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Democrats continue their propaganda war, writing poorly written bills purposefully written so that they won't get passed, and then adding nice sounding names so that they can push propaganda when it gets voted down by people who actually care about passing decent legislation
Race to replace McConnell heats up over response to Democratic ‘show’ votes

Senate Republicans face a tough decision next week, when Schumer will force them to vote on a bill to protect access to in vitro fertilization (IVF) that has been written in a way that few if any GOP lawmakers could support without significant changes.

Schumer is bringing the bill to the floor even though he knows Republicans oppose it so Democrats can portray Republicans as extreme on women’s health issues and to highlight the ramifications of the Supreme Court overturning the national right to abortion in 2022.

He used the same tactic earlier this week when he forced a vote on advancing the Right to Contraception Act. That bill is sponsored by Sens. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), and Republicans said it’s full of poison-pill provisions.

It failed 39-51, with only two Republicans — Sens. Susan Collins (Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) — voting with Democrats to allow the bill to move forward.

Senate Republican Whip John Thune has argued to colleagues that Republicans should block the Democratic bills from even coming up for debate on the floor.

He says voting to begin debates on these bills still wouldn’t give a chance to amend them, doing so would only drag out the process and allow Democrats to inflict maximum political damage.

“These are show votes. We’ve seen show votes before, and historically the practice on show votes is to vote against show votes and to point out that they are political votes that are not designed to become law.”
Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.), who is also running for McConnell’s job, however, is criticizing the Senate GOP leadership for not putting together a plan to give Republican senators the option of voting to begin floor debate armed with a clearly defined strategy to countermessage.

“We know [Schumer] is going to have these show votes. We know he’s going to do contraception, we know he’s going to do IVF. What I think’s important is we all get on page on what our message is,” Scott told The Hill in an interview Thursday.

“It’s important not just to say they’re wrong — we should say what are we for. So you can do it in a variety of ways: You can do bills, you can do amendments, you can do resolutions, you can do statements, you can do all these things,” he said. “We ought to get get out in front of it and do it in a unified manner, and that’s what I’m trying to do.”

Scott has introduced a resolution expressing support for Americans starting families through IVF.

It encourages clinical research to improve outcomes for parents seeking to overcome infertility and supports state legislative and regulatory actions to establish safety and ethical standards for medical facilities offering IVF treatments.
>words words words
>Repubicans' propaganda infinitely worse
Don't care, still voting Biden
Ok boomer
>not a single mention of anything in the bill that the republicans wouldnt support, other than the main point of IVF
So you won't be voting?
Ok boomer
>Democrats continue their propaganda war
Not news
So you think the hill made it all up?
Interesting cope
Republicans are putting their own pro IVF bills up, but that's not interesting from a democrat propaganda standpoint
boomers overwhelmingly vote for Trump tho
Considering that the option is between Biden and Trump, that makes boomers considerably more intelligent.
Beyond the basic point that abortion is none of the government's business, the issue is a poison pill for the Reps that only costs them votes and they need to stop pushing for restrictions, because even the most Rightwing voters want the option of abortion, if their teenage daughter gets knocked up by Jamal.
Multiple republicans have already submitted their own bills protecting IVF but it's simply not what most leftwing journalism will ever report on because it's bad from a propaganda perspective.

This will be most often presented as there only being a single IVF bill, pur forward by democrats, and republicans for some inexplicable reason saw it and began twirling their handlebar mustaches and cackling while they voted against it

I'm honestly surprised the hill reported the fact that it was written in such a way as to be only for show
You're a stupid faggot and a concern troll. Piss off.
You actually know what you're talking about. The abortion issue is going to forever be one of those broken window problems that both parties will bicker over for votes. These people intentionally wreck our society to justify having them around.
>Schumer is bringing the bill to the floor even though he knows Republicans oppose it so Democrats can portray Republicans as extreme on women’s health issues
Republicans being okay with women dying to satisfy their supply of orphaned children to fuck is an extreme position, and should be ridiculed.
Ah yes, like Alabama's bill that classifies unimplanted embryo's as children with legal rights, and then allows IVF clinics to legally kill those children?
I suppose Republicunts love uneducated retards that make it legal to kill kids.

>The abortion issue is going to forever be one of those broken window problems that both parties will bicker over for votes.
It'll be the hill Republicunts will be forced to kill themselves on, because the ignorant evangelicals making up their base require all fetus be brought to term regardless of viability or if it kills or cripples the mother.
Over 75% of Americans support abortion access. If Republicunt states continue on their path to a total abortion ban, or worse the faggotry that Texas is engaged in to try to force other states to accept those bans, they'll pay for it at the polls.
>You actually know what you're talking about. The abortion issue is going to forever be one of those broken window problems that both parties will bicker over for votes. These people intentionally wreck our society to justify having them around
Good post.
Once again, republicans have presented their own bills that protect IVF that are drafted moderately rather than catering to far left/far right for propaganda purposes, but they aren't going to be talked about by leftwing journalism because they are bad to discuss for democrat optics

They have bills proposed protecting IVF that a moderate would approve which is exactly why democrats are only writing radical bills that they have purposely set up for failure.
>more concern trolling
Troon detected.
every democrat voter deserves death
I see you are utterly btfo *yet* again and have nothing to contribute.
>republicans have presented their own bills that protect IVF that are drafted moderately rather than catering to far left/far right for propaganda purposes
Can you expand on this? Can you name any specific language or provision differences in Republican and Democrat written bills on IVF? What do you mean by "propaganda purposes"? I'd really like to engage with you if you can cite some specific things in Schumer's bill you have an issue with.
>republicans have presented their own bills
Alabama's IVF bills are 100% Republican written
Alabama Republicans legalized killing children.
Shumers bill compels religious organizations and individuals to perform these operations regardless of their religious beliefs.
Kinda like democrats whole "cake baker" boondoggle, just ported to the medical field. Republican bills protect IVF but allow individuals with religious concerns to be exempt from being compelled to perform procedures against their religious beliefs.
>What do you mean by "propaganda purposes"?
Try reading the op article.
One of the better sealion posts I've seen here tho, I'll give you that. It at least sounded like you put some thought into your sealioning
to own the libs
No thanks, concern troll.
>So utterly btfo, speech is failing you
Must suck to be you, anon
Not him but if he's the one who is BTFO why is it you who is acting mad over it?
Btfo people acting like idiots is frustrating
The evangelicals would have never gotten as bad as they are had you not spent so much time pissing in their cheerios with stupid shit like post-birth abortion.
>writing poorly written bills purposefully written so that they won't get passed
And what amendments did Republicans offer to clean up the writing?

The best case argument you can make is Republicans don't care about the issue, but that would mean they don't care about protecting it, which means if it's politically expedient, they could freely destroy it.

Obviously, of course, that's giving them way too much credit and they're just duplicitous shitstains actively working against the interests of the people.
>post-birth abortion
That's just Republican social policy. Make sure kids grow up getting poor nutrition and drinking from lead pipes, start them harvesting tobacco by 12 to get them addicted to nicotine, and then transition them to working in the meat plants by 14 to get their finger count down. With any luck, they'll be dead before they're the age of majority cause they can't afford healthcare and their life up to that point has been nothing but biohazards and heavy labor.
>And what amendments did Republicans offer to clean up the writing
Try reading the thread before sealioning, it's been posted, sealion
No it hasn't, your opinion about what's poorly written doesn't matter.
>No it hasn't
Do you want me to prove you wrong?
Life is just one big, never-ending fantasy for you, isn't it?
Yes it is, why do you ask?
Your standard of proof is too low to prove anything. Whatever you link to will be spun and mischaracterized into being an attack ad on Democrats which is your sole purpose on this board, being the GOPbot who was erroneously assigned to this slow board that you are. Every republican argument on this board is based on a false premise, and yours has been and will be no exception.
democrats are reshing the whole "christian baker must bake lewd gay cakes" into the medical field for propaganda points
Republican proposed bills protect IVF but do not force people with religious beliefs against such treatment to provide it.

its that simple. Your entire post is garbage, just like the trash in your head

The fact you think that this article is complete bullshit and that democrats have to have a reasonable bill by virtue of being demcorats show how utterly wasted your brain is.

Its a political stunt, just like this article is reporting, and no amount of you crying or blaming anyone but democrats is going to change that

You are the exact crowd that is so stupid these dumb tactics keep working on
The best part is all I have to do is sit here and do nothing while your moral outrage only increases over time.
>Litigant goes to IVF clinic and says the most insane shit possible
>Doctor refuses to work with the troll litigant
>Litigant sues doctor for denying medical care and wins eleventy billion dollars
>Democrats headline a ball of pork with a fake title about access to medical care for a problem that doesn't exist
Same as it ever was.
what are the things in the bill that republicans oppose, other than protecting IVF? why write a news article with such little critical information?
>what are the things in the bill that republicans oppose,
can you even read, part-time shill? read the first fucking sentence i posted.
which sentence is that? theres no information about it in the OP, or either post I replied to
democrats are reshing the whole "christian baker must bake lewd gay cakes" into the medical field for propaganda points
Republican proposed bills protect IVF but do not force people with religious beliefs against such treatment to provide it.

Its a political stunt, just like this article is reporting, and no amount of you crying or blaming anyone but democrats is going to change that. You are the part of mass propaganda
Where do you see democrats rehashing that? (inb4 twitter)
Shit poor sealioning attempt. Your answer is literally in the post you are replying to, you just didn't read it.

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