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Puppet to Tyson Foods Bans Lab Grown Meat


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed a bill banning lab-grown meat in his state Wednesday, in what he described as an effort to “save our beef.”

“Today, Florida is fighting back against the global elite’s plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish or bugs to achieve their authoritarian goals,” DeSantis said in a press release Wednesday. “Our administration will continue to focus on investing in our local farmers and ranchers, and we will save our beef.”

The bill, S.B. 1084, makes it “unlawful” for people to “manufacture for sale, sell, hold or offer for sale, or distribute” lab-grown meat in Florida.

“Florida is taking a tremendous step in the right direction by signing first-in-the-nation legislation banning lab-grown meat,” Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Wilton Simpson (R) said in the press release.

“We must protect our incredible farmers and the integrity of American agriculture. Lab-grown meat is a disgraceful attempt to undermine our proud traditions and prosperity, and is in direct opposition to authentic agriculture,” Simpson continued.

Good Meat, which describes itself on its website as “the first company in the world to sell cultivated meat,” said it was “disappointed” that DeSantis “signed into law the criminalization of cultivated meat in” the Sunshine State.

“In a state that purportedly prides itself on being a land of freedom and individual liberty, its government is now telling consumers what meat they can or cannot purchase,” Good Meat said in a post on the social platform X.

“The law is a setback for everyone: Floridians who deserve the right to eat whatever safe and approved meat they want; Florida’s technology sector, innovators and entrepreneurs; and all those working to stop the worst impacts of climate change,” the post continues.
So this luddite is just going to hand this entire industry to China?
>So this luddite is just going to hand this entire industry to China?
China doesn't need fake lab-grown meat, they'll just eat the dogs, bats and dragonflies they can find in the wild. They don't even need convincing to eat the bugs, they're just hungry enough to do it.
Don't eat that chyyNa beef.
Those cows aint vegetarians!
Get a load of the China expert over here
Ron is right, after all there's always Soylent Green to fall back to once we deplete the traditional meat supply.
If they're willing to dig old chili oil out of the trash cans and sewers and serve it to people, there's literally nothing the chinks won't eat.
Why do Republicans like picking winners and losers so much?
It's incidental to their endless outrage-bait culture war strategy, a pivotal part of acquiring votes in spite of their track record.
Poorly executed samefaggotry attacking a strawman.
Good job, faggot. Can you sudoku now?
There are people in America who eat roadkill, but that doesn't mean all Americans eat roadkill. The same applies to Chinese people and gutter oil.
Double up on your schizo meds today, you need them.
>The same applies to Chinese people and gutter oil.
I don't think so, bro. I'm pretty sure there isn't a single restaurant in America that serves roadkill, and yet I've seen video after video of Chinese restaurant workers dipping into trash cans to 'recover' their used oil.
> Me? Disagreeing with two people? Impossibru, has to be samefags.
Ahh so you're not American and you've never been to a Chipotle. That figures.
What you do is obvious, cripple.
Right. Imagining insidious plots against you is on brand for culture warriors, isn't it.
Define "culture warriors".
Look in the mirror
>Can't define it
So it means nothing. Got it.
Ok culture warrior
>> Look in the mirror
> So it means nothing. Got it.
Don't be so hard on yourself. You matter.
China has a Stategic Pork Reserve. They don't need lab grown meat, but I'm sure they'll sell it to fat Americans.
>China has a Stategic Pork Reserve
Wow... how do they store it?
Still waiting for that definition, homos.
What made you this retarded? Was it environmental conditions or a congenital defect? If you don't understand what the adults are saying look up the definitions on your own time. We don't exist to educate you.
You don't even know what it is. That's a weird thing to object to something you can't even define.
Your headcanon isn't real.
The fact that you don't know what it is is entirely obvious.
You've just found a cute little buzzword to be mad at.
Everyone else knows what it is except you, which is why you keep asking for common definitions every one else learned a long time ago. The point is no one here has to prove it to you for it to be real.
I don't think anyone does know what your buzzword means. It's simply a buzzword you use to express dissatisfaction.
>Everything I don't like is culture war!!!
But you can't even say what it is you don't like or what constitutes a culture war. Perhaps you should go reconcile your beliefs then come back.
You're just mad because the definition correctly includes you and your ilk.
What's the definition?
So it's some intangible thing. Got it.
> You still haven't defined a common concept I refuse to look up, sir. Your argument is invalid until you chew what I requested, then gently regurgitate it into my own mouth.
It's called sea-lioning and he does it every single time.
That's right, you can't explain it. You're just angry at it. It's nuts.
It's not sealioning, dumbfuck.



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