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File: Detroit tri-county.jpg (165 KB, 818x634)
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My formerly lily White home town is rapidly becoming Detroit. Couldn't find a picture of the perpetrator, so it's obvious that he's black (the name also gives it away).

June 10, 2024

Carjacking results in charges against man, 15-year-old boy in Warren
Man, teen robbed seller of four-wheeler

A 20-year-old man and a 15-year-old boy have been charged in connection with a carjacking in Warren.

Allegedly, on Friday (May 31), Larry Moses, Jr. and the 15-year-old boy went to a residence where a four-wheeler was being sold.

Police say one of the two pulled out a gun and pointed it at the seller before fleeing on the four-wheeler.

The owner of the four-wheeler got in his truck and followed the two before being shot at multiple times by the defendants as they fled the area.

The 15-year-old was charged with carjacking, a life felony, assault with intent to murder, a life felony, carrying a concealed weapon, a five-year felony, and felony firearm, a two-year mandatory felony.

Moses Jr. was charged with carjacking, a life felony, assault with intent to murder, a life felony, carrying a concealed weapon, a five-year felony, felony firearm, a two-year mandatory felony, and possession of a firearm by a prohibited person, a five-year felony. Moses is also being charged as a habitual second offender.

Moses and the 15-year-old boy were charged on Monday (June 10) in Warren District Court, where bond was set at $1 million with no 10% for each person.

The two have a probable cause conference scheduled for Thursday, June 20, at 9:30 a.m. and a preliminary exam for Thursday, June 27, at 9:30 a.m.
>i can't prove he's black, but I can feel it in my retarded, racist bones
I'm sure you think it's a white dude, that it's normal to assume as such, and that such a thought isn't inherently racist because the authority figures told you so.
So long as they approve of your thoughts, that's all that matters, right?
Not him but what made you assume he was black besides your racial prejudice?
>Larry Moses Jr.
Ya this guy could be a Mormon white guy for all we know...
White people commit most of the crimes in America.
you're the only faggot assuming race here, thats the only reason you posted this article.
It was better when you didn't leave your containment board, and better before you came here from reddit
What is inherently black about the name "Larry Moses Jr"?
he black
I'm not claiming there isn't a possibility of the guy being black. But, what is it about the name "Larry Moses Jr" that makes it a "black name"?
So you're saying they're jewish? Why do you hate jews?
I'm not saying anything. I asked a question about how someone can conclude the race of someone based on their listed given name being a diminutive of Lawrence and their listed surname being a biblical figure and having a generational suffix.
>formerly lily White home town
>Warren, MI

were you born before 1940?
Whoa! cool it with the anti Semitic remarks there Adolf.

I was born in 1967 and up until the House Bubble popped in 2008, Warren MI was 90%+ White.
>Warren was a sundown town: an all-white municipality that outlawed the presence of people of color after sunset. Those who violated this social order were subjected to violence.[15] In 1970, Warren had a population of 180,000, with only 28 minority families, most of whom lived on a U.S. military base. As of 1974 African Americans were almost totally excluded from Warren,[16] In 2000 Warren had less than 3% Black population,[16] compared to 80% in adjacent Detroit.

Growing up in Warren, there were zero blacks kids in my elementary school, one in jr.high and two in high school (class of 1986) crime was basically non-existent except for a bit of spill over across 8 Mile Rd. from Detroit.

Warren was the #1 city in the U.S. with a population over 100K for longevity of residency, with the average resident living here for 30 years and more often then not, their kids taking over the house when they passed away.
Went to elementary school in Warren during the 90/00s. There were only between 1-3 token black kids in any given classroom. A few years later, if you were to drive past one of the South Warren HSs at dismissal, almost all black. Graduated 2010 at a neighboring suburb school. My parents left Detroit, while I was young, as part of white flight, and my mom left Warren because of that reason too.

Yeah, Warren is going down the tubes. I drive pasts my old high school (Mott) on occasional after school lets out and I see there are now all kinda blacks going there.

As of 2020, blacks are now a bit over 20% of the population with the expected results.

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