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People were apparently paid to attend Donald Trump's rally in Las Vegas, Nevada, on Sunday, according to Tennessee Democratic election commissioner Chris D. Jackson, although it's not clear who did the paying.

Jackson, who criticized Hungary's autocratic leader, Viktor Orbán, for endorsing the ex-president, took to social media over the weekend to draw attention to a Craigslist post appearing to offer payment for attendance at the MAGA event.

"BREAKING: Trump Caught Paying People to Attend Rally," the official reported. "A Craigslist ad has been found offering payment for people to attend Trump's rally in Las Vegas today."

He then continues:

"Remember the video from a few days ago where Trump was waving at a non-existent crowd? It appears EVERYTHING IS A FACADE. The media wants you to think Trump has enthusiasm, but the facts say otherwise."

He added, "If you are interested in making some money to donate to the Biden campaign, here you go," and linked to the posting.

"I guess they don't want to have another bust like this we're 2,500 show up and they claim it was 30,000," Jackson said, referencing Trump' event in the Bronx. "It really is sad."

The posting itself is titled, "Paid to attend Trump rally! (Sunset park)."

"Looking for someone to attend the Trump rally on Sunday. It would be a marketing promo so we would ask you to wear a shirt of the brand and also carry a sign. Bonus payment ($50) if you end up on broadcast!" the online advertisement states. "Picking up shirts / signs + attending event estimated at a total of 3-4 hours of work. $75 flat payment + $50 potential bonus. We ask that you take photos of the event for confirmation and marketing purposes."

Unreliable source.
he has always done this, nothing new
Interesting how the media refuses to report this.
Imagine if Biden paid people to show up to his rallies like Trump. It would be the number one story.
The cope just keeps coming and coming!

No way that many people support Trump!
>overwhelming support at rallies
He was found guilty in a sham trial, surely this will show his supporters his true nature!
>100+million in donations
He had over half the country voting for him last election, the numbers are real
>Hes paying people to show up to his rallies!

This bot is broken already and we're only 3 posts in.
Is it already TDS schizo hours?
What does The Daily Show have to do with it?
Even your own story you dumb shit..
>Looking for someone to attend the Trump rally on Sunday. It would be a marketing promo so we would ask you to wear a shirt of the brand and also carry a sign. Bonus payment ($50) if you end up on broadcast!" the online advertisement states. "Picking up shirts / signs + attending event estimated at a total of 3-4 hours of work. $75 flat payment + $50 potential bonus. We ask that you take photos of the event for confirmation and marketing purposes."

Its a job listing for the event retard.
Its amazing how much dirt you guys make up on this man.
Are you denying Trump paid actors to dress as supporters? You know there are videos, right?
no i am not denying you are retarded. A hinderance upon the world.
The Biden shills getting increasingly nervous every week we get closer to November is continuously amusing
t. 2020 Trump voter
>Biden shills
No such thing. Biden voters are voting against Trump, not for Biden.
>You know there are videos, right?
It's on brand for Trump
>Go through all these extra hoops or we won't pay you
And then he didn't pay them anyway.
Mossad propaganda. Hahahahah
Democratic plant in craigslist
Don’t be so stupid
he paid people 50 bucks to be at the first event with the escalator, i dont know why youd think he wouldnt do it again.
Except the Israeli's back Trump because he's a good goy.
You failed right out the gate.
>Bidenshill noises intensify
We know
Biden voters are victims of their tiny reptilian fear brain. It overwhelms their executive reasoning abilities
Because not wanting a narcissist idiot dictator who shits in a golden toilet and has never worked a hard days work in his silver spoon life to be the leader of our country is “lizard fear brain?”
Every accusation is a confession, anon. You gotta remember that when talking to chuds. They're the ones who vote for a far right populist who says that the country is going to burn and everyone is going to die if he isn't installed as dictator so they project that unrelenting fear and panic onto everyone around them because they don't know how to process the emotions.
>Every accusation is a confession
Which is Trump and the Republicans in a nutshell.
>Interesting how the media refuses to report this.
The media still entertains Trump as an "embattled, controversial figure" instead of a career criminal and rapist (sex trafficker...Epstein, beauty pageants, hotels) who tried to start an insurrection with an election fraud hoax. They cover his trials as if there's some semblance of legitimacy to his defenses when every shred of evidence proves him guilty in the extreme and his lawyers are skirting the edge of sanctionable offenses. Trump is forcing them to make literal rookie mistakes that receive immediate reprimands from judges because his entire mythology is based on persecution rather than responsibility.

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