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After losing to the far-right National Rally in the European elections, French President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the National Assembly and called for early parliamentary elections.

The French are now expected to return to the polls on June 30 and July 7.

by euronews
>After losing to the far-right National Rally in the European elections, French President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the National Assembly
Umm isn't this pretty fascist? Dissolving the national assembly as a result of the people voting against your political interests?
its pretty obvious nobody is going to be able to stop what is coming next for the west: Good Old-Fashioned Authoritarianism: Commie-Flavored or Fascist-Flavored? Doesn't matter. Everyone holding power is beholden to the various multinationals and/or the Intelligence Services. Western style government has always been a charade. The Dictatorial Class is finally ready to openly control things.
You already posed this story
Naah the far right gains in the EU parliament aren't as big as the hype suggests. They aren't even the 3rd largest party.
>leftist libshit tears
Are you liberals in your head crying again?
>leftist libshit tears intensify
You should tell them to stop.
I don't control you, your tears, or your inability to stop replying to desperately get the last word

Keep crying
No one is crying outside of the creatures living in your head though. Tell them to shut up.
Yes you are.
Does anyone know what mental illness the previous poster has?
why do you keep crying and why must you respond?
I'm curious how many people you think you're talking to right now?
It isn't a mental illness, just far right indoctrination. The two present similar symptoms. He thinks he's "owning the libs" by being a contrarian and collecting (You)s. It takes months of conditioning to achieve that dissonant state of mind. There are many such cases found off this board in his regular hugbox.
Wow. Very fascist of them to stop the fascists in a manner that fascists would.
How long did it take you to get brainwashed into being a retarded liberal? First semester of your freshman year at college?
the chuds are feisty today for some reason. I wonder why?
Hunter Biden was just found guilty.
this is about right wing gains. right wing are anti authoritarian
ahhaahah holy fuck you're serious let me laugh even harder loooool
lefties want to ban guns, believe they own your labor and want government to control every aspect of your life. the right is pro gun, anti tax and wants the government to fuck off
the government is literally the only thing keeping the predatory free market from making you a debt slave
Well. What a good job they've done because everyone's a fucking debt slave anyway.
why not start your own buisness? For 5k you could have a silly hotdog stand. Sounds dumb right? ik... but i think everyone should know the diffrence between will not and can not. You CAN be your own boss and put your own money on the table, but WILL you?
Shut the fuck up, you idiotic zoomer.
You're not getting a hotdog stand for 5k.
a. then they must be doing a shitty job at it, seeing as they are letting all the jewish oligarchs buy up all the houses with government money
b. the only reason companies have so much power is due to government regulations and programs helping them
you know licenses to let you open up a hotdog stand in NYC sell in the hundred thousands?
Good thing I'm fascist as hell. Bring back the guillotine!

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