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Father time freezes at event. Unable to recall where he is or what's going on
Video of Joe Biden Appearing to Freeze at Juneteenth Event

A video of President Joe Biden standing still during a Juneteenth event is garnering a lot of scrutiny on social media.

The footage, shared by the GOP governing body, the Republican National Committee (RNC), shows Biden standing still at the event while others around him, including Vice President Kamala Harris, dance to music playing.

The Context
The video was taken at an early Juneteenth holiday concert at the White House on Monday, which was attended by 1,700 people including singers Gladys Knight and Patti LaBelle and rapper Doug E. Fresh.

In 2021, Biden signed a law that made June 19 a federal holiday to commemorate the emancipation of enslaved African Americans. The last slaves were freed in Texas on June 19, 1865.

"Black history is American history," Biden said in a speech at the event. "The day reminds us that we have a helluva lot more work to do," he continued. "Let's keep marching. Let's keep the faith."

Meanwhile, Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee for the presidential election, has long come under scrutiny for his physicality and behavior in public. The oldest person ever to be president, he faces accusations that he lacks the mental fitness for the position. Detractors have pointed to his verbal gaffes and frailty, such as falling on camera multiple times, as evidence for his incapability.

Writing on X, formerly Twitter, critics responded to the video of Biden at the Juneteenth event and slammed his apparent lack of engagement with the event.

Conservative internet personality Mike Sperrazza wrote: "We have our first total malfunction to his brain."

The account Libs of TikTok, said Biden was "looking lost, staring into space like a zombie."

"He has no clue why he is there."
Newsweek contacted representatives for Biden by email to comment on this story outside of normal working hours.

What's Next?
Juneteenth celebrations will continue in the days leading up to the holiday.

With five months to go until November's presidential election, social media attacks on Biden and his Republican rival, Donald Trump, will likely continue until voters go to the polls.
Don't care, still voting for Biden
Everyone is well aware, robot
Are there 80000000 robots in the country?
Conservative Media continues to rage at accurate reports that Trump is a senile felon, tries desperately to paint Biden as also senile and also a felon.
Yes. Some of them are bots. Some corpses. Some illegals. Some never even existed. Hell, even Micky Mouse voted for Biden.
According to whom?
(inb4 rudy and sidney powell)
Shit, I'm sorry. I forgot that MSNBC told you that voter fraud doesn't happen. ... so long as a democrat wins.
What's an MSNBC? Oh wait, is that one of those dinosaur cable tv channels boomers watch? weird that you think people here get news from that.
Oh, sorry. What is you teenagers love to get your news from? Raw Story? Tick Tock?
the moment Anon realized he was arguing with facebook boomers
President stands
"Standing" is definitely one way to describe his frozen, confused posture
sounds better than whatever the fuck this is
Wow Biden is senile AF lol
might be true but still the better candidate
Just wondering, are you on welfare?
are you in an american state or territory?
Haha no I make $150k a year as an archivist
Dude looks like a caricature of a puppet.
I am still voting for Joe Biden
He's your president LMAO

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