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PHOENIX (AP) — The Arizona Legislature approved a repeal of a long-dormant ban on nearly all abortions Wednesday, advancing the bill to Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs, who is expected to sign it.

Two Republicans joined with Democrats in the Senate on the 16-14 vote in favor of repealing a Civil War-era ban on abortions that the state’s highest court recently allowed to take effect. The repeal bill narrowly cleared the Arizona House last week.

Hobbs said in a statement that she looks forward to quickly signing the repeal into law.

“The devastating consequences of this archaic ban are why I’ve called for it to be repealed since day one of my administration,” she said.

“Arizona women should not have to live in a state where politicians make decisions that should be between a woman and her doctor,” Hobbs continued. “While this repeal is essential for protecting women’s lives, it is just the beginning of our fight to protect reproductive healthcare in Arizona.”

The revival of the 19th century law had put Republicans on the defensive in a battleground state for the presidential election.

“Across the country, women are living in a state of chaos and cruelty caused by Donald Trump,” Vice President Kamala Harris said in a statement on Wednesday.

“What is happening in Arizona is just the latest example,” she continued. “While Arizona Democrats have worked to clean up the devastating mess created by Trump and his extremist allies, the state’s existing ban, with no exception for rape or incest, remains in effect.”

If the repeal bill is signed, a 2022 statute banning the procedure after 15 weeks of pregnancy would become Arizona’s prevailing abortion law. Still, there would likely be a period when nearly all abortions would be outlawed, because the repeal won’t take effect until 90 days after the end of the legislative session, likely in June or July.
Arizona state Attorney General Kris Mayes called the vote “a win for freedom in our state,” but expressed concern that without an emergency clause, Arizonans would still be subject to the near total-abortion ban for some time.

“Rest assured, my office is exploring every option available to prevent this outrageous 160-year-old law from ever taking effect,” she said.

The near-total ban on abortions, which predates Arizona’s statehood, permits abortions only to save the patient’s life — and provides no exceptions for survivors of rape or incest. In a ruling last month, the Arizona Supreme Court suggested doctors could be prosecuted under the 1864 law, which says that anyone who assists in an abortion can be sentenced to two to five years in prison.

Voting on the bill stretched more than an hour, amid impassioned speeches about the motivations behand individual votes.

“This is about the Civil War-era ban that criminalizes doctors and makes virtually all abortions illegal, the ban that the people of Arizona overwhelmingly don’t want,” said Democratic state Sen. Eva Burch. “We’re here to repeal a bad law. I don’t want us honoring laws about women written during a time when women were forbidden from voting because their voices were considered inferior to men.”

There were numerous disruptions from people in Senate gallery, as Republican state Sen. Shawnna Bolick explained her vote in favor of repeal, joining with Democrats.

GOP state Sen. Jake Hoffman denounced Republican colleagues for joining with Democratic colleagues, calling it an affront to his party’s principles.

“It is disgusting that this is the state of the Republican Party today,” Hoffman said.

Advocates on both sides of the abortion issue arrived outside the Arizona Senate on Wednesday to emphasize their views. They included people affiliated with Planned Parenthood and faith-based groups opposed to abortion.
A school-age girl kneeled in prayer in front of a table holding a large statute of the Virgin Mary, while a man with a megaphone shouted at passersby to repent.

“I am expecting it will be repealed, but I am praying it won’t be,” said Karen Frigon, who was handing out brochures from the Arizona Right to Life.

Arizona is one of a handful of battleground states that will decide the next president. Former President Donald Trump, who has warned that the issue could lead to Republican losses, has avoided endorsing a national abortion ban but said he’s proud to have appointed the Supreme Court justices who allowed states to outlaw it.

The law had been blocked since the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision guaranteed the constitutional right to an abortion nationwide.

When Roe v. Wade was overturned in June 2022 though, then-Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, a Republican, persuaded a state judge that the 1864 ban could again be enforced. Still, the law hasn’t actually been enforced while the case was making its way through the courts. Mayes, who succeeded Brnovich, urged the state’s high court against reviving the law.

Planned Parenthood officials vowed to continue providing abortions for the short time they are still legal and said they will reinforce networks that help patients travel out of state to places like New Mexico and California to access abortion.

Advocates are collecting signatures for a ballot measure allowing abortions until a fetus could survive outside the womb, typically around 24 weeks, with exceptions — to save the parent’s life, or to protect her physical or mental health.

Republican lawmakers, in turn, are considering putting one or more competing abortion proposals on the November ballot.
A leaked planning document outlined the approaches being considered by House Republicans, such as codifying existing abortion regulations, proposing a 14-week ban that would be “disguised as a 15-week law” because it would allow abortions until the beginning of the 15th week, and a measure that would prohibit abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, before many people know they’re pregnant.

House Republicans have not yet publicly released any such proposed ballot measures.
Too late retards, women already saw you with your mask off.
>A school-age girl kneeled in prayer in front of a table holding a large statute of the Virgin Mary, while a man with a megaphone shouted at passersby to repent.
Yeah that'll show 'em
It was women who proposed the abortion ban.
Animals are called females, not women.
didn't read the OP, but that pic is based. I hope it happens. Griswald is bullshit and shouldn't be federal
>Griswald is bullshit and shouldn't be federal
Fucking kek. Yeah, good luck with that.
Yeah 150 years ago. Times change.
Republicans still wish it was 1864.
alito and thomas both said they want to kill griswald
The fact that they haven't been run off the court because of how corrupt they are is kinda incredible.
why would the 2 best judges in the past 100 years be run off the courts? I'll start giving a shit about their "corruption" when dem judges learn how to read
Republicans might as well just be Russians.
it isn't really whataboutism. the courts have been fucking terrible since the late 1800s. its literally been bad decision after bad decision after bad decision for like 150 years.
>bad decision for like 150 years.
this retard wants 150 yr old laws to return.
my apologies to retards, this is mental illness religious cultism, not retardery.
I'm guessing you're a conservative who believes dread scott was correctly ruled.
once again you have no argument and you have no dick so you need to throw around insults. the courts have done retarded shit that wasn't in the constitution for like 150 years such as upholding anti first amendment laws or letting fdr throw Americans in concentration camps or Reynolds v. Sims or griswald
I guess you are a dem who thinks Korematsu was correctly ruled
>Avoiding the question
I'll take that as a yes
cool. so you think Korematsu was correct? Trump can unilaterally throw all hispanics in death camps like FDR did with the japs Americans?
So you believe slavery is okay and the conservative final objective is repealing the 13th amendment, gotcha.
where did you get that from retard? the scotus can't repeal amendments to the constitution. are you retarded or just yuropean? Do you, as a democrat, believe Korematsu was correctly decided?
You clearly are in favor of slavery, so why would you lie?
so you, as a democrat, believe the president can unilaterally with an EO send an entire ethnic group of Americans to concentration camps?
Why do you use political parties and not ideology? it's shows the intellectual dishonesty of conservatives and how they refuse to stand for their sins.
the dems/liberals/leftiests/commies/marxists/socialists fucking love FDR and his judges who ruled in Korematsu that FDR as president can unilaterally put Americans in concentration camps due to the color of their skin
It's like the "Government" never includes any republicans for you
FDR wrote Executive Order 9066
It was an Executive order, he did it by himself. 8 or the 9 faggots sitting on the court for Korematsu were nominated by FDR, a democrat and confirmed by a majority democrat senate
In the spirit of equality, the only way abortion should be supported is if a paternity test is required, and if the father is able to refuse paternal obligations if the woman refuses to abort.
What do you think Republicans were doing at that time?
it was a fucking executive order. what the fuck do you think those are? it means congress didn't do shit. not that it would have mattered, dems had a 67/29 super majority in the senate and a 273 to 162 majority in the house. dems/liberals/leftiests/commies/marxists/socialists unilaterally threw japanese Americans into concentration camps
Nice word buzzword salad.
they are literally all the same thing, faggot
>He's an ESL too
Do you think republicans protested en masse? Do you think they weren't also in favor of most of what FDR was doing?
>no argument
>let's accuse an American of being an ESL
I accept your concession
sounds like cope for the fact that dems literally put Americans in concentration camps and dems today still think it was a good thing and that everyone who made it happen was good
My entire point was you always completely ignore whether or not republicans were also for the things you're mad about.
cool, my point is the dems unilaterally threw Americans in concentration camps and I'm sure they will do it again
Why would that be important?
And republicans helped them do it but you will ignore that.
Because any time the retard I was replying to wants to blame the government for something he pretends only democrats run it.
the republicans literally did not help democrat president FDR to write an EO nor did they help 8 democrat judges to say the EO was good
They did absolutely nothing to stop it or even complain about it
b. dems literally unilaterally put Americans in concentration camps based on race
c. the dems still worship FDR and his judges, to this day. they love those racists for the NFA and miller and stealing people's gold
>FDR and his judges who ruled in Korematsu that FDR as president can unilaterally put Americans in concentration camps due to the color of their skin

Democrats, FDR, etc, didn't put Jap. in concentration camps 81 yrs ago.
Democrats didn't create Jim crow.
Nazis didn't create a society of ants.
Human nature did.
look in the mirror.
We're all capable of doing this evil or at least looking the other way.
There's a few of us that say no, and serve as a moral compass that can make the rest of us(my self included) ashamed.
something about

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing, the quote reads.

David Bromwich, Professor of English at Yale University:
“I don't know that anyone well known said this famous quote''.
President John F. Kennedy in a speech before Canadian lawmakers in Ottawa, on May 17, 1961.
"the thing that strikes you about this saying, on a moment's reflection, is how little sense it makes: the silence of good men isn't the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil. The persons advancing the evil, whether in command or the rank-and-file, must be strong and determined; and the lukewarm must be either cowed into submission or willing to go along because the evil seems to prosper”.
democrats aren't human. democrats put Americans in concentration camps based on race
Everything in the OP image is positive except the last one.
Slavery is jewish.
I thought Republicans wanted English to be the national language, yet you make basic mistakes.
This board sure is in the running for most schizophrenic
>i don't care about corruption because the people doing it are on my team!
people like you are the primary reason our country is in the dumpster nowadays lol
I didn't make a mistake, you just can't read
no, that would be dems being so fucking terrible at their jobs corruption is preferable. If we replace thomas and alito dems will use it as an opportunity to ban guns
Nah, you made a massive blunder, revealing you're an ESL.
nope, you literally can't read because democrats intentionally taught kids the wrong way to read to own bush
>More grammatical errors.
>ESL intensifies
>democrats intentionally taught kids the wrong way to read to own bush
There's no way you are a real person. You're doing a bit right now.
yeah, you clearly aren't American
its literally fucking well documented they did this. W wanted schools to teach phonics, so dems intentionally misused NCLB money on a bunk reading system that doesn't teach phonics. Its why zoomer's can't read
>its literally fucking well documented they did this. W wanted schools to teach phonics, so dems intentionally misused NCLB money on a bunk reading system that doesn't teach phonics. Its why zoomer's can't read
How did you get like this?
by reading publicly available news reports and peer reviewed papers. you are a bot and have no argument so you are going back to your JIDF script
Glad you admit you're a third worlder pretending to be an American.
unlike you and obongo, I am an American citizen
>He's a racist too.
I honestly don't think he's racist. He's too schizophrenic to form the coherent thought necessary to build a worldview. He literally comes here to post the voices in his head.
He comes here to smear his shit all over the board because the voices in his head told him communist UN/WEF transjews post here.
>He's a racist too.
I like intelligent schizoid racists.
They are diametrically juxtaposed to my intelligent schizoid wokism.

>He comes here to smear his shit all over the board because the voices in his head told him communist UN/WEF transjews post here.

I come here to smear my shit all over the board because the voices in my head tell me this board is a bridge that I should live under and challenge anyone who walks across it whom I deem to be an idiot, especially intelligent schizoid bigots (racist is outdated term as there is only the human race, and in this race, blacks have a metaphorical socio-economic 10 kilo handicap weight attached by whites)
Yes but you're more of a reactionary shitflinger than a proactive one.
>That pic
Man, killing babies is linked to being gay? The fucking mental gymnastics is astounding.
>Man, killing babies is linked to being gay?
Yes. Conservatives, generally speaking, do not support abortion or the homosexual lifestyle. Its a very easy connection.
When did they become the morality police?
a hundred years ago

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