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Congress has made additional criminal referrals against both Hunter, and now James Biden for lying under oath.
Comer, after criminal referrals, pledges to go after Biden

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) said Sunday the criminal referrals against President Biden’s son and brother are “just the beginning,” as he pledged to focus on the president himself in the next stage of his impeachment inquiry.

“Remember, this is an investigation of Joe Biden,” Comer said in an interview on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo. “Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Eric Schwerin, Devon Archer — these are all witnesses in an investigation of Joe Biden. This was always about Joe Biden.”

“Now, we’re going to do everything we can to hold Hunter Biden and all the different shady associates accountable. This is just the beginning,” he continued. “But the next step will be accountability for Joe Biden.”

The interview comes after leaders of the impeachment investigation into Biden asked the Justice Department this past Wednesday to bring criminal charges against the president’s son, Hunter, and his brother, James, accusing the duo of lying to lawmakers during conversations with investigators.

The criminal referrals escalate the stakes of the impeachment inquiry, which has grown quiet in recent months as the investigation has failed to produce evidence of any criminal wrongdoing against Biden and as support for the inquiry appears to have died down.

But in the Sunday interview, Comer suggested he has no intention of ending his inquiry, accusing Biden of committing “many crimes” and teasing a soon-to-be-released report updating the public on Biden’s alleged crimes.

“And I think everyone that’s kept up with this investigation will be very eager to see what the next step is,” Comer said.
“This is the first step, these criminal referrals,” Comer said. “Everything that we refer to the Department of Justice is within the statute of limitations. In fact, there’s five-year statute of limitations. So, if Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice doesn’t take this up in an appropriate manner, then the next administration and a new attorney general certainly can.”

The Hill has reached out to the White House for a response, but did not receive a reply due to the ensuing Democrat meltdown.
>House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) said
Stopped reading there. Why does anyone still listen to this guy after he was so thoroughly disgraced?
to be a republican is to be infinitely engaged in imagined soap operatics
Very distasteful but typical Democrat post
Are you outraged? Should someone apologize?

Comer wasn't the one lying under oath. That was the bidens.
>Republican bad! Orange man bad!
>Republican bad! Orange man bad!
>Republican bad! Orange man bad!
>Republican bad! Orange man bad!
>Republican bad! Orange man bad!
uh huh.... yea... we get it..
>Congress has made additional criminal referrals against both Hunter, and now James Biden for lying under oath
To be fair, all they had to do was tell the truth.
Why were they willing to break the law and lie under oath? What were they trying to to hide?
Where did you see someone doing that ITT?

>Earlier in the day, Massachusetts Democratic Rep Stephen Lynch, a decades-long member of the Oversight Committee, told Republicans that so far, “You’ve actually provided more evidence to impeach Donald Trump for a third time than you have in so much as laying a glove on Joe Biden.”

>“We keep on hearing about the ‘Biden family,’” he explained. “When you hear someone say, ‘the Biden family,’ that translates to: ‘We have no evidence on the president so we’re going to use the Biden family to try to implicate President Biden.”

>He also called out those across the aisle for their “bumbling and shifting arguments” that he claimed have “done nothing more than exonerate President Biden.”

>Earlier this month, Mr Comer invited Hunter Biden and his associates to testify before the committee.

>Former Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas also testified, saying he was “witness to numerous efforts to prove that Joe and Hunter Biden were linked to corruption in Ukraine.” Mr Parnas said that after travelling around the world for a year — as he was tasked to do by Mr Giuliani — he found “precisely zero evidence of the Bidens’ corruption in Ukraine.”

>Last month, the arrest of FBI informant Alexander Smirnov poked a sizeable hole in the Republicans’ impeachment inquiry. Mr Smirnov had accused Joe and Hunter Biden of being involved in a bribery scheme.

>February’s indictment branded these allegations, which once added fuel to the inquiry, as “false derogatory information.”
Republicans crying and shitting their pants trying to cope as usual...
Lmao, you people are delusional, why would a republican cope over the fact that there are even more criminal referrals, joes brother is now facing criminal charges ffs.
There's additional criminal referrals for even more members of the Biden Crime Family.
Every time a Biden gets referred for criminal charges, an angel gets it's wings
>“We keep on hearing about the ‘Biden family,’” he explained. “When you hear someone say, ‘the Biden family,’ that translates to: ‘We have no evidence on the president so we’re going to use the Biden family to try to implicate President Biden.”

In this case you can't even implicate the Biden family so you're left going after perjury charges. This is the same GOP congressional hearing playbook during an election year they tried on Hillary in 2016 and on Eric Holder before that in 2012.
If they weren't guilty they wouldn't be lying under oath to cover up their crimes.
Shrimple as that.
If they were guilty you wouldn't be hearing about it 7 years after it happened from known liar James Comer.
>“Remember, this is an investigation of Joe Biden,” Comer said in an interview on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo.

Fox News is not a credible news source. They said twice in court they are entertainment, and they settled out of court for 787.5m admitting guilt of lying aka fake news.
What lies?
This is just a bullshit report that lying under oath supposedly happened, but with no evidence or proof.
They have nothing
>Fox News is not a credible news source
Did fox news make the criminal referrals?
Oh, you're just dilating...
>It's all fake!
That's what you fools say every time the Biden family gets criminally indicted. You people still think the laptop is fake.
>That's what you fools say every time the Biden family gets criminally indicted
What are you talking about? The only person who has ever been indicted for anything is Hunter.
Did you not say it then?
What are you faggots at in trying to pin crimes on Biden? 0 out of some high number.
The real story is how you keep falling for this jingling keys where they pretend corruption is coming, but it doesn't. For years.
Biden's battery's ran out just standing up and shaking somebody's hand
This was his d-day 80th anniversary talk
Check out the reaction of the vets behind him on stage shocked they are watching the president have a stroke right in front of them https://files.catbox.moe/4gv4r5.png
Funny as fuck. Biden either shit himself or had a stroke
(Yes these are all me, libshits, don't have a meltdown plz, I posted multiple times, kthxbye)
Got another angle of Biden pooping and/or stroking out on stage, or idk kinda looks like a hobo who just smoked some fentanyl https://youtu.be/XLgHwn5pLf0
this is my fifth post in a row and i'm a faggot
Shut up retard. Idk, go polish biden's knob or something
i'm also a schizo who talks to myself
>(Yes these are all me, libshits, don't have a meltdown plz, I posted multiple times, kthxbye)
That does seem to really upset them here. Why is that?
Trumpfags continue melting down about the Felony confirmation, demand that Biden either go senile or become a felon to make things fair.
Unfortunately, reality continues to be biased against them.
>demand that Biden either go senile or become a felon to make things fair
He's demonstrably half of those already, the second half may happen yet.
The funniest thing about all of this is that his support never faltered. It only got stronger. Now you've resorted to simply screaming at everyone to stop supporting him. It's hilarious but sad. And pathetic. The harder you squeeze, the more it slips from your grasp.
I think it has to do the the low intelligence of the DNC shill. He lacks the ability to differentiate between posting related thoughts in multiple posts, and trying to trick people into believing you are multiple people.

Multiple times in the past I've posted 2 or 3 related thoughts in a chain, continuing the train of thought, and he believes there was trickery afoot.

Even more, I've posted a reply to someone else agreeing with them and he also replies with accusations of foul play.

But alas, leftists are statistically just plain mentally ill when compared with the general population. It's less than ideal, but that's the reality of the situation
>The funniest thing about all of this is that his support never faltered. It only got stronger
You're half right. His support never faltered among his base. It never really does. His support absolutely, 100% faltered with nearly every group not in his base. MAGAfags make the mistake of thinking that the hip hip hoorays they see on /pol/ and rumble are somehow representative of the broader electorate. They're not.
Sounds about right. Mentally unstable, low IQ, likely a newfag paid to shill here. Imagine how badly you must've fucked up to get assigned this site. Shills get paid per post, and you got stuck on the slowest board. This place is so fucking slow I stole both the 1.2 and 1.3mil gets.
Yeah... too bad for your delusions that over 60% of that record 54 million dollars raised came from small donors who never made a political donation before.
I'm sure you'll just say it's a lie. It has to be, right?
>hip hip hoorays
Who the fuck talks like this on 4chan? Nobody, that's who.
Cease fire, retard. I'm on your side.
Is this the kind of circle jerk bot posting you guys do on /pol/ all day?
I circle jerked your mom.
Cuz she's trans.
and your adopted
Whoops. It's late here. Nearly midnight. Long flight. I re-read your post.
>Yeah... too bad for your delusions that over 60% of that record 54 million dollars raised came from small donors who never made a political donation before.
That doesn't contradict anything I've said. It's a complete non-sequitur. There's no metric on the planet in which Trump is gaining in literally any electorate outside of the one that already overwhelmingly votes for him. Its like the #1 reason he lost 2020 - his complete inability to court independents, moderates and the undecided.
By the very definition of contradiction, it absolutely did.
It proved your point wrong, and refuted it entirely.
If it was from more people than voted for or donated to him before it may mean something.
At the moment it just means he's draining his followers dry to cover his legal bills, which is good for America as a whole as it takes money away from MAGAfags
>By the very definition of contradiction, it absolutely did.
It didn't. I said "Trump did not strengthen his electorate with anybody other than his base" and your response was "Well he got a lot of donations from small donors".

>It proved your point wrong, and refuted it entirely.
It didn't. Not even remotely. All of the polling shows pretty concretely that independents, moderates and undecideds are distancing themselves from Trump more and more every day. Trump getting a lot of fundraising money doesn't refute that.
>get record-breaking 52 million dollars in donations
>majority of it comes from people who've never made political donations before
>"This isn't proof of a strengthening support..."
This is basic propositional logic, anon. If A then B then C. If you want to substantiate the argument that Trump is gaining support outside of his base then show me any evidence whatsoever. Give me a stat showing that the majority of these donations are coming from electorates outside of his base that have no history of donating to him before. Give me a poll or aggregate of some kind showing that his support among moderates or independents is going up since his conviction. This could not be simpler.
>Nooooo you can only argue within the confines of the debate I have set forth which gives me an automatic win scenario noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Polls mean fuck all. Polls said Hillary had an over 95% chance of victory.
And the source for the donations came from Trump's team. But I guess that doesn't count as they're all big meanie weenie poopy head butt face dirty birdies. :((((((
salty thread
If the money came from people who voted for Trump in the past but didn't donate to him before, then he gained 0 support.
You're a retarded faggot who doesn't understand logic, which is why you're easily swayed by your biased media.
Indeed. But let's assume that Trump appeals to more than just those evil MAGAs that haunt your dreams.
No worries. Get some rest, Anon.
these retards have had literally four years to impeach joe biden for these crimes they're referring

where are they?
>the study doesn't say what you claim it does
>but what if it did?
deep thoughts from small minds
Uh huh. Trump is like le bad because um... Rawstory said so? Everyone hates him because... polls???
Whatever man.
>resorts to reddit talk
you need to go back
When you go back to your Share Blue bosses and hand in your resignation is when I'll finally make a Reddit account.
>If the money came from people who voted for Trump in the past but didn't donate to him before, then he gained 0 support.
Not sure why other anon is shitting himself so hard to insist that it MUST be new voters when every actual election and exit poll for the past 4 years has shown Republicans (and Trump in particular) losing ground in the center.

If he's bringing in new donors, why aren't they voting?
>>majority of it comes from people who've never made political donations before

Reading comprehension is difficult for /news/hill libshits
its guaranteed that not everyone that already supported Trump has donated to his campaign. you have no proof that the donations came from outside his base
>you have no proof that the donations came from outside his base
And you have no proof they didn't. Why don't you file a FOIL request since you're being such a pissbaby about it?
>If he's bringing in new donors, why aren't they voting?
Election's not 'till November, dumbass.
Not him but do you really think Trump is going to win over some magical new legion of voters who didn't vote for him previously? It sounds pretty far fetched.
Ahh you're the board schizo, got it. Thanks for warning me before I wasted 20 minutes arguing with your mental illness.
>wont file a FOIL request
>will keep crying and responding because he has to
How does it feel to know you're stuck replying in multiple threads because you can't walk away as part of your job being a shill?
I wouldn't know because you're actually responding to multiple posters and making a giant ass of yourself, but you're used to that I'm sure.
>no proof they didn't
think for a moment
chud headcanon is so weird
You only have trouble with this because all your information comes from places that only reports negatively, or incorrectly on Trump.
The rest of us are just interested in fact.
>The rest of us
Yes, everyone knows you and the rest of the Trump cult think he dindu nuffin and is being horribly persecuted by liberals. No one outside of the Trump cult agrees with that.
>wanting facts makes you a cultist
Lol. You sound more like a cultist.
Trump was found guilty. Cope.
Under spurious circumstances, in a district hostile to him, by a judge that refused to allow his defense to call witnesses.
According to whom?
>under regular circumstances, in a district Trump lived in until he became president, by a judge who made sure his defense had every chance
fixed that for you. Trump had a fair shake.
He admitted to paying Daniels years ago, this wasn't unexpected.
Biden should now give his son a pardon for the lolz.

That's what Trump would do
Paying Daniels wasn't a crime, though?
You better tell Michael Cohen that because he went to jail for it. Also Trump was an "unindicted co-conspirator" for years before they finally indicted him.
Show me where it was a crime.
Nah, go review the court transcript if you need a refresher.
They went through it.
Literally what this entire case was about. But the Fox News brainless just repeat the bullshit “the 5” keep repeating about “but what was the crime!!?!?!?”

Then the guest they have on tells them about the crime and the court case literally happening and they respond with “but what is the crime?!?!?!!”

Fucking pathetic bootlickers. Trump would step on your face if you were dying In the street and in his way.
So what was the crime?
everyone is noticing that you didnt answer the question
>I live in an information vaccum and don't have google
everyone here is sick of your tard-tier sealioning
I don't want an answer from google. I want one from you. I want to know what you understand of the situation.
You're not even good at the sealioning, you're supposed to sealion over things that aren't major headlines in most newspapers.
>no proof they didnt
do you really not have the mental capabilities to see what is wrong with that statement?
I'm not familiar with your idiotic leftard buzzwords. What do you understand of the situation? What is your belief?
If I may be frank, I think you don't understand it at all, or know that maybe your information was incorrect. You're afraid to be called out on this, or exposed. So you do everything you can to avoid an actual discussion.
>sealioning intensifies
No one cares what you are familiar with. It's better to leave you pretending you don't already know while you impotently stammer over Trump getting convicted of a felony by a jury of his peers.
>i don't have an understanding of the things I discuss, so I resort to using buzzwords to dismiss my detractors
Leftism really has become the ideology of idiots and buffoons.
>it's enraged again
Now say it without crying.
Leftism has always been hypersocial parroting of the current propaganda. The college protests got attacked by police because asking Israel not to genocide Gaza wasn't an approved message.
NTA but I'll do my best to help you
>What do you understand of the situation?
Trump was found guilty a bunch of times for crimes he committed
What is your belief?
I believe it to be true
>If I may be frank, I think you don't understand it at all, or know that maybe your information was incorrect. You're afraid to be called out on this, or exposed. So you do everything you can to avoid an actual discussion.
I disagree.
Literally true
>leftists are idiots and bafoons
>rightists frequently and easily defeated by idiots and bafoons
Put me down for $500 on Biden over Trump.
Who is supposed to believe this?
Objective people
The leftist voters are a lot of idiots and buffoons.
That's why they are easily led by propaganda. They have simple minds.

And there's simply more stupid people out there than intelligent people, hence, their numbers
Objective person here. I don't believe it.

Be sure to donate your entire paycheck to Trump's legal defense.
>That's why they are easily led by propaganda. They have simple minds.
Says the party of pizzagate, voter fraud conspiracies, birtherism and qanon. Your projection is quite impressive.
good. I hope he goes to jail
All leaders worldwide need to go to jail, on charges of: war crimes against humanity + massive unfair tax-thefs + abuse of power. Then have all their positions abolished.

The greed of Big governments and Big corporations are the root causes of massively unjust sufferings of this world. Anarchy is the best solution for world peace and happiness: fight on even ground, community vigilantes and neighbourhood watches for the win.

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