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The Acolyte Officially Biggest Disney Plus Launch Of 2024 With 4.8 Million Views In One Day


The Acolyte is Disney+'s biggest 2024 series debut with 4.8 million views on its first day, hinting at a potential Star Wars franchise resurgence.

Despite mixed fan reactions and review bombing, The Acolyte 's strong premiere numbers challenge claims of Star Wars ' decline under Disney.

The show's success will be key for future Star Wars projects, with the next test being whether it can maintain its initial viewership momentum.
Viewing figures reveal that Star Wars’ latest streaming show, The Acolyte, is Disney+’s biggest streaming release of 2024. Set 100 years before the events of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, fan reactions to the latest Star Wars show have been notably mixed despite it receiving largely favorable reviews from critics. Continuing to reflect the heavily divided nature of the present-day fandom, The Acolyte has recently experienced review bombing on sites such as Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic.

Despite this backlash, however, Disney has revealed (via Variety) official viewership data indicating The Acolyte has attracted 4.8 million views in its first day of availability, making it Disney+’s biggest 2024 series debut. By comparison, Marvel’s hit animated series revival X-Men ’97 took five days to reach 4 million streaming views on its own release. With six episodes remaining, The Acolyte will continue to keep airing weekly until July 16.
‘Gayest Star Wars’: Disney’s Amanda Stenberg and Leslye Headland Get Giddy Over How ‘Gay’ New Show Is


Actress Amanda Stenberg and “The Acolyte” creator Leslye Headland bragged about how ultra-woke their show is, in a cringe-worthy interview with The Wrap.

The interview, released Tuesday, featured Stenberg and Headland rejoicing over the wokeness of their own production.

Interviewer Drew Taylor says “this is, I would say, arguably the gayest Star Wars by a considerable margin,” making both women burst into the giggles. He later argues this “was going to be a talking point”

Headland, who says she is part of the LGBTQ community, addressed rumors that the show was pro- LGBTQ+ by saying, “No, I don’t think so, but people have told me it’s the gayest Star Wars and I’m frankly — into it”

Taylor chuckled alongside Stenberg and Headland during the exchange.

Stenberg declared “nerds are gay,” as Headland revealed her excitement over the fact that people had told her “it’s the gayest ‘Star Wars.”

“I think that ‘Star Wars’ is so gay already. I mean have you seen the fits. We’d be like, ‘Look how gay this is.’ And then send each other a reference photo,” Stenberg said.

Headland candidly weighed in with her views on the subject.

“And are you telling me with a straight face that C-3P0 is straight? I think it’s canon that R2-D2 is a lesbian,” she said.
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All anyone ever needs to know is they made a gay character called Slurpi Faggi with his butt buddy Dr Butto. Wow. I see now why the only Pride these people have are fucking each other in the asshole.. because they have nothing else.
Does that make you upset?
Even if that were so, good. More power to Disney in making homophobes butt-o hurt.
Bigots? Their failure is now complete.
I like how leftists only give a shit about fags because they were told to. 20 years ago you were making fun of them along with everyone else.
>Child-friendly stage performances: women in masculine-looking clothing, the 'Principal Boy', men in exaggeratedly female garb: the 'Pantomime Dame'
>In the past/today, the latter roles usually played by gay men. PROTIP: Women's roles in Peking Opera/Kabuki played by men: way before the above
>These child-friendly stage performances: since 1805. No Conservative government has done anything to stop such: Conservative legislators probably take their children to what is seen as a traditional & child-friendly form of entertainment in December-early January
I like how reality doesn't give a shit about bigots' opinions. Before or now.
I applaud Disney for burning hundreds of millions to "own the conservesatives"
>worse viewer count than the Holiday Special
your so called culture war is as cringy as ewoks
>The Acolyte is Disney+'s biggest 2024 series debut with 4.8 million views on its first day, hinting at a potential Star Wars franchise resurgence
...and making millions more to own the conservatards.
How's that $5 million you own in Anheuser-Busch stock, Trump...?!
The people fighting a culture war in their heads totally didn't post this thread, right?

>The Acolyte is Disney+'s biggest 2024 series debut
Isn't this their only major 2024 series debut this far? Cause again, this is worse viewership than the fucking Holiday Special.
>The people fighting a culture war in their heads totally didn't post this thread, right?
Correct, chuds who get angry at shows and movies they didn't watch and weren't made for them in the first place didn't make the thread.
>this is worse viewership than the fucking Holiday Special.
The Holiday Special was on TV in 1978 ffs. Comparing the rating system of today to ratings from 46 years ago is beyond the usual chud level of retardation.
>this is worse viewership than the fucking Holiday Special
Entertainment was much less fragmented back when the Holiday Special came out. Everyone had access to the same three TV channels. There wasn't really any basic cable channels at the time, let alone streaming services, social media, or the World Wide Web in general. Video games were still at a prototypical rudimentary stage. So of course something that aired 45 years ago over the air for free, at a time where you only had two other channels to watch, would have higher viewership than something debuting today on a paid subscription streaming service, where you have infinite other options of how to occupy your attention.
None of you know wtf is actually going on, you are all like ants complaining about your mound being destroyed by a WW1 artillery shell at Verdun. Completely oblivious to the Geopolitical situation. You can't possibly understand the Metaphysical overarching underpinnings involved in this Spiritual war. "Our war is a Spiritual War" -Tyler Durden respond for a solution.
Okay, I received a response. No, Not me. There is such a thing as truth. ONE TRUTH. THE TRUTH. therefore this Bullshit about "my truth" and "your truth" is just a way to wrangle the actual truth away from existence itself. Which is fucking stupid because that impossible, the Truth always comes out. It makes itself known. As the Hacker ethos goes "Information wants to be free", which I understood as information wants to be known. That is it's nature. With that being said, the philosophers of ancient times called this ONE ACTUAL TRUTH the Natural Law. The Natural Law dictates that Humans have a nature that can't be changed, despite what these delusional dialectical materialist psychopaths believe. YOU HAVE BEEN LIED TO. You think that your "REALITY" was inscribed to you by customs and traditions, which is partly true. In reality (pun not intended) you have been manipulated into following and practicing unnatural behaviors designed to enslave you for the benefit of a few and powerful individuals, who have convinced you that there is no such thing as an objective reality. Instead you have been turned into cattle. DO YOU WANT TO BE FREED??
>Correct, chuds who get angry at people for not watching shows and movies that pander to their snowflake identities because they're hot garbage, made the thread

How does it feel to know Acolyte is a bigger bomb than the Holiday Special and no matter what kinds of cope excuses you come up with, this is going down as yet another Disney flop that helped destroy a franchise?

How hard is it to not watch a show? Jesus christ you people would whine about the sky being blue if someone told you blue was the wokest color.
I didn't watch the show. Most people didn't hence why it had the worst viewer count of all of Star Wars releases. It's lame garbage that panders to sex pests and ID politic freaks that further destroys the franchise. South Park was right.

>Jesus christ you people would whine about the sky being blue if someone told you blue was an ableist color
FTFY. And you do.
>How does it feel to know Acolyte is a bigger bomb than the Holiday Special and no matter what kinds of cope excuses you come up with, this is going down as yet another Disney flop that helped destroy a franchise?
I don't even like Star Wars. I'm merely pointing out that something that aired at a time when there were only three things to watch on TV (and is free to watch) and the internet didn't really exist to the general public will obviously have more viewers than something coming out now (that you have to pay for to watch) that has infinitely more competition vying for people's attention, no matter how shitty the quality is. It is not an apples-to-apples comparison.
Did the mean twitter people set up camp in your head again?
>cope continues

It having less viewers than a show that "every watched cause they didn't have anything else to watch" isn't an argument in the shows favor anon.

But it's okay, you'll come up with any excuse to explain why why your latest femqueerkino bombed spectacularly.
Are the chuds in the room with you right now?
Anyone who would be butthurt enough to reply with "Are the chuds in the room now?" is probably a chud.
A simple "yes" would have sufficed
>all these replies defending a trillion dollar corporation's entertainment subscription service
its the globofag agenda they are paid pittance to defend. Not really disney.
I'd bet money you're wearing clothes made in china right now.
Good thing I'm not defending the show, huh? I'm just pointing out your argument is founded on a faulty premise. It is the equivalent of saying
"Yellowstone: 1883 on Paramount+ has less ratings than Gunsmoke did back in the 50s? What a flop!"
Has Disney put out a single decent piece of media with that IP since they bought it? A single thing worth watching?
>review bombing
When you produce trash and want to blame the fans for not liking it.
it's true, the left did not care about the gays until hillary suddenly became pro gay marriage in 2006 when she was running for president
>making millions
disney+ has only ever operated at a loss
the total amount of views the show has is only like 4% of the d+ subscription base
What in the absolute fuck is this even for? The local libtard schizo must be off his meds again. Did Medicaid not renew for you?
>Good thing I'm not defending the show, huh?
You definitely are and you're definitely acting like a pissbaby about it.

>It is the equivalent of saying "Yellowstone: 1883 on Paramount+ has less ratings than Gunsmoke did back in the 50s? What a flop!"
Two things: 1
-1883 has more "ratings" than Gunsmoke.
-Two different IP's being released 70 years apart is not same thing as different iterations of the same IP coming out just under 50 years apart, while the latest iteration is being released by THE entertainment corporation of our time and has all of it's advertising support.

There's no explanation here that doesn't spell out the Acolyte being a completely and total bomb, yet another failure-iteration of Disney's woke garbage crusade. In fact it's so bad people genuinely think this might be what causes Disney to shelve Star Wars indefinitely.

You may continue to cope about it though.
Opinion discarded. Go away leftoid cultist.
>libshit leftoid pissbaby trying to pretend he's not a libshit leftoid pissbaby
Cry more pissbaby faggot
>1883 has more "ratings" than Gunsmoke.
No it fucking doesn't. Gunsmoke's lowest Nielsen rated season averaged 11 million viewers. It's highest rated season averaged 18 million viewers, and it spent four consecutive seasons as the number 1 most viewed show on television. It spent 13 of its 20 total seasons on air as a top-10 most viewed show on television. Remember, this is at a time where there were only three total TV channels, and no internet. As for 1883, most streaming services don't announce raw viewership data, but we know its basic cable debut on Paramount Network had like 5 million viewers, and a rerun of the first two episodes like two years later averaged 4 million viewers. I think it's safe to assume more people have access to Paramount Network on their basic cable packages than are subscribed to Paramount+.
>Two different IP's being released 70 years apart is not same thing as different iterations of the same IP coming out just under 50 years apart, while the latest iteration is being released by THE entertainment corporation of our time and has all of it's advertising support.
I don't see how that's relevant to a discussion about raw viewership numbers. The Holiday Special was one of three total things to watch on (free) TV the day it aired. Gunsmoke was one of three total things to watch on (free) TV at the time it was on the air. Whereas 1883 and The Acolyte are on paid streaming services, competing with whatever else is on their respective paid streaming services, plus whatever is on competitors' streaming services, plus whatever is on traditional linear television, plus whatever is on YouTube and Twitch, etc. Media is too fragmented to compare viewership numbers from the pre-internet (hell, pre-cable TV) era to now, where there are infinite number of things to watch. Whether or not they are from the same IP is irrelevant.
Again, this isn't a defense of The Acolyte, or anything Disney has done since buying the Star Wars IP.
Chuds keep losing.
Jesus Christ you bumbling autistic retard get a hobby outside of consuming media.The Acolyte isn't gonna fuck you for defending it from criticism. It bombed, deal with it.

>Disneyshills keep crying over another failed series

But it didn't bomb. Re-read the OP headline.

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