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Elon Musk says Twitter, will reinstate the suspended account of Nick Fuentes, a white supremacist and Holocaust-denying broadcaster.

Why it matters: Musk's announcement comes as the nation experiences a surge in antisemitism incidents and months after his social media company lost a slew of advertisers following his decision to back an antisemitic post.

The decision also came hours after Holocaust survivors launched a new campaign targeting antisemitism and disinformation online.
Fuentes' Twitter account was still suspended as of Friday morning.

Driving the news: Musk said Thursday that he would lift the ban on Fuentes after a Fuentes supporter demanded that the white nationalist be allowed to return to Twitter.

"Very well, he will be reinstated, provided he does not violate the law, and let him be crushed by the comments and Community Notes," Musk posted on Twitter.
"It is better to have anti whatever out in the open to be rebutted than grow simmering in the darkness."
Musk then posted that he couldn't be a defender of free speech and "permanently ban someone who hasn't violated the law."
"This will probably cause us to lose a lot of advertisers and makes me sad, but a principle is a principle."

Catch up quick: Fuentes was first banned for repeated violations of Twitter's content moderation rules in December 2021, and he was banned on several other social media platforms as well.

He was re-banned in October 2022 after he created a new account following Musk's official purchase of the platform.
At the time, Musk said he didn't want the platform to become "a free-for-all hellscape, where anything can be said with no consequences!"
Background: Fuentes, identified as a white supremacist in Justice Department filings, has questioned the Holocaust, criticized interracial marriage and defended Jim Crow-era segregation.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) describes him as "a white supremacist leader and podcaster who seeks to forge a white nationalist alternative to the mainstream GOP."

Between the lines: Musk, a self-proclaimed free speech "absolutist," has repeatedly claimed that he would protect all forms of speech on Twitter.

In practice, however, the platform has been lenient to those who post hateful or extremist content while cracking down on speech that's critical of the platform or of Musk.
A federal judge in California in March threw out a lawsuit filed by X against a hate speech watchdog that has said the use of racial slurs on X has soared since Musk's takeover.

The big picture: Antisemitic incidents in the U.S. more than doubled last year and set another record primarily driven by the Oct. 7 Hamas attack in Israel, the ADL said last month.

The group said anti-Jewish hate has grown in part because of antisemitism and Holocaust denial on social media.
The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany on Thursday launched a new ad campaign that targets antisemitism featuring Holocaust survivors who are visibly shaken as they read a series of social media posts denying the massacre of Jews.
>The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany
wtf is this?
>The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany

tl;dr it's a non-profit set up as an official channel to handle legal claims against Germany from Jewish victims of the Holocaust.
OP's pic is retarded. gun ownership is a right and it doesn't cost anyone a dime for a different person to own a gun. whereas muh universal healthcare involves slavery at some step
And the only reason we don't have universal care is because having health isn't required by law like in eurofascist states.
Otherwise we essentially have the German healthcare system.
But the pharma shills like to be little bitches.
>gun ownership is a right
and universal health care isnt!
Retard hoisted by it's own petard.
Punk retard is a young punk bitch and healthy so "NO UHC!!".

young punk bitch retard gets old and says ''WHERE'S MUH HEALTHCARE!1"

Many such cases (See Ayn Rand and Soc. security)
>antisemitism and disinformation

AKA noticing jews are neurotic genocidal psychopaths and calling them out on it
I'm sure it's just a complete coincidence that Musk is reinstating Fuentes on Twitter right as Congress is passing a bill that makes saying anything the Jews don't like illegal.
Hey, boomer,my dog's pooping on your lawn.
And I forgot my bags.
Bring Leafyishere back
boomer headcanon is wild
troon headcannon is wild
Are the troons in the room now?
Are the boomers in the room now?
I don't want my money stolen from me to render healthcare to fats, drug addicts, homosexuals, illegals and/or anti gunners
did the drugs fry your brain
You're a boomer so yes. I'm not a tranny though, so the conversation is a little one sided.
No one cares what you want. You will have your money taken to render healthcare to the poor or you can get the fuck out of this country.
if you want to live in some communist shithole you can leave.
>everything I don't like is communism
No it is not.
robbing people of their labor at gun point is communism
That's great but providing access to universal healthcare is a basic human right.
you do not have a right to the labor of other humans
>I have a right to your labor
So slavery. You want slavery.
I like how you're both larping as "laborers" when you have a dumb wagie job.
what the you think labor is you retard?
Commies would drop universal healthcare if it had to come out of their empty pockets.
"Labor" is the things you send illegal migrants to do
Are the commies in the room?
you are literally arguing that you own other people's labor, retard
How did you labor today, comrade?
its the weekend, retard. stealing labor from people who work to give to the lazy is theft and slavery.
Sounds like a personal problem to me. Get over it.
taxes are a personal problem? sounds like you are a bot
No you whining about taxes being slavery and theft. That is your unique personal problem.
its not. half the country is anti tax. that is why the teaparty happened and why so many teaparty members are in congress
Would you agree with this statement: "Being an American entitles a person with certain benefits." ?
No. Being an illegal alien in America entitles a person with certain benefits.
Yes. Cope.
>That's great but providing access to universal healthcare is a basic human right.
Admit that gun rights are innate human rights first then
the rest of the globe doesn't seem to agree
Why would I admit something that isn't real?
Some of you guys are dumb like if you are a part of any religion and going against universal healthcare yall are fake followers and yall aren't following the bible correctly
The greatest trick they've pulled so far is convincing you extremists that "half the country" agrees with you.

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