FEDERAL ANTI-DISCRIMINATION LAWS i.e. in housing, school or work. Anti-discrimination laws specifically protect people from discrimination in housing, work or schooling. This bill literally has nothing to do with regular citizens saying things about Jewish people.
>The bill adopts The Alliance's definition of antisemitism in the enforcement of existing FEDERAL ANTI-DISCRIMINATION LAWS i.e. in housing, school or work.
So as long as you don't say anything the Jews don't want you to say, you can keep your mortgage, job, and still go to school.
seems like another virtue signal bill. i don't see any material impact stemming from the bill passage tbh.
>So as long as you don't say anything the Jews don't want you to say, you can keep your mortgage, job, and still go to school.
That isn't how anti-discrimination laws work. They enforce the opposite way. You're actually retarded.

>seems like another virtue signal bill
Yeah of course it is
>That isn't how anti-discrimination laws work. They enforce the opposite way.
I would love for you to try to explain what this means.
Where does this say that it's banning Holocaust Denial?
>I would love for you to try to explain what this means.
Anti-discrimination laws don't take things away from you for being antisemitic. It prevents other people from taking things from you or refusing to hire or house you because you're jewish. I can't fathom the depths of sheer retardism you must be suffering from to think federal anti discrimination means the jews can take your mortgage for being antisemitic. That's one of the dumbest fucking things I've ever heard.
>It prevents other people from taking things from you or refusing to hire or house you because you're jewish.
I think you're confused and that was already illegal and certainly doesn't have anything to do with this bill they just passed.
>and certainly doesn't have anything to do with this bill they just passed.
It has everything to do with the bill they just passed. The bill they just passed updates the definition of antisemitism they use to enforce existing federal anti-discrimination laws. I don't know how to explain this any simpler.

>think you're confused and that was already illegal
Holy fucking shit. You are actually illiterate. No shit it was already illegal. This bill is not a new law. It updates the definition to an existing law.
>Yes Goyim, just ignore the laws being passed, they don't really mean anything! Don't even read them!
Ok rabbi.
the bill literally doesn't legislate speech in any capacity. you've been fear mongered again
>Don't believe your eyes, the party will tell you what to think
Ok, but that's exactly what the bill says.
paste the text of the bill where speech is being legislated.
I'll post it for you again sweetie.
>The Alliance, an intergovernmental organization, defines antisemitism as a “certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews” and include the calling for harm or death to Jewish people “in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view on religion,” as well as “mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews.”
that's not legislation of speech. it's a defining of terms. there's nothing actionable there.
more democrats voted against it than republicans
So you wouldn't support this shitty legislation then either, right?
>there's nothing actionable there.
>the state labeling you an antisemite for criticizing Israel isn't actionable
>oh no the state labeled you an antisemite
and? not a legislation of speech.
Alright you might be retarded, so let me explain something.

The government doesn't need to write a law that cracks down on you specifically to make your life a living hell. All they need to do is make a list of 'problematic' citizens and pass them along to private companies to inhibit your ability to live a normal life in the United States.

For example, US banks have a shared database of US citizens that are 'problematic'. If your name makes the list, not only will you be unable to do business with that specific bank, but the vast majority of major banks in the United States.

What this bill means is that if you criticize Israel, you're basically putting your life at risk.
>The House of Representatives passed a bipartisan bill on Wednesday aimed at targeting antisemitism on college campuses, as tensions across dozens of campuses boil over amid a spree of student-led pro-Palestinian protests and encampments.

>Key Facts

>The majority of members present from both parties approved the Antisemitism Awareness Act on Wednesday, including 187 Republicans and 133 Democrats, with 21 Republicans and 70 Democrats opposed.

>The bill, which still needs Senate approval, would require the Department of Education to adopt antisemitism definitions used by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, though critics claim it would impose an overly broad set of restrictions.

>The Alliance, an intergovernmental organization, defines antisemitism as a “certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews” and include the calling for harm or death to Jewish people “in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view on religion,” as well as “mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews.”

>The organization’s definition also extends to Holocaust denialism and accusations of Jewish people being “more loyal to Israel…than to the interests of their own nations.”
>Chief Critics

>Hard-right Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., who voted against the bill, called it “ridiculous” ahead of the vote Wednesday, arguing it was “written without regard for the Constitution, common sense, or even the common understanding of the meaning of words.” In his criticism of the bill, Gaetz referenced part of the definition on the use of symbols “associated with classic antisemitism,” including “claims of Jews killing Jesus.” Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., also slammed the bill, saying it “has a problem beyond violating the 1st [Amendment,]
” adding it does not list the definition of antisemitism in its language.


>The bill’s passage comes amid heightened tensions on college campuses as groups of students lead pro-Palestinian protests critical of Israel’s invasion of the Gaza Strip, where the Hamas-led Gaza Health Ministry estimates over 34,000 people have been killed since the war broke out in October (Israel estimates Hamas killed 1,200 people in its Oct. 7 attack on Israel). While student-led protests became a fixture at colleges nationwide in the first weeks of the war, those protests heated up last month, with encampments and protests spanning from Columbia, New York University and Emerson College to the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Southern California. Those protests, like the ones last fall, sparked backlash from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle and from university donors over allegations of surging antisemitism.
where in the bill does it say anti-semites will be put on a list? you're just babbling in conspiracy theories now.
You're just mad because no one posted in your duplicate thread full of conspiracy theories
I seethe
There's no list. What the bill would actually do is obligate corporations and universities (implying there's a difference) to police their employees/students' criticism of Israel. If they fail to do so, they could lose federal grants related to their business.
This is bad, but it's not what you're saying it is. If you pretend every bad thing is the worst possible thing, you're helping the supporters of the bad thing to mischaracterize their legitimate opponents.
>This is bad, but it's not what you're saying it is.
Anon, people like Fuentes are already on these lists. They can't use banks or fly on planes. You just never hear about them because they have virtually no media reach.

Also, this bill basically labels every Christian in America as antisemetic. You need to wake up.
Are you outraged?
>just ignore the laws being passed, they don't really mean anything!
You're actually mentally retarded. I specifically explained what the law meant and what it contains. You are unironically too dumb to understand.

How do you not know the definition of the word "action".

Don't concede that, anon. The state doesn't label you anything. The definition is used for the enforcement of existing anti-discrimination law, not a "label".

>The government doesn't need to write a law that cracks down on you specifically to make your life a living hell
There is no government crackdown in this bill. Either you didn't read it or you're actually 50 IQ.
funding can already be revoked. individuals can already be de-personed. the bill is non-material
Antisemitism isn't against the law and this bill wouldn't make it so. If you went to a University in America right now and said "I think all kikes should be gassed" they'd expel you, and if they didn't, they'd risk their federal funding. This bill would make it so that saying "I think Israel is committing genocide on the Palestinian people" would be treated the same way. You can go to a public square outside of a corporate or university space, right now, and say "I think we should gas all the kikes" and be legally protected by the First Amendment (so long as you didn't name anyone in particular). That isn't at risk. It's bad for reasons that have very little to do with this reactionist fear-mongering you're pushing.
Also, Nick Fuentes is a fucking retard and no one should be subjected to him on a plane or anywhere else, so good.
OP is an illiterate retarded zoomer and /news/ really needs to require full copypaste of the articles.

May 1, 2024

House Approves Antisemitism Bill Amid College Uproar Over War In Gaza

The House of Representatives passed a bipartisan bill on Wednesday aimed at targeting antisemitism on college campuses, as tensions across dozens of campuses boil over amid a spree of student-led pro-Palestinian protests and encampments.


The majority of members present from both parties approved the Antisemitism Awareness Act on Wednesday, including 187 Republicans and 133 Democrats, with 21 Republicans and 70 Democrats opposed.

The bill, which still needs Senate approval, would require the Department of Education to adopt antisemitism definitions used by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, though critics claim it would impose an overly broad set of restrictions.

The Alliance, an intergovernmental organization, defines antisemitism as a “certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews” and include the calling for harm or death to Jewish people “in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view on religion,” as well as “mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews.”


The organization’s definition also extends to Holocaust denialism and accusations of Jewish people being “more loyal to Israel… than to the interests of their own nations.”


Hard-right Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., who voted against the bill, called it “ridiculous” ahead of the vote Wednesday, arguing it was “written without regard for the Constitution, common sense, or even the common understanding of the meaning of words.” In his criticism of the bill, Gaetz referenced part of the definition on the use of symbols “associated with classic antisemitism,” including “claims of Jews killing Jesus.” Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., also slammed the bill, saying it “has a problem beyond violating the 1st [Amendment,]” adding it does not list the definition of antisemitism in its language.



The bill’s passage comes amid heightened tensions on college campuses as groups of students lead pro-Palestinian protests critical of Israel’s invasion of the Gaza Strip, where the Hamas-led Gaza Health Ministry estimates over 34,000 people have been killed since the war broke out in October (Israel estimates Hamas killed 1,200 people in its Oct. 7 attack on Israel). While student-led protests became a fixture at colleges nationwide in the first weeks of the war, those protests heated up last month, with encampments and protests spanning from Columbia, New York University and Emerson College to the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Southern California. Those protests, like the ones last fall, sparked backlash from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle and from university donors over allegations of surging antisemitism. At Columbia—widely considered the national focal point of the protests—school president Nemat Shafik also faces mounting calls to resign, just months after the presidents of Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania stepped down over criticism of their responses to questions during a congressional hearing on antisemitism. In response to recent protests, Columbia officials Tuesday threatened to expel students occupying Hamilton Hall, while the New York City Police Department on Tuesday night cleared a student encampment, an act that former President Donald Trump lauded as a “beautiful thing to watch.”

Based /news/man
what's the problem? freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. a private company can do whatever they want. deplatforming works.
i've been watching /pol/ melt down over this for the last few hours and it's wonderfully entertaining. They're acting like it's the end of the world.
>its a conspiracy theory that jews funded a bill to make it a crime to protest the jews
>The bill, which still needs Senate approval, would require the Department of Education to adopt antisemitism definitions used by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance

Funny hoe the House of Reps passed this bill but doesn't give a shit about blatantly racist anti-White speech at colleges that receive tax payer dollars (which is most of them)...
This is why the two party system sucks. Why are my only choices high taxes, faggots, banning guns, niggers, Ukraine slush funds or cuckservatives boomers, jews, Israel slush fund, and corporate dick sucking.
Correct. Protesting Jews is not a crime. That isn't what this bill does. You also have zero evidence this bill came to be because of "da joos funding" The thing you just said is 100% a conspiracy.
The world is so much better when you stop being a racist extremist.
cops are literally showing up to college campuses and dragging kids off in handcuffs for protesting the jews. there are snipers in texas to shoot people for protesting the jews. at columbia in nyc cops used a latter to raid a dorm because people were protesting the jews
even without racism, dems want to ban guns and raise taxes and cause inflation and cause a housing crisis and stagnate wages
You're the extremist
chud cope is so adorable
what the fuck are you taking about retard? there is literally videos of nasty girl snipers at that texas collage and of the NYPD raiding columbia
When did you become radicalized?
when obongo was a bad president. also what the fuck is your whataboutism? are you denying the pics and vids of the cops and nasty girls breaking up anti jewish protests?
You are what happens when you get news from horrible sources
I get my news from NPR and I still hate dems for trying to ban guns and for being bad at running the country
>a private company can do whatever it wants
This is the problem. The current system of Federal funding of private institutions is a problem in general, as it gives the State power over the private sector that it wasn't supposed to have. There's nothing really stopping a university from saying "up yours, OUR students can say the nigger word all they want" to the government, but they'd lose out on a huge area of financing (and be lambasted in the media). The bill is bad in general because it gives another avenue for that to happen.
More specifically, it equates a foreign state's actions with a minority group in the US, which, ironically, is actually doing more to further the cause of real anti-semites who contend that all Jews are in on a worldwide domination plot. The bill is basically saying that an attack on Israelis is attack on all Jewish people, in other words, and this disenfranchises Jews who do not identify themselves with Israel. Also, it pushes an idea of Jewish exceptionalism that is also often employed by extremists - no other foreign State gets these protections, why should Israel? I can go to a university and criticize France or Uganda or the UAE all I want without facing administrative action, so long as I don't call them niggers or sandmonkeys while doing it. There's no reason that Israel should be any different. There's already protections against calling them kikes, which is what everyone gets, and that's plenty. To summarize: the bill, in trying to do more to protect Jews, actually does quite a lot to push narratives that are harmful to them. It fails at the one thing it is trying ro do. It's bad no matter how you look at it and I have no idea what the House was thinking when they passed it.
the jews did this
everyone who voted for it either has been paid off or they have dirt on them.
tee kay dee
/K/ broke you
>a private company can do whatever they want.

Virtually every college in the U.S. gets direct tax payer money, thus they are not "private" companies.
Can someone answer my question?
Read the text of the bill.

"The bill, which still needs Senate approval, would require the Department of Education to adopt antisemitism definitions used by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance"
Anti discrimination laws work like that in practice because by going against customers and employees who have history of saying certain things, they increase their chances of an anti discrimination lawsuit bought against them being dismissed.
Holocaust denial is not outright illegal in the United-States. Someone engaging in it can't be used as an excuse to say, fire someone outside of at-will states. At least openly.

What this bill does is incorporate the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's definition of antisemitism into federal law. So, federally speaking, denying the holocaust is now considered discriminatory and antisemitic.

Broadly speaking, this means that organizations which openly receive federal benefits from the state cannot engage in holocaust denial, or any number of other things that are considered antisemitic. Including churches or private organizations.

The larger issue is that basically every single church and Christian in America is now considered antisemetic according to the state, because saying "jews killed jesus", a core teaching of the bible, also qualifies under the new definition.
the holocaust, an event so real its illegal to question it
Why would you question it?
because every concentration in germany was found to not be a death camp and only the camps in poland that were investigated only by the communists were found to be death camps and I don't trust communists.
plus the media always doe false depictions. like in band of brothers they have a whole holocaust liberation episode that never happened irl. easy company never found a camp full of starved jews. they showed up to a satellite camp after tanks had shown up first and by the time any Americans had shown up all the living jews had already left the camp and all that was left for the Americans to find were the bodies of jews who died of starvation and disease
And the photos?
what photos? there are no photos of the mass extermination of jews in germany and a bunch of the russian photos were found to be doctored
>there are no photos
>bunch of the russian photos were found to be doctored
By whom? Where did you hear that?
literally all those photos were taken by the russians. I don't believe any of them because I don't believe the russians
That's great but the russians weren't the only people to verify the atrocities.
>The picture was taken illegaly by a members of the Sonderkomando. It shows burning bodies of victims of mass extermination in Auschwitz II-Birkenau.
Not Russian
they literally were. all the death camps were investigated by only the communists
>no believe us jews
literally even worse. I don't believe anything a jew or a russian says
I have no clue why you're arguing with this guy. He's already told you he refuses to believe anything that goes against his narrative.
I beg to differ
NTA, but I took a look at your pictures just now - what am I supposed to see that's so shocking and revealing? Did you have a specific picture in mind, because what you linked looks like a bunch of meaningless bullshit.
>What this bill does is incorporate the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's definition of antisemitism into federal law. So, federally speaking, denying the holocaust is now considered discriminatory and antisemitic.
That's not what it does though. Post an actual text. Not your opinion.
>SEC. 4. Definitions.
>For purposes of this Act, the term “definition of antisemitism”—
>(1) means the definition of antisemitism adopted on May 26, 2016, by the IHRA, of which the United States is a member, which definition has been adopted by the Department of State; and
>(2) includes the “[c]ontemporary examples of antisemitism” identified in the IHRA definition.
This definition of antisemitism is used to enforce anti-discrimination laws in school, housing or employment. In no way, shape or form does this bill regulate people denying the holocaust.
Are you seriously arguing that the INTERNATIONAL HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE ALLIANCE's definition of antisemitism doesn't include holocaust denial? Is that how retarded you are?
You should read the bill before commenting.
>Are you seriously arguing that the INTERNATIONAL HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE ALLIANCE's definition of antisemitism doesn't include holocaust denial?
Holocaust denial being antisemitic has nothing to do with the way this bill is enforced. This bill doesn't regulate in any way, shape or form people denying the holocaust. The only context its relevant is if it can somehow be proven in court that your holocaust denialism was related to your decision to not hire someone, not rent to someone or to exclude/harass someone at school. Also, if simply stating that you're a holocaust denier is so clearly covered in this definition then cite where it says that. Right now you're just giving me your feelings.

>Is that how retarded you are?
>You should read the bill before commenting.
All you have to do to completely BTFO me is just link in the definition or anywhere in the bill it says that questioning the holocaust is discrimination. That's your claim so prove it.
>This bill doesn't regulate in any way, shape or form people denying the holocaust.
It specifically limits the behavior of people who benefit from federal aid, either through employment or through schooling, by modifying definition of antisemetism and applying it to the civil rights act. You would know this if you had actually read the bill instead of shitposting.
>Holocaust denial being antisemitic has nothing to do with the way this bill is enforced.
It absolutely does, lying faggot.
so after years of calling republicans nazis, liberals are shidding and farding themselves over not being able to deny the holocaust without consequence? really jogs the noggin
I hate jews and no legislation can change that.
>It absolutely does, lying faggot.
It doesn't. If you had read the bill you'd know this.

>It specifically limits the behavior of people who benefit from federal aid,
Every law limits behavior, you moron. The contention is whether or not this limit on behavior is tantamount to regulating free speech. It isn't. You can say or express whatever views you want. That isn't what this bill regulates. The bill regulates discriminating against other people based on these beliefs. Saying "I think black people are dumb" is not regulated. Saying "I think black people are dumb so therefore I will not hire them" is. One is free speech. The other is not. I can't explain it any simpler. If you still fail to grasp this there's nothing I can do to help you.

>You would know this if you had actually read the bill instead of shitposting.
I think we both read it, you just lack the IQ to understand what it means.
>You can say or express whatever views you want. That isn't what this bill regulates. The bill regulates discriminating against other people based on these beliefs.
No it doesn't. It changes the definition of antisemitism. The civil rights act regulates discrimination, which is what this bill impacts.
You can't even lie correctly, jesus fuck.
Where does that say it's illegal to deny the Holocaust? Is your brain working?
Shit was so retarded even the EU didn't adopt it.
>EU law is the same as American law
It's the same "government" to the far right
A big-tittied jewess could change that
I'm also not a woman, and neither are you, but I don't pretend like I am one unlike what you're doing right now
It's going to be at this rate if the Jews are allowed to run this show full throttle
don't you already scream that jews run the world every possible moment you can? which is it
It's already illegal to violently threaten someone.
Where do you people get this shit from?
The Daily Mail Online
>Free speech gets limited again
>hur hur you just wanna threaten people
You're so fucking retarded it's not even funny.
Are you outraged on behalf of racists again?
Hatred isn't violence dumb fuck.
Jews unironically believe telling the truth about them should be illegal.
You mean the only people permitted to go into politics?
>Free Speech
Hate to say it, but this was never really a thing.
The fact that I can call both you and the government retarded in this post without getting arrested proves you wrong.
>If you went to a University in America right now and said "I think all kikes should be gassed" they'd expel you, and if they didn't, they'd risk their federal funding.
It would also make it illegal for any single entity that benefits from federal aid or federal programs to do be """antisemitic""", which is based on contemporary, arbitrary definitions established by a foreign company. Which literally makes certain parts of the bible illegal under those definitions.
>Also, Nick Fuentes is a fucking retard and no one should be subjected to him on a plane or anywhere else, so good.
Fuentes is also completely right, because the fucking government is going out of its way to validate every single white supremacist conspiracy theory.
Three years ago the entire notion that 'zionists controls da gubmint' would have been mocked. But now we're seeing the fucking police arresting protestors and congress passing bills that limit free speech on behalf of Israel. Like holy fucking shit, the memes were real.
I mostly agree with you. See:
The issue is thinking it's some vast conspiracy. It's not. It's just a bunch of individual, old, retarded people making stupid and out-of-touch decisions for shitty reasons. Shitty reasons probably do include pay-offs from Jewish (Israel-aligned Jewish, specifically) interest groups, but not from any central authority; these lobbying groups have competing interests and only align when it's convenient.
This is corruption and nepotism made manifest, not a grand conspiracy against white people or whatever else. The faster you (and other people like you) accept that the faster something could actually be done about it. Playing into le Hitler did nothing wrong memes doesn't do anything except get you discredited. Protest in a way that people will take seriously and you might do something useful.
>Anti-discrimination laws don't take things away from you for being discriminatory

That isn't entirely true, if there's a strong case of wrongful termination based on discrimination you can expect to be called up for mediation where you will be offered to pay for lost wages + suffering. If you decline then there's a chance that the case will move forward to a court where you will be personally liable.
A shining example of why democracy cant work
you are in serious denial
Protests only succeed if they are backed by the government and oligarchs in the first place. Never has there been a peaceful protest that accomplished anything the power structure didn’t want in the first place.

The appropriate move for people who want a better future is probably to just continue mocking the 2 party system and the moderate whites who still want to participate in it. Quit playing pretend with these soft losers and just constantly tell the truth to these kinds of people. In a mocking way, so that the simpler ones in the audience can follow along.
>be magat
>be retarded
>say easily disproven retarded shit

I guess you haven't seen that traitor and Army Ranger cosplayer Tom Cotton's faggoty letter to the ICC threatening shit he can't and won't do.
Both sides suck, but only one is profoundly retarded.

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