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The initial airing of a Fox News interview with Donald Trump last week cut out the former president saying he may not declassify federal files about convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who maintained close relationships with dozens of politicians, celebrities and other public figures before being found dead in his jail cell.

The discrepancy was first reported on Sunday by Semafor’s Max Tani, who found that the president’s June 2 interview on “Fox & Friends” only included the first part of Trump’s answer to host Rachel Campos-Duffy’s question: “Would you declassify the Epstein files?” In that airing, Trump replied, “Yeah, I would,” and the segment ended.

But Trump’s full answer played later on Will Cain’s Fox News radio show, revealing that he quickly hedged his response, Semafor found.

“I guess I would. I think that less so because, you don’t know, you don’t want to affect people’s lives if it’s phony stuff in there, because it’s a lot of phony stuff with that whole world. But I think I would,” Trump said.

When Campos-Duffy asked him if he thought declassifying the documents would “help restore trust,” Trump reiterated he’s not sure what he’d do with the Epstein files.

“I don’t know about Epstein so much as I do the others,” he continued. “Certainly about the way he died. It’d be interesting to find out what happened there, because that was a weird situation and the cameras didn’t happen to be working, etc., etc. But yeah, I’d go a long way toward that one.”

Fox News, a network with a history of friendly Trump coverage, did not respond to a request for comment.

Some people affiliated with Trump have been mentioned in unsealed documents about Epstein, who was awaiting trial for sweeping sex trafficking charges when he was found hanging in his cell in 2019. Among them is Alan Dershowitz, a lawyer for both Trump and Epstein. Virginia Giuffre, an alleged victim of Epstein who once worked at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago property, said in 2014 the financier trafficked her to have sex with Dershowitz.
>“I guess I would. I think that less so because, you don’t know, you don’t want to affect people’s lives if it’s phony stuff in there, because it’s a lot of phony stuff with that whole world. But I think I would,” Trump said.
Trump confirms he's in Epsteins files.
If he were going to declassify shit, he'd have done it while he was president the first fucking time, during which time Epstein died while in his custody.
why doesn't biden do it lmao
Because um... SHUT UP CHUD!!!!!!!!!!!
>Trump confirms he's in Epsteins files.
Everyone's in those files. The moment you finally accept that Trump is as much a member of the swamp as all the politicians that Raw Story and MSNBC told you to like, is the moment it finally dawns on you that "democracy" is a sham.

We've been telling you about the Uniparty for over a decade now. When are you finally going to accept it?
Because simply flying on Epstein's plane is different than spending whole weekends on his island.
Yeah, well, you know such subtleties are not at all taken into consideration.
The fact says he's going to cover them up when Trump weaponizes everything is extremely damning.
Also the fact that Fox is censoring damaging information proves once again they should get their press pass revoked.
>still struggling to accept the simple fact that all of these people are on the same side together against you
Seriously. It's time to stop this farce.
>being too dumb to recognize massive differences between the two party platforms
Just stay home and don't vote. The country would be better off that way.
Yeah bro. They're so different. That's why they all vote together when it comes to fuck us over.
Yea like how they all vote to take away women’s rights over their own bodies. Or vote to give massive tax cuts to the rich, or vote to block student debt reform that would help the poor. Or vote to stop funding for veterans, or vote to defund the post office, so many things they do that affects us all negatively… or wait, that was just republicans, while Democrats fight for the people and try to stop republicans from passing those bills.

Yeah exactly the same…
>vote to take away women's rights over their bodies
Murder isn't a right.
>massive tax cuts to the rich
Oh no. How terrible. Are you jealous?
>vote to block student debt reform
1.) You took a loan.
2.) Pay it back.
>vote to stop funding for veterans
Sounds like something Dems do.
>defund the post office
That's awful. Defunding the post office? Is that like defunding the police?
>Democrats fight for the people
Oh cool the thinktank squad is here
Destroying liberal arguments, one thread at a time.
So you admit you're a Republican shill. Interesting to see the 'both sides' argument being used to excuse Republican crimes.
Nope. Just someone that hates libtard liars and likes to antagonize them.
There is a horrible crop of chud summerfags this year. Bad harvest.
Gonna cry? Piss your pants?
Stop replying to me, groomer
You have to be 18 or older to post here. :)
>felate the rich!
>screw the average American!
This is destroying liberal arguments?
summer posting quality is way down this year
Nah, you're a Republican shill.
/pol/ chuds don't know the difference between liberals and leftists. they think they're the same thing so they constantly oscillate between both positions thinking they're pointing out hypocrisies when in reality they're just retarded and have no clue what they're talking about.
Who said anything about either?
Oh wait. You're one of those retards that thinks if I don't irrationally hate people for being wealthier than me, then it means I hate myself?
Vs you retards that think everyone who disagrees with you is a goose-stepping Nazi.
>Vs you retards that think everyone who disagrees with you is a goose-stepping Nazi.
So you agree that /pol/ chuds don't know the difference between liberals and leftists and that leftists think everyone who disagrees with them is a nazi. I can generally agree with that, sure.
So you agree that you consider everyone that disagrees with you a goose-stepping nazi?
You're answering my question with a question. Your response to my claim was making a counter claim of your own. So, you agree. /pol/ chuds don't know the difference between leftists and liberals and leftists think everyone who disagrees with them is a nazi. As far as online discourse goes I think that's a fairly accurate comparison. When you made the counter argument you said nothing that contradicted what I said so I'm just assuming you agree. So you agree, right? Yes or no. Don't dodge the question.
You answered my question with a question.
Don't like it when your bullshit is thrown back at you, huh?
>You answered my question with a question.
Incorrect. I made a statement here >>1303270
. You responded with this whatboutism here >>1303324. I asked you a simple question here >>1303331. You dodged it by asking me another question here >>1303351. This is why whataboutism is a poor debate strategy - you basically just admit you can't defend your position.
Nah. You got your own tactics turned on you and you don't like it.
How about this. I'll answer your question and then you answer mine. No, I don't think everyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi. Yes, I think its fairly common for online leftists to think anyone who disagrees with them is a Nazi. I also think its fairly common for online conservatives to falsely believe liberals and leftists are the same thing. I've answered all of your questions. Now, your turn.
It's actually pretty difficult to differentiate between your two groups nowadays simply because most of you scream the same bullshit. There. Happy?
>It's actually pretty difficult to differentiate between your two groups nowadays simply because most of you scream the same bullshit
I can understand that if you're a moron, sure. I can explain. Leftists and liberals don't even remotely believe the same things. Liberals believe in democracy, capitalism, the existence of a standing military and police force. They generally support electoralism and enacting change through the institutions of governance. Leftists are generally the opposite. They believe in change through revolution. They don't believe in capitalism. They believe in the abolition of the police and the military and instead of social change through governance they advocate for things like mutual aid, charity, and collectives over state or nationwide policy. Leftists, in fact, lump liberals in with fascists because in their minds liberalism is just a stage in the process of fascism. They're the ones in 2020 who said there was no difference between voting for Biden and voting for Trump. I can keep going if you like.

>There. Happy?
That wasn't the question. My original statement was that online conservatives think liberals and leftists are the same thing. Your whataboutism response was "well what about lefties who think everyone is a Nazi" to which I agreed. So, to ask for a fourth time, you agree with my original statement? Yes or no.
Continuing this further is an exercise in futility. For a moment I thought you might be reasonable, but instead you're just a snake like the rest of your ilk. I've answered your question, and now you want to put the screws to me? Here's your concession, you miserable twit. I give it to you out of frustration and disappointment.

Call yourselves different things, and make believe your preferred religions are different, but in the end you have the same soul.
>Continuing this further is an exercise in futility. For a moment I thought you might be reasonable, but instead you're just a snake like the rest of your ilk.
Well, no argument yet. Lets see if you come up with one later in the post.

>I've answered your question, and now you want to put the screws to me?
You didn't answer the question. I asked a simple yes or no question five separate times and you dodged it each time. The "screws" I'm putting to you is a simple argument illustrating the difference between liberals and leftists. You have absolutely zero counter argument. You can't explain why anything I've said is wrong.

>Call yourselves different things, and make believe your preferred religions are different, but in the end you have the same soul.
So you have no argument for why anything I've said is incorrect. You can't explain why my definitions of liberal and leftists are wrong. The only response you could dig out with the entirety of your logic was "Well, you have the same souls!". Absolutely pathetic. Thanks for the conversation, anon.
>Liberals believe in democracy, capitalism, the existence of a standing military and police force.
Left-sided liberals are leftists, retard. They believe in sacrificing individual liberty for the collective good and adhering to authority in pursuit of that goal.
This is why so many of them are clamoring for Trump to be put in jail. They don't care about democracy. They just want Their Guys to win at all costs.
You are literally describing the alt-right. Except they will defend Trump no matter what he does. Because he tells them being hateful and bigoted is good. Being a selfish jerk is good. It’s the Jordan Peterson grift. You tell angry boys that their anger is good and they are victims for being told their anger is bad. Then those boys will defend you with their anger.
inb4 "no such thing as the alt right"
Good post
Low iq take
seething retard
What has Bill Clinton said about this?

Leftists are essentially aristocrats, they see everybody has filthy peasants too stupid to live their own lives.
The Right: control books, control gender, control sexuality, control women’s bodies, white people are better then other races because for god, control drugs we deem bad but promote alcohol, control religion. Control the media(in all right ruled countries the media is state media only.)

The Left: maybe people different than you deserve the right to exist and if they are not hurting anyone we should let them be? People are not a monolith of their social equivalents and we should judge each person on their actions and words not what group you associate them with?

Yea it’s the left who want who think they need to tell people how to exist…
but I thought leftists were homeless crackheads living in tents behind starbucks? GOP messaging is confusing.
Have you asked Jimmy Carter?

Was Jimmy Carter fucking underaged chicks pimped out by Epstein?
Was Bill Clinton?

Rightwingers are by their nature reactionists, they generally go about doing their own thing until Leftists force their way into average American's lives, whereupon the Right tries to push back against the insanity.

Leftists put inappropriate books in schools; Rightwingers call for book bans. Leftists try to groom children and turn them into trannies; Rightwingers call for restrictions on "transitions". Leftists push uneducated and criminally prone minorities into White neighborhoods, Rightwingers flee further into the 'burbs, etc.

A Rightwinger may also see someone as a filthy peasant too stupid to live their own life but they'll let them fuck up on their own if that's the case, as long as they don't intrude on the Rightwinger's life.

Aristocratic Leftists see it as their _duty_ to control everyone and everything, all for the good of humanity of course...

>Was Bill Clinton?

pics or it didn't happen
Everything you said is only true if you ignore facts. You claim gay people or trans people are child groomers or whatever that conservative talkie g point is that you all spew now to justify your gay hate. But in reality the large majority of child groomers are straight men. This is just a fact that completely goes against your narrative.

Same for minorities. The large majority have never committed a crime. A much smaller percentage of minorities commit crimes specifically violent crimes compared to the percentage of white citizens s who commit crimes.

Same for education. The percentage of immigrants with an education is higher than the percentage of educated white citizens. This is just factual and contradicts your bigot narrative you use to justify your bigotry.

You only proved my point with your little comment. Keep proving your desire to justify fascism.

Bl Clinton went to Epstein's Pedo Island multiple times but Israel's Mossad is protecting him as that was the whole point of their blackmail operation with Epstein.

Meanwhile, after almost a decade of the Mainstream Media, the Dems and even his own fellow Reps trying to fuck over Trump, the best they could come up with is him paying off an adult porn star to keep quiet about sucking his dick.

If there had been ANY kinda evidence of Trump using Epstein's "services", it would have been front page headline news.
Trump talked openly about his “friend” Epstein who “like em young.” Those are Trumps own words that you can look up and watch him say on video right now.

You could go and fact check this yourself in 2 minutes if you would like to know the truth about Trump and Epstein instead of parroting cult like defense of him.

If you care about reality at all.
it's straight up propaganda.
>If you care about reality at all.
it's not even a question of if anymore. they 100% do not care
you're right, if there had been ANY kind of evidence of Trump raping and killing a 13-year-old girl Maria with Jeffrey Epstein in 1994, that would have come out in court documents from another one of Trump and Epstein's many child victims.
The man fucked a bunch of 15 year olds but he's not a murderer
12 year olds, dude
>Fox & Friends”
It's hilarious how one of the most popular chud segments reads like a childrens TV show about animals going on adventures.
>Rightwingers are by their nature reactionists
Because they're authoritarian by nature where they want the elite chosen to rule. This is how they're being reactionaries.
This has been the case with theocracy, monarchies, and any authoritarian government.
How quickly the Republican shills deflected and derailed... Heritage Foundation REALLY doesn't want to show this to the average MAGA voter, huh?

To get the thread back on track, why do you think FOX censored this information? The editing is blatantly disingenuous, they cut out a minute of Trump waffling and made it look like Trump was as direct on the Epstein question as the previous two...

Also worth noting the CIA almost certainly has all this information already, and really wants Ukraine to be funded and supported. I'm thinking Trump has a nasty October surprise waiting for him if he doesn't change his tune on NATO and Russia, fast!
>To get the thread back on track, why do you think FOX censored this information?
One of the big cruxes for Republican propaganda outlets like Fox News is repeating QAnon talking points where they are righteous and everyone else is child molesters.
The fact that Trump would cover up for the 'enemy' would start to raise some questions that can't be easily spun away. So better to just censor it so the Republican sheep aren't aware.
Same thing happened with his criminal trial. if you have all the information, it's pretty clear he's guilty. But if you lived the Conservative media bubble, they've got all these excuses why it was unfair for Trump to held accountable.
gotta keep the reptilian brain firing
post more fear stories about brown people then
> Trump makes an off-hand comment
Guilty of being a pedo!
> Clinton goes to Pedo Island multiple times
Yeah, that's nothing...
>off-hand comment
shitty damage control when videos like this exist
These are also the same people who say Biden is a dementia-ridden old man who's losing his mind but they also believe he is some Machavellian puppet master. Make it make sense.
>Leftists put inappropriate books in schools
Righties don't even want sex education for children. Teenagers are going to have sex, that is a fact you Bible thumpers need to accept. Educating them about it is the way to go.
>Rightwingers call for restrictions on "transitions"
Righties said it was about "the kids" but now they're advocating to raise the age to start cross sex hormone therapy to 25. But not a word about kids straight out of high school joining the military. You people are deceitful.
>Leftists try to turn children into trannies
Yes, retard. People just wake up one day and say "oh, I'm trans!" It's definitely not a gradual thing that starts when a trans person is young. Most trans people transition in their late teens/early 20s anyway.
>Righties don't even want sex education for children.

Sex education when I was growing up (class of 1986 here) was basically a plumbing class and that's all that was needed, we learned about sex the proper old fashioned way; old porno magazines left in a tree fort by older boys. Nowadays, sex education is nothing more than Leftist grooming in an effort to turn kids into trannies.

>they're advocating to raise the age to start cross sex hormone therapy to 25

You have to 18 years old to legally get a tattoo in the U.S. but according to the Left-Dems, we're to believe that kindergartners are fully capable of making an informed decision to chop off their dicks and shoot up female hormones.

>People just wake up one day and say "oh, I'm trans!"

I'll take "Lefty propaganda brain washing" for a 100 shekels, Alex.
When were you first indoctrinated by the far right?

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