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lol he's legitimately worried about the Vatican turning into a gay bar, that's actually pretty funny
>According to ANSA, Francis repeated the term on Tuesday as he met Roman priests, saying "there is an air of faggotness in the Vatican," and it was better that young men with a homosexual tendency not be allowed to enter the seminary.
Old men with homosexual tendencies though, should probably be put in youth groups.
Thanks The Pope.
paste the article text cockstain
And here I thought The Pope was a pride flag waving, poop-seeking, HIV faggot.
The Catholic church might be making a comeback if he wasn't a knee grow-loving, immigrant cock suckling piece of shit.
Make me, lazy jackass
Jesus was arrested in a public park at 4am with a naked boy and crucified between two other child traffickers
Patriarchy and pedophilia go hand in hand, every fascist joins the movement to abuse younger men in a pyramid scheme of homosexual rape
protip: INRI = "king of the jews"
From my perspective religion has always been entirely about regulating sex.
I don't have a counter argument for this
protip: lestes = "pirate, especially of the people snatching kind and infamous for targeting children to make into sex slaves"
Caesar was abducted by lestes in his younger days. He convinced them to let him go to arrange for his own ransom and returned with a posse to slaughter them. The infamous Phoenicians and "sea peoples" so many ancient groups write about as causing havoc? Patriarchal monotheism is their thing. Even the Jews weren't that bad off until around the 3rd century BCE. "Ancient Israel" is a Hellenistic fabrication; Jews in Elephantine in the 4th century didn't write about Moses, David, or any of that fake history. Judaism and Christianity are both fairy tales created in the aftermath of pirates overthrowing civilizations and embedding themselves in society, complete with institutionalized patriarchal child rape.

All christcucks need to be slaughtered by posses; they're still lestes. That's why the horribles on 4chan have been pulled christward and the lestes out there have felt comfortable coming here to proselytize.
Not him but here:

ROME, June 11 (Reuters) - The pope has again used a highly disparaging word against gay people for which he had already apologised last month, ANSA news agency said on Tuesday.

Italian media had attributed to the pope the use of the word "frociaggine", a vulgar Italian term roughly translating as "faggotness", on May 20 during a closed-door meeting with Italian bishops.

According to ANSA, Francis repeated the term on Tuesday as he met Roman priests, saying "there is an air of faggotness in the Vatican," and it was better that young men with a homosexual tendency not be allowed to enter the seminary.

Asked about the latest report, the Vatican's press office made reference to a statement it had issued regarding Tuesday's meeting with the priests, in which the pope reiterated the need to welcome gay people into the Church and the need for caution regarding them becoming seminarians.

After the initial report of his use of the word, Corriere della Sera newspaper quoted unnamed bishops who were in the room as suggesting that the pope, as an Argentine, might not have realised that the Italian term he used was offensive.

Francis, who is 87, had been credited with making substantial overtures towards the LGBT community during his 11-year papacy. Some observers of the Vatican say his recent missteps undermine his authority and raise questions about his convictions and the reform path he has in mind for the Church.

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