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Gaming giant Steam accused of ripping off 14m UK gamers

The owner of Steam - the largest digital distribution platform for PC games in the world - is being sued for £656m.

Valve Corporation is being accused of using its market dominance to overcharge 14 million people in the UK.

"Valve is rigging the market and taking advantage of UK gamers," said digital rights campaigner Vicki Shotbolt, who is bringing the case.
The claim - which has been filed at the Competition Appeal Tribunal, in London - accuses Valve of "shutting out" competition in the PC gaming market.

It says Valve "forces" game publishers to sign up to so-called price parity obligations, preventing titles being sold at cheaper prices on rival platforms.

Ms Shotbolt says this has enabled Steam to charge an "excessive commission of up to 30%", making UK consumers pay too much for purchasing PC games and add-on content.

The case is what is known as a collective action claim, which means that one person goes to court on behalf of a much larger group of people.

Ms Shotbolt - who accuses Valve of breaching UK competition law for at least six years - says she is bringing the claim "to stop this unlawful conduct and help people get back what they are owed."
If companies can't buy their biggest competitor and share in the profits, or accept that they're simply better than them fair and square, then they'll try to destroy them.

One rule when they benefit from the system, another when they don't.
Why do they want to be on Steam if they want to publish games cheaper on other platforms?
Exactly. It's not about price of games. It's about destroying competition.
bam! beat me to it! :D
How does apple not get the wrath?? I believe they take 50%
too big to fail
ah! so the more crime money you make the more they can take! makes perfect sense
Who gives a fuck about British video games?
This is totally not a shill thread for Valve.
There aren't enough people on this board for anyone to shill anything here
>EU forced Apple to have USB C
>Labour guaranteed a huge majority from 5th July, thus will impose laws without opposition
As he'll make the private rail companies subject to absolute state control - a policy that is guaranteed vote winner - What's to stop Starmer from nationalising the UK branch of Steam? Forcing them to set prices: Or Else.
british steam does not sell only british games
It's really horrible that Apple tried to get rid of USB-C
fr there are a total of 12 users of this board if anyone is trying to shill here they're wasting their time
steam/valve doesn't set the prices of games. the publishers/devs do. how can they be this stupid
>steam is largest digital video game distributor in western markets
>publishers want to put their games on steam
>steam asks for a certain commission
>publishers oblige
>publishers get angry later
make your own fucking platform then, you silly geese
oh, wait, you don't want to because steam is a massive distributor and no one buys games in stores anymore
well, too bad, you have to pay for the distribution
another thing people don't realize is valve as a company is a trusted distributor, they let you return games and get your full money back, and games on steam are considered legitimate products (e.g. you aren't giving money to a company that will scam you)
pay up or shut up
Gee, I wonder who's funding Ms Shotbolt.
Could it possibly be timmy tencent?
why do you post like this

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