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Here is hoping he gets raped to death in jail
>inb4 now you like gun control
I hate drug addicts and think they should all get the death penalty. fucker was also trying to get the charges dismissed, with the conviction he now has to try to get the unconstitutional law overturned so odds are he is going to fall on his sword before destroying his father's legacy. if the charges were dismissed like he wanted we would still have no court challenge for the unconstitutional brady 4473 law. either way I hope biden lives to hear that hunter was raped to death over a period of 9 hours while in jail
Why do you constantly inject your editorial blogshit into the OP instead of pasting the article text?
>Seething, illiterate chud too emotional, hot and bothered by prison rape fantasy to look at catalog and see there's already a post about this
NPR isn't a blog, faggot
No it isn't but your boomer shipost underneath the NPR link is
literally what part of that was editorial? he tried to get the charges dismissed multiple times and enter a plea deal that would dismiss the charges. dismissed charges means nothing in terms of case law. fucker would have gotten his crack rock and eaten it too. now he needs to fall on his sword or erase a major part of his dad's legacy via the courts
It's honestly sad that Biden's constituency is made up of black women and drug dealers that want to avoid the death penalty. The fact Biden is our president is in it of itself so embarrassing
Oh wait. Are you the same chud sperging in the other thread? Was the other thread not going the way you wanted so you made this one instead?
I'm not jewish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RftNQBaDAY
Lol, so that's a yes
Not OP but here,

A federal jury in Delaware has convicted President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, on felony gun charges stemming from his purchase of a Colt revolver in 2018 when he was addicted to crack cocaine.

>The verdict, handed down after three hours of deliberations, capped a weeklong trial in federal court in Wilmington, Del. The jury found Hunter Biden guilty on two counts of making false statements about his drug use when he bought the weapon, and one count of illegal possession of a firearm by a drug user or addict.

>Hunter Biden showed no emotion as the judge’s courtroom deputy read out the verdict. Afterward, the president’s son hugged his attorneys, and kissed his wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, before filing out of the courtroom.

>In a statement after the verdict, Hunter Biden said: “I am more grateful today for the love and support I experienced this last week from Melissa, my family, my friends, and my community than I am disappointed by the outcome."

>His attorney, Abbe Lowell, said his team "will continue to vigorously pursue all the legal challenges available to Hunter."

>This was the first of two cases against Hunter Biden brought by Justice Department special counsel David Weiss. The president’s son also faces tax charges in a separate prosecution scheduled to go to trial in September.

>Biden has said he won't pardon his son, and on Tuesday he said in a statement: "I will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal."

>The gun case was rooted in a difficult period in Hunter Biden’s life when he was reeling after the death of his brother, Beau, in 2015 and was addicted to crack cocaine and alcohol.

>It centers on the Colt revolver that the president’s son bought at a gun store in Wilmington, Delaware in October 2018. It was thrown away in a trash can outside a grocery store 11 days later.
>Prosecutors said that Hunter Biden lied on the federal form every gun purchaser is required to fill out when he declared that he was not using or addicted to illegal drugs.

>Over the course of the trial, prosecutors set out to prove to the jury that Hunter was a drug user at the time, that he knew it and that he lied about when he bought the gun.

>Prosecutors called 10 witnesses, including three women who were at one point romantically involved with Hunter Biden: his ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle; an ex-girlfriend, Zoe Kestan; and his brother Beau’s widow, Hallie Biden.

>Buhle, who was subpoenaed to testify, told the jury about first discovering her then-husband’s drug use when she found a crack pipe on the porch of their home the day after their 22nd wedding anniversary. The couple divorced in 2017.

>Kestan and Hallie Biden, both of whom were granted immunity to testify, told jurors they had witnessed Hunter Biden smoke crack cocaine as well as buy it from drug dealers. Kestan also testified that she was with the president’s son in 2018 when he was cooking his own crack from powder cocaine.

>Hallie Biden, meanwhile, testified about how she and Hunter Biden became romantically involved over time following the death of her husband—Hunter’s brother—in 2017. She told jurors that Hunter had introduced her to crack, and that they smoked it together—a period of her life, she said, that she was embarrassed and ashamed of.
>Hunter’s own words also factored into the government’s case. Prosecutors played long excerpts from his memoir in which he describes in painful detail his spiral into addiction.

>The government also presented the jury with text messages Hunter Biden sent and received between 2017 and 2019 in which he talks about using drugs, buying drugs and his addiction to crack.

>That includes two text messages that he sent just days after he bought the gun. In one, he says he’s waiting for a dealer named Mookie, and in another he says he was “sleeping on a car smoking crack.”

>Hunter Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, has not disputed that Hunter Biden was addicted to crack cocaine and alcohol. But he has argued that his client completed a rehab program in August of 2018, and that he did not consider himself a drug user when he bought the gun on Oct. 12, 2018 or over the period that he owned it.

>In his closing argument, Lowell accused prosecutors of using sleight of hand to try to hide what he said were holes in its case.

>Throughout the trial, Lowell tried to focus the jury’s attention on a narrow period of time—the 11 days Hunter Biden owned the gun before Hallie Biden found it and threw it in a trash can outside a Wilmington grocery store.

>Lowell repeatedly pointed out that the government has a lot of text messages from before and after October 2018 in which Hunter Biden talks about his drug use or even arranges to buy drugs—but not in October 2018.

>The drug texts the government did produce dating to the period Hunter Biden owned the gun Lowell tried to diffuse as nothing more than facetious messages his client sent to Hallie Biden.
Yes, anon. Unfortunately he is our president
Hunter Biden caused this
based /news/man anon
>>Prosecutors called 10 witnesses, including three women who were at one point romantically involved with Hunter Biden: his ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle; an ex-girlfriend, Zoe Kestan; and his brother Beau’s widow, Hallie Biden.
My man Hunter has been laying more pipe than the Plumber's Union
but you're not american
? Wdym
>Trump gets convicted
>Right-wingers: "This is a witch-hunt! This is a two-tiered justice system!"
>Hunter Biden gets convicted in federal charges in Biden's home state (and Biden has already declared he won't abuse the system by pardoning his own son), and Congressman Henry Cuellar and Senator Bob Menendez are federally indicted
>Right-wingers: *cricket noises*
kek, the day after be bought the gun he texted his then girlfriend to tell her he was meeting a dealer to buy crack and that he fell asleep on top of a car after smoking crack
bob menendez raped a child and accepted bribes before and got away with it.
>Henry Cuellar
I have no idea who this mexican is
they tried to give him a plea deal where they dropped all charges, he served no jail time and was immune to future crimes before the judge threw it out. fucker was guilty as sin admitting in his book and texts he was actively addicted to crack while buying the gun and he didn't pay taxes for years
mean while for trump
>federal misdemeanor the statute of limitations ran out on
>somehow gets charged as a state felony
>john edwards got away with doing the same thing
>didn't let him change venues from a +90 Democrat district
>fuckery with the jury selection
>judge actively donated to anti trump groups
>judge's daughter works for pro democrat anti trump group
>prosecutors and judge don't even name the charges until closing arguments
>jury instructions are retarded
>whole thing takes place in foreign communist nation of NYC instead of in the US
imagine if somewhere in ass fuck alabama convicted brandon or obongo
Who in the fuck is James Reeves and why are you linking to his youtube channel?
He is literally a gun lawyer who practices law in New Orleans
It is two tiered.
Joe Biden has not yet been indicted for his corruption.
His son is the result of standard Democrat policy. They throw a lesser party member under the buss.

Not a valid news source, faggot
doesn't your shill farm provide spellcheck
lmao, Conservatives are rustled after their conspiracy theory that Biden is weaponizing the justice system is disproven
They're tying themselves into knots trying to excuse Trumps obvious crimes while convicting Hunter on something they don't believe should be a crime
Its hilarious how ethically bankrupt R-tards are, and how easy it is to make them dance.
Shall not be infringed
that guy is mysteriously silent isn't he
leave the pidgin poster alone, summerfag
so you think he meant democrats throw people under the slang term for the act of ejaculating
don't provoke him or he will start posting BBC threads is pidgin
>didn't let him change venues

It would be abnormal to hold a trial outside of the district where the crime was committed or the jurisdiction whose laws were violated.
I think they're taking a break while their shill points get updated, since the conservative propaganda mill is deciding that Hunter being found guilty is a bad thing after Trump thought it was bad.
Comer and Jim Jordan are huddled in windowless rooms right now trying to tie it in with the Ukraine conspiracy theories somehow
Well that does it, now I'm definitely not voting Hunter Biden for president.
Good. Democrats are not defending him. His own dad said he wouldn't even think of pardoning him. In other words, we're being adults about his crimes. I know this sounds strange to MAGAtards.
dont care
still voting biden in november lol
Let justice be done though the heavens may fall
i think this is stupid. Hunter seems like a regular fuckin his shit up american like everyone else. If hes breaching nat sec or kiddy diddlin shut his shit down, but a fucking gun charge? Retarded. Fuck Joe Biden.
>/News/ is pro 2A now
Kek, funny how your positions change when someone you like is on the chopping block.
I wonder if y’all will keep that energy for any other attack on gun rights
the valid news source was in OP, queer. that was commentary from a lawyer who used public documents that were shown at trial
go back to youtube comments and stay there
I think drug addicts should be shot in the head and the DA literally tried to give hunter immunity to this case before the judge torpedoed it
>democrats spend twelve years dicking over republicans via the IRS, FBI, DoJ and various other investigatory bodies
>one guy gets convicted on gun charges
>"ummm, who's the hypocrite now?"
its not uncommon to change venues if someone can't get a fair trial with the jury pool available. the district the case was in voted 95% biden so it is safe to say trump could not get a fair trial with an impartial jury there. PSA, a gun maker, is getting sued for racism and they were allowed to move the district they are getting tried in
samefag shill
I bet you $20 if hunter gets jail time and brandon loses the election hunter gets pardoned in January
I've been on 4chan since before boxxy. where as you are a paid tranny shill from reddit and discord
that has no bearing on you going back to youtube comments and staying there forever
I'm not surrendering 4chan to trannies
I would take that bet and give you 3:1 odds.
anon you know he meant something else than what he said there
Where are the right wing 2A nutjobs? This guy was found guilty of buying a weapon while on crack. That is not Unconstitutional.
Don't pretend you wouldn't do the same with Trump. :)
>>democrats spend twelve years dicking over republicans via the IRS, FBI, DoJ and various other investigatory bodies
Why would Hunter get jailtime?
4chan isn't your safespace
It's illegal.
Senate hearings on the weaponization of the IRS, DoJ, FBI and various other investigatory bodies.
You can go watch them on c-span if you want. They go back to the obama admin.
I don't care about Hunter other than him being thr receiver of bribes for his father. Joe is the real criminal and corrupt traitor.
I don't believe you that's why I asked for your sources. How do you believe that without proof?
>Joe is the real criminal and corrupt traitor.
are you ESL?
clinton did the same shit with his friend stealing secret documents during white water
biden voted for it. if its bad hunter should get it overturned by the scotus so the law gets thrown out. it shouldn't just be dismissed. plus I want hunter to get hanged, faggot
obongo famously sicked the IRS on conservative political groups in order to limit their effectiveness in 2012 and 2014
>Why would Hunter get jailtime?
he was found guilty of 3 felonies who have a max jail time of 25 years
>4chan isn't your safespace
never said it was, I said I wasn't surrendering it to troons like you. I'll make you 41% yourself first
you are a sealioning tranny
>dreams of Hunter being hung
You've lusted over the pictures, you know what he has
>no monetary settlement
>"we're sorry :^)"
Based Obama
>he was found guilty of 3 felonies who have a max jail time of 25 years
Yeah but nobody does time for this. So why would hunter get jailtime?
there is a pic of a noose around his neck?
>Yeah but nobody does time for this.
>So why would hunter get jailtime?
do the crime, do the time. plus his dad voted for it
>no one should be jailed for this crime except for people I've never met but I've been told I should hate personally, and they should be in proportionately punished.
>my degenerate sexual preferences want him to be raped to death, but if he is hung like his pictures I mean with a noose that would be good too
just when I thought my estimation of gun schizo couldn't get any lower
his dad fucking says he wants to ban guns daily, I want them to throw the book at hunter so brandon has to suffer. if hunter was literally raped to death it would be based as fuck. fuck joe biden, I hope he never again experiences joy
>he wants to ban guns daily
you were BTFO when you claimed he did it weekly, don't do this to yourself
Just go bang a tranny and get it out of your system. If you pay extra I'm sure they'll stick a gun up your ass or something.
Daily? I heard Biden says he wants to ban guns every HOUR! EVERY MINUTE! I HEAR HIM SAYING IT IN MY HEAD! OH GOD! MAKE THE VOICES STOOOPPP!!!!
Illiterate retarded nigger lmao
>you were BTFO when you claimed he did it weekly,
he literally did it on the previous tuesday and then did it again like a day later, you are a lying jew. hunter should get the gas chamber, tranny
Neither Hunter nor Trump will serve any prison time.
did you never see the laptop pic dumps? he was fucking dozens of hookers.
daily! he says it daily! every day! in my head!!!!
notice how you aren't denying brandon wants to ban guns
Will Joe grant gun rights to felons or merely pardon his son?
>story you linked and your post are both timestamped
>subtract one from the other
>over 7 days difference
You can cope all you want, you were wrong then and you're still wrong now.
>no it was 170 hours ago so it doesn't count even though it was literally the previous week reeeeeeeeeeeee
I think the more important thing to notice is that I don't engage with you honestly because you're a mentally ill goofball and nothing you say is worth taking seriously
Thats because you are an npc, in every sense of the word
>Justice Department: convicts Trump of a felony
>Justice Department: convicts Biden of a felony
>Republicans: wait no not like that

Seriously, y'all got exactly what you wanted and yet the only thing I'm hearing from republicans is 'ignore this, the real crimes are yet to come'?

Motherfuckers you got exactly what you wanted. Oh wait. Maybe not. Maybe all this really does is demonstrate the system is actually impartial and your man is being treated like a criminal BECAUSE HE'S A CRIMINAL.
>Guilty people served justice
Why u meltdown so much tho?
no, its because you get btfo'd every time so you just accuse others of mental illness because you have no argument and are a communist
I'll get what I want when brandon has to watch hunter swinging from a hangman's noose
any minute now
>can't stop talking about hung Hunter Biden
Apparently those laptop pics can change some schizos
the thread is about him being convicted of 3 felonies, what do you expect people to be talking about in this thread you retarded tranny?
Not him but most people would talk about the crimes he committed and not his dick pics
I don't get why the chuds are seething so hard ITT. He's probably already going to jail, what more do you want?
the only one in this topic talking about his dick is you
there are no jews seething itt you retard
no silly... Hunter had REAL charges. Not the gun charge. The DoJ simply ignored them and let the statute of limitation run out while interfering with anyone investigating them whereas with Trump they changed the law to get him for a made up sexual assualt that happened somewhere in the 90s... shes not sure what year.. there is a direct contradiction to equal application of the law everywhere you turn with these people.
Where do you people get this shit from?
you def have to dig.. but official documents, first hand accounts, FOIA requests... Its not at all easy to do and takes way more effort then most are willing to put in.
This was widely testified in congressional hearings by multiple witnesses. The IRS policy was to charge tax fraud in hunters situation and the doj blocked it until statute of limitation ran out
The prosecutor, David Weiss, was appointed by Trump. He brought the charges.

The judge was appointed by Trump. He instructed the jury.

If you're wondering who's responsible for these so called money laundering and foreign qgent charges not being brought, you know who to blame.
>reddit spacing
made up by newfags
nah, you got caught reddit spacing and likely phoneposting
>/r/the_Donald refugee calling others reddit
Tale as old as time
holy shit you are illiterate. i guess it shouldnt come as a surprise.
We as anons have a civil duty to fuck up the YouTube comments as much as possible. You can still call someone a colored boy and and it gets past the filters.
I've been here since 2008. 4chan has always hated commies
saying I hope he gets raped in jail isn't an editorial, faggot. besides you make 20 million drumft is finished threads
stfu newfag, you were probably born in 08
nah, I'm not a retard biden supporting zoomer like you
>do the crime, do the time
Nobody does time for this so why would hunter do time?
prohibited persons go to jail for having guns and crack on them. FPS russia went to jail for this
>posting from a desktop
Why? Are you a mod?
phone posters are all third worlders and zoomers
So Hunter won't go to jail then?
Do you not own a smart phone?
I'll wait while your supervisor drafts a new transcript that has a proper answer to this question
hunter was convicted of being a prohibited person in possession. he got 3 convictions, lying to a federally licensed gun dealer, making a false claim on the federal firearms application used to screen applicants and possessing an illegally obtained gun for 11 days.
you sure are seething that only actual third worlders and zoomers phonepost on 4chan. Americans post on their computers. the reason india and indonesia are 2 of the biggest english speaking groups on the internet is due to phone posting
you would be so much happier if you went back to facebook with your fellow boomers and stayed there blissfully unaware of what the youth were doing
>hunter was convicted of being a prohibited person in possession. he got 3 convictions, lying to a federally licensed gun dealer, making a false claim on the federal firearms application used to screen applicants and possessing an illegally obtained gun for 11 days.
I didn't ask what he was charged with and what the conviction was. I said nobody does time for these charges so why would a wealthy political figure do time for this? You also didn't answer my only other question which was: do you own a smart phone?
you aren't even American, faggot.
I do own a smartphone but I don't phone post since I own a toilet, unlike you. and people do go to jail for this. FPS russia went to jail for the same shit. by your logic no one should ever go to jail for assault weapons charges since those are only ever added on to of wife beating charges and I think I've seen one case of someone ever getting AWB charges that didn't also involve some accusation of domestic violence by someone in the house
>and people do go to jail for this.
Hunter wont
>I do own a smartphone
Nah don't lie. you don't have any use for a smart phone. You get like 2 worried phone calls per year from your mom and no friends to text and you sit at your desktop and keyboard warrior all day long.
>Hunter wont
because the justice system is 2 tiered and democrats always escape justice since its rigged
>Nah don't lie
nope, and you are clearly seething since you admitted to being a phone poster
the city of phone posters
>because the justice system is 2 tiered and democrats always escape justice since its rigged
No because those charges rarely lead to jail time
>nope, and you are clearly seething since you admitted to being a phone poster
Why wouldn't I post from a phone? Do you even have a job? Are you employed by anybody?
Interesting pictures. I didn't click the link btw I'm just imagining how interesting they are.
it shows how south asia is all phone posters
>No because those charges rarely lead to jail time
FPS russia got jail time. all 3 of those crimes carry a combined max penalty of 25 years. if hunter doesn't go to jail he is getting a sweatheart deal because his dad is president
>Why wouldn't I post from a phone? Do you even have a job? Are you employed by anybody?
not working from home
what is it like working at shoprite?
>all 3 of those crimes carry a combined max penalty of 25 years. if hunter doesn't go to jail he is getting a sweatheart deal because his dad is president
I enjoy how confidently wrong you are.
>it shows how south asia is all phone posters
Lame. My imagination was better.
>FPS russia got jail time
Looks like FPS russia faced significantly more charges than Hunter Biden including many drug posession charges
>if hunter doesn't go to jail he is getting a sweatheart deal because his dad is president
True. Why did it take like 10 replies to get this answer from you? Was I asking questions poorly or are you bad at communicating because you have autism?
>Follow live updates: An exact sentencing date has not been set. He faces up to 25 years in prison,
cope, fagboi
FPS russia had a small amount of weed, hunter was activley smoking crack on the side of the road with a gun
>True. Why did it take like 10 replies to get this answer from you?
because you write retarded baiting questions to try to lead the discussion, phone posting reddit shill. I'm not going to bother answering retarded questions from a phone poster
>hunter was activley smoking crack on the side of the road with a gun
I have a question. Do you know you're lying or do you just say whatever comes to your mind without really worrying about whether or not its true?
>FPS russia had a small amount of weed
Looks like they found 25 grams of hash oil actually. Did you forget this or were you trying to lie to me just now?
he literally texted his gf and said he fell asleep on a car high on crack like 2 days after he bought the gun, shill
that is a small amount of weed you lying sealioning retard shill
According to Hunter that's what he was doing but I think you already know that
>he literally texted his gf and said he fell asleep on a car high on crack like 2 days after he bought the gun, shill
So because he bought the gun 2 days before that automatically means he had it on him when he was smoking crack? Again, I ask, do you know you're lying or do you just not care?
So, putting aside any debates about what quantity of weed constitutes "a lot", surely you agree that possessing 25 grams of cannabis oil is less severe than the ounces of crack cocaine hunter was known to be manufacturing? He wrote about this in his book. Even narrated his own audiobook. The trial must have been hilarious having him claim he wasn't a drug addict and then the prosecution plays excerpts of hunters own voice detailing all the crack he made and smoked.
he was literally smoking crack while legally being in possession of a gun he bought by lying on a 4473
>he was literally smoking crack while legally being in possession of a gun he bought by lying on a 4473
But, to be absolutely clear, you have no clue if he had the gun physically on him. You have no clue where the gun was. You're just making shit up.
Hash oil isn't weed. Lol.
>the ounces of crack cocaine hunter was known to be manufacturing?
Anon, he was guilty.
It's been proven he lied on a form and had the gun while smoking crack.
You don't need to polish hunters knob like you do his father.
No laws were changed to prosecute hunter. He broke existing laws and was proven guilty in a court of law.
>It's been proven he lied on a form and had the gun while smoking crack.
That's it? He won't do jail time for that.
>Anon, he was guilty.
Sure, but not of passing out in a car on crack with a gun on him. You made that part up.

>It's been proven he lied on a form and had the gun while smoking crack.
But it wasn't proven he passed out in a car with a gun on him. You made that part up.

>You don't need to polish hunters knob like you do his father.
You seem to struggle with facts
>but not of passing out in a car on crack with a gun on him. You made that part up.
Well, I didn't, the other anon said that, and I do disagree too. I highly doubt Hunter passed out smoking crack, he probably stayed up the whole time and slept once he was done smoking crack
>But, to be absolutely clear, you have no clue if he had the gun physically on him.
that literally has nothing to do with being a prohibited person in possession you retard. you aren't even American. he bought the gun. it was in his possession for 11 days on at least one of those days he admitted to smoking crack, he literally was convicted of being addicted to crack while in possession of a firearm. that was one of the 3 charges he was convicted on
its the same fucking thing. hash and weed are both the same level schedule controlled substance
yes, because his last name is biden. if his last name was not biden he would go to jail
>reddit spacing
go back
>Sure, but not of passing out in a car on crack with a gun on him.
he literally was convicted of possession of a gun while using crack. that was one of the 3 convictions
page 4 count 3. he literally was charged with and convicted of possession of a gun while using crack. you aren't American, you just love deep throating the bidens
>But it wasn't proven he passed out in a car with a gun on him. You made that part up.
he literally was convicted of being in possession of the gun unlawfully while sleeping on the car high on crack
Good post
>that literally has nothing to do with being a prohibited person in possession you retard.
He didn't say he was innocent. You're getting angry over nothing.
>its the same fucking thing. hash and weed are both the same level schedule controlled substance
THC flower and TCH oil aren't the same thing. LSD is also a schedule 1 substance. Is LSD the same thing as THC oil as well? Silly straight edge sheltered Christian talking about shit he doesn't know about. Go get your cookie and juice and go to sunday school, kiddo.
>he literally was convicted of possession of a gun while using crack
Point? You said something about a car earlier. Why did you leave that out? Also welcome back. Must have been a massive panic attack. Wiped you out for damn near 24 hours.
>he literally was convicted of possession of a gun while using crack. that was one of the 3 convictions
So, to reiterate, you have absolutely zero evidence he was caught passed out in a car on crack with a gun in his possession. You made it up.

>he literally was convicted of being in possession of the gun unlawfully while sleeping on the car high on crack
He was not. You're making shit up again.
>He didn't say he was innocent.
he is being a retard and arguing about something that hunter was literally convicted of
>THC flower and TCH oil aren't the same thing. LSD is also a schedule 1 substance.
Weed is literally schedule one you fucking retard
Schedule I

Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Some examples of Schedule I drugs are: heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), methaqualone, and peyote.
are you retarded? I replied to you 2 hours after you posted. do you not know how to read a clock? are you that fucking stupid? and hunter was literally convicted of being in possession of a gun while using a controlled substance
he literally was convicted of possession of a gun while using crack. that was one of the 3 convictions
page 4 count 3. he literally was charged with and convicted of possession of a gun while using crack. you aren't American, you just love deep throating the bidens
>he is being a retard and arguing about something that hunter was literally convicted of
Hunter wasn't convicted of anything involving a car. In fact I don't think hunter was ever even caught by any authorities smoking crack regarding this charge. He was caught admitting he smoked crack, which is enough to press charges.
>Weed is literally schedule one you fucking retard
Do you have autism? I just said in my post that weed is a schedule 1 drug. What the flying fuck is wrong with your brain?
So no car? Can you follow a conversation or are you retarded? How many disability bracelets do you wear?
>Hunter wasn't convicted of anything involving a car. In fact I don't think hunter was ever even caught by any authorities smoking crack regarding this charge. He was caught admitting he smoked crack, which is enough to press charges.
he literally was convicted of possession of a gun while using crack. that was one of the 3 convictions
page 4 count 3. he literally was charged with and convicted of possession of a gun while using crack. you aren't American, you just love deep throating the bidens
>Do you have autism? I just said in my post that weed is a schedule 1 drug. What the flying fuck is wrong with your brain?
so then it being hash oil or pot is irrelevant because both are schedule 1 thc
he was legally in possession of a gun when he smoked crack and passed out on a car, you fucking faggot
>he literally was convicted of possession of a gun while using crack.
Who said he wasn't?
>so then it being hash oil or pot is irrelevant because both are schedule 1 thc
Nah it's relevant for factual accuracy. No jeed to be embarrassed that you don't know the difference. You never had hookups anyway because you never left your room, NEET.
>he was legally in possession of a gun when he smoked crack and passed out on a car,
Didn't see anything in the charges involving a car, because otherwise he would be charged with many more crimes than lying on a document. I know you're retarded.
>Who said he wasn't?
you are the one arguing it, jew
>Nah it's relevant for factual accuracy. No jeed to be embarrassed that you don't know the difference. You never had hookups anyway because you never left your room, NEET.
noooo you need to be addicted to narcotics in order to be cool.
its the same fucking thing you retard. they are both made from the same shit and are both schedule 1
>Didn't see anything in the charges involving a car, because otherwise he would be charged with many more crimes than lying on a document. I know you're retarded.
he got charged with and convicted of being a drug addict in possession of a gun you fucking retard who can't read and who loves sucking biden cock
>you are the one arguing it
I disagree.
>its the same fucking thing you retard.
I disagree.
>he got charged with and convicted of being a drug addict in possession of a gun you fucking retard who can't read and who loves sucking biden cock
I disagree.
you disagree with the charge and conviction of him being in possession of a gun while being an active user of controlled narcotics?
Nope! Nobody ever did that in this thread. You're punching ghosts because of the car thingy.
he was literally convicted of being in possession of a gun while high on crack on a car
I disagree.
Trump was literally convicted of paying Stormy Daniels hush money in the form of classified documents on Jan 6th.
that was a kangaroo court done in a foreign communist nation with a democrat judge who donated to anti trump groups
You don't get anything, do you
you have no argument, no dick and are phone posting
Why wouldn't I post from a phone?

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