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Do men with big guns have small penises? Science finally reveals what they’re really packin’
There’s a good reason to ask whether or not it’s a gun in their pocket.

The long-held myth that men who own guns are … err, overcompensating for something … has been debunked by scientists in a new study published in the American Journal of Men’s Health.

Rather, researchers at the University of Texas at San Antonio found that men quite satisfied with certain physical assets are most likely to have guns.

The correlation between the male sexual psyche and behaviors like buying big houses, driving loud cars and dating young women is a common comedic trope in popular culture as well a topic of legitimate sociological speculation, including the suggestion that men who are preoccupied with guns are also insecure about their small penis.
“Contrary to popular beliefs, our current study shows that men who are more satisfied with the size of their penises are more likely to personally own guns,” said study author Terrence D. Hill, a professor at UTSA.

In a previous study, UTSA researchers found no relationship between gun ownership and sexual dysfunction. Still, Hill’s team aimed to identify a direct link between penis size and guns for the latest findings.
Penis enlargement is on the rise: Filler shots are ‘all the rage now’
Data from more than 2,000 US men aged 18 and up was included in the new research, asking them to rate their penis size satisfaction when fully erect, as well as whether they’d ever considered any penis enlargement procedures in the past.

In terms of gun use, participants were asked what kind of weapons they owned, if any — particularly military-style rifles — and how many.

Results showed that 43% of men reported owning a gun, including 11% with military-style rifles. Meanwhile, only 7% had attempted some form of penis augmentation.

In contrast to popular belief, researchers found that the more dissatisfied men were with their penises, the less likely they were to own a gun — subtracting 11% probability of gun-toting with each step down in penis size satisfaction.

The chances of owning a military-style rifle were even lower — 20% — with each increased unit of penis size dissatisfaction.

“As a social scientist, my primary interest is to understand the role of guns in society. This includes the social causes and social consequences of gun ownership,” Hill said. “There is a lot of speculation in society that men who have trouble with their penises (e.g., erection issues or smaller than desired penises) are more likely to own guns. This raises questions about the causes of gun ownership or which groups in society are more or less likely to own guns.”

However, the findings fall short of asserting that only well-endowed fellas seek out firearms.

“Because there is no theory for why men with bigger penises would be more likely to own guns, we do not believe that this association is real. In other words, we believe that this association is likely spurious or due to factors that we failed to account for in our study,” Hill told PsyPost.
Men who are straight, older and place a high value on masculine traits are the most likely to own guns, UTSA researchers found. Angelov – stock.adobe.com
© Provided by New York Post
Meanwhile, UTSA sociologists noted several demographic and social factors that play into gun ownership: Straight men, obese men and older men of means own guns at higher rates. Men in rural residences also tended to own more guns, but not necessarily the military-grade kind. And men who identify with strong masculine traits were the most likely to carry guns.

Researchers could not determine whether penis size or lack thereof causes interest in guns as their study investigated only a correlation between the traits. The study also relied on self-reported answers regarding satisfaction and penis size; in the future, direct measurement may yield even more honest results.

“The reported association between penis size and gun ownership is likely due to factors that we are unaware of or failed to measure in our study,” Hill explained to PsyPost. “For example, the association between penis size and gun ownership could be due to the fact that men with higher levels of testosterone tend to have bigger penises and are more likely to engage in risk-taking behavior.”

Hill said he hopes to “formally assess” the testosterone hypothesis soon.

“We also have other projects in mind that test other taken-for-granted assumptions about guns,” he said.
Where does the article really come from?
who knows tinydick, click the link
This is now the third (3rd) thread about this same article. Why do you insist on remaking the same threads over and over?
there is nothing wrong with the article. its from a news site, less than 48 hours old and not a blog or editorial. you are just mad because it says you have a small dick
>muh dick
This is a level of discourse that I thought right-wingers associated exclusively with blacks
Leftists have been comparing guns to dicks for decades, they've had literally pro-gun control protests where they all brought dildos to make fun of "compensating" gun owners
This study does not say that gun owners have big dicks. They didn’t look at dick sizes. They asked them what they thought of their own dicks. And gun owners said they had huge dicks, because just like their big trucks they think they are big and cool and they feel pride in that despite the reality that we can all see. That they are not cool, not big, not badass. They are pathetic little boys who scream “I have a big penis!”

This is how to accurately assess this study and its results.
>indepth cock analysis brought to you by the academic left
So its like when you scream "I'm a woman."
Why are racist demoKKKrats so fixated on genitalia?
the study asked if they were happy with their dick size or if they wanted dick pills. all the gun owners said they were happy with their dick size all the nongun owners complained about being tiny micro dicks
The previous responses weren't good looking for his agenda.
Alternate title: Having guns makes men tolerant of their undersized penises
>anti gun faggot who is fucking seething about his science proven microdick while gun owners have massive cocks is fucking seething
awww, she's angry about getting BTFO all week
>chevron is about to get btfo'd this month and with it the GayTF
>NRA just ass fucked NYC
nah, you are the on who is getting btfo'd
>The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The data collection for this study was supported by funding from Change The Ref, an organization that “uses urban art and nonviolent creative confrontation to expose the disastrous effects of the mass shooting pandemic.” Although Change The Ref holds a clear political stance with respect to the role of guns in society, this organization played no part in the planning or implementation of the study.
kek, anti gun jews tried to prove gun owners had small cocks and instead wasted their money proving gun owners have massive dicks and anti gunners are sub 1 inch
America is a fucking joke
why do right wingers obsess over genitals so much
this study was literally done by anti gun fags
and it interested you because there were penises involved
nah, its because I know it makes you seethe because science proved you have a microcock
"Big dick will be given to any boy" - from Salem Mass, the witch city itself no less.
>get big dick
>be envied by every boy in town
I knew you Republicans were gay as fuck
>gun post on /news/ that actually pastes the article
based and 4chanpilled
but... "muh dick" has been an anti-gun argument for decades?
it still disproves the "men buy guns because they're insecure about their penises!" attack, and supports the "insecure men become leftists because they lack confidence" theory
>but... "muh dick" has been an anti-gun argument for decades?
What the fuck are you talking about?
I always suspected that gang members and rappers have tiny dicks.

Trust the science.
>Leftists: HAHA gun owners have small penises!
Gun owners: No we don't
>Leftists: Yes you do! I care so much about the size of your penis that I am going to spend money to research the size of your penis!
Gun owners: K. Your study showed that you're wrong
>Leftists: OMG why do you obsess over genitals so much

you might have a point, this study could be about confidence. Leftists tend to be insecure, which is why they become NPCs. Insecure people are afraid to challenge what they've been told, so they just repeat whatever teachers, celebrities, Reddit etc. tell them.
are there ANY leftists on /news/ that are over 18?
You desperately need a hobby, anon. One that doesn't involve penises.
not an argument
I don't think this study really reveals anything significant. Any takeaways about size are irrelevant since it wasn't a datapoint. The only question was satisfaction.
If anything, most gun owners probably have heard about the overcompensating myth, so they're primed to respond to a survey like this that they're satisfied because thats the answer that implies big dick.
Regular Americans that don't think about overcompensating are less likely to see the question as being a roundabout measurement of dick size.
I'd be interested in the same study that had a step 2 of actual measurement, so we can also see how many people were lying
don't try it, tiny dick. you faggots have been saying gun owners have small dicks for decades
you got btfo'd scientifically proven to have a tiny dick jew boi
>Regular Americans
regular Americans own guns
Caring *this* much about what other people say about your penis size is peak insecurity
no, peak insecurity is nogunz who did a study to prove they had bigger dicks than gun owners and then the study showed they had smaller dicks and were upset about it
Maybe in your diseased, tranny obsessed mind
In the real world a minority of americans own guns.
More than half of American voters -- 52% -- say they or someone in their household owns a gun, per the latest NBC News national poll.
most Americans own guns, you have no dick
>“Because there is no theory for why men with bigger penises would be more likely to own guns, we do not believe that this association is real.
LOL what the fuck hahahahahah
the study was funded by an anti gun group they were trying to prove gun owners had small dicks so they could get it reported everywhere and now seethe because they found the opposite
>Any takeaways about size are irrelevant since it wasn't a datapoint. The only question was satisfaction.
that alone disproves the leftist narrative that gun owners are insecure about their penis size.
And did you even read the comment you replied to because they addressed this:
>you might have a point, this study could be about confidence. Leftists tend to be insecure, which is why they become NPCs. Insecure people are afraid to challenge what they've been told, so they just repeat whatever teachers, celebrities, Reddit etc. tell them.
You're right. Its an observation. Your obsession with guns and penises is weird and you should work on it.

I have no clue what you're talking about. Nobody cares about your penis.

>leftist narrative
The leftists in your head sound like very odd, penis obsessed individuals.
>I have no clue what you're talking about.
you are a lying reddit spacing queer
>spams threads about penises
>won't stop talking about penises
>its really really important to him that everyone knows he doesn't have a small penis
Schizophrenia is one hell of a drug
>that alone disproves the leftist narrative that gun owners are insecure about their penis size.
No, I think conservicunts ignorantly posting this and claiming it means they have big penises and liberals have tiny penises means they're the ones that are insecure.
> our current study shows that men who are more satisfied with the size of their penises are more likely to personally own guns
So they’re delusional about their small penises. Got it.
keke, you are so fucking mad science proved I have a big dick and you have a small one and it is in a peer reviewed journal
you got btfo'd tiny cock
The study didn’t measure dick size, it just asked if you were okay with the size of your penis. Of course insecure gun fetishists are going to lie to someone about how nice their junk is.
the study literally showed anti gunners like you were insecure about your tiny micrococks and that is what made you hate guns
chud headcanon is wild
In post-Dunblane Britain, the replica of RoboCop's Auto 9 - 14 inches long - I ordered from a shop in Scotland a few days ago (and delivered via UPS less than 24 hours later) means those in the US who can't own such have choads as tiny as Trump's mushroom.
KSC Corporation in Japan are superior to NRA.
microdicked guntards in US will never discharge from the brain cell in their heads the fact that they will never own a 155mm M-777 Howitzer made by BAe Systems.
'BAE Systems plc is a British multinational aerospace, defence and information security company, based in London, England'
My friend who works as an admin at the Ministry of Defence has fired a few rounds from one. Have any here and/or /k/ who hasn't been in the US armed forces done the same...?!
Obsession with sexual reproductive organs shows stunted emotional and stunted emotional sexual maturation.
Unless it's too small, or too large to engage in sexual intercourse with, then the size of the organ really doesn't matter.
This also goes for obsession with the female form, as well. So long as her breasts function as intended, then the size of them doesn't matter. As long as the baby's head can pass through the vaginal canal, then the width of the hips also does not matter.

We have known was does matter for sexual selection to produce strong offspring, and we've known it instinctually for millennia. Those being mental fortitude, facial symmetry, and distance from adolescence.

All other arguments are as the Zoomers say; "Cope."
Sure Jan
gaslighting shits trying to deny that leftists have always made jokes about "lol gun nuts are just overcompensating for small peepee XD"
Not to mention that this study was funded by leftists who are so obsessed with the size of my penis that they conducted a study about it.
when OP pasted the article, I had hopes that we could have a gun thread without the newfag schizo from reddit. But here you are.
>cock obsessed troon still obsessed with cock
>I can only own the most cucked guns ever made, but my friend one time did something
its literally the study in OP. a peer reviewed study done by antigunners found you have a small cock
only reddit fag here is you, anti gun microdick
>muh airsoft
there are people in the US who own betetta 93Rs. also, you realize Americans can own the airshit version too, tiny cocked retard?
hahaha you are so fucking mad science proved you and other anti gunners have tiny dicks
>gun owners have a small dick
>I am going to pay for this stidy showing gun owners have a small dick
>study shows gun owners have big dicks and anti guns have small dicks
>you care too much about size, reeeee
Hoisted by their own cocktard
sciences says my dick is bigger than yours, faggot
the fact that you think I'm anti-gun is yet another dead giveaway you're a redditor. Only redditors have that level of political obsession where you think everybody who points out the fact that you're a schizo newfag redditor must be anti-gun.
Newsflash: Everybody here hates newfag redditors who shit up this board. The left and the right, pro-gun and anti-gun, we all hate you because you're bringing down the quality of the board for everybody. Go back to /r/guns
Faggots tend to have bigger penises than straights. What now bitch?
> Everybody here hates newfag redditors who shit up this board
Correct- hence why we hate you and want you to leave.

Maybe if you take greater personal offense and make more posts about being offended over impersonal anonymous post, you'll prove you're not from r*ddit
>boomer r*dditor posts continue

I'm a far-right, pro-2A, staunch constitutionalist. I just think you're all very immature by obsessing about stuff that classical Europeans thought was the realm of the base and vulgar. Especially in regards to philosophy or politics.
you are anti gun and jewish. this has been confirmed multiple times
what is the source? your gaping asshole? you got btfo'd hard and proven by science to have a small cock
you are anti gun and are upset you got confirmed for tiny cock
this is a blue board, i think >>>/hm/ is more your speed

Or does science only matter when it makes you feel better about your innie?
KEK reddit newfag BTFO
keep projecting there tiny dicked jew
>study published 25 years ago
>by jews
>using self reported data
>from the 1930s
so its fucking nothing. meanwhile the study explicitly says all anti gun fags have cocks smaller than 1 inch and are anti gun because their dicks are so small they could never please a woman
no wonder niggers all have big dicks
Bro, are you still here in this thread talking about cocks? Whats wrong with you?
>Whats wrong with you?
he's a schizo redditor (not even joking, he's an actual literal redditor) who came here in 2021 and can't help but make it obvious every time he posts, that's what's wrong with him. He's the same anon who spams threads without pasting the article.
samefag, and I've been here since 2008, you reddit shill
you are clearly mad science proved you have a micro cock
they don't lol. blacks are the most anti gun group and most black men have an erect dick under 2 inches long. the bbc is a piece of jewish propaganda
i don't understand why he angrily talks about cocks
did you wander into a random thread without reading op, faggot?
nobody asked for your thread
Ignore it then, retard. You are seething because science says you have a microcock
To be fair, tinydicked liberals get much more upset when they read that Whitehouse staffers think Biden is senile rather than a scientific study telling them what they already are well aware of
>Bigmad that the gays have massive schlongs
>Cant stop thinking about gay dick now
Here he goes talking about dicks again
>study published 25 years ago
>by jews
>using self reported data
>from the 1930s
so its fucking nothing. meanwhile the study explicitly says all anti gun fags have cocks smaller than 1 inch and are anti gun because their dicks are so small they could never please a woman
the thread is about a done by anti gun groups that determined anti gun is caused by having a micro penis. if you don't like the topic don't enter the thread
I don't understand dick shaming. Most clothing won't show off your bulge and that's not a factor that's going to make or break getting a date.

Also unless you're a virgin, you shouldn't have any dick insecurity because once you've proven your ability to please a woman, there is nothing to be insecure about.

I own several firearms btw.
sorry sweetie but you reddit-spaced in this comment >>1302215 so that proves you're a redditor
Considering that less than 50% of Texan men in this study owned a firearm, it seems like the reality is that most Americans don't own a firearm.

Because the study measured self-rated satisfaction and not anything objective
>reddit spacing
that wasn't me, queer
>reddit spacing
also see
More than half of American voters -- 52% -- say they or someone in their household owns a gun, per the latest NBC News national poll.
most Americans own guns, you have no dick

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