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Thanks for the update Ivan
he's making threads again
Honest question. Why does the US have this weird obsession with relying on corporations to be responsible for children's safety rather than their parents?
I see this as a common thread amongst progressives. They'd rather blame a car company when children are stealing cars rather than blaming the parents.
>common thread amongst progressives
Where do you people get this shit from?
The conversation regarding the whole kia theft thing. Googling for "progressive lawmakers blame kia" turn up large numbers of results
>googles "progressive lawmakers blame kia" instead of "lawmakers blame kia"
I think it's amazing how you people can turn the simplest non-partisan issues into partisan bait.
They have to make it partisan bait, its not like there's any positive conservative news.
And thats ignoring that they're twisting the issue around that its parents fault that kids are stealing these cars instead of Kia's fault for making cars that are that easy to steal.
>that its parents fault that kids are stealing these cars instead of Kia's fault for making cars that are that easy to steal.
Yeah this is exactly what's retarded. Idk why American progressives moved towards this whole idea where childrens actions are the responsibility of corporations rather than parents but it's pretty weird desu

Thanks for flawlessly proving my point, you actually btfo this anon >>1302098 good job
It's not about the kids. The USA hates kids with a passion - we abort them, shoot them up, then force them into wage slavery and debt slavery if they managed to make it to adulthood without suicide. If we cared about our kids, half the shit corpos do would be flat out illegal.

Anyway, the reason you see shit like this is because leftists are lobbying corpos to regulate shit in their favor, to circumvent the government. This way they can use the "private company it can do what it wants" defense. Notice how it never works for righties? They protest something and corpos double down and don't reverse course. Same with the school system - lefties always win. It's bad faith activism, and lefties are excellent at it because they are organized and paid to by their leaders. This is why you ONLY see it from the left. Meanwhile righties protest a beer for culture war shit and the company doesn't do jack shit except lose some sales, which they gladly tanked for ESG money. This is the other reason corpos are oddly left - they get BILLIONS in aid from ESG financiers that have a monopoly (80% market share) and can fuck over their investors however they want. Money talks, and it is controlled by the left.
Good post
>Why does the US have this weird obsession with relying on corporations to be responsible for children's safety rather than their parents?
>I see this as a common thread amongst progressives.
It has nothing to do with the U.S. or progressives vs. conservatives. When tragedies happen everyone looks for someone or something to blame. It isn't emotionally satisfying for people to accept that sometimes bad things happen and there's nothing we can do to stop it. Its an incredibly human thing. Conservatives do it too. It isn't focused on any one side of the aisle. In the 80's and 90's all the kids did bad things because of metal music and Satan. Now, with the rise of social justice and LGBTQ identity their mantra is "Well, there's no way a child just chose to be gay its definitely because like the teachers and doctors are convincing them to do it". The modern day left leaning equivalent would be "Well, there's no way anybody could be justifiably shot by a cop it HAS to be because of systemic racism/oppression". Whenever people feel like outcomes are out of their control they look for something they CAN control as a way to compensate for it. It isn't within our nature to just accept the consequences of chaos. Its uncomfortable to internalize that sometimes our fates our beyond our control. It goes beyond politics.
I should also mention its a total red herring to say "one side believes corporations are responsible for kids and another doesn't". That's not true. Everyone believes this to some extent. For example, no conservative or progressive would ever find it acceptable if some toy company knowingly produced a toy with some cheap plastic that would kill a kid instantly if they put it in their mouth. "Well, the parent should of made sure the kid didn't put the toy in their mouth" is not a satisfying answer that anybody would be okay with. Of course there's some responsibility on the corporation to take reasonable precautions to prevent harm. Everyone agrees on that. What they don't agree on is which type of harm is important and exactly how much responsibilities corporations have to the public and in what context. Its a matter of degrees, not a principal disagreement between those that think corporations have a responsible to the people they sell products to and those who don't. Everyone agrees they have some level of responsibility.
I'm American, unlike you and obongo
they don't want to accept minorities have agency
>shoot them up,
thats literally blacks and hispanics. nearly all gun murders of 17 and younger and 21 and younger are black or hispanic boys
>which they gladly tanked for ESG money. This is the other reason corpos are oddly left - they get BILLIONS in aid from ESG financiers that have a monopoly (80% market share) and can fuck over their investors however they want. Money talks, and it is controlled by the left.
this is due to faggots like biden. lefties jews are the hedge fund managers who are in charge of public employee pension funds. biden vetoed a bill that would have required them to act as fiduciaries. ESG is so strong because no one gives a shit about RoI or wasting money because it isn't their money, its the public employee pension money that the state will just top up anyway
you repeat yourself too much. Senile?
he's very very angry
because you shills always type the same retarded shit over and over and over
sure is

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