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An Idaho man antagonizing people near Division Street and Second Avenue in Spokane as he streamed it live on his YouTube channel had multiple chances to leave before he shot and seriously injured a person Friday night during a confrontation, according to court records.

Prosecutors have charged 36-year-old Hoyt Webb, of Coeur d’Alene, with shooting and injuring an unarmed man upset with Webb’s provocative language and video recording of people who asked him to stop.

“You went to this location for your own entertainment,” Court Commissioner Eugene Cruz said at Webb’s first appearance in Spokane Superior Court Monday, “strictly to antagonize the folks experiencing homelessness and hardships.”

In his hourlong video that Webb posted to his “Kootenai County Press” YouTube channel, he is seen walking down Second Avenue and Division Street narrating about “crackheads” who were hanging around the area notorious for criminal activity such as open drug use and violent acts. The video ends after police say Webb shot 47-year-old homeless man Thomas Hatch, who remained hospitalized in critical condition Monday morning, according to Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center spokesperson Allie Hyams.

Hatch’s older brother, Eric Kessler, told Cruz during the court hearing his brother is “barely clinging to life.” He left the courthouse in tears Monday on his way to the hospital.

“If his heart stops again, they can’t revive him,” Kessler said after the hearing. Hatch was homeless because he had an accident as a child that caused him neurological damage, Kessler added. It’s why he fell into the wrong crowd. But Kessler still loves his “baby brother” no matter what, he said.
Webb says on his YouTube page he is a “credentialed reporter and photographer with The Constitution First Amendment Press Association.” The association gives out free press credentials to people who apply for them, according to its website. The association tells people to “beware” of “qualified journalists” who have biased interests. It offers anonymity to its members.

Under Webb’s “Kootenai County Press” page, he has multiple videos of himself traveling throughout Washington, mostly in Spokane, and goading employees and police officers at various locations.

Webb, who is wearing a Trump 2024 hat in the video and holding a selfie stick, is seen in his livestream motioning the camera toward the 7-Eleven on South Division Street to his viewers and repeatedly telling them, “Spokane, Washington, ladies and gentlemen.”

Spokane Mayor Lisa Brown last Tuesday declared an emergency for the area specific to the city’s opioid crisis.

Few people are seen at the 7-Eleven at the time he is recording. Some who pass by in the video flip him off, and he shouts expletives at them.

After seeing a man with a knife downtown, Webb walks back to his parked car and retrieves his gun, telling his viewers, “It’d be a bad idea if they pull anything out on me, ’cause I’m pro-Second Amendment.”

At one point, a man walks past Webb with a confused look on his face. Webb claims the man “ran up” with a knife, but no knife is visible in his video.

Other people nearby begin to approach Webb and tell him to leave after he walks through a group gathered along a sidewalk about a block south of Second near the corner of Short Avenue and Division. He yells back he is “constitutionally protected,” the video shows, and claims people are holding knives, guns and rocks. A rock is seen laying in the street, but no other weapons are visible in the video.

At this point, “Webb still does not retreat,” Spokane Police Detective Kelsey Walker wrote in court records.
Webb then claims he was attacked with a pipe wrench, but the video doesn’t show anyone near him at the time.

“I’m trying to help you guys,” he claims, but does not elaborate how he intends to do that.

The confrontation escalates as he screams at people to drop a rock he claims that at least one of them is holding. A man nearby is heard saying, “Nothing on me,” though later a woman could be seen throwing one, which fell far short of where Webb was standing.

Webb at this point is yelling at people to get back. He shouts the full sentence “I feel threatened” numerous times. At one point, two women and a man walk across the several lanes of Division Street as traffic stops. One of the women is taking her own video of Webb as the man yells at Webb, asking him how it feels. More people are milling about and walking near Webb.
A man confronts Hoyt Webb along Division Street on Friday evening, June 7, 2024, challenging Webb’s repeated yelling of “I feel threatened.” The man says back to Webb, “By what? Two women and me? (Expletive) you!” (Screenshot)

Hatch walks by with a mostly empty drink cup in his left hand and nothing in his right. As the confrontation continues, with Webb continuing to scream “I feel threatened,” he fires a “warning shot” at the ground, according to records.

He then fires again, and it is alleged he shoots Hatch, who is briefly seen lying on the ground.

Hatch’s brother spoke directly to Webb on Monday: “Just because people are homeless or on drugs, doesn’t make them a lesser person” or deserving of being shot, he said.

“I believe you are evil by your videos, with malice in your heart,” Kessler said. “If he dies, I will be at every court hearing – burn my face into your brain, I’m not going anywhere.”
After the shooting, Webb is approached by a man in an orange jacket who tells him, “That was not self-defense,” and that he’s going to jail.

Webb points his gun at the man, who cowers in fear as if he’s about to be shot until he runs away, the video shows.
Hoyt Webb points a gun at a man on Division Street during a confrontation Friday evening. Hoyt shot and injured a different man. (Screenshot)

“It does not appear Webb made any attempts to retreat back to his vehicle, to call 911 for help, or ask anyone to call for help,” court records say.

Webb told police that he felt like he was in fear for his life, court records say, and that he “regrets being down there.” He was booked into the Spokane County Jail around 2 a.m. Saturday and is being held on a $75,000 bond.

Webb declined a jailhouse interview Monday.

It’s unclear why Webb repeatedly travels to Spokane to make videos for his “Kootenai County Press” YouTube channel.

His listed address is at his parents’ home in a subdivision that rests at the bottom of mountain ridges that ring Wolf Lodge Valley.

It’s north, by way of country roads, of the well-known Wolf Lodge Inn Restaurant, which can be seen near the Idaho state Highway 97 interchange with Interstate 90 east of Coeur d’Alene.

Neighbors all know Webb’s parents, Gene and Agnes Webb, as neighbors who keep to themselves but always offer a friendly wave as they drive past.

For decades, the couple has lived in a green home along Wolf Lodge Creek that is surrounded by like homes, many with deer-fenced gardens, large lush green fields and rows of shade trees.

The neighbors also said they know Hoyt Webb, not by name, but because of his gun.

In May 2023, neighbors said a man who fit Hoyt Webb’s description began firing a gun in the neighborhood.

“Every time he’s been out, he’s been an issue,” neighbor Jeff Cleveland said.
When Hoyt Webb began shooting, Cleveland, 49, walked over and confronted him about shooting in the neighborhood.

“I told him to knock i t off,” Cleveland said. “He replied, ‘What are you going to do about it?’ ”

Cleveland’s wife, Tracie, said Webb’s parents are quiet and stay to themselves.

They live in a home that a neighbor said was built by Rocky Bridges, who died in 2015. Bridges played for both the Brooklyn Dodgers and Los Angeles Angels in an 11-year major league career.

Other than a couple times, the Webbs have declined to join in the neighborhood social events, neighbors said.

Efforts to reach the Webbs at their home Monday were unsuccessful. As a reporter knocked on their door, two whitetail does fed on tall grass in the family’s otherwise empty-fenced pasture.

Several other neighbors confirmed the statements by the Clevelands, but did not want to disclose their names.

Tracie Cleveland said neighbors sought out the secluded, wooded setting for a reason.

The locals notice when a strange vehicle arrives. Another neighbor said anyone acting suspicious will have their descriptions broadcast by an informal telephone network to everyone in the area within minutes.

“You won’t find anyone on the block who would say a bad word about Gene or Agnes,” Tracie Cleveland said. “The only issue we had was the shooting. There was not any direction you could shoot out here and be safe.”
channel is still up but the video was taken down
someone post the video if they have it
>Hatch’s brother spoke directly to Webb on Monday: “Just because people are homeless or on drugs, doesn’t make them a lesser person” or deserving of being shot, he said.
Yes... yes it does. Especially when you're threatening someone else.
Based and detestable
Rittenhouse Syndrome
>Court vindicated self defense syndrome
>“You went to this location for your own entertainment,” Court Commissioner Eugene Cruz said at Webb’s first appearance in Spokane Superior Court Monday, “strictly to antagonize the folks experiencing homelessness and hardships.”
So he crossed state lines to kill someone. Sounds very familiar.
Reminder that Kyle Rittenhouse was found to have shot in self defense by the court
>Reminder that OJ was found to have not murdered anyone because of glove size
Courts can get it wrong sometime
>Courts can get it wrong sometime
I'm glad you agree that the NY court got it wrong with Trump and shouldn't have found him guilty

>oh no, I only mean that courts are wrong when they do things I don't like. When they do things I like, they're infallible.
>Donald J. Trump
like clockwork
>noooo you can't use my own logic against me because le drumphhhhhh
LMAO, cope
Did Trump cross state lines to kill someone?
In my head Trump vanquished the libs and began a 1000 year Reich
Interesting, the libs also believe that in their heads
Lib here. I don't believe it.
Rittenhouse didn't kill people, though. :)
The dead person he killed would disagree.
Those weren't people. He shot a burglar, a wife-beater, and a child rapist.
All far worse than the homeless that the idiot in the OP harmed.
>everyone I don't like isn't human
This is why you people keep losing elections.
So you're saying that being a child rapist is okay? Beating women is fine? Burglarizing homes is kosher?
Are you outraged?
All of those things are better than being a murderer, yes.
Yet Rittenhouse didn't murder anyone, so... yeah.
Self-defense killing of animals isn't murder. :)
Oh no. What a shame. I guess I should treat child rapists and wife beaters better than the 17 year old boy they tried to kill.
There are child rapists and wife beaters within a few miles of your house right now. Why aren't you hunting them?
They're not currently trying to kill me. That's why Rittenhouse killed the men who attacked him. Difficult concept for you to grasp, I know, but do try.
>Rittenhouse knew people in another state were trying to kill him
They were trying to kill him in person. :)
I guess it was too hard for you, after all.
>Rittenhouse had to travel to another state with a gun to find out they were trying to kill him in person
Aww. Too difficult, I see. Poor thing.
Ok chud good luck with the dehumanizing legitimate protesters thing. Hopefully it won't cost you millions of voters, right?
Good luck with humanizing violent protestors with histories of being sex offenders, domestic abusers and burglarizing, who tried to kill a 17 year old boy. Hopefully it wont cost you your soul, or millions of votes.
I wonder which is worse for you?
chud headcanon is so wild
Libtard denial of reality is so adorable. NOT
holy lack of self awareness
>One time this guy shot another guy at a protest who had been convicted of a sex offense so now anytime a guy shoots a guy at a protest its good cause other guy had sex offense and sex crime bad
The unironic thought process of a sub-50 IQ chud.
I feel like being chased down multiple blocks as they screamed at him like madmen and one of them beating him over the head with skateboard is a pretty good indicator they meant him harm
I don’t support this grifter shooting hobos but you’re disingenuous as fuck if you’re trying to make Kyle’s situation look like a black and white case of “evil dumb monster bigot murders innocent kind good boys who did nothing wrong”
>Rittenhouse had to drive a hundred miles to another state with a gun to find a guy to chase him down with a skateboard and scream at him like a madman
I think you're missing the contention here. The issue is when posters like this >>1303144
bring up the sex charges or domestic violence charges in relation to Rittenhouse as a means of implying a justification for the killings but then immediately pivot to self-defense when it comes to defending the outcome of the trial. Its a strange kind of disingenuous interplay between a solid argument they know can't be debunked (i.e. self defense) versus the moral loading of including mention of the criminal histories of the victims to imply that anybody who doesn't like the verdict of the trial somehow supports child molestation or domestic violence. Realistically, their criminal pasts should never be brought up. The legal principal of self-defense has absolutely nothing to do with the criminal history of the victim or the perpetrator. The people Rittenhouse killed could have been millionaire youth pastors who spend all their money healing kids in Africa and it would have zero impact on the argument of self-defense. Bringing up the criminal history of the people who were killed is pure distraction. It has no influence on any material facts of the case. Just sayin.
If you fire a warning shot and somebody continues to approach, that's evidence in favor of self defense. Too bad warning shots are illegal.
Too bad Trump never shot anyone on fifth avenue.
>Too bad warning shots are illegal.
No, not really. Its probably a good idea to make sure that people are only firing guns for the sole purpose of defending themselves. The burden of not getting shot should be on the aggressor, not the innocent bystander who might get shot or injured by a warning round because some idiot didn't want to back down.
Sounds like stand your ground bullshit which wouldn't apply to Washington State in the first place
Oh I get how the “they’re bad people” argument is self serving. If he had attacked first it wouldn’t matter how many kids they raped, Kyle would go to prison
That being said, hypocrisy doesn’t really mean much to either side anymore
You still have people like >>1303278, >>1303106 and >>1303125 (potentially the same guy) who’re trying hype up Kyle as a hardcore Nazi chud who drove 3000 miles with murderous intent when really he was maybe 25 - 30 miles away from that town and he was attacked first the argument of “he was asking for it” because he had a rifle slung on his chest is bunk, but that doesn’t matter because to left wing people he’s a personification of white racism and gun violence
I’m an unabashed fence sitter who’s comfy with picking and choosing policies from both your sorry sides and ignore the rest tho, so feel free to disregard my own opinion in turn if you’re so inclined
I’ve long since given up on intersectional cooperation and understanding
It isn't my fault that state governments made both brandishing and warning shots illegal so the only valid self defense is a quick draw after you've already been physically battered.

Brandishing amd warning shots are illegal in stand your ground states. Both are for the purpose of de-escalating so nobody gets shot.
>who’re trying hype up Kyle as a hardcore Nazi chud
Not the guy you're arguing with but everyone knows Rottenhouse was an indoctrinated Junior Proud Boy member who was looking to get in a fight with the "BLM" boogeyman they scared him with, which is still relevant outside of his murder trial.
Too bad Kyle didn't kill more. He couldn't have killed more deserving people.
No but he crossed international borders on the Epstein jet to go rape someone
>You still have people like >>1303278, >>1303106 and >>1303125 (potentially the same guy) who’re trying hype up Kyle as a hardcore Nazi chud who drove 3000 miles with murderous intent when really he was maybe 25 - 30 miles away from that town and he was attacked first the argument of “he was asking for it” because he had a rifle slung on his chest is bunk, but that doesn’t matter because to left wing people he’s a personification of white racism and gun violence
True. As a left learning person I disagree with that characterization.

>I’m an unabashed fence sitter who’s comfy with picking and choosing policies from both your sorry sides and ignore the rest tho, so feel free to disregard my own opinion in turn if you’re so inclined
I don't disagree. My personal opinion is that Kyle was definitely a bit of an idiot. I would never in a million years do something as retarded as take a gun to an active riot. Its just asking for trouble and I resent the possibility of needing to shoot someone so much I would never do what he did. All of that being said, its an American citizen's right to open carry a gun. Legally and morally we don't put the responsibility on the person just because they carry a gun. The responsibility is on whoever aggresses and instigates a confrontation. That's the law. Ultimately, the state couldn't prove Rittenhouse instigated any confrontation. He had his day in court and the law made a judgement. I'm fine with that. But of course, as you said, it isn't about the facts of the case. Rittenhouse was just a lightening rod for the left vs. right dichotomy. The facts of the case were never important to anyone.
>Flew from his home in NYC to his home in Miami
>everyone knows that *hyperbolic obviously false statement* is true!!1!1!
You’re either genuinely stupid or a right winger false flagging
Pretty bad either way imo
Too bad the judge excluded the crucial evidence which would have put him away for life, but that's American Justice.
>Brandishing amd warning shots are illegal in stand your ground states. Both are for the purpose of de-escalating so nobody gets shot.
They should be illegal. The day one principal of gun safety is that you should never, ever, point your weapon at something you aren't willing to destroy. Nobody should be firing warning shots. That's retarded. It goes against every principal of gun safety.
Washington isn't a Stand your Ground state anyway so it doesn't matter
I actually agree
Kyle was 100% in the right for defending himself, it was stupid and foolhardy for him to be there in the first place. Not his town, not his fight
and bringing a decked out semi-auto when he could have just as easily brought a way less conspicuous and aggrandizing piece like a holstered pistol is just asinine
Totally organic comment, fellow /news/ user.
Lefty here - to meet you halfway, Kyle definitely leaned into the right-wing echo chamber during and after his trial but as a teenage kid it makes perfect sense. To the entire left-wing internet sphere he was a fucking villain. Everyone was calling him a nazi and a white supremacist and some online streamers and content creators were literally claiming all the people he shot were black in the weeks following the incident. No shit he let himself be courted by the right-wing. They were celebrating him and calling him a hero. They were the only group of people that had his back. I think its supremely unrealistic to imagine that some teenage kid who has the unbridled hate of half of the country would be psychologically strong and self-aware enough to not let himself be recruited during the worst time of his life by the only group that was favorable towards him.
The ok symbol is not a white power symbol. Stop being retarded
Idgaf if stormfags “co-opted” it, we don’t go around telling people they can’t paint or drink water just because Hitler did those things
>Kyle was 100% in the right for defending himself, it was stupid and foolhardy for him to be there in the first place.
For sure. Whether it was a smart idea for him to be there with a gun and what he's legally culpable for are two wildly different things. He defended his actions in court and the jury gave their verdict. That's how our system works. You can't support the institutions only when they agree with you. Its good a test of whether or not you actually care about rule of law or if the rule of law is only important when it gives you the results you want.
He shot three people in a crowd full of leftists and hit a sex offender, a wife-beater, and a burglar. I mean what are the odds?
Now I know you aren't being genuine.
Yeah. How horrible a decision to make to go side with people who weren't trying to harm you vs the people who were hating you irrationally and calling for your death. If only he had time to think rationally about the decision, he would have picked a different group of people to ally with, huh?

Goddamn disingenuous idiot.
>you should never, ever, point your weapon at something you aren't willing to destroy.
Shoot the ground, everyone gets to reconsider their choices and go home unharmed.
It's not a self-serving argument. It's merely pointing out that the people whom they consider saints are actually what they were, and the person they considered irredeemably evil was just some poor (and mostly stupid, let's be real here) kid who was only defending himself.
He was a chud indoctrinated by Proud Boys. He literally admits this in interviews.
That's stupid. And illegal. If you had time to start firing warning shots, your life really wasn't in enough danger to use a deadly weapon.
I don't believe you.
>Yeah. How horrible a decision to make to go side with people who weren't trying to harm you vs the people who were hating you irrationally and calling for your death.
Where did I say in my post this was a horrible decision? Wasn't my post about why it made total sense for Rittenhouse to side with the people that weren't calling him a villain?

>If only he had time to think rationally about the decision, he would have picked a different group of people to ally with, huh?
If he were a little older he may have been able to make more thoughtful decisions about who he publicly aligned himself with and/or who he allowed to use him as a trophy. This doesn't really have anything to do with political affiliation. Its just basic PR. When you're a well known figure, negative or positive, everyone comes out of the wood work to make money off of you and use you as stepping stool to get what they want. Its wild to imagine an 18 year old kid has a lot of wisdom when it comes to choosing who he allows to manipulate his public image for their own gain.

>Goddamn disingenuous idiot.
Your reading comprehension is so dogshit you don't even know when someone is agreeing with you.
Bros was this us or ANTIFA. Tell me my narritive
Yeah, no. If you're ever taken a gun safety class you'd know how retarded it is to advocate for shooting warning shots. Never fire your gun unless its for the purpose of destroying the thing you're pointing it at. Never point your weapon at something you aren't willing to destroy. This is like day one gun safety. They teach you this before they even let you put your hands on a weapon.
>I think its supremely unrealistic to imagine that some teenage kid who has the unbridled hate of half of the country-
Kyle unironically supported the BLM protests. He just had an issue with the people who tried to kill him, which is why he surrendered to the police afterwards.
lol shitty bait
Extremely illegal and retarded.
Warning shots are illegal because the people who write laws are morons and the people who enforce these shitty laws are malicious.
No, that's what he testified in court.
You niggers need to stop talking about shit you don't understand.
It's just hilarious that you're even trying with this.
>The meetings “were set up by my former attorney, who was fired because of that, for putting me in situations like that with people I don’t agree with,” Rittenhouse said.
They're illegal because they're dangerous, you noguns faggot.
Yeah I agree.
Huh. So he drank with some random people at a bar?
Where's the proof of your claims that he was indoctrinated by them, and was a secret Proud Boys member? Where's the interview? Where's the admittance? All I see is a shitty TYT video using weasel words and propaganda to push a narrative.
>White Power hand signal
LOL fucking retards
having a gun is dangerous, dissonance-san
Yeah, I can just tell you've never been around guns or taken a gun safety course before. If you had you would know why warning shots are retarded.
>random people
Except they weren't random they were Proud Boys. Also the video has
>europoor #325235325 that thinks firearms are radioactive
Being alive is also dangerous. Of course having a gun is dangerous, which is why you don't do stupid shit with it like randomly firing it into the air or at the ground.
You fucking retard.
Can you prove he knew they were proud boys?
What else does the video have? Can you point to it with a time stamp?
Shooting at the ground is dangerous, anon. Shooting at anything other than the object you wish to destroy is dangerous. Again, you'd know this if you had spent even 5 minutes in a gun safety course.
And again this retard would rather shoot a living human being than damage the sidewalk.
I sure hope no one ever lets you handle a firearm. You're beyond retarded.
You're a simpleton who doesn't understand and just repeat what authority told you. Bullets have a specific ricochet angle, firing steeply at the ground will not result in ricochet and just spray sand grain bits of sidewalk around at knee level and below. Dirt will just be penetrated. A ricochet or fragmentation spray is much lower energy and much less dangerous.

You've forgotten the first rule of gun safety: remember to have fun.
They teach you not to fire off warning shots in basic firearms safety courses because bullets can penetrate through walls, car doors, windows etc., and can ricochet off of surfaces and injure/kill innocent people. Its happened before. This is why warning shots are illegal. You never discharge a firearm at a wall, the ground or in the air to scare someone, eurofag. This is gun safety 101. You watch too many movies.
>Random People
Domestic terrorist group, big difference.
MAGAts conflate Rittenhouse with this man because their goal is to shoot non-violent protestors.
How about not purchasing a weapon specifically made to kill people?
... how can you have a weapon 'not made specifically to kill people'? Such a thing is not possible. It's not a weapon if it cannot kill. Are you suggesting a bolt-action rifle? Those were weapons of war first. They will kill animals as well as people. All guns will. Weapons of war actually have smaller calibers than your typical hunting rifle. You want me to use a hunting rifle on people? Something made to shoot from 500+ yards away? Something with a bullet diameter greater than that of the typical NATO round? Do you really want that?
Do you?
A simple can of mace is a more effective and much less deadly deterrent
a far far greater deterrent is knowing certain criminal actions result in death.
>knowledge of punishment is a greater deterrent than chemical weapons
haha no it is not
Yeah lemme just spray some chemicals at the guy trying to attack me.
Oh no. The chemicals didn't work. I guess I'm fucked now.
Chemicals never "don't work", it's science.
>shoots randos on the street
Best outcome would be this guy gets justice. Clearly unstable.
It's ironically funny to me that he couldn't find any homeless people in Idaho to shoot so he had to travel to Washington to do it .
>and claims people are holding knives, guns and rocks.
> A rock is seen laying in the street, but no other weapons are visible in the video.
>His listed address is at his parents’ home in a
how far from the state line did Rittenhouse live again?
How is that relevant? You were replying to a case where the court was completely 100% undeniably correct as proven by video and witnesses.
>b-b-but Rittenhouse instigated the attack!
I know the pro-arson Left believes that carrying a fire extinguisher gives arsonists the right to murder you but fortunately the law doesn't work that way.
Oh shit Kyle's facebook group found the thread
No one lives in Idaho.
Didn't Kyle's mom take him across state lines with a gun?
That would explain why Webb didn't try to piss off Indians, he'd have to go to their reservations and they'd just kill him.
>And again this retard would rather shoot a living human being than damage the sidewalk.
Ricochets are a thing, an unpredictable thing. Warning shots are illegal because you could damage a living human being OTHER THAN THE ONE YOU ALLEGEDLY FEEL THREATENED BY. You shouldn't be firing a fucking gun at someone unless you have to. Unless you have to potentially kill someone, you don't have to. If you do have to potentially kill someone, you should be aiming at THEM, not THE GROUND.

Same logic applies to firing in the air.

If you are confused by any of this, I hope both your hands end up mangled by heavy machinery.
>A ricochet or fragmentation spray is much lower energy and much less dangerous.
Than not firing? Do you have brain damage?
>... how can you have a weapon 'not made specifically to kill people'?
I have never seen anyone brandishing security batons or something of the sorts in the same way they do with firearms specifically made to kill people
Oh buh muh second amendment right? We need to keep our constitutional right to gun down kids and the homeless because tyrrany
>You're a simpleton who doesn't understand and just repeat what authority told you.
You are correct. I do repeat what firearm experts tell me. That's kind of the whole purpose of taking gun safety courses from an authority on gun safety you absolute retard.
That looks extremely ableist.
>Same logic applies to firing in the air.
Guess how I can tell you don't live in America
1. I'm a Hoosier
2. Reckless discharge is a crime in like ALL the states

Guess how I can tell you live in the boonies?
Just wait until Cinco de Mayo
Idaho busses their homeless to WA
All Red areas have been doing this since 1940. That's why I support reparations in the form of Republican finances being transferred directly to the state of California. Though it would only be a drop in the bucket in terms of addressing this long time inequality between parasitic small towns vs cities.
a. don't call the homeless people
b. the homeless should be euthanized
do you not know how to read?
I'm more baffled that they let edgy teens like you on this board.
being anti homeless is a normal position most adults have
>the homeless should be euthanized
I guarantee in an anonymous poll most adults would say they think the homeless should be euthanized
This is how you can tell that you have been indoctrinated.
hating the homeless is normal, fag

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