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40% of Japanese in 30s desiring children are sexless, research reveals
Work leaves some Japanese too used up to have sex. (Photo by Wataru Ito)
ERIKO FUKUYAMA, Nikkei staff writerMarch 24, 2024 19:18 JST

TOKYO -- Nearly 40% of married Japanese in their 30s who want children are sexless, research reveals, casting a shadow over the country's efforts to tackle declining births.

Academic research and studies of the phenomenon of sexlessness, in which partners experience low or zero sexual activity, are gaining traction in Japan.

Although definitions of sexlessness vary, the Japan Society of Sexual Science broadly defines it as a state in which a couple has not had any sex for over a month and the situation will likely last longer.

Yoshie Moriki, a professor at the International Christian University, and other researchers compiled a scholarly paper in 2022 based on findings from a 2010 nationwide survey of 9,000 men and women ages 20 to 59 to analyze sexual activities between spouses.

About 45% of the respondents had sex less than once a month. Even among those who desired children, the rates of sexlessness were significant: 22% of those in their 20s, 37% in their 30s and 50% in their 40s.

Notably, those desiring a second child faced even higher sexlessness rates: 40% in their 20s, 48% in their 30s, and 67% in their 40s.

Moriki attributes this partly to cultural factors, saying Japanese tend to feel happiness as a family when the couple sleep with their children by their side, prioritizing child-oriented life over the marital relationship.

There is also a social factor, she said. "Some couples are too busy with their jobs and do not have the psychological capacity" to have sex.

Analysis by Yuji Genda, a professor at the University of Tokyo, shows that long working hours generally lead to married couples having less sex. This tendency is particularly strong among women, who are likely to experience more stress at work.
Japan boasts the longest paid working hours among advanced countries, and women often shoulder additional unpaid labor, such as household chores.

Furthermore, Japan ranks the lowest among the Group of Seven nations in terms of leisure time.

Clinical psychologist Sayaka Toda of the Hara Medical Clinic in Tokyo explains that both men and women face time constraints due to work and child care, leading to a decreased priority for sexual intimacy. In cramped living spaces, couples with a first child may find it challenging to engage in sexual activity, she added.

"In recent years, some individuals have shifted their focus away from sexual intercourse, opting for infertility treatments to conceive children," said Toda. Public insurance coverage for infertility treatments began in 2022 in Japan, making them more accessible. However, not all couples pursue these treatments. Therefore, sexlessness will likely contribute to Japan's declining birthrate.

Meanwhile, cases of sexual intercourse not leading to childbirth have also been on the rise.

"The number of men who cannot ejaculate inside their wife's vagina has been on the rise over the past two decades," said Shin Imai, director of the Seirei Hamamatsu General Hospital Reproductive Center in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka prefecture. Approximately 10% of male infertility consultations at the center involve intravaginal ejaculatory dysfunction.

Imai attributes this trend to inappropriate self-stimulation practices, such as exposure to explicit adult content and rubbing the penis on the floor. He also highlights Japan's lack of adequate sexual education as an underlying factor.

Feeling pressure to ejaculate during the wife's ovulation period can lead to erectile dysfunction, according to Imai.

"Both men and women need to understand that sexual intercourse is a complex act involving communication with one's partner, and ejaculation is not always straightforward," the doctor emphasized.
As a result of these various factors, the number of children per couple has dropped. According to a survey on birth trends by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, the average number of children among couples where the wife was 45 to 49 started to decline since 2002, falling below two for the first time in 2015.

Overall, Japanese people, including those who are unmarried, exhibit a reticence toward sex. Nearly 20% of Japanese in their 30s, both men and women, have never had a sex partner, according to a study conducted in 2022 by Peter Ueda, an assistant professor at Sweden's Karolinska Institute.

In contrast, in Europe and the U.S., the percentage of people in their 30s who have never had a sexual partner is only around 1% to 2%, according to Ueda.

To achieve pregnancy, it is of course normally necessary for a couple to have intercourse.

"It's quite surprising that many Japanese individuals have not taken even a single step in the process," said Ueda.
>Imai attributes this trend to inappropriate self-stimulation practices, such as exposure to explicit adult content and rubbing the penis on the floor.
what the fuck am I reading
Nobody here is from Japan. Also not my problem
Anime destroyed the weab. Before they were making classics like Seven Samurai, Tokyo Story and Gojira. Now it's all just thinly veiled pedophila pushed onto the masses until they care more about sexualized drawings of 10 year olds than they do about real life women.
How did you get like this?
>rubbing the penis on the floor.
sex is only for fun in japan. the people that want kids are girls that are ugly or live in the middle of nowhere. people that live in the city and have the opportunity to meet people and have sex dont want kids because it is too expensive to raise them in the city and there is no space to do so. all industry and jobs for the majority of people revolve around living in the city so for most career types, it is not an option to move to the countryside where there is space and an easier economy and raise kids because there will be no jobs there.
I'd really like to know how that works
It's really quite simple. You lay prone on the floor and place your penis between your stomach and the floor; you then grind your hips until you cum. We've all been there.
>We've all been there
nope its just you freaks
>>1303831 (OP)
the jews did this. this is the punishment of global jewery to the axis powers of germany, ireland, japan and italy for the holocaust
the holocaust didn't happen, but the japs thought it did so the jews are punishing them
I've honestly never heard of this before now. It sounds very painful and filthy.
Women need to care about their civilization and want to have babies instead of being selfish only thinking about themselves. Women take too much effort to get turned on to sex, develop some aphrodisiac medication for women or something.
Fake article generated by AI.
>"Overworked populance too tired to fuck"
I miss honest direct language.....
>We've all been there.

Speak for yourself. Why tf would anyone grind on the floor when there's fleshlights, sex dolls, regular jerkin it etc...? Makes absolutely no sense.
I assume they mean with a pillow? I don't know either.
>In contrast, in Europe and the U.S., the percentage of people in their 30s who have never had a sexual partner is only around 1% to 2%, according to Ueda.

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