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Donald Trump will sit for a virtual interview with a probation officer from his home in Florida on Monday, part of the sentencing process for his felony conviction in the New York hush-money case.

The first former US president criminally convicted, Trump will appear from Mar-a-Lago and will be seated alongside his lawyer Todd Blanche, a source with knowledge of the matter told CBS News, the BBC's US partner.

A New York City probation officer will use the interview in a pre-sentencing report for Justice Juan Merchan, who is currently deciding what punishment Trump must face.

Trump was convicted last month of 34 counts of falsifying business records and is expected to be sentenced on 11 July.

Defendants are typically required to attend probation interviews in person, but exceptions were likely made for Trump due to the high-profile nature of his case, an expert told the BBC.

It would be too disruptive for the former president to come to the probation office in New York City, said former New York Supreme Court judge Diane Kiesel.

"The press would be all over the building and the Secret Service would have to be there, too," she said. "It makes more sense to do it this way."

Convicts in the New York Court system do not usually have their lawyers present for probation interviews, Ms Kiesel added.

However, Judge Merchan has allowed Mr Blanche to appear alongside his client on Monday.
Pre-sentencing reports include information about nearly every aspect of a convict's life, including where and when they were born, their marriages, criminal history, financial means, health and overall living arrangements.

The probation officer will ask Trump to talk about the crime he was convicted of, Ms Kiesel said.

She said most defendants will simply say they intend to appeal against the verdict - as Trump has said he will do - or decline to comment.

The reports are used by the judge to inform what punishment should be given.

The interview is often an opportunity for a convict to argue for leniency in the sentence.

The reports of the interview are confidential and will only be made available to the judge, the defendant and the lawyers in the case, Ms Kiesel said.

Jurors found Trump guilty of falsifying business records to conceal hush money payments made to former porn star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential election campaign.

Most legal commentators believe that Trump is unlikely to face any jail time, given his lack of criminal history and age.

Trump is the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. He has repeatedly claimed without evidence that the prosecution in New York is politically motivated and an attempt to prevent him from retaking the White House in November's election.
Trump visits Western Wall: Yarmulke and all.
Farage condemns attacks by Hamas on Israel.
Make of that what you will.
Unfortunately for Trump, Probation means he'll probably be drug tested as well.
Being caught for his nose candy problem or having to stop is going to fuck him up either way.
Can't wait.
I came to shit post you... but nah go ahead. your posts shit themselves
>you're stupid but... I have no proof
typical republicunt response
>Unfortunately for Trump, Probation means he'll probably be drug tested as well.
>Being caught for his nose candy problem
'Many guests used club drugs, and they often engaged in open sexual activity on the club's balcony and in private basement room'
'The nightclub was also frequented by many gay celebrities, leading Anthony Haden-Guest to write that the club became "one of the single most effective showcases for newly visible gay clout"'
'Donald and Ivana Trump'
No Trump voters, you are the degenerates.
And then Donald was a coked-up - then locked up - zombie.
>Heres my baseless theory that Donald Trump is a rabbid cocaine addict.
>Lemme tell you about this one gay club in NYC
Lmao libshit headcanon gets wilder and wilder by the day that source literally says he visited a single time on opening day
You're mixing up your stories. Its Donald Trump Jr, Vince McMahon's son, thats a rabid coke addict and proof that Trump is a cuck.
Trump snorts sudafed to get his pseudo meth hits
Wow. You really drive home the fact that leftists are statistically more mentally ill than the general population
At least when leftists get mentally ill they just hurt themselves. When conservatives get mentally ill they write 500 page manifestos and gun down a dozen people in a Walmart. Quality over quantity, anon.
The meme begs the question - do slavs push individualism on others while practicing collectivism themselves?
Which side is supporting genocide again?
Both sides?
Too bad that most mass shooters are leftists.
Rightists aren't sending their best here, folks. It's not doing it's best in its attempts to change my mind with its retarded opinions., nor will it ever.
Don't care about its retarded opinions or its Criminal-in-Chief, still voting Biden.
>in 2020:
>Republicans Against Trump
>Republicans For Biden
Did they disband after a certain night in late 2020...?!
most of the folks here are still learning english as a language, much less america as a culture
I see you're still in that rebellious, "FUCK YOU, DAD!" stage.
>thinks everyone else in 4chan MUST think exactly as it does
Got news for ya, bub: there are those here who don't: and considering your retardation - as proved - here, the likes of you are even more reason why those not exactly like you are voting Biden. I see no reason why we shouldn't, if what you suggest otherwise is the... 'alternative'. Just ask those in Republicans For Biden, certainly in Republicans Against Trump: a senior member of such is a conservative pastor and a father of children
>that rebellious, "FUCK YOU, DAD!" stage
Well, these adults - certainly fathers - are rebelling against your orange 'Dad': are they the only ones, especially after the previous midterms: the 'Red Wave' that wasn't a trickle...?!
>Too bad that most mass shooters are leftists.
Sure, on opposite day.
Uh huh. So you're saying that Biden, with all his family problems, and all his obvious issues with children is superior to Trump because... you just say so? Wow. Riveting argument, 'ya' got there, 'bub'.
>conservative pastor
This means as much to me in this context as "liberal scholar" would.
Especially if it's thinking that anything from either of these mainstream parties is worth a damn, let alone from the Democrats, in terms of what's good for the family, children, or conservatism. All of this hinges on someone feeding into your false narrative built solely around propaganda.
Every day is opposite day when you think a man can become a woman.
...and I'm still voting Biden. Your opinions will never change that: nor of others who have rejected the orange retard. Good.
>Every day is opposite day when you think a man can become a woman.
I sense a bit of sexual tension. Do you find yourself bringing trannies up a lot or is it only when you lose debates?
Unlike you, I don't give a shit who you vote for.
Do you, or do you not think a man is capable of becoming a woman?
>Do you, or do you not think a man is capable of becoming a woman?
Conservatives are the only group wasting brainpower on this.
I accept your concession. You think it's possible, therefore you live in fantasy land and your opinions can easily be discarded as the inane ramblings of a moron.
nah, you're just projecting and repeating things your biased media tells you.
No one thinks a man can become a woman, thats not even something transsexuals believe.
Uh oh, stinky! We have an alt-right fascist nazi chud!
awww, she's rustled because someones not following the script
must be hard being a /pol/fag, maybe you should go back to your containment board
Won't you come with? You'll be at home there.
No, I'd rather follow up on Trumps probation story than talk about transexuals, but you can talk about your obsession as much as you want on /pol/.
There isn't a limit on creating threads there, so you can talk about your love for transgenders in dedicated threads instead of derailing anything you don't like into a discussion about your obsession with transsexuals.
Yeah, too bad you started it by bringing up mass shooters. :(
It was a bad thread, anyway.
>I don't give a shit who you vote for
>but in replying, I do
...so you agree that people shouldn't give a shit for the orange retard: including you? Think very carefully before answering.
In what context should I not care?
The thread is fine. You're a bad poster.
>Trump snorts sudafed to get his pseudo meth hits
Sudafed never worked.
The same context I have: not caring about that orange retard. It's mere existence is context enough for me to not care about what happens to that thing. It can be Locked Up and die in prison for all I care. I don't give a shit for that thing: why should I?
Trump gets the real stuff from Europe. That picture he posted where he’s eating a taco bowl, there’s a drawer full of European packaged Sudafed behind him that he forgot to close.
Felon Trump has his gun license revoked.
He may face federal charges, if he doesn't give up the gun he transferred to Florida

He's also getting his liquor license revoked. His gold courses are fucked.
You left out the part where he's ineligible to vote in Florida now
haha holy shit it's real
Desantis can restore Trump's rights. Any governor can, even for out of state crimes.
Dream on
No he can't, what the fuck are you talking about?
republican fantasies

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