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More democrat corruption.
This time it's the Democrat governor of Arizona Katie Hobbs. Attorney General’s Office and Auditor General’s Office found out she accepted $400k from state-contracted group homes in exchange for preferential treatment.

Her crimes include bribery, fraud, conflict of interest, illegal expenditure of funds and procurement code violations.

Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs accused in ‘pay-for-play’ scheme allegedly benefiting Democratic donor

Authorities are looking into allegations of a “pay-for-play” scheme that might involve Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs and a Democratic donor that operates state-contracted group homes.

The state Attorney General’s Office and Auditor General’s Office have indicated they are launching probes in the wake of an Arizona Republic story published Wednesday that details the appearance of preferential treatment for Sunshine Residential Homes.

Sunshine, a private company contracted by the state Department of Child Services (DCS) to shelter neglected and abused children, made donations totaling $400,000 to Hobbs’ inauguration committee and the Arizona Democratic Party in 2022 and 2023, both before and after Hobbs was elected, the Republic reported.

Since Hobbs took office, Sunshine is the only group home operator to receive approval for a rate increase from DCS, and no other operator is paid as much per child, according to the state’s largest newspaper.

State senator seeks answers about alleged ‘pay-for-play’ scheme
In response to the reporting,

Shope suggested that the situation might violate state laws involving bribery, fraud, conflict of interest, illegal expenditure of funds and procurement code

Shope suggested that the situation might violate state laws involving bribery, fraud, conflict of interest, illegal expenditure of funds and procurement code.
Shope noted that Sunshine is under investigation for the 2022 death of a 9-year-old boy in its custody.

“Knowing Arizona’s governor and the Arizona Democratic Party are providing preferential treatment to a facility alleged to have engaged in negligence leading to the death of a child is unconscionable,” he said.

The Attorney General’s Office told Shope on Thursday it will be opening an investigation.

“The Criminal Division of the Attorney General’s Office is statutorily authorized to investigate the allegations and offenses outlined in your letter,” Nick Klingerman, Criminal Division chief counsel, wrote in a response to Shope.

Maricopa County Attorney’s Office could be involved in investigation
Shope wasn’t the only legislator to contact the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office about Sunshine. Republican Rep. Matt Gress, chairman of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, told Mitchell on Thursday that the state Auditor General’s Office was prepared to partner with her on an investigation

“Make no mistake, we will allocate the resources the Auditor General needs to help restore what appears to be a major breach of trust in our government,” Gress said in a letter to Mitchell.

Mitchell responded Thursday with a letter addressed to Shope and Gress. She said the Auditor General’s Office had contacted her Wednesday about working together on the case.

“My chief deputy is scheduling a meeting between the Auditor General’s staff members who will conduct the investigation and assigned staff from my office,” Mitchell wrote. “We will keep you both apprised to the degree possible as we take next steps in this matter.”
Hobbs hits turbulence, with judge ruling against her in unrelated case
It’s been a tough few days for Arizona’s first Democratic governor since 2009.

On Wednesday, a judge ruled that Hobbs illegally appointed “de facto” agency directors while sidestepping opposition to her nominees by state Senate Republicans.

Hobbs didn’t have the authority to install “deputy directors” to lead 13 state agencies after multiple picks were rejected by the Senate Committee on Director Nominations following often-contentious hearings, according to the ruling.
I see the DNC shillbots don't even want to touch this spicy potato
It's not a good look for the democrat crime syndicate
>my imaginary opponents with the imaginary crimes I've imagined up for them are up for some real imaginary consequences.
>why don't dems care about my schizo conspiracy beliefs?
Your desperation is satisfying.
Lmao, meltdown much?
There's nothing to meltdown about, to be honest. Anybody can google "Democrat corruption" and cherry pick whatever articles fit their narrative. It isn't a difficult or convincing means of political rhetoric.
>Anybody can google "Democrat corruption" and cherry pick whatever articles fit their narrative. It isn't a difficult or convincing means of political rhetoric.
Yeah pretty much agree. Making articles on democrat corruption is like daily reporting on the sunrise.
Everyone knows it's happening, and at a certain point, it's repetitive
This is basically why nobody will actually do anything. It's the same shit every 4 years.
>Oh, the democrats are profiteering from corruption?
>Oh, the democrats are trafficking children again?
>Oh, the democrats tricked us into conforming to bullshit policies because they were financially invested in drug/arms manufacturers?
It's actually fucking boring how corrupt the democrats are.
who let this 0/10 shill in here? what happened
Good post
>t. gets all their news from substack and Newsmaxx
Thanks anon, perfect example of your mental illness and schizophrenic ideations.
Nobody has ever made a thread on /news/ citing newsmaxx http://archive.palanq.win/news/search/text/Newsmaxx/type/op/ and the only op's that even mention substack are literally 95% ones posted by leftist shills with op articles from sources such as axios and the daily beast, which are citing substack as their source: http://archive.palanq.win/news/search/text/Substack.com/type/op/

You have successfully proved your craziness to everyone. After such a grueling effort, maybe you should take some meds.
>Regurgitates schizo child trafficking democrat conspiracies
>Calls other people schizo
I've never seen projection this strong before. You must be very practiced at this.
>Regurgitates schizo child trafficking democrat conspiracies
I see you are still in the throes of a schizo-manic episode imagining false realities of things that never happened.

I urge you to see immediate medical treatment
>I see you are still in the throes of a schizo-manic episode imagining false realities of things that never happened.
See >>1302936

>I urge you to see immediate medical treatment
You're very good at projecting but very bad at gaslighting. I would work on that if you're going to try to shill here professionally.
I only come here to poke fun at the resident schizo. I'm probably going to hell for it, but he'll be there for supporting Democrats, so we'll be able to continue our arguments for eternity.
Oh I see. Someone else posted something and you think it's me, got it.
There's more than you and I online, anon

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