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Convicted felons — at least those with millions to spend on lawyers — often lead the league in Hail Mary passes: They appeal their verdict and/or the judge’s instructions to the jury, insist witnesses committed perjury or that the sentence was too harsh.

No stone will go unturned to find something — anything — to hang desperate hopes on.

With a July 11 sentencing, Donald Trump is no different.

After trying to invalidate the verdict before it was delivered — with attacks on the Manhattan court before during and after the trial — the former president and his MAGA followers are now pinning their hopes for a retrial on a Facebook post, likely by a troll, which allegedly leaked his guilty verdicts the day before the jury delivered it.

Judge Juan Merchan, likely out of an abundance of transparency and caution, alerted Trump’s attorneys and the prosecution of a random Facebook comment left on the New York Unified Courts Facebook page — a post that seemingly slipped past even Trump’s lawyers, who have been combing the internet for any reasons to appeal Trump’s 34 convictions.
On May 20, in a post about the court’s diversity, the N.Y. Courts Facebook highlighted Judge Jeffrey K. Oing during Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Diversity. Posts like these often attract comments from racist trolls and bigots.

An account named “Michael Anderson” commented on May 29:

>“Thank you for all your hard against the MAGA crazies! My cousin is a juror on Trumps criminal case and they’re going to convict him tomorrow according to her. Thank you New York courts!!!! ”

“Lopsided FreeSpeech,” which has no profile picture or account history, replied that the comment implied the cousin on the jury had committed a crime because a juror isn’t supposed “to discuss the case before it ended.”

“Michael Anderson” replied: “Now we are married .”

The post has been deleted.

Despite the uncertainty of the credibility of the post, court officials said they had an obligation to make both sides aware of the deleted message. “As appropriate, the Court informed the parties once it learned of this online content,” a spokesperson for the court told The Washington Post.

Further investigation showed that the “Michael Anderson” account describes itself as a “transabled and a professional sh-t poster.”

A header on the account reads, “Facebook, wasting peoples lives since 2004.” The account also claims his nickname is “f-ck you.”

Fox News and Newsmax have run with the story as major news. As the court likely investigates, the question is: Did Trump and MAGA get played?
Watching Trumpies squeal "MISTRIAL! RULING OVERTURNED!" because someone essentially posted "My Dad works at Nintendo and told me when the Switch 2 will release!" on Facebook has been fun.
It's the same flavor of copium they were huffing back in late 2020 over Kraken lady. Only now it's even better because after four years they're still falling for it.
wtf you smokin bro. It was the judges call to call that shit out..
>likely out of an abundance of transparency and caution
If investigators confirm that a family member seriously posted on FB that their juror relative told them the verdict a day before it was announced, that is literally textbook grounds for mistrial

Literally all they had to do was not be retarded and brag on Facebook and yet, here we are lmao

You may all begin to cope. I look forward to hearing about how jurors should be allowed to leak pre-determined verdicts a day before the official verdict is given in court.

Drinking game:
Every time someone is accused of being Russian, take a shot
If someone accuses the judge of either being a crypto Trump supporter or a Russian, finish the bottle
Yes yes, we all know no matter what (doesn't) come of it, you'll see a Facebook shitpost as total Trump vindication.
Actually, that's not quite accurate.
If Rudy's hotel lobby "hearings" and the Kraken were any indication, you'll howl about how this proves the trial was rigged regardless of the substance of the complaint, then wander off following the next shiny thing the right wing media bubble dangles in front of you.
And by the time it comes out this was just a meaningless shitpost that was investigated by a court bending over backwards to keep Trump and his followers from throwing yet another tantrum about how mean Merchan is being to daddy it is, you'll have already forgotten about it.
And the worst part is even if you do acknowledge the follow up, you'll hand wave it away as rigged and a cover up because it didn't show what you wanted, as you have done with everything that didn't pan out in Trump's favor since 2015.
me in the back
This judge has been bending over backwards for Trump the entire trial outside of overtly rigging it for him, like the Republican judge stolen classified documents case, or the Republican supreme court humoring the idea that the president is a dictator like Trump wants.
Remember, Trump was found in contempt of court 10 times and he just go a slap on the wrist when anyone else would be sent to lock up.
hilarious post considering /pol/ thinks the judge is to the left of Saul Alinsky
the judge denied every objection made by Trumps lawyer, the judge sustained every objection by the prosecution...
The judges daughter runs a "lets get Trump in jail" group...
Statue of limitation passed on his misdemeanor, but oh wait! now its a felony!! Why?? Who knows!!!
Bidens DoJ sent a minion to work with Bragg to help get Trump.. Isnt that so nice of them?
The NY govenor specificaly stated "No we wont do this to YOU... just Trump...
Why should i believe your lies before what i see with my own eyes?
Imagine being this far up the ass of a corrupt billionaire
>the judge denied every objection made by Trumps lawyer, the judge sustained every objection by the prosecution...
This is a debunked Fox News talking point.
i'm pretty sure all of that list has been debunked except for the claim about the daughter, which is the one thing that doesn't matter
Right on cue, the "judge is a Trump plant" crowd shows up and blames Fox news because a juror leaked a verdict to the public before it was officially announced
The problem is you would have to be clinically retarded to think that was an actual juror.
So the Judge, who sent out the letters to both sides stating the post was made by a family member of the juror, is also retarded?
>>likely out of an abundance of transparency and caution
This means he knew you people would throw a hissy fit, and he was right.
>ohhhhh this one phrase means it's not true
If the Judge thinks its serious enough to warn both parties, it's a serious issue.

>This means he knew you people would throw a hissy fit
You're the one throwing a hissy fit over the Judge doing his job and calling him a Trump plant for it. Keep coping though.
Do you realize the op article is making fun of you? I don't think you do. Keep throwing the hissy fit over a facebook troll though it's hilarious.
>keeps throiwing a hissy fit
>claims others are throwing a hissy fit
If it's just a Facebook troll, why are you so mad?
see >>1302464
>hissy fit continues
Whats wrong man? If it's only a Facebook post, why are you still so upset?
It's definitively only a facebook post. It isn't even a question. It's very obvious you still haven't gotten over Trump's conviction or you wouldn't be here doing the "NO UR UPSET" routine.
>It's definitively only a facebook post.
And yet it definitively makes you very upset.

>>or you wouldn't be here doing the "NO UR UPSET" routine.
>is still visibly very upset
Awwww sweaty, maybe if you call the judge a pro-Trump Russian plant, you'll feel better?
> likely out of an abundance of transparency and caution
I like how this is clearly the article's author putting his own biased opinion into the reporting like it's factual and libshits in this thread are latching onto it like it's proof the FB post isn't real
absolutely seething
>must keep replying
But that was my first post in the thread
>must keep replying
>or the Republican supreme court humoring the idea that the president is a dictator like Trump wants
What fantasy land bullshit is this?
reality isn't a fantasy land
It is for you, apparently.
Imagine wanting to ruin a person's life and upend our justice system just because someone has a billion federal reserve notes.
Anyone want to guess what mental disorder this is?
The mental disorder that forces you to keep replying
>poor persecuted billionaire has legitimate grievances
You can't be serious. You have to be a really shitty amateur troll.
>"STOP REPLYING" says the chud who can't stop replying
LEL reply to me again so I can give you a reason to live
>LEL reply to me again so I can give myself a reason to live
FTFY. Here you go
>must keep replying
Is this the best you can do? Try to appeal to some innate jealousy you hope I might have?
>He has more than me! Kill him!!!!
Get over yourself.
Trump lost. Get over it.
You debate like a schoolyard retard.
There isn't anything to debate. Trump already lost.
And this justifies violating his civil rights, how, exactly?
His civil rights weren't violated. The only people saying they were violated are Trump cultists who can't get over the fact that he's guilty af.
Should have been thrown out immediately since where in the Constitution does it says the president has immunity to commit crimes?
Or people who aren't leftwing cultists and are capable of understanding what due process is.
maybe trump will let you give him a conjugal visit
Trump couldn't have interfered in the election if Georgia didn't take two weeks to count votes.
And maybe you'll one day be capable of having conversations above a fifth grade level.
Maybe Republicans shouldn't have tried to sabotage the system so much to steal the election for Trump if you want votes to be counted quicker.
And maybe you made the facebook troll post which started this story.
No. I'm not the boogeyman you made up inside of your head.
Uh anon? Did you read the story? This really happened.
Nothing too underhanded, desperate or stupid for them to try.
lol what boogeyman are you talking about?
professional shitposters

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