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Meanwhile, meth addled street shitting hobos are not only allowed to fuck up California, the state gives them welfare to continue doing so.

May 3, 2024

Fresh chaos, arrests on US college campuses as police flatten camp at UCLA

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) -Police forcibly removed scores of defiant pro-Palestinian protesters at several colleges on Thursday, including taking down an encampment at UCLA in a jarring scene that underscored the heightened chaos that has erupted at universities this week.

In the pre-dawn hours, helmeted police swarmed a tent city set up at the University of California in Los Angeles, using flash bangs and riot gear to push through lines of protesters who linked arms in a futile attempt to halt their advance.

Los Angeles police said on social media that 210 people were arrested at UCLA, and hundreds of arrests were made at other universities overnight and on Thursday.

"I'm a student here," one UCLA protester told cameras as he was led away, his hands bound. "Please don't fail us. Don't fail us."

Hours later, the student, who would only give his first name as Ryan, was back on campus and vowed he would not stop fighting.


"We will be back," said Ryan, who was cited for unlawful assembly. "We will be disrupting. We will be demanding divestment."

Students have rallied or set up tents at dozens of universities in recent days to protest Israel's war on Gaza. Demonstrators have called on President Joe Biden, who has supported Israel's right to defend itself, to do more to stop the bloodshed in Gaza and demanded schools divest from companies that support Israel's government.

Many of the schools, including Columbia University in New York City, have called in police to quell the protests.

Biden broke his silence on the demonstrations on Thursday after the UCLA raid, saying Americans have the right to protest but not to unleash violence.

"Destroying property is not a peaceful protest," he said at the White House. "It's against the law. Vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancelling of classes and graduations - none of this is a peaceful protest."

Biden, who is seeking re-election in November against Republican former President Donald Trump, has walked a careful line as he confronts criticism from both the right and the left over his Israel policy.



At UCLA, police repeatedly urged demonstrators to clear the protest zone, which occupied a central plaza about the size of a football field, before they moved in.

Dozens of loud explosions were heard from stun grenades, fired by police, while demonstrators, some carrying makeshift shields and umbrellas, chanted "push them back" and flashed bright lights in officers' eyes.

Live TV footage showed officers taking down tents and tearing apart makeshift barricades.

Some of the protesters had been seen donning hard hats, goggles and respirator masks in anticipation of the siege a day after the university declared the encampment unlawful.

By morning, the plaza was strewn with detritus from the destroyed encampment: tents, blankets, food containers, a Palestinian flag, an upturned helmet. Police remained on hand during the first half of the day as the area was cleaned of debris.


In Portland, Oregon, police entered the Portland State University library on Thursday morning, where demonstrators had barricaded themselves since Monday. Several dozen protesters ran out of the building and rushed into a phalanx of officers in riot gear, who arrested them.

Police made more arrests at the library on Thursday night as demonstrators attempted to retake it. A university spokesperson said it was a "very fluid situation."

In New Hampshire, police arrested approximately 100 protesters in separate incidents at Dartmouth University and the University of New Hampshire overnight, breaking up encampments.

The protests follow the deadly Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel by Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip, which killed 1,200 people and saw dozens taken hostage, and an ensuing Israeli offensive that has killed about 34,000 and created a humanitarian crisis.

The campus demonstrations have been met with counter-protesters accusing them of fomenting anti-Jewish hatred. The pro-Palestinian side, including some Jews opposed to Israeli actions in Gaza, say they are being unfairly branded as antisemitic for criticizing Israel's government and expressing support for human rights.



UCLA had canceled classes for the day on Wednesday following a violent clash between the encampment's occupants and a group of masked counter-demonstrators who mounted a surprise assault late Tuesday night on the tent city.

UCLA Chancellor Gene Block, in a written statement, said that officials had allowed the encampment to remain on campus for several days as it was peaceful at first, but that the clashes with the pro-Israeli crowd clearly put students in harm's way.

"It led to unsafe conditions on our campus and it damaged our ability to carry out our mission," Block said of the encampment. "It needed to come to an end."

Taylor Gee, a 30-year-old pro-Palestinian protester and UCLA law student, said the police operation on Thursday felt "especially galling" to many protesters given the slow police response a night earlier.

"For them to come out the next night to remove us from the encampment, it doesn't make any sense, but it also makes all the sense in the world," he said.

UCLA officials said the campus, with nearly 52,000 students, would remain shuttered except for limited operations on Thursday and Friday.

(Reporting by Lisa Richwine, Arlene Washington and Omar Younis in Los Angeles; Additional reporting by Steve Holland, Brad Brooks, Nichola Groom, Maria Tsvetkova, David Swanson, Jonathan Allen, Brendan O'Brien, Rich McKay and Dan Trotta; Writing and additional reporting by Steve Gorman in Los Angeles; Editing by Daniel Wallis, Alex Richardson, Nick Zieminski, Sonali Paul and Michael Perry)

Optimates and Populares
>I'm okay with Americans being attacked by foreign entities as long as they're Israel
Why would you betray your own people for those kikes?
>Actually responding to copypasta
Bit of a slow day for you huh?
Almost time for another isis attack to remind people.
>Biden broke his silence on the demonstrations on Thursday after the UCLA raid, saying Americans have the right to protest but not to unleash violence.

Police, not students unleashed violence

>"Destroying property is not a peaceful protest," he said at the White House.

no property was destoyed

"It's against the law. Vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows,

none of this happened except by IDF dressed as students with masks
>shutting down campuses, forcing the cancelling of classes and graduations

all true

- none of this is a peaceful protest."


Ol' ''I'm a Zionist'' Joe reads what was written for him by his masters.
one worthless jogger OD's and the cops kneel while they burn loot and murder during their gay summer of love

say one word about sniveling cowardly jews holocausting palestinians in an open air prison and you get the boot on your neck
Why are you on 4chan espousing far right views, yet trying to sound trendy and urban
Mission: Prevent Antisemitism by Banning the Bible (Impossible)
They always say shit like, "don't fail us, we're fighting for our future," etc etc. Then they break into buildings, smash shit, fight police and cause trouble. They ask for help while they shit on everything around them. Parenting clearly has failed and people have raised disgustingly petulant little shit heads.
Why would you ask for help from the fascist jews who are stomping you already? Fuck them and fuck you zionist faggots who want to control the world.
Speaking as a foreigner, I've noticed that you're not only shitting on the homeless (they can be a nuisance but they're still human, that's unfair), but you're talking in terms of Jews vs 'true Americans.'

Either you're some far right /pol/tard trying to make himself more progressive but stilll maintain the anti-semitism, or you're a left-winger trying to be all patriotic like the right but with the jingoism as well.

You're either a Nazi in Stalinist clothing, or a Stalinist in Nazi clothing. Or just mental. But it shows that horseshoe theory is alive and well in your country and jingoism, bigotry, and America First are not just part of the far right.
>you're talking in terms of Jews vs 'true Americans.'

Our government (which is clearly beholden to Israel) is literally trying to throw out the 1st Amendment because the Jews (both American Jews and Israeli Jews) don't like Americans talking shit about Israel and this ONLY applies to Jews, you can still talk shit about Black, Hispanics, Whites, Asians, etc. but NOT Jews.

So you tell me.
I request proof of this, proof that it's motivated by and for Israel (so we can eliminate the possibility that it's for other excuses, because free speech hatred is nothing new among politicians) and also please could you tell me why such a dedicated leftist would want to be racist and talk shit about anyone?
>I request proof of this, proof that it's motivated by and for Israel

The proof is the blatantly unconstitutional free speech restrictions that ONLY apply to Jews.
I bet if you asked every one of them how often they shower, the Average would be twice a week.
Zionists are based. Muslims and their libtard scrotumsuckers are scum.

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