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This is what democrats literally believe and why no one should ever vote democrat for any reason
>msn link
>no pasted article text
>schizobabble about commies
>incorrectly thinks gun ownership rights are human rights
/k/ was a mistake
>Blogs are not acceptable news sources
There's not an exception listed for trying to get around this rule by laundering it through MSN
gun rights are human rights. you have no dick
it isn't a blog its an MSN article, cope tranny
MSN isn't a news site
>everyone I don't like is a troon
Classic chud cope
not everyone, just you
live rent free in your head? we know
yeah! eeryone should be issued guns at 18 so all you incells can all become an hero
you are seething and have no dick
every accusation is a confession with you people
>no argument
>trying to I know you are but what am I tier child's comeback
Are the trannies arguing in your head right now?
you really don't have many comebacks on your script, bot
If you're here for comebacks you came to the wrong board.
I'm here to piss of nonAmericans, like you
The right to self defense is absolutely a human right you dickless european.
No one believes you.
And the second you use a gun for anything else you should never be allowed to hold a gun again. Guns should be illegal for you forever if you use one for violence.

I'm sure you agree right? Because this is not about self defense gun ownership. This is about responsible gun ownership.
>Britain post-Dunblane
Yesterday, had delivered via UPS a replica of RoboCop's Auto 9 I ordered from a shop in Scotland not 24 hours before.
I'd buy that for a dollar!
Isn't this what Republicans are saying about Hunter Biden? He is on trial for buying a gun while high on crack.
Right. 2A only applies to white Republicans.
There's no real point to arguing with gun schizo, that faggot is so morally bankrupt that she has no problems lying to further their gun fetish.
Its a series of them parroting easily debunked trash, getting angry when other anons point out their lies, and then alternating between calling people trannies and baselessly claiming guns are a human right.
It'd be a very easy bot to program out.
Well nobody needs to. That's the thing about rights. You can just do them. If someone is coming to fuck my shit up I have the right and the ability to protect myself. If some whiny eurofag wants to cry about how racist it was to stop a burglar they are free to do so after the fact.
I'll look forward to seeing you in youtube clips of sovereign citizens getting arrested with an arsenal in the trunk
It's not illegal to own guns in freedomstan, dumbass. Also my state has castle doctrine. Cry about it.
I bet you have one of those 'Appeal to Heaven' license plates
I bet you're genuinely upset that gun ownership is increasing globally, especially in europe.
I don't agree
we will get rid of that unconstitutional law the second hunter gets hanged
>get btfo'd by gun rights every thread
>make up lies because you can't stop losing
why would someone get arrested for having guns in their trunk?
boston isn't in the US
It's worse for your kind in red states
>gun owners are sovereign citizens
What kind of schizophrenic cope is this?
a federal gun registry is explicitly banned by federal law
>20 years old
>handguns he bought legally
you can't buy handguns legally in a state you don't reside in so he must be an arkansas resident
Utah isn't really red. they are this weird fucking thing where they vote for all communist democrat laws constantly and have RINOs in office because the dems hate christians. Dems are too retarded to drop the christianity hating and baby murder to get 2 senators
>a federal gun registry is explicitly banned by federal law
And yet I have to fill out a 4473 every time I buy a new one and bank on the feds following through on what is essential a pinkie promise.
>we will get rid of that unconstitutional law the second hunter gets hanged
so you don't actually believe in gun rights, you're just an angry reactionary republicunt toddler like the rest.
the FBI doesn't retain nics shit. the GayTF is, under obongo and brandon, illegally retaining 4473s and putting them into a database
no, I believe in gun rights. I also believe laws should be applied equally to the aristocracy
>I also believe laws should be applied equally to the aristocracy
Well you are def at odds with libshits about that one, they only think laws should be applied to political opposition or expendable members within their own party
And for that reason I believe the gaytf should be disbanded and their agents sentenced to fat camp. Also the dog murdering and waco.
you clearly stated that you believe someone should be put to death due to an unconstitutional gun law.
You're just a partisan hack who pretends to care about gun laws.
not someone, a piece of shit tyrant's son. biden voted for, sponsored and championed the laws hunter broke. biden should be forced to watch his son get sodomized in jail for decades
no one believes your easily debunked lies about Biden's gun stances.
Feel free to reply with non-sequitor links that you pretend are relevant though.
>no one believes your easily debunked lies about Biden's gun stances.
are you fucking retarded? you are such a sealioning fucking faggot
here he is voting for the brady bill. hunter violated 2 parts of this bill and biden voted for the FOPA which banned crackheads from buying guns
so you want crackheads to have guns?
I think drug addicts should in general be hanged and that there should be no gun laws.
So you think drug addicts should be allowed guns and the reason to shoot you.
Friendly reminder that OP is a literal confirmed R*dditor who only comes here to shitpost. Stop replying to his threads except to tell him to fuck off back to r*ddit, sage, then leave. Do not engage in the content of his article and do not reply to any of his comments.
Stop feeding the trolls.
I think drug addicts should all be hanged. when we did that in the 90s the US became safer
>For 1987 film - when they discovered a Desert Eagle was too small - a gunsmith in Canada remodelled a Beretta 93-R for that OCP-remodelled lawman: that original gun having three burst
>Actual Auto 9s with that function are illegal in the US due to a law almost a century ago
So much for the 2nd Amendment.
Thank you for your cooperation. Goodnight.
the hughes amendment is unconstitutional. there are people in the US who own full auto 93-Rs, they were made pre 1986
So you don't think blacks should own guns?
>This is what democrats literally believe and why no one should ever vote democrat for any reason

I've always said that if the Dems were _honestly_ pro-gun, they'd never lose an election.
you lost, see heller. cope
>The Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger is pro-gun control
Checkmate, Repubicans
I dont care what some literal communist from commie land thinks
I'm euro poor and believe the second amendment is one of the only good things about your mutt country. Too bad each side is so brainwashed. libs are too pussy to fight for themselves and the gun nuts have a huge boner for the cops and authoritarianism.
if the left hadn't been defanged by the globohomo agenda the 2nd amendment would probably be getting put to good use
>identifies with the commies
>thinks the right is authoritarian for some reason when its the dems
my comment was a scathing inditement of your whole dogshit country. Both sides of your political system are authoritarian.
>commie I quite clearly stated
>the second amendment is one of the only good things about your mutt country
so praising the constitution makes me a commie? no wonder your country is fucked you don't have the literary skills to comprehend my comment let alone your own constitutional rights
how are the republicans authoritarian? and if you are yuro you live in a totalitarian third world shithole, faggot
you said
>if the left hadn't been defanged by the globohomo agenda the 2nd amendment would probably be getting put to good use
the left having and using guns would be bad because all left wingers are evil communists who only want slavery
>how are the republicans authoritarian?
trump plans to become a dictator and rule America with an iron fist, see project 2025 (authoritarian)
biden is a globohomo piece of shit
you, are a dunce
no more brother wars
>trump plans to become a dictator and rule America with an iron fist, see project 2025 (authoritarian)
nothing in project 2025 is remotely authoritarian. and his >dictator, thing he said was just about signing EOs to deport illegals, also not authoritarian.
>biden is a globohomo
globalhomo is authoritarian you fucking faggot. all left wing ideologies are authoritarian, retard
When were you first indoctrinated by the far right?
there is no such thing as far right
wiki mods were confirmed for far left communist jews
>>biden is a globohomo
>globalhomo is authoritarian you fucking faggot

see >>1302821
>Both sides of your political system are authoritarian.
>you, are a dunce
GOP isn't authoritarian you fucking retard. I've yet to see one fucking way Trump was authoritarian. you are talking about shit you don't know about, because you have a shitty third world education
>gun rights are human rights. you have no dick
But not housing, food, water or healthcare right
If you can't afford them you can go die in a ditch but at least you still have guns!
you don't have a right to own other humans as slaves
Conservative burgers literally waged a war to keep slavery legal, then spent the next decades making sure the people they formerly owned and their children never have the same rights as them lmao
>Conservative burgers
those were literally democrats, retard.

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