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round 100,000 immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children will now be eligible to receive health insurance following a new directive from President Joe Biden's administration.

The move, announced on Friday, allows participants in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) to enroll in the Affordable Care Act's health insurance.

DACA recipients can apply for coverage starting in November and may qualify for financial assistance to help them purchase quality health insurance, the White House said in a statement.

President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Biden created the DACA policy in 2012, allowing certain undocumented immigrants who were brought to the country as children to receive protection from deportation and authorization to work legally.
The White House statement said that Biden continues to call on Congress to provide a pathway to citizenship to "Dreamers," a term used to refer to these types of undocumented immigrants.

"Today's rule also reinforces the President's enduring commitment to DACA recipients and Dreamers, who contribute daily to the strength and vitality of our communities and our country," the statement said.

The move does not go as far as Biden's initial plan to allow DACA recipients to apply for Medicaid. The decision was made after the administration received 20,000 comments on the proposal, senior officials said, per The Associated Press.
However, Biden's action does allow DACA recipients to buy insurance through the Affordable Care Act, which establishes marketplaces for purchasing private insurance.

Immigrants living in the U.S. are less likely to have health insurance, with more than a third of DACA recipients estimated to be without it, according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services.
Secretary of Health Xavier Becerra said on Thursday that when people lack health care insurance it can be financially burdensome.

"They incur higher costs and debts when they do finally receive care," Becerra said, per the AP. "Making Dreamers eligible to enroll in coverage will improve their health and well-being and strengthen the health and well-being of our nation and our economy."

Biden's based action is expected to draw criticism from seething conservatives, who have been ramping up bad faith criticisms of his immigration policies ahead of the 2024 election.

His likely opponent in the election, the GOP's presumptive nominee and infamous loser Donald Trump, has been clear about his plans for a tougher approach.

During his time in office, Trump tried to end DACA but was blocked by the U.S. Supreme Court and FUCKING LOST.
>may qualify for financial assistance to help them purchase quality health insurance, the White House said in a statement.

to help them purchase quality health insurance?
WTF? I don't buy my health insurance here in Canada.
And i guarantee that it's better than any subsidized insurance that the US vulture middle men take 1/2 of in subsidies.
>here in Canada.
Canadian healthcare is the government referring you to MAID when they decide you're too expensive to treat and keep alive
"Healthcare" has always been a scam. The answer to peak health and fitness has already been discovered hundreds if not thousands of years ago. It's especially egregiously scandalous to push this shit nowadays when more people are rediscovering health and fitness faster than ever in this current climate. Abandon the sinking establishment ship
Alright let me kill your grandparents then retard. And better pray to God you never break a leg.
My grandparents are long dead and breaking a leg has never been an issue for me as I'm not a land whale nor a boomer
Illegal immigrants making more than 100K a year will not be eligible.
That's what the "may" means.
And no, your Canadian trash insurance is as useless as your trash money.
Insulin is also cheap here. It's the name brand, specialty insulin you can't even get in Canada because it's too good for you that costs tons of money.
Pharma has been running social media campaigns for a decade trying to get people to support better government subsidies for it's over priced exotic new insulins.
It's been effective since the entire fucking world thinks Americans die of lack of healthcare in a country where there's a fucking urgent care on every single corner.
And the phrase "urgent care" probably confuses and enrages the Canadian.
illegals shouldn't be given health care. they should be arrested by ICE and deported with no healthcare rendered. It should be a felony to render healthcare to an illegal
healthcare in canada is so shit they almost killed brock lesner and he had to escape to the US to get actual treatment
>Canadian healthcare is the government referring you to MAID
No. I chose MAID because i'm old and broke my body 2 more yrs and the needle

>specialty insulin
>new and improved Tide gets those clothes even whiter now
what a brane washed consumer twit-wit

As of July 2023, the average retail price for a 3 mL vial of Admelog is $45, compared to $131 for the same-size vial of Humalog.
>world thinks Americans die of lack of healthcare
More than 100,000 Americans died from diabetes for the second straight year in 2021, as prices of the life-saving treatment insulin continue to soar and more and more people are left scrambling to afford it. In 2019, diabetes was the seventh-leading cause of death in the U.S., accounting for 87,647 deaths.
>healthcare in canada is so shit they almost killed brock lesner

He says that he was misdiagnosed but wouldn't let them do the CT scan. Is that not his own fault?

eat shit shills
Humelog is a specialty insulin. It's brand name too.
Thanks for supporting my claims.
There are more factors to diabetes deaths than just access to treatment, you stupid fucking faggot. It's a ridiculously dangerous disease.
And from what I've seen it's impossible to get comparative stats, so I'm going to say we're doing better in the US than every single other country.
Good, its the Christian thing to do.
Bursting with human empathy over here
Good post.

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