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The man who got Zlochevsky off the hook, Joe Biden, has been proven to be continually lying about not being involved in hunters business dealing, according to interviews, emails, and records reviewed by politico

Since 2019, Joe Biden has repeatedly distanced himself from his family’s business dealings, saying that he has never so much as discussed them with his relatives or with anyone else. But House impeachment inquiry interviews, public records and emails reviewed by POLITICO show that members of his inner circle were regularly enmeshed in those dealings: Many of the president’s closest staffers and advisers have doubled as his relatives’ business associates, both during and after their stints working for the man at the center of the Biden family orbit.

Those overlaps reflect an all-in-the family approach to business and politicking that dates back a half-century to the president’s first Senate bid, run primarily by his parents and siblings. Since then, his political patrons have at times forged business ties with his relatives, who in turn have converted some of their business partners into campaign supporters. And over a lifetime in public life, some of the president’s aides have taken on roles as surrogate members of the tight-knit Biden clan.

The Bidens’ approach complicates their efforts to distance the president from his family’s ventures
As Jim and Hunter Biden’s foreign dealings have caused controversy and several of their business partners have been convicted of federal fraud and corruption crimes in recent years, any potential links between their business dealings and the president have come in for renewed scrutiny.

To allay concerns about any intermingling of their affairs, the Bidens have said that they observe strict interpersonal firewalls to avoid discussing business among themselves.

But with so many former and current aides in the mix — and with the surfacing of private communications in which Jim and Hunter Biden suggest they represent their powerful relative in business matters — onlookers are forced to take family members at their word.

In one instance, Jim Biden testified that he hired the former head of his brother’s Secret Service detail, Dale Pupillo, to investigate a Chinese executive that Hunter Biden was doing business with in 2017.

Jim Biden said during his February impeachment inquiry interview that he commissioned Pupillo in advance of accompanying Hunter Biden to Hong Kong so that his nephew could meet with the executive, Patrick Ho.

Despite hiring a private investigator and traveling halfway around the world for the meeting, Jim Biden said he never asked Hunter Biden what Ho — then on the cusp of being arrested, and later convicted, on federal corruption charges — and his nephew were meeting about. He said the decision not to inquire about the meeting came down to a desire to quarantine his affairs from those of his nephew’s.
It is unclear whether the president’s current or former staffers are presently involved in his relatives’ business affairs. Neither the White House, representatives for Jim and Hunter Biden, nor the president’s current or former aides responded to requests for comment
In a three-decade career in the Secret Service, Pupillo climbed the ranks and eventually oversaw vice presidential protection for both Dick Cheney and Joe Biden.

A series of scandals at the agency led to a high-profile shakeup that saw Pupillo — by then assistant director for protective operations — demoted in 2015 along with other top Secret Service leaders.

After retiring from government, Pupillo remained friendly with Jim Biden, the president’s brother testified at his impeachment inquiry interview.

Then, in 2017, Hunter Biden asked his uncle to accompany him to Hong Kong for a meeting with Ho, an executive working on behalf of the Chinese energy firm CEFC, according to the interview transcript.

At the time, Jim and Hunter Biden had been working with CEFC to help the company source potential energy projects.

In the course of those dealings, hundreds of thousands of dollars flowed from accounts associated with CEFC and its then-chairman, Ye Jianming, to accounts associated with Jim and Hunter Biden, according to findings, based on subpoenaed bank records, released in recent years by congressional Republicans
Hunter Biden has testified that his dealings with CEFC were “completely legitimate and completely, 100 percent in line with my experience and my abilities,” and Jim Biden has described the episode as “a straightforward business venture.”

At the time, Ho was under Justice Department investigation for bribing African officials to advance CEFC’s interests, a fact that came to light soon after the Hong Kong meeting when Ho was arrested upon arrival in New York, and later convicted, on corruption charges.

The hiring of Pupillo and the purpose of the Hong Kong meeting was subjected to extended scrutiny in Jim Biden’s congressional interview.

A Republican staffer voiced a suspicion that the real reason Pupillo was hired was to provide intelligence about the Justice Department’s probe that could then be communicated to Ho face-to-face.

Jim Biden, though, said he did not know what the purpose of the Hong Kong meeting was. He said he participated in the trip only to provide support for his troubled nephew and that he never asked about the substance of his meeting with Ho.

“It’s odd,” suggested a Republican staffer, “that you would go to such lengths to hire a private investigator to look into Patrick Ho, but then you wouldn’t even just ask Hunter Biden, your relative, like, ‘why are we going and who is this guy?’”

“The way that we deal in my family, it wasn’t odd,” Jim Biden responded. “To others it might be.”
For Jim Biden, the habit of tapping his older brother’s associates for business help dates back to Joe Biden’s first Senate term.

In 1975, Joe Biden’s old law firm, Walsh, Monzack & Owens, arranged an unsecured loan for Jim Biden’s Delaware nightclub business from politically connected financier Norman Rales. A 1978 article about the arrangement in Wilmington’s Sunday News Journal reported that after entering the Senate, Joe Biden remained financially entangled with his old law partners, who owed him $85,000 for his stake in the firm.

In the years since, one of those law partners, Mel Monzack, has gone on to serve as Joe Biden’s personal attorney and at times as his campaign treasurer.

His current firm, Monzack, Mersky and Browder, serves as the registered agent of Joe Biden’s personal S Corporation, CelticCapri, which was formed in 2017, according to Delaware corporate records. Biden has routed income from activities including writing and speaking through CelticCapri, according to his personal financial disclosures.

In recent years, Monzack, who did not respond to requests for comment, has also served as Jim Biden’s personal attorney, according to the younger Biden’s testimony.

That’s complicated at least one controversy about the extent to which Joe Biden’s relatives have involved him in their business dealings.
POLITICO previously reported on the accounts of three former executives at Americore, a troubled hospital chain that Jim Biden worked closely with, who said that Jim Biden spoke of various plans to involve his older brother in the company.

One of the executives told POLITICO that Jim Biden, who was negotiating for a large equity stake in Americore in 2018, said at the time that his older brother would get a piece of the company, too.

When asked about the executive’s account during his congressional testimony, the younger Biden’s response was adamant.

“That is ridiculous on its face,” he told investigators. While there was talk of an equity deal, he said, Joe Biden had nothing to with it.

Joe Biden’s personal attorney is another matter.

A June 2018 email shows that Monzack helped negotiate a proposed deal that would have given Jim Biden’s company 35 percent of Americore.

In the email, part of a cache of internal Americore documents obtained exclusively by POLITICO, Monzack wrote to Americore’s outside counsel, “We represent Jim Biden and Lion Hall Group,” and requested a half-dozen changes to the proposed deal.

The email’s recipient, Christopher Anderson, formerly of Jones Day, did not respond to requests for comment.

Jim Biden testified that he walked away from the equity deal over concerns about Americore’s finances. The White House did not respond to a question about Monzack, and Jim Biden told congressional investigators he does not know the full extent of Monzack’s legal work for his brother.

“I don’t have the full depth of what he does or doesn’t do,” Jim Biden told investigators. “But I know that he’s intricately involved and has been, you know, for the last 40 or 50 years.”
In Joe Biden’s final years in the Senate, and for most of his vice presidency, Fran Person was by his side as body man and confidant. Known as “Franny” in Biden’s inner circle, Person was “like a son” to Joe and Jill Biden, the future first lady told POLITICO in 2014.

During his time in the vice president’s office, Person kept Hunter Biden in the loop on the details of his father’s movements, according to Hunter Biden’s leaked emails, obtained by POLITICO.

Emails show that Person also occasionally consulted Hunter Biden on political questions, including discussion of which labor leaders to invite to the vice president’s second-term swearing-in in 2013.

After leaving government in 2014, Person went into business with Harves Corporation, a Chinese real estate developer, according to the emails.

Person was soon working to line up deals with Hunter Biden, according to the emails, which show him pitching his former boss’s son on a plan to develop SeaWorld parks in China in conjunction with Harves and the state-owned China Development Bank in 2015.

A series of WhatsApp messages between Person and Hunter Biden from the summer of 2017 show that discussions of potential partnerships lasted for years and included offers of personal financial help for Hunter Biden from Person’s Chinese business partner, Harves executive Bo Zhang.

The messages were included in an exhibit provided to the House Ways and Means Committee by IRS special agent Joseph Ziegler, who investigated Hunter Biden’s tax matters. Ziegler said in an affidavit that the WhatsApp messages summarized in the exhibit were obtained via search warrants.

In the messages, Hunter Biden detailed his daunting personal debts, while Person expressed a desire to work with Hunter Biden and said that Zhang was eager to provide the financially distressed political scion with monetary assistance.
“I’ve got one loyalty brother. That’s to my family. Your family,” Person, who did not respond to requests for comment, wrote in one July 27, 2017, message. “I talked to Bo previously about the 37K — he didn’t flinch. I will talk to him about 56K and possibly 100K. It really depends on his liquid assets in the US … I will ask. His only problem is getting large sums out of China (especially right now).”

Neither Zhang nor a lawyer who recently represented him in an unrelated lawsuit, Jonathan Pavony of Squire Patton Boggs, responded to requests for comment.

The next day, Hunter Biden asked if money had been sent, the messages show. In response, Person assured him that Zhang had just been to the bank and extended an invitation on his Chinese partner’s behalf.

“He also mentioned,” Person wrote, “that you should take a trip to China some time this month to just get away for a week or so … just decompress.” The messages do not make clear how much money, if any, Hunter Biden ultimately received from Zhang.

During his vice presidency, Joe Biden leaned on his son’s business partner, Eric Schwerin, to manage his personal finances.

Schwerin, who met Hunter Biden when they both worked in the Clinton Administration’s Commerce Department, went on to work as his lobbying partner.

At the beginning of the Obama administration, the pair co-founded Rosemont Seneca Partners, an investment and consulting firm. Schwerin also oversaw Rosemont’s finances and helped manage Hunter Biden’s personal finances. In those roles, Schwerin participated in and managed the tax implications of some of Hunter Biden’s controversial overseas dealings.

During the Obama years, Schwerin took over Joe Biden’s bookkeeping as well, he told congressional impeachment investigators in January, saying that the volunteer role entailed bill-paying and tax preparation.

Schwerin testified that Hunter Biden did not cover expenses for his father. “I do not recall anything,” he said. “It’s possible there were small things here and there, but I don’t recall anything major.” Schwerin added that Hunter Biden paid for a family cell phone plan used by his father and that his father would reimburse him for it.

Meanwhile, Schwerin’s day job kept him involved in Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings.

In one episode, Schwerin referred Burisma — a Ukrainian energy firm that installed Hunter Biden on its board in 2014 as it navigated corruption allegations — to the Democratic lobbying firm Blue Star Strategies for help with government relations, according to his testimony.

The referral worked out. Blue Star helped Burisma fend off a corruption investigation in Ukraine, before its work with the energy firm itself became the subject of a Justice Department probe. Blue Star belatedly registered as a foreign agent, but the DOJ probe was reportedly closed with no finding of wrongdoing.

In his testimony, Schwerin said that he saw no intermingling between the then-vice president’s finances and his relatives’ business ventures. “I am not aware of any financial transactions or compensation that Vice President Biden received related to business conducted by any of his family members or their associates,” he said, “nor any involvement by him in their businesses.”
In one episode, Schwerin referred Burisma — a Ukrainian energy firm that installed Hunter Biden on its board in 2014 as it navigated corruption allegations — to the Democratic lobbying firm Blue Star Strategies for help with government relations, according to his testimony.

The referral worked out. Blue Star helped Burisma fend off a corruption investigation in Ukraine, before its work with the energy firm itself became the subject of a Justice Department probe. Blue Star belatedly registered as a foreign agent, but the DOJ probe was reportedly closed with no finding of wrongdoing.

In his testimony, Schwerin said that he saw no intermingling between the then-vice president’s finances and his relatives’ business ventures. “I am not aware of any financial transactions or compensation that Vice President Biden received related to business conducted by any of his family members or their associates,” he said, “nor any involvement by him in their businesses.”

As the vice president’s physician during the Obama administration, army doctor Kevin O’Connor grew close to his primary patient. Bonds with the rest of the Bidens deepened over the course of the Obama administration as O’Connor — who now serves as Biden’s White House physician — assisted in the treatment of Beau Biden’s fatal brain cancer.

In 2017, when Jim Biden sought to build a healthcare empire in conjunction with Americore, he enlisted O’Connor’s help, according to emails obtained by POLITICO and Jim Biden’s impeachment inquiry interview.
As part of his work with Americore, Jim Biden wanted to partner with the Veterans Affairs Department to use vacant space at rural hospitals to treat veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder, according to his testimony.

As an example of the value he brought to Americore, Jim Biden testified that he sought help from O’Connor, who introduced him to a team of people involved in treating PTSD on military bases. “Our first lunch was in Alexandria, Virginia,” he testified. It is unclear whether the initiative progressed beyond initial talks. O’Connor did not respond to a request for comment left with him at George Washington University, where he is listed as an associate professor, and the White House did not respond to a request to make him available for an interview.

Emails obtained by POLITICO show that Jim Biden and O’Connor also met with the head of a Pennsylvania hospital that Americore was in the process of acquiring in July of 2017. “You and your team clearly share our vision,” O’Connor wrote to the hospital administrator, Beverly Annarumo, after the meeting, copying Jim Biden on the note. “And I look forward to seeing you again in coming months.”
>The referral worked out. Blue Star helped Burisma fend off a corruption investigation in Ukraine, before its work with the energy firm itself became the subject of a Justice Department probe. Blue Star belatedly registered as a foreign agent, but the DOJ probe was reportedly closed with no finding of wrongdoing
Oh wow! Is this the same corruption investigation against ukraine that was kneecapped when ol joe Biden strong armed Ukraine into firing Shokin so that his replacement could drop all criminal investigations a couple months later??

Oh wow, it is!
>when ol joe Biden strong armed Ukraine into firing Shokin
How did he do that?
>hurr durrr wait what? when? who? why??
Maybe pay more attention? Or go eat the soylent CNN has for you.
Are you pretending to be retarded?
>retardedly lapping up the same 6 year old debunked Ukraine story
Conservatives are really really dumb. You can just use the same lie over and over again with them.
Speaking from a very neutral pov, it very clearly happened and nobody even disputes it anymore except on news because we've all seen him brag about it.

the only disagreement is over *why* Joe Biden did what he did.

Was it organic us policy? Or was it Influenced by the fact that Joe was considered the front man for ukraine in Obama's administration, and hunter was paid very much to make this exact thing happen.
It didn't happen and furthermore it couldn't have happened. You are repeating Rudy Guiliani's 2018 conspiracy theory again.
>thinks vice presidents can fire people in other countries
>calls other people retarded
There isn't a disagreement. There's a few retarded /pol/ shills trying to pretend there's something there, as opposed to a series of European Countries that supported US policy here.
If your conspiracy theory is somehow true, whoever paid Hunter is a complete retard because they paid for something that was going to happen anyway.
Oh shut up retard. You saw the video just like the rest of us of Biden bragging about threatening US funding from Ukraine if they didn't fire the guy investigating Zlochevsky

Talking to you retards is like arguing with chatgpt, at the end of the day your just talking to an NPC that will never change it's programming until the devs step in
You saw Biden bragging about executing US policy that was in line with EU policy. I understand, you expect that everyone is spineless and greedy like yourself and your golden idol, but for most of US history foreign policy has been an agenda set by the president and his top aides in service of US aims, and carried out by lower members of the government. A vice president neither sets the agenda nor makes on-the-fly changes, they're just a mouthpiece for the actual policymakers.

I mean, don't they teach 14 year olds basic civics any more? Or did "small government" fanatics finally rip that of the curriculum?
What's it like being told by the doctor you have downs syndrome?
>Doing guilt by association
>For completely legal shit
I give literally zero fucks if every advisor in the Biden White House went into business with Biden's relatives at some point. If you have all these private comms and can't even show one fucking instance of Biden being involved in said businesses (which would only prove a politician is a liar with a conflict of interest, not even a criminal), this shit's a fucking nothing burger.

Motherfuckers, Trump was literally running the Trump Organization while in the White House. This Biden's friends should have sold their peanut farms to eliminate the appearance of impropriety bullshit isn't gonna fly. Fuck ALL the way off.
> “I talked to Bo previously about the 37K — he didn’t flinch. I will talk to him about 56K and possibly 100K. It really depends on his liquid assets in the US … I will ask. His only problem is getting large sums out of China (especially right now).”

It's amazing how chuds have been whipped into a frenzy over these 5 and 6 figure dollar amounts when Trump made at least $25 million in China while he was president, not counting the bribes from his hotel and golf courses, and then his daughter and son-in-law made much more than that.

It truly is comedic how they've rationalized away the millions in bribes Trump took but try to act like concern trolls when Hunter Biden makes money.
You may continue to cope

Reminder: this thread is not about Trump
This thread is about Trump you're just too dumb to realize it.
Thread title: Biden corruption reported by Politico
Ctrl+F article text for "Trump": Zero results

ok Trump shill, go ahead and parrot the same debunked talking points from 2018 for the 98348th time, whatever you say
Feel free to post sources that actually debunk what Politico is reporting on anon

DRRRUUUMMMPPHHHHHHH is not a source btw
>It is unclear whether the president’s current or former staffers are presently involved in his relatives’ business affairs.
Literally nothing to debunk my man but let us know if you find proof of something somewhere, not that you haven't been looking for 6 years now.
>this is debunked
>can you prove it's debunked
>no, but

Thank you for playing, don't forget to clock out of your shillshift, your supervisor says your over hours
>he wants someone to post the snopes link for the 93983875th time
Ahaha there's the gentle combo of sealion and gaslight I've come to expect from you.
I pointed out you've got fuck all before I engaged in any sort of whataboutism. I'd think this was all bullshit before I'd never heard of Trump. I just figured while I was calling you fucks liars, I'd also call you disingenuous hypocrites that actively support public corruption. If anything of meritous about government ethics is to be said, it won't be coming from your camp.

So I reiterate, fuck all the way off!
>boomer cry-typing
>republican acting like they aren't all boomers
>boomer tears intensify
Ngl, the leftist shillbots are literally melting tf down in this thread
>This thread is about Trump
Remember when Leftists/libtards were smart? Now all they do is just go, "NUH UH!!!!!!!! DIDN'T HAPPEN!!!! NOPE!!!!! NUH UH!!!!!!!!!!"
consecutive posts, absolutely seething
>reply boomer must reply
>4 people posted in a thread!
Go meltdown somewhere else
There aren't 4 people who believe Rudy Guiliani's conspiracy theories on this board.
Anon, it's a fact that hunter was paid by Burisma to get rid of the criminal investigation against Zlochevsky, it's a fact that Joe Strong armed Ukraine into firing Shokin, it's a fact that shokins replacement closed the investigation against Zlochevsky that very same year, and it's a fact that hunters firm celebrated this victory stating "they did it"

Idk what propaganda you've been reading, every thing I said is undisputed fact by literally everyone outside of you and your ilk on /news/ and various other online social media.

The only disputable thing is *why* joe did what he did
is russia winning

Irrelevant. These facts are based on congressional records subpoenaed during the impeachment investigation
Not anymore they arent
I accept your concession.
If you have no argument left you just shouldn't post rather than making yourself look like you lack a rebuttal.

The fact is those things happened, and the article you posted does not contradict any of the proven facts.
my link says otherwise. you dont have a source. go away.
Your link mentions a payment directly from Zlochevsky to Joe Biden which does not contradict anything I said here: >>1302692

I know you people have no critical thinking skills and you're just given canned responses to work with, but come on, try a little harder at your part time job before you go home to your tent behind Starbucks to smoke fentanyl all night.
Your link doesn't even debunk anything, literally all it says is one person wasn't around Burisma until 2017, and that persons testimony is inconsequential anyways in light of the subpoenaed records Congress has received

the link shows that it's all fake and gay. you cannot provide one source showing otherwise.
Yes you retard, I replied to you twice and it's obvious to anyone, because I didn't try to act like two different people, I simply stated two thoughts.

Lmao you are melting down hahahaha. Take some meds, anon
>the link shows that it's all fake and gay
Also, yes, it's me, no need to continue melting down (yet)
Your link doesn't disprove literally anything except what a single guy said which has nothing to do with anything I stated above.

There is nothing for me to prove, your argument is a non-sequiter and was unrelated to what I said.

You may continue melting down now at your earliest convenience lmao
still no source from you on anything. my link shows that information you have involving Burisma is wrong as the souce of the information was caught lying about it. Simple as.
You link has nothing to do with my claims
Your link alleges a $5mil payment to Joe Biden
I didn't say that.

Your link is shit, your reading comprehension is shit, and you literally have no argument

What do you want proof of on my part? I'll repeat my claims. Sealion for whatever you want proof of:
1. Hunter was paid by Burisma to help with burismas legal troubles
2. Joe Biden Strong armed Ukraine into firing Shokin
3. Shokins replacement closed the investigation against Zlochevsky later that year
4. Hunters firm celebrated the fact that Zlochevsky was off the hook stating "they did it"

Balls in your court, sealion. Go ahead and ask for proof of every claim like I already know you will, even though you know it's all true and that's why your posting unrelated articles.
still no source. sad. many such cases.
I asked which claims you wanted a source for, and you still are too fucking stupid to read.

Take the L and move on, retard. Pack your shit and get off this board.
whatever fuck it, I'll humble you again, btw please note that I am still the same person, plz dont have another meltdown like you did previously

claims 1 & 4 - this shows hunter was employed to help bursima with legal troubles, and hunters aids were celebrating when they were successful in getting the investigation against Zlochevsky dropped https://litter.catbox.moe/5h3yof.png
claim 2 - shouldn't even need to cite this, we've all seen the video. Here's a different take, its shokin accusing biden of corruption for strong arming Ukraine into firing him https://www.newsweek.com/former-ukrainian-prosecutor-viktor-shokin-accuses-president-joe-biden-corruption-1822498
Claim 3 - https://www.kyivpost.com/post/10044
I am not your monkey. you are incapable of providing a source for your words, it's fucking amazing.

this is my last reply to this thread.
imagine clicking that link. then you use newsweek and kyivpost. top fucking kek. you've exposed yourself. I'm out. bye.
How are there still people pushing this debunked claim in 2024? It's like people still accusing Clinton of illegal whitewater loans.
They can't run on their accomplishments because they don't have any. They can't charge Biden with something because they made it up. So they are left with years worth of rehashing the same allegations over and over. They can fundraise off of that, unlike when submit another useless anti-abortion bill or shut down the government or force a new speaker vote.
Kek the dnc sealionbot is broken, it got its sources yet it still kept asking for them
showering with your neice is gross sexual misconduct...
His fucking neice
It's amazing you can live in such an alternative reality
Are you outraged?
It's amazing you can call it an alternate reality when it's still happening.
Agreed. The investigation continues and the criminal referrals are ongoing.
This is no alternate reality, Joe's family is going to have more people living as convicted felons than trumps family
Are you not outraged?

Do you normally support pedophilia?
So people who worked for hunter at a company under investigation were happy that something favorable to them happened, and one man who was fired after joint pressure from the US and EU as party of their overall foreign policy aims blames Joe for his firing.

Truly anon, you've cracked the case.
Presenting it as a series of totally unrelated coincidences, with nothing to do with the fact Zlochevsky was paying them to do this, which just unexpectedly happen to work out in everyone's favor is definitely one way to spin it
>with nothing to do with the fact Zlochevsky was paying them to do this
>it got its sources yet it still kept asking for them
The sources don't contain any evidence of the claims being made
If you're going to just straight up lie and act like an illiterate retard, this conversation is over
>The sealioning continues
Exhibit 313: an internal email from hunters corruption racket celebrating that they did a good job getting Zlochevsky off the hook so quickly
Were you looking for this? It's the Burisma proposal to hunter Biden engaging him with "the ultimate purpose to close down for any cases/pursuits against Nikolay in Ukraine."
>It's the Burisma proposal to hunter Biden engaging him with "the ultimate purpose to close down for any cases/pursuits against Nikolay in Ukraine."
Well, no. The e-mail you linked is sent to Hunter Biden regarding the proposal to hire Blue Star PR firm, not Hunter Biden.This e-mail was sent November 2015. Hunter Biden had already been on the board for a year at this point. The purpose of a PR firm, as you know, is to improve a company/person's public image. The "deliverables" they're discussing are the goals they wanted as a result of hiring Blue Star. In the following e-mails they all decide to sign the contract with Blue Star. So you've provided me a link where several members of a company's board were discussing wanting to hire a PR firm to make the company look better. Can you explain to me the nefarious, corrupt plot going on here?
You know when you prove them wrong they're just going to make another thread and start the baseless accusation cycle over again, right? It's happened dozens if not hundreds of times on this board in the past few years.
>The "deliverables" they're discussing are the goals they wanted as a result of hiring Blue Star.
Which in their own words is: "to close down for any cases/pursuits against Nikolay in Ukraine."
It's right there in the email anon

What is your cope even at this point? That the pr firm hunter helped hire to " close down for any cases/pursuits against Nikolay in Ukraine." had nothing to do with why Zlochevsky was paying hunter?

Your mental gymnastics are world class
>Which in their own words is: "to close down for any cases/pursuits against Nikolay in Ukraine."
Okay. A company wants to work with a public relations firm to improve the company's image and neutralize any investigative pursuits against them. Again, I ask you, where is the corrupt plot here? What is abnormal about anything here?

>What is your cope even at this point? That the pr firm hunter helped hire to " close down for any cases/pursuits against Nikolay in Ukraine." had nothing to do with why Zlochevsky was paying hunter?
I don't know, do you have any proof whatsoever that Hunter Biden took any personal corrupt and/or illegal actions to shut down any case against Zlochevsky? If you don't then what you're giving me is a really cool story you have no evidence of.
You know everyone can tell when you start samefagging to prop up your losing argument, right? You've done it dozens if not hundreds of times on this board in the past few years.
You know everyone knows when you're desperate and don't have an argument because you start wrongly accusing people of samefagging, right? The liberals who live rent free in your head have forced you to do it dozens if not hundreds of times on this board in the past few weeks since you got here when Summer started.

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