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In France Le Pen has won the election with record votes.
Imagine my shock when absolutely nothing changes.
Macron isn't going anywhere. LePen is too old and out of touch.
Everyone here is American. Now get this shit out of here
This post has not aged well.
Sacre bleu where is me mama?
>Elections in France announced barely twelve hours ago
>OP has mistaken Navy La Penis for Sir Keir Starmer
...but then it's easy for rightards to be retarded enough to be confused as it's in the vicinity of Europe. The rightard La Penis was destroyed by Le Makron previously - twice - so the OP's opinion has been just as obliterated by his Dark Matter Gun
the american rightoids or the french rightoids? Wow! these alt right rightoids seems to be in every country these days... isnt that weird? Im sure its just Putins fault tho amirite???
>right wing wave sweeping across Europe
Beautiful lmao. Same thing happened in 2016 with Brexit being one of the most notable outcomes.

Reality continues to have a right wing bias
This thread is full of kneejerking far right retards, so here is what really happened:


The center-right European People’s Party is projected to win 191 seats in the EU assembly and remains by far the biggest group. The EPP garnered a few more seats, but the parliament is also expanding from 705 seats in 2019 to 720 seats this year, so the increase was marginal. The second-biggest bloc, the center-left Socialists and Democrats, lost some ground but with 135 seats comfortably retains its place. EPP lead candidate Ursula von der Leyen had flirted with parties to the right during election campaigning, but after early results were announced she called on the socialists and pro-business liberals to work together in a pro-European alliance.

The far right still has a small minority in the EU assembly. The center right (neocons) have the largest majority.
>This thread is full of kneejerking far right retards, so here is what really happened:
>Leftists BTFO
FTFY lmao
The left and far left still have 3x the amount of seats the far right has.
>leftists still whining in a leftist btfo thread
You may continue to cope
Leftists weren't btfo like you seem to think
>can't even greentext properly
look at this fucking idiot paid shill
I've noticed how you people become grammar nazis when you don't have an argument.
>dEbAtE mE
No. Fuck off, paid shill. You outed yourself as a fuck up and an outsider.
>the election tourist is claiming home soil again
oh that never happens
>What Macron was at - awarding Legion d'Honneur to US veterans - 96 hours ago: and why
Utah. Omaha. Gold. Juno. Sword. The Solution to the Nazi Problem.
>...at the going down of the sun, and in the morning: We Will Remember Them
Macron didn't forget. Nor have most people in France: certain people then: the Resistance. What happened to collaborators then.
Why the Le Pens have failed. Good. Why /pol/ppets that have infected /news/ will always fail. Even better.
Nazis >>1302804 >>1302808 in one way, Nazi lovers in others, I guess
What happened to Nazi lovers in France after Operation Overlord 80 years ago, don't forget.
Oh no. Please. Don't threaten me with violence for disagreeing with you. Please. Anything but that.
Not that you'll do shit anyway. Faggot.
Imagine self identifying with the nazis so much that you take the previous post as a threat.
It's almost as if most people don't like epidemics of homelessness, drug use, and crime, all of which are part and parcel of leftist governance
Seems like the French people are sick and tired of the woke agenda and so many voted for LePen that the results couldn't be manipulated.
chud headcanon is wild
Don't worry. Reality does infinitely worse to Wehraboos than mere 'violence' ever can: terminal butthurt over the ultimate superiority of Jews and the fact their Fuhrer failed against them.
Amazon certainly ensured their adaptation of that written by Philip K. Dick will never be a documentary. Good.
Something else on TV a couple of decades after WWII, certainly shown since (watched an episode or three of such the other day; no doubt I wasn't the only one as it's considered THE definitive WWII documentary series) The World At War. Narrated by Sir Laurence Olivier. He played a Nazi in Marathon Man: then a year later a Nazi hunter in The Boys From Brazil. A speech in a film adaptation of Shakespeare's Henry V: the main role played by Olivier. Said speech in said film: in 1944.
A film then. Streamed series made between 2015-2019: one of Amazon's most watched.
The former inspired those to victory 80 years ago thus VE Day. A streamed series that will never be a documentary. That, and Jews/Israel still exist to this day: as opposed to a 'Thousand Year Reich' that barely lasted twelve. Jews are the Ubermensch. /pol/ppets aren't: and they're eternally butthurt about that.
That's why the likes of >>1302815 and all Nazi-larping homos will eternally suffer. Good.
Oh ffs the democrat shillbot is the on the fritz again
If you think this is fake you should tell the French government that their election was headcanon
oh ffs the /pol/bot is on the seethe again
le pens have always been fake, or marie/jean-marie would have been president before now
And we already regret it....
>what happened 80 years ago
...and since then, reality has an anti-nazi bias. if hitler was so great, why couldn't he win world war two? checkmate, rightards.
I know reading comprehension is too hard for you so I'll spoonfeed you. It was an EU election, not a French one. Macron called for a French snap Presidential election in the future based on the results. LePen didn't win anything and Macron didn't lose anything.
Noo!!!!!! I've been called a nazi for not agreeing with some random anonymous poster on the slowest 4chan board!
yes. the slowest rightard is a nazi, otherwise it wouldn't be butthurt about that which makes it butthurt
Noooooooo!!!!!!!! He did it again!!!!!!!! Not the nazi word!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you don't want to get called a nazi stop getting mad when someone says something about nazis.
Lol do you really think anybody here is mad? Do you think anybody here is actually a nazi, or defending nazis? I know you think you're the smartest kid on the block after your first semester at college, but politics is actually far more complicated than this puddle of piss you think is deep.
yep, by replying again the retarded autismtarded wehraboo /pol/bot is seething again about that which makes it butthurt. if it isn't a retarded autismtarded wehraboo /pol/bot it won't show its autistic self in this or any other thread in /news/ again. it knows what it'll be admitting to all sane people here if/when it does.
Can you repeat that in English? Try using real words this time.
...and the illiterate rightist proves it's autistic, thus inferior, by replying
I don't know what the fuck a 'autismtarded wehraboo /pol/bot' is supposed to be referring to. Could you explain it to me?
>it can't figure things out for itself
You have to be 18 to use this board
C'mon little college freshman. Use your words. Real words. Speak like an adult.
Holy shit you're mad
>can't figure things out for itself
You have to be 18 or over to use this board. Certainly have the ability to figure things out.
Any response other than 'I know exactly what you're talking about' proves you're too young to be here.
When you can come up with an argument that doesn't rely on made up words, then you can call someone else immature.
The mad person is the one that has to resort to insults and negative associations when disagreed with. No, sweatpea, not everyone right of left-of-center is a "nazi." That's just your inability to deal with people who don't agree with you.
The fact remains the poster jumped to defense of actual 1940s nazis when someone said a negative word about them. For that he will always be labeled a nazi.
>calls someone 'immature'. says the following:
>puddle of piss
ah the hypocrisy of right wingers exposed, it knows no depths.
Last 14 years of Tory leadership has made Britain into the poorest country in Western Europe; every big city is littered with crackheads, teenage immigrant thugs and hundreds homeless people.
Everyone who disagrees with you is part of the enemy group. Always. Because nobody else could ever possible have an issue with the stupid shit you say. The absolute state of your narcissism.
Nobody in this thread jumped to the defense of Nazis, you stupid clown.
And Tory policies are leftist policies.
>But the le tories are the le right wing chuds le binaries!!!!!!!!
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a goddamn duck.
>stupid shit
...ah, there's that hypocrisy of theirs again. It knows no depths indeed.
Now type it without getting tears on your keyboard.
If you think labour is going to anything but further that same shit you're mad.

This all started under labour. Mass immigration, social justice, put or control spending, no rules and happy claoo living, it's all from them. The tories just had to make do with it cos the public wanted it, until they now don't.
Chud headcanon is so wild
I dunno bros, I like being slightly to the left myself
>always voted since I turned 18
>always voted Labour
>living through 1979-1990 made sure of that
>don't care about your retarded opinions. Will never care about that Poundland Mosley faRAGE, nor its retarded opinions. Voting Labour to destroy Tories and (Un)Reform(ed): No 'Meme' Politicians Allowed. No 'Populism' Allowed (certainly post-the Poundland Trump Boris 'Bozo the Clown' Johnson). No Fun Allowed. Make Politics BORING Again
Don't care. Still voting for Labour. Taxi for Sir Keir: to No. 10...!

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