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The lawsuit was previously dismissed by an Oklahoma district court judge, who agreed with the city of Tulsa that “simply being connected to a historical event does not provide a person with unlimited rights to seek compensation.” The plaintiffs appealed the case to the state’s Supreme Court. White Power Centrilift Power. "The law does not permit us to extend the scope of our public nuisance doctrine beyond what the Legislature has authorized to afford Plaintiffs the justice they are seeking,” the court wrote in its decision.
Oklahoma Supreme Court dismisses lawsuit brought by survivors of Tulsa Race Massacre
John Bearden strikes again
>Conservatives censoring their actions in the past and proving once again reparations on necessary.
what sins have you in your family closet?
are we persecuting people for the crimes of their ancestors? punishment for all for all are sinners? Take your dark age nonsense back to hell where it belongs devil child and know when you wither and crumble no mercy shall be laid upon you
the tulsa race massacre was made up, like the holocausters
>are we persecuting people for the crimes of their ancestors?
Well, to be fair, its not persecuting people for crimes, its persecuting the state for crimes. The lawsuit is not targeting random people for things their ancestors did. It specifically targets the city of Tulsa for facilitating and participating in a massacre.
>are we persecuting people for the crimes of their ancestors?
Yes, you're next, slaver
Reminder that the largest lynching of Italians by Whites their survivors and family members were able to receive reparations as well.
and who uhh pays for that? the people directly involved in the crime?
The fact you're so against it proves you're guilty.
a. the massacre never happened
b. if the grifters won the people of the state would have their taxes stolen from them
>and who uhh pays for that?
The city. If someone sues the city the city pays.

>a. the massacre never happened
You must take your medication
>the city magically makes money out of thin air
>if you don't believe this story there is literally zero evidence for you need meds
>the city magically makes money out of thin air
The city doesn't make money out of thin air. The city has money from tax revenue. The city pays for expenses out of its budget. I'm not sure why I'm explaining to you how cities work.

>if you don't believe this story there is literally zero evidence for you need meds
I don't really know how to engage with this. It clearly happened. The found the bodies. Its an extremely well documented event. I don't know what to tell you if you just don't like reality.
he's retarded, don't blame him. just pray he gets the help he so desperately needs
>reddit spacing
go back
>The city has money from tax revenue
so its going to cost the taxpayers for something they never did to give money to people who were not the victims of an event that was fictional
>I don't really know how to engage with this.
because it never happened. you didn't post any evidence because you have none. it is literally made up
Yeah, I don't know why I bother.

>so its going to cost the taxpayers for something they never did
Yeah that's how government works. My taxes go to pay for schools and fire departments even if I don't have kids and my house never catches fire. Small children are taught this in like middle school.

>because it never happened. you didn't post any evidence because you have none.
Try Google.com. You can even see pictures of it. This is as much as I'm going to engage with this retarded argument. I can't help you if you're literally incapable of viewing reality.
>reddit spacing
go back samefag
>Yeah that's how government works. My taxes go to pay for schools and fire departments even if I don't have kids and my house never catches fire. Small children are taught this in like middle school.
if its coming from tax money its literally punishing people who never did the crime for a crime that never fucking happened in the first place
>Try Google.com. You can even see pictures of it. This is as much as I'm going to engage with this retarded argument. I can't help you if you're literally incapable of viewing reality.
wow, you still didn't post proof, because there is none, because it never fucking happened
>if its coming from tax money its literally punishing people who never did the crime for a crime that never fucking happened in the first place
Its not. It has nothing to do with the tax payers. Either you're ironically 40 IQ or you were raised in a cave in the woods and you have no clue how governments work.

>wow, you still didn't post proof, because there is none, because it never fucking happened
Google "Tulsa Race Massacre"
>Its not. It has nothing to do with the tax payers. Either you're ironically 40 IQ or you were raised in a cave in the woods and you have no clue how governments work.
people pay taxes, if that tax money then goes to nonvictims of a made up crime the tax payers either suffer higher taxes or loss of services
>Google "Tulsa Race Massacre"
no. its made up and you refuse to prove it isn't
>people pay taxes
Correct. You've got at least that part right.

>if that tax money then goes to nonvictims of a made up crime the tax payers either suffer higher taxes or loss of services
Yeah that's just not how government works. That isn't how taxes work. Tax payers don't get to opt out of government liability because they weren't personally involved. I don't know how to explain it any simpler.

>no. its made up and you refuse to prove it isn't
I'm not not interested in like a full on schizo debate. If you think the pictures and documentation and 300 people who died were all fake and the thousands of people who were involved and witnessed it were all like jewish crisis actors or something then you belong in a mental hospital and there's nothing I can do to help you.
>reddit spacing
go back
>Yeah that's just not how government works. That isn't how taxes work. Tax payers don't get to opt out of government liability because they weren't personally involved. I don't know how to explain it any simpler.
you are literally punishing people who did no crime to pay people who were never victims of a crime for a crime that never happened. the whole thing is retarded
>I'm not not interested in like a full on schizo debate. If you think the pictures and documentation and 300 people who died were all fake and the thousands of people who were involved and witnessed it were all like jewish crisis actors or something then you belong in a mental hospital and there's nothing I can do to help you.
weird how you can't post any proof
>you are literally punishing people who did no crime
Tough shit. If you live in state then you pay taxes and the state uses that tax money to pay its expenses. Welcome to basic government function.

>weird how you can't post any proof
Prove to me that the civil war happened.
>Tough shit. If you live in state then you pay taxes and the state uses that tax money to pay its expenses. Welcome to basic government function.
why should people who never did a crime pay people who were never victims of a crime for a crime that never happened?
>Prove to me that the civil war happened.
top keke, you still can't fucking prove the tulsa shit happened
>why should people who never did a crime pay people who were never victims of a crime for a crime that never happened?
Because its the law. Cry about it.

>top keke, you still can't fucking prove the tulsa shit happened
Weird how you can't post any proof that the civil war happened
>Because its the law. Cry about it.
it isn't. the black grifter's got their case dismissed
>Weird how you can't post any proof that the civil war happened
weird that you are trying this sealioning non sequitur instead of just proving the tulsa thing happened
>Tough shit
No. I and many others don't support this. The "victims" of this shit can eat shit. The courts apparently agree. You can eat shit too.
you don't exist. we don't have to listen to you since you can't prove you exist
lol you are mad as fuck about being asked to prove an event actually happened
FYI this anon >>1303900 is the same newfag from reddit who never pastes the article in his shitpost threads. He is a troll, do not feed him.
prove the tulsa race massacre happened, faggot
Blacks started the Tulsa riot, they formed and armed Posse and tried to break a Rapist out of jail. The Blacks shot and killed many Whites, kicking off the unrest.

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