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File: Bionca-Ellis.jpg (60 KB, 960x540)
60 KB
What the fuck is wrong with pic related?
You already posted this thread
where? I don't see it, cocksucker
that thread is clearly not up. this thread will need to do. why are democrats so violent?
Why did the other thread get deleted?
who knows. this link in OP is from a news org and is less than 24 hours old. unless you are accusing janny of censoring legitimate articles because they show blacks in a bad light
>Capitalizing on a child's death to insert a political narrative where there is none
Actual disgusting sub-human behavior
95% of black women voted biden, faggot
Because Trump hates black people
no he doesn't he invented sneakers for them
Spamming a thread like this 70 trillion times over is infinitely better than posting (even once) a Democrat scum thread with a tranime image of a tomboy tranny faggot who couldn't tell you its gender nor could it tell you what a man or woman even is.
>find article about black person bad
>put the word "democrat" in it even if the article has nothing to do with politics

Its all so tiresome
>Pretending like /gif/ isn't 99% closeted /pol/fags jerking their dick to BMWM bottom porn
So much projection
maybe they should stop stabbing children in the face
who is "they"?
>thread removed previously
Thread needs to be removed again and its creator banned, denied its right to have retarded opinions
>discussing black crime? not allowed on news

>find article about white person bad
>put the word "republican" in it even if the article has nothing to do with politics
FTFY. Average leftist thread on /news/ thats not a drumphhhhh thread
what rule is the op breaking, fag boi?
>Racist Biden hates black people

based I'm voting for Joe Biden now

>"Responding officers came to give first aid and quickly arrested Bionca Ellis, 32, of Cleveland, who was found walking toward Dover Center Road, reportedly still holding the weapon."

What a crazy nigga
If only she killed him with a gun in a classroom, then conservicunts wouldn't care.
most school shootings are done by blacks or hispanics against other black or hispanics
anti gun fags just pretend its white people doing it because no one gives a fuck about blacks killing blacks.
you want to lose this argument again?
I have literally never, ever lost this argument. school shootings are rare and most are made up
the ones that do happen are usually at black/hispanic schools. the lion's share of kids murdered with guns are black and hispanic boys. dems intentionally try to lie that there are more school/mass shootings then there are and they give off stats for gang shootings and then try to package them as though they are white people doing it and white kids dying even though its black on black/hispanic on hispanic and literally no one gives a fuck about that. its why blm DAs like the fag in philly refused to prosecute half of the gun cases after he took office
you lose every single time. i'll let someone else do it this time, it's boring at this point
>school shootings are rare and most are made up
immediately moves the goalposts
conservicunts can't argue in good faith
I've never lost once. look at how you already conceded and how you have no dick
>posting sources from NPR and washington posts isn't fair and is moving the goal posts, reeeeeeeeeeeee
times are so bad you have tranny-obsessed redditors stanning kid killers on a japanese basketweaving board
>can't argue at all so needs to throw around non sequitur insults
>waaaaah why won't the lib debate me when I've never argued in good faith before
just go back
>I've never lost once
>had previous thread removed
You lost due to having retarded opinions. QED.
You lost before. Hope you lose again.
you were the one who said you always won arguments. you didn't lol
lol so you still don't have an argument. you got bfto'd by 3 links
lol so you didn't have a thread then. you got btfo by mod. btfo this spammer again, o mods.
>no argument
I accept your concession

Get a load of this low IQ mouth breather over here. NPR is one of the most liberal news sources that exists, and they have full articles that prove how totally out of the loop and easily swayed by other media sources you actually are (ironic), even though the FBI crime statistics basically already confirms everything the other poster linked. How very sad it must be to see the world the way you do. Enjoy eating your microplastics!
>no previous thread
I accept you have no argument, otherwise that thread would still be up and you wouldn't have needed to create this one: but the fact you need to do so says so much about you, certainly why that previous thread was removed, and by whom. So the one who removed your precious previous thread has no argument for doing so...?!
you are doing a non sequitur since you got BTFO'd hard
you are being a seething retard since your other thread got BTFO'd hard
nope. you got btfo'd by 2 npr links and now you have no argument, dick or toilet.
Here he goes talking about dicks again
> smirking she-boon brutally murders 3 year old White boy
> Dems on /news/ desperately try to derail the thread

Its becauae republicans require voting ID's you racist.

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