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Texas Asks People to Avoid Using Their Cars
Published Jun 07, 2024 at 9:20 AM EDT


Texas officials are urging residents in some areas to use different modes of transportation other than their cars on Friday as ozone pollution in the state reach concerning levels.

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has declared an Ozone Action Day for the Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, Galveston and Brazoria areas because of high levels of ozone, also known as smog. Officials suggested that to help reduce the pollution, people should minimize the use of their vehicles.

"Atmospheric conditions are expected to be favorable for producing high levels of ozone pollution in the Houston, Galveston, and surrounding areas on Friday," the alert posted by the National Weather Service (NWS) said. "You can help prevent ozone pollution by sharing a ride, walking, riding a bicycle, taking your lunch to work, avoiding drive through lanes, conserving energy and keeping your vehicle properly tuned."

The warning comes a day after California also experienced high levels of air pollution and warned people in Imperial County to delay visiting gas stations and using chemicals until ozone levels improve.

As of Friday morning, the Texas cities in question were experiencing moderate air quality valued between the Air Quality Index (AQI) numbers of 50 and 99. Air quality is considered "acceptable" at this level, although some people unusually sensitive to air pollution could experience impacts.
Damn Texas liberals
I'm gonna pollute Texas some more to really piss off the liberals.
Passenger cars don't produce ozone.
you some kind of liberal, boy?
'Tesla, Inc. (/ˈtɛslə/ TESS-lə or /ˈtɛzlə/ TEZ-lə[a]) is an American multinational automotive and clean energy company headquartered in Austin, Texas, which designs, manufactures and sells battery electric vehicles (BEVs), stationary battery energy storage devices from home to grid-scale, solar panels and solar shingles, and related products and services'
>Austin, Texas
>Texas: the 'Buckle in the Bible Belt'
>Dallas, Texas: id Software, founded by John Carmack: an Atheist
Quite the color rightards in the absolute state of rage - and I'm not only talking about two games by id Software - they're in as they in the state of Texas impotently seethe at the color their state's turning: Purple.
So do you love Elon Musk, o rightards...?!
What the fuck kind of insane rambling is this?
its funny because texas conservatives are literally jumping at their own farts and blaming libs
>insane rambling
>Tesla: electric cars/power generation/storage manufactured by a company based in Texas, and owned by a conservative
>id Software: a company - in a very religiously conservative state - founded by someone very irreligious
>insane rambling
...the excuse used by anti-green/pro-religion retards because they know that what they see proves their opinions wrong.
Do you like said conservative Elon Musk, >>1302520 ...?!
What's funny is that modern cars have almost zero nitrous oxide emissions and literally don't contribute to the formation of low altitude ozone. Cars make CO2 and H2O and almost nothing else.
What the fuck are you talking about? You don't make any sense.
It's not nitric oxide, it's Ozone (O3) that the warning is for. Ozone gets created when VOCs from gas cars reacts with sunlight.
Aw. Shame you're this retarded. But do you like Elon Musk, >>1302661 ...?

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