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what an amazing description of the killer. a white t shirt and jeans sure is a great way to ID someone
Alright I'll keep an eye out
paste the article newfag
Don't paste the article, never paste the article.
Don't listen to this mewling newfaggot and paste the article text
>NYC hole stabbed to death
>FTA: Her boyfriend was with her when she was stabbed, but he was allegedly uncooperative with police

Good. Bonus points if it was a jewess shanked in front of her kvetching effeminate beta.
jews are white
Jews are not white retard
Jews are superior to you, subhuman. The likes of you whine about them - otherwise you'd just ignore them: confident in your supposed 'superiority' to them - so they're doing something good.
Jews Did Nothing Wrong. And Never Will.
not in the rules, reddit jew
don't worry, I won't
paste it anyway, do it immediately
lol no
paste it now
Ok I'm sorry
>MIDTOWN, Manhattan (PIX11) – A woman is wanted for allegedly stabbing another woman to death near the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Manhattan Monday night, according to the NYPD.

>It happened around 10:15 p.m. on West 40th Street. A 22-year-old woman was stabbed in the chest by another woman, who ran from the scene going southbound on 8th Avenue, according to authorities.

>The victim was taken to NYC Health + Hospitals / Bellevue where she was pronounced dead. Her boyfriend was with her when she was stabbed, but he was allegedly uncooperative with police, sources told PIX11 News.

>The 8th Avenue exit was shut down at the bus terminal while police investigated, forcing commuters to exit onto 9th Avenue.

>The suspect was last seen wearing a white shirt and blue jeans.

>No arrests have been made so far.

There that is the whole article
fuck, off samefag
Thanks Anon
Typical New York
There are 9 million people living there. If 1000 of them are stabby rapists it doesn't make them "typical".
Are you blind? The lady isn't black.
the stabber was black, that is why the news blurred the face and refused to say the race.
Oh you didn't know what happens when they apply censor pixels?
Definitely black, otherwise it would've been a hate crime.
(you know it's true)
She ain’t white, that’s for sure

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