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WILMINGTON, Delaware, June 11 (Reuters) - President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden was convicted by a jury on Tuesday of lying about his drug use to illegally buy a gun, a verdict Democrats may seize upon to counter Donald Trump’s claim of a justice system weaponized against him.

A 12-member jury in Wilmington, Delaware, federal court found the defendant guilty on all three counts against him, making Hunter Biden the first child of a sitting U.S. president to be convicted of a crime.

Hunter Biden, 54, lightly nodded his head after the verdict was read but otherwise showed little reaction. He then patted his lawyer Abbe Lowell on the back and hugged another member of his legal team.

He then left the courthouse without making a statement.
His father, Joe Biden, issued a statement saying he accepted the outcome of the case and would respect the judicial process as his son considers an appeal.

The judge set no date for sentencing, but added the timeline is usually in 120 days. That would place it no later than a month before the Nov. 5 U.S. presidential election.

Sentencing guidelines for the gun charges are 15 to 21 months, but legal experts say defendants in similar cases often get shorter sentences and are less likely to be incarcerated if they abide by the terms of their pretrial release.

Some 61% of registered voters responding to a Reuters/Ipsos poll in February said Hunter Biden's legal troubles would have no impact on whether they voted for his father in November. The poll showed voters divided over whether Hunter Biden's legal troubles were related to his father's service as president.
Do you smoke crack?
What's wild is this will almost certainly impact Biden in the polls more than Trump's 34 felony fraud convictions affected him.
People know Trump is a liar, a cheat, and a degenerate, so being convicted of paying hush money to a whore he fucked while his wife was recovering from giving birth to his son, in order to alter the outcome of the 2016 election, comes as no surprise to anyone.
Hell, the fact that the encounter seems to have been consensual actually makes him look slightly better to the general public.
But Joe Biden, like all Democrats, is held to higher standards. They must at least present themselves as decent, moral people.
So even though he had nothing to do with the charges Hunter was facing, the mere fact that his son was convicted of improperly filling out paperwork while trying to preserve his 5th and 2nd amendment rights simultaneously, will be seen as a stain on his character. The fact that the MSM, in an effort to regain favor with MAGA viewers, will no doubt focus entirely on this for at least the next month will probably also have an impact.
Then of course there's the fact that the right wing internet is already circulating lies that Hunter's convictions carry charges of up to 50 years in prison, setting the stage for faux outrage and indignity when he isn't literally locked up for the rest of his life over this.
No one is above the law.
>What's wild is this will almost certainly impact Biden in the polls more than Trump's 34 felony fraud convictions affected him.
Where do you people get this shit from?
20 plus years of historical precedent of Democrats being held to higher standards than Republicans.
Can you imagine if Obama had been caught fucking a porn star? Nevermind, it would have never gotten to that point because if Obama had five children with three different women he would have never even made it to the Democrat primaries.
Unless you're a Republican, then you wage scorched Earth against the Justice system.
The funniest thing is when they say the hyperconservative FBI is full of liberal activists who unfairly prosecute them for the crimes they committed
>man, I can't stand Biden since his son was found guilty of a minor gun law.
>I can't wait to vote for an adulterous, rapist, lying, senile felon
Republicunts are coping hard. Hopefully they'll stop getting riled up now that things are 'fair'
based, I hope he gets raped to death in jail
It would be hilarious if him and Steve Bannon were cell mates in the same minimum security facility
trump didn't do any crimes and got convited by 12 communists in a kangaroo court where they didn't even tell him what he was accused of until the closing statements, the jury instructions were retarded, the judge donated to anti trump groups and the judge's daughter works for democrat anti trump groups and its fucking NYC in a 95% dem district.
no republicans were going to be convicted by a conviction
>minor gun law
he did 3 felonies and was convicted of them. felonies that joe biden supported making felonies
Your English is getting better but still not great
Try to catch your breath and stop shaking and you'll probably be more coherent
you have no argument, faggot. and unlike you and obongo I'm American
vax status?
that line wasn't clever the first time you used it, nor was it the following 99
it is a factual statement that makes you seethe
Obama posted his Hawaii-issued birth certificate. Unless you can prove it is fake, he is an American citizen. Unless you can post your birth certificate, I will assume you're not an American citizen.
have a rupee
Republicans don't care about the facts.
it wasn't his official birth certificate, it was faked. he was born in kenya
unlike you and obongo I'm American
It's hilarious to see 2nd amendment activists cheering for this conviction proving they want to grab guns after all.
vax status?
a. I think all drug addicts should just be shot and left in the street
b. this is shit biden voted for. whats good for goose is good for the gander
c. hunter was trying to get this shit dismissed. if he was acquitted or got it dismissed then we get nothing. now that he is convicted he either needs to fall on his sword, which is good I hope he gets raped to death, or if he appeals it the law can get overturned.
So you're in favor of gun grabbing. Gotcha.
>can't engage with the actual argument so you need to strawman
many such cases. you need a pay cut. here, lets make a deal, we repeal the GCA and brady bill and hunter gets hanged, then everyone wins
Nah, you should stick to your principles and grab all guns if you just want Hunter's gun that badly.
Nta but I'm all for grabbing all the guns owned by anyone who use illegal drugs. Would drastically drop violent crime rate.
What part of 'shall not be infringed' do you not get, gun grabber?
You should be shot in the street for wanting to break the 2A, faggot
The 2A has been violated repeatedly since the early 1900's, you larping glowie piece of shit.
How does it feel to be put into a position where you're cheering on unconstitutional gun laws, faggot?
Republican support for gun confiscation is at a all time high today.
>trump didn't do any crimes
Yes he did
Shall not be infringed
>since the early 1900's
Based Teddy Roosevelt Progressivism.
So now it's okay to grab guns from people you don't like? Interesting.
If the Republican supreme court sticks to their principles and isn't a political arm of the Republican party, they'll take up Hunter's appeal on 2nd amendment grounds and overturn this verdict.
But Alito just came out and said he's a political operative.
Don't mind him. He's our resident /news/ schizophrenic. I think he suffered some sort of traumatic head injury many years ago and now he's stuck in 1983 where everything and everyone is communist.
again, you can't argue with the actual argument so you need to do a strawman. also my principle is all dems should be hanged any time they do any crimes
oh shit, i agree with shillbot . . am i turning?!?! Ahhh no wait... this is one of the rare rare times where spewing your bosses propaganda is actually the right thing to do! Not that you can tell...
Constitutional carry mofos
what crimes did he do?
drug addicts aren't people
nah, NYC communists
they should slow roll it like dems slow roll all other 2a cases and hear his appeal in 10 years. heller sued in 2002 and it didn't go to the scotus until 2008. young v hawaii started in 2008 and didn't get decided by the 9th circuit until 2018. that is if hunter even appeals up to the scotus in the first place
samefag. what statute did trump violate?
Is there a problem shill?
>what statute did trump violate?
N.Y. Penal Code § 175.10
>N.Y. Penal Code § 175.10
>Under our law, a person is guilty of falsifying business
records in the first degree when, with intent to defraud that
includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal
the commission thereof, that person:
so what crime did he do? to get charged with N.Y. Penal Code § 175.10 you need to be falsifying business records to cover up another crime, so what crime was that? he wasn't convicted of anything else
>so what crime did he do?
Falsifying business records

>so what crime did he do?
He used campaign funds to pay off a porn star, which is a crime, and then falsified the business records to make it look like he was paying legal expenses.

>he wasn't convicted of anything else
Michael Cohen, the man he conspired with, was convicted of campaign violation for his actions when paying off Stormy Daniels. Cohen was then given a "bonus" through the Trump foundation to compensate him for the payments while business records were faked concealing what the money was for. Its all there in the trial documents. Have you not read it?
>Falsifying business records
records in the first degree when, with intent to defraud that
includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal
the commission thereof, that person:
so what crime was he doing? to felony falsify business records it needs to be to hide a crime, what crime did he do?
>He used campaign funds to pay off a porn star, which is a crime, and then falsified the business records to make it look like he was paying legal expenses.
he literally was never convicted of using campaign funds to pay a porn star, and even if he did, that is federal and past the statue of limitations, not an NYC case.
>Michael Cohen, the man he conspired with, was convicted of campaign violation for his actions when paying off Stormy Daniels. Cohen was then given a "bonus" through the Trump foundation to compensate him for the payments while business records were faked concealing what the money was for. Its all there in the trial documents. Have you not read it?
if trump did it, why was cohen the on who was convicted and not trump? again, no federal charges were ever brought or convicted. this is some kangagroo court shit, only allowed because the DA is a communist agent and the judge directly donated to anti trump groups
>so what crime was he doing?
Falsifying business records.

>to felony falsify business records it needs to be to hide a crime, what crime did he do?
Using campaign funds to pay off a porn star. That's the illegal part. He falsely recorded his payments to Michael Cohen as bonuses through the Trump foundation to hide the payments. That's the falsifying business records part.

>he literally was never convicted of using campaign funds to pay a porn star
Yes he was. Cohen was convicted of campaign finance fraud - fraud that he committed at the behest of Trump. This was all in the trial documents.

>again, no federal charges were ever brought or convicted
That's irrelevant. Trump falsified business records to cover up the fact that he was using campaign funds to make hush money payments. All of this was demonstrated - from the initial payments made by Michael Cohen to Stormy Daniels, to Trump and Cohen's correspondence concerning the payments, to Cohen's reimbursement through the Trump Foundation, to the falsification of business records disguising those payments as legal fees. Its all there in the evidence. I'm sorry this hurts your feelings. I really do.

>this is some kangagroo court shit, only allowed because the DA is a communist agent and the judge directly donated to anti trump groups
You have no clue what you're talking about.
I bet your wife’s boyfriend patted you on the head when you typed this.
>Falsifying business records.
records in the first degree when, with intent to defraud that
includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal
the commission thereof, that person:
so what crime was he doing? to felony falsify business records it needs to be to hide a crime, what crime did he do?
>Using campaign funds to pay off a porn star. That's the illegal part. He falsely recorded his payments to Michael Cohen as bonuses through the Trump foundation to hide the payments. That's the falsifying business records part.
he was never convicted of a federal campaign finance fraud and even if he was that is a federal misdemeanor and not a state felony
>Yes he was.
when was trump convicted of campaign finance fraud, faggot?
>That's irrelevant.
it is relevant the statute he was charged under says you need to do it to cover up another crime
>All of this was demonstrated
it literally wasn't. the judge is just an anti trump democrat who donated to anti trump groups and the jury was a bunch of anti trump jewish communists
>You have no clue what you're talking about.
Throughout the trial, Merchan was heavily criticized by Trump and other supporters for his supposed prejudice against the former president, including after a Federal Elections Commission filing found that the judge made three donations totaling $35 to the Democratic fundraising site ActBlue during the 2020 election, including $10 that was earmarked for the group, "Stop Republicans."
the DA and judge are both communist agents
>so what crime was he doing?
I guess I can just keep repeating myself over and over. He falsified business records to hide the fact that he was illegally using campaign funds to pay off pornstars.

>he was never convicted of a federal campaign finance fraud and even if he was that is a federal misdemeanor and not a state felony
None of this is relevant at all. You don't need to be convicted of campaign finance fraud to be convicted of falsifying business records. I have no clue who told you that.

>when was trump convicted of campaign finance fraud, faggot?
He wasn't. The person who worked for him and who he told to make the illegal payments was convicted of campaign finance fraud.

>it is relevant the statute he was charged under says you need to do it to cover up another crime
Yeah, the crime was campaign finance fraud. His employee, who he instructed to make the payments, was convicted of campaign finance fraud. Trump being convicted of campaign finance fraud is irrelevant to the evidence in the trial. Nothing you're saying logically follows at all.

>it literally wasn't. the judge is just an anti trump democrat who donated to anti trump groups and the jury was a bunch of anti trump jewish communists
You're just rambling. This has nothing to do with the evidence.

>Throughout the trial, Merchan was heavily criticized by Trump and other supporters for his supposed prejudice against the former president, including after a Federal Elections Commission filing found that the judge made three donations totaling $35 to the Democratic fundraising site ActBlue during the 2020 election, including $10 that was earmarked for the group, "Stop Republicans."
That's great. This has nothing to do with the evidence in the trial. "4 years ago the judge donated $35 to Democrats" is not an argument against the evidence. Conspiracy propaganda has turned your brain to mush.
>I guess I can just keep repeating myself over and over. He falsified business records to hide the fact that he was illegally using campaign funds to pay off pornstars.
he was never convicted of any campaign finance violations.
>None of this is relevant at all.
the statute literally says it involves intentionally covering up another crime. there is no proof trump did another crime.
>He wasn't.
so we agree, he didn't do a crime
>Trump being convicted of campaign finance fraud is irrelevant to the evidence in the trial.
the statute literally says it involves intentionally covering up another crime. there is no proof trump did another crime.
>You're just rambling. This has nothing to do with the evidence.
the judge should not have been allowed on the case. would you be fine with obongo or brandon being charged in alabama by a judge who had a bumper sticker of obongo or brandon being hanged on his car?
>That's great. This has nothing to do with the evidence in the trial. "4 years ago the judge donated $35 to Democrats" is not an argument against the evidence. Conspiracy propaganda has turned your brain to mush.
the judge should not have been allowed on the case. would you be fine with obongo or brandon being charged in alabama by a judge who had a bumper sticker of obongo or brandon being hanged on his car?
there is no evidence trump did any crimes. he was tried by a rabid democrat in a 90+ dem district by 12 communists
>he was never convicted of any campaign finance violations.

>the statute literally says it involves intentionally covering up another crime. there is no proof trump did another crime.
He used campaign funds to pay off a porn star then falsified the business records to hide the payments and disguise them as legal fees. Its all there in the trial documents. You can read it yourself.

>so we agree, he didn't do a crime
Falsifying business records.

>the statute literally says it involves intentionally covering up another crime. there is no proof trump did another crime.
I'm not going to repeat myself again. There's no universe in which Trump needs to be found guilty of some additional crime to be found guilty of falsifying business records. I don't know who told you that but you're very, very mistaken.

>would you be fine with obongo or brandon being charged in alabama by a judge who had a bumper sticker of obongo or brandon being hanged on his car?
Displaying an image of a politician being murdered is not equivalent to donating $35 to a political movement. Its wild you'd try to make that comparison.

>there is no evidence trump did any crimes
Unfortunately, saying this over and over doesn't make it true. I've given you the evidence about a dozen times at this point and you're just not capable of hearing it because it hurts your feelings.

>he was tried by a rabid democrat in a 90+ dem district by 12 communists
Unironically seek mental health therapy.
And don't forget, Trump's AG rat fucked the initial investigation and also tried to get Cohen's case to go away.
barr is a communist
>reddit spacing
go back, tranny
very relevant, the statute trump was convicted of only applies if you do another crime, he didn't do any crime
>He used campaign funds to pay off a porn star
if that were true he would be convicted on federal campaign finance changes, which he wasn't
>Falsifying business records.
its only a felony in NY if done to hide a crime, which trump didn't do
> There's no universe in which Trump needs to be found guilty of some additional crime to be found guilty of falsifying business records.
its only a felony in NY if done to hide a crime, which trump didn't do
>Displaying an image of a politician being murdered is not equivalent to donating $35 to a political movement. Its wild you'd try to make that comparison.
murder applies to people, politicians can't be murdered because they aren't people and its literally the same thing. the judge was a communist activist
>Unfortunately, saying this over and over doesn't make it true.
if you had evidence he did a crime then why was he not convicted on federal charges? why did it need to be done with a far left communist activist judge in a district that went +90 D?
>Unironically seek mental health therapy.
even newsweek admits trump couldn't get a fair trial in manhattan
you have no argument. the charges were dubious at best, the judge was a far left jewish communist activist, the jury was a bunch of commies in a commie district and were talking to people outside the trial, the prosecution didn't even say what trump was being charged with until closing arguments, a violation the 6th amendment twice over, and the jury instructions from the communist judge were full of shit. this was a kangaroo court which will get overturned on appeal and is just meant to hurt trump in the election
How many hours of OAN do I have to watch before I'm this far right?
lets put obongo and brandon on trial in Roberts County, Texas with Clarence Thomas as judge
obama and biden would have to have done something wrong first, which they have not
obama droned americans and gave weapons to his buddys the mexican cartel.
Biden showered with his neice, stole classified docs, quid pro quo in ukraine, poops his pants.
Where you get your news from mr ostrich?
None of those things actually happened
>obama droned americans
the americans were enemy combatants on a battlefield and gave up their citizenship
>gave weapons to his buddys the mexican cartel
Bush did that, when Obama took over he didn't even know about the program.
>Biden showered with his neice
Nice PV meme
>stole classified docs
He forgot he took them and gave them back when asked, unlike other people
>quid pro quo in ukraine
Fictional meme invented by Rudy Guiliani
>poops his pants
We have all pooped our pants from time to time, Anon.
>Where do you get your news from?
From actual news sources and not bitchute like you do.
>the americans were enemy combatants on a battlefield and gave up their citizenship
not how due process works.
>Bush did that, when Obama took over he didn't even know about the program.
Source? your ass
>Nice PV meme
Which part? The diary where she wrote the story? The guy that got charges for stealing the diary? Or the fact she wrote to a judge to say it was true?
>He forgot he took them..
Ok so he forgot he broke the law.. Turns out it still means you broke the law even if you put your fingers in your ears and say "lalalaalalala cant hear you"
>We have all pooped our pants from time to time, Anon..
Yes but its still shitty.
>From actual news sources and not bitchute like you do.
got me there. only official corporate stamped and approved state run media sources are considered actual by all official corporate stamped and approved state run instutions... i am indeed BTFO.. but i have no clue what a bitchute is.
>not how due process works.
There is no due process on a battlefield
>Source? your ass
Every major newspaper that reported on it
>Which part?
The part where you insinuated Biden was a pedo with his niece
>Ok so he broke the law
If he broke the law he would have been charged with something by now lmao
>Yes but it's still shitty
For you
>got me there
It didn't get you anywhere but an alternate reality where you think those things happened but they actually didn't.
>Bush did that
No, you people lie about this alot. The program started during bush to track where the guns went and stop the cartel, it was during Obama's tenure that everything was fucked up by fast and furious and the cartel was getting a bunch of us weapons for no reason

Bro shut tf up if you can't find any source other than your ass, it's like you people are paid to sealion and lie
>the statute trump was convicted of only applies if you do another crime
wrong. its just has to attempt to cover up another crime, which it did. it was an attempt to cover up the crime that cohen was convicted of
You're fucking crazy and the shit you spew is wrong.
Great source, once again it's your deep cratered asshole
There isn't any point in posting a source when you will just deny it and go on spouting your made up version of events. We all know you're here to disrupt any discussion of news and current events in the first place.
obongo sold guns to mexican cartel members to be used against Americans, bombed hospitals in yemen, drone striked Americans, spied on his political opponent via a phony fisa warent, used the IRS to target political groups, used the DoJ to get banks to shut down constitutionally protected businesses
biden lied about his son's laptop, quid pro quo with russia and stole classified documents
trump did nothing wrong
sealioning faggot
so cohen should have been on trial in NYC, not trump who did no crimes
you are a sealioning faggot
You must take your medication
nice lack of argument
"lalalala I cant hear you" isn't an argument, therefore it deserves no serious response. Seek mental health treatment, schizo.
Convicted felon Donald Trump is in unlawful possession of a handgun. Wonder what conservatives will think about that.
you are the one doing lalalal I can't hear you and then sealioning
Hiding a crime is a crime actually
I think you are.
Your argument has been debunked no fewer than 20 times in this thread and your only response is "Trump did nothing wrong cause communism and jews". Nothing you say is worthy of being taken seriously.
trump never did a crime in the first place
my argument has never been debunked at all, not once
I disagree.
>trump never did a crime in the first place
This has been explain to you probably 30 times
he's retarded, don't blame him
>The man who was the original cover up agent for Republicans going all the way back to keeping George H W Bush out of prison for Iran Contra by sabotaging that investigation and getting Trump off the hook for conspiring with the Russians.
>A communist
cool, you are wrong
he literally didn't he never got federal charges for campaign fraud
barr is anti gun, he is a jewish communist democrat
>he never got federal charges for campaign fraud
That doesn't matter. What part about that is so difficult for you to understand?
if there was no crime to cover up he couldn't have done business fraud. again, you are talking about a district that went in the 80s for biden and a communist activist who literally donated to anti trump communists as judge. Why didn't they move the trial to staten island and have a judge who didn't donate to anti trump groups if the trial was legit?
cohen was charged with a crime. Trump is charged with falsifying business records in order to cover up that crime. thats all there is to it. there are no further conditions that need to be met
if the trial was on the up and up why have it in manhattan instead of changing venues to staten island or long island like trump asked? why didn't the judge recuse himself? why did the prosecutor unconstitutionally wait until the closing arguments to announce the charges? why were the jury instructions from the judge retarded?
the whole thing was set up as a kangaroo court that trump will 100% win on appeal because he did no crimes and it was the only way to get a conviction they plan on using to hurt him politically like how they faked coof in 2020 to rig the election
alright, so you've been caught out and admit that theres nothing wrong with the charges themself, whether or not you agree with the outcome of the trial, right? lets get that straight before you move the goalpost
The man is super mentally ill. Nothing he's saying is making sense.
>cool, you are wrong
I disagree.
>if the trial was on the up and up why have it in manhattan instead of changing venues to staten island or long island like trump asked?
Dunno, lol. Is asking a question an argument?
>why didn't the judge recuse himself?
Same answer
>why did the prosecutor unconstitutionally wait until the closing arguments to announce the charges?
Same answer
>why were the jury instructions from the judge retarded?
Same answer
>the whole thing was set up as a kangaroo court that trump will 100% win on appeal because he did no crimes and it was the only way to get a conviction they plan on using to hurt him politically like how they faked coof in 2020 to rig the election
I disagree.
nope, you are a snuck premise shill faggot. the charges themselves are bunk, that is why they had to do it in manhattan with a democrat judge and violate the 6th amendment. literally every single part of the trial was a sham.
>Is asking a question an argument?
yes, its called a rhetorical question. none of these charges are going to stick on appeal. even the jewish law professor NPR had on when it happened said that NYC chose do do a bunch of things that made a conviction more likely, but made an appeal way more likely
literally same as it always has been. when republicans talk about gun rights and freedom etc etc they mean freedom and gun rights *for them*, not for people who disagree with them.
politicians aren't people. hunter is the son of a politician, he isn't a person
Good, only fascists want guns.
Notice how the right-wing dehumanizes anyone they don't like (or claim parts of America they don't like are not part of the "real" America)
Look at how the left acts like it didn't call most of the US states "Dumbfuckistan" after GW Bush.
>sees a twitter post
>thinks all leftists everywhere act like that
Why are you like this?
It makes it much easier for them to start mass murdering people they don't consider human
Fascism 101.
alright, well be sure to come back and seethe when its upheld on appeal. dont shoot up any schools when the cognitive dissonance becomes too much for you
>twitter post
>not something that predated twitter
>not something that's been a longstanding meme for nearly 20 years
Showing your age. Or lack of it.
Twitter goes back to 2007 and there is nothing wrong with being older than your deadass millennial slacktivist ass
Holy crap dude.
Are you legit dumb?
Good argument retard
Thanks. I know it took a lot of maturity for you to lose with grace.
Declaring your imaginary victory must feel pretty good.
only fascists want to deny the people their basic human right to keep and bear arms
nyc isn't in America, politicians never have been and never will be humans. only the most evil pieces of shit become politicians
that predated twitter, zoomzoom
>alright, well be sure to come back and seethe when its upheld on appeal.
it won't be. even the jewish law professor and one of the jewish lawyers on NPR said the irregularities wouldn't stand up to an appeal
>dont shoot up any schools when the cognitive dissonance becomes too much for you
most school shooters are black or hispanic democrats, that is the school shooting that even happen, most were made up
prove it
the dumbfuckistan thing is from like 2003/2004
the dumbfuckistan thing? first entry on urban dictionary is from 2004
Calling red states "Jesusland" or "Dumbfuckistan" or "Murrica" or whatever isn't even close to being the same thing as calling blue states "not part of the US, but instead a communist shithole" or calling leftists "not people". Stop with the false equivalence.
Samefag (see? I can dismiss people that agree with posts I disagree with by baselessly claiming "samefag" too!)
a. its 2 different posters, retard
b. its literally the same thing. all the bullshit you accuse the right of doing the left did first under bush. all the >look how terrible the alt right media is, was shit jon stewart and the huffington post did 20 years ago. also communist aren't people
>all the bullshit you accuse the right of doing the left did first under bush.
And your evidence for this is a single meme which came out much later than you remember? Hilarious.
>a. its 2 different posters, retard
I know, you remedial dunce. I was making fun of how a certain right-winger on /news/ always accuses any post that agrees with a post that disagrees with him is samefagging
>b. its literally the same thing. all the bullshit you accuse the right of doing the left did first under bush. all the >look how terrible the alt right media is, was shit jon stewart and the huffington post did 20 years ago. also communist aren't people
How is calling red states "Murica" or "Jesusland" or "Dumbfuckistan" the same as saying "they aren't human beings" or "they aren't part of the real true United States"?
>also communist aren't people
Still dehumanizing your perceived enemies, I see. Communists are factually more of a person than fetuses, at least.
first entry is 2004, retard
>doesn't even >(you)
you sure are seething
>always accuses any post that agrees with a post that disagrees with him is samefagging
because they always are samefagging. there aren't many commies on 4chan
>How is calling red states "Murica" or "Jesusland" or "Dumbfuckistan" the same as saying "they aren't human beings" or "they aren't part of the real true United States"?
the dumbfuckistan thing was literally
>the blue areas are the US the red areas are dumbfuckistan
it was literally the commies saying red areas weren't part of the US. and jon stewart and the other leftist jews were constantly showing republican voters in bad lights and acting like they were subhuman retards and trying to dehumanize them
nah, fetuses are more person than communists and politicians. dogs are more person than communists or politicians
>And your evidence for this is a single meme which came out much later than you remember?
Still true
What if the fetus belongs to a communist couple?
Stop it anon you're going to make his head explode
human until it proves itself communist
we both literally said before twitter under bush in 2003/2004. the entry was 2004 and its literally the same thing as people saying NYC isn't part of America, you were proven wrong and jewish
>NPR and the washington post are schizo sources
>just blindly claiming white people shoot up schools without any sources is fine though
you got BTFO'd
>>And your evidence for this is a single meme
now you are just sealioning zoomer. you were proven wrong because you don't remember things before you were born and no amount of evidence I waste my time looking for will convince you because your goal is just to waste my time
The University of Texas sniper was white.
The Columbine shooters were white.
The Sandy Hook shooter was white.
The Parkland shooter was white (yes, his last name was Cruz, but he was adopted by a Latino family. His biological parents were white).
The Sante Fe, Texas shooter was white.
The Oxford, Michigan shooter was, you guessed it, white.
>if we just cherry pick these hand full of stories the media overly pushed that happened over the course of 75 years then you see its really the whites
the data doesn't lie. the majority of shootings on school ground and the majority of murders of school aged children were done by black and hispanic men. you are trying to hide this face because you want to ban guns and don't actually give a shit about black on black violence
You are still basing your entire argument on a single meme you retard
The data does lie, the FBI says it's biased and inaccurate
a. you are basing your argument in a single meme, you fucking tranny
b. this shit was pervasive under bush and you don't remember because you are a zoomer. fucking fags named a mix of shit and cum after a republican senator back then and then kept talking about it on tv
got a real source? why does every single independent study show the majority of murders in the US are black on black ? why does every single study show that the majority of minors murdered with guns are black? do you really think whites are just rolling up, shooting up black schools and then fucking off without anyone reporting on it and no one going to jail?
Here's the NRA complaining about it. Good enough for you?
>why does every single independent study
There are no independent studies on the subject, they're all made by thinktanks with some agenda or another, which is why VERA.org was writing about the need for accurate government data instead of relying on thinktanks.
>b. this shit was pervasive under bush and you don't remember because you are a zoomer. fucking fags named a mix of shit and cum after a republican senator back then and then kept talking about it on tv
I'm not a zoomer and I remember plenty of John Kerry memes from the same time, you are a cherrypicking retard. Also you not find it ironic you're complaining about this now in the era of mean tweets?
where does this say white people are shooting up schools and it is going unreported?
got a real souce? and https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2018/08/27/640323347/the-school-shootings-that-werent
literally links to an independent study
you are a zoomer and the whole argument started because some fags said republicans were evil for calling NYC a communist country not part of America when dems have been doing the same shit for over 20 years
where does this say white people are shooting up schools and it is going unreported?
>all this fucking flaming because I pointed out hypocrisy
God damn zoomers are fucking thin-skinned and pissy compared to the pissy faggot leftists of my era.
>it was literally the commies saying red areas weren't part of the US. and jon stewart and the other leftist jews were constantly showing republican voters in bad lights and acting like they were subhuman retards and trying to dehumanize them
So it's bad when Jon says it and it's bad when you do it as well, or it was good when jon said it so it's good when you do it as well? Help me understand your logic. Because: but he hit me first didnt even work on your mommy. Won't work on me either.
Hunter Biden caused this
when we say it it is true, when jon says it it is jewish subversion and also jon is a fag for acting like everyone else is uncivilized when his whole act was starting this shit in the first place
>when we say it it is true, when jon says it it is jewish subversion
Other way around
no, jon is the jew. a judge in NYC also said the 2nd amendment doesn't apply there because they aren't in the US
I disagree.
i heard discourse that this is setting a bad precedent, something something "this actually makes it so that technically anyone who's ever smoked weed can't own a gun", apparently this conviction has only ever been used when they can't find good charges, any factchecks on that
Cannabis is a controlled substance under federal law, so yeah, it is technically already illegal for marijuana users to own guns, even in states with medical marijuana or legal recreational marijuana.
It's basically a tack on charge for murderers who lied to get the weapons used to murder. I do very much appreciate FOX news and republicans turning the right towards stricter gun control.
stricter gun control against dems only
they used this on FPS russia. dems in generally don't go after these things because they are usually crimes done by blacks. its the same reason why straw purchases are never prosecuted, most straw purchases are done by black and hispanic men on their 21st birthday
Where do you people get this shit from?
Ah yes, it's the republicans cheering on gun laws.

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