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These are the type of people Republicans want fully armed at all times.


A federal grand jury has indicted an Arizona gun vendor for allegedly selling firearms to be used in a mass shooting he was planning in hopes of inciting a “race war” ahead of the 2024 presidential election, authorities said.

Mark Adams Prieto, 58, of Prescott was indicted Tuesday on charges of firearms trafficking, transfer of a firearm for use in a hate crime and possession of an unregistered firearm, the U.S. attorney’s office in Arizona announced.

Prieto was taken into custody in New Mexico on May 14 after allegedly supplying rifles to an informant and an undercover agent while plotting out an attack on African Americans and other minorities at a concert in Atlanta.

According to federal prosecutors, Prieto told the individuals, who he met while selling at gun shows, that he hoped to “kill as many people as possible” and leave Confederate flags, Ku Klux Klan propaganda and other “offensive rhetoric” at the scene of the shooting in order to incite retaliation and start a race war.

“In his mind, it had to unequivocally be perceived as race related. He expressed frustration with the direction the country is going and a willingness to do violence to change its direction,” prosecutors said in a May 17 court document arguing for his detention pending trial.

Prieto allegedly personally chose the city where the shooting would take place and the specific guns that the trio would use in their attack. When one of the other two participants said they did not have an AR-15 rifle, which was the firearm Prieto wanted everyone to use, Prieto supplied them with one, prosecutors said.
“Prieto did not know the individuals were working with the government, but instead believed that they shared his racist beliefs and wanted to commit a mass shooting to incite a race war,” the U.S. attorney’s office in Arizona said in a statement announcing his indictment.

Prieto was ultimately arrested while driving east from Arizona through New Mexico. In his vehicle authorities said they found seven firearms, which he said he was taking to a gun show in Florida where his mother lives. The government agent and informant said Prieto told them he was heading to Atlanta to do reconnaissance. The concert selected for the attack was scheduled to run from May 14-15.

Authorities searched his Prescott home, which he shared with an elderly man, and recovered approximately 178 firearms. These included some suspected automatic firearms and short-barreled rifles, which are illegal to possess without proper registration, prosecutors said.

In an interview with federal agents, Prieto admitted to planning a mass casualty event in Atlanta but said that it was only a “fantasy” and something he never would have actually done. He said he planned to call it all off when he regrouped with the two individuals at a gun show in June, authorities said.

Prieto’s defense attorney, in requesting his pre-trial release last month, argued that the federal government had not presented adequate proof that his plot wasn’t more than fantasy or that he is a flight risk or danger to the public. His alleged racist beliefs, “even if true,” also should not be a basis for denying him bail, they added.

A judge disagreed and ordered Prieto to remain jailed, citing the “strong” weight of the evidence against him and the lengthy prison sentence he faces if convicted.
Each conviction for firearms trafficking and transfer of a firearm for use in a hate crime carries a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison. A conviction for possession of an unregistered firearm carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison, the U.S. attorney’s office said.

Prieto’s attorney did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.
>“Prieto did not know the individuals were working with the government, but instead believed that they shared his racist beliefs and wanted to commit a mass shooting to incite a race war,” the U.S. attorney’s office in Arizona said in a statement announcing his indictment.
Really gets the noggin joggin. There are a few people here on this board who seem even more racist than Prieto.
>an interview with federal agents, Prieto admitted to planning a mass casualty event in Atlanta but said that it was only a “fantasy”
>Prieto’s defense attorney, in requesting his pre-trial release last month, argued that the federal government had not presented adequate proof that his plot wasn’t more than fantasy
I lol'd. The best defense the lawyer can come up with is "He was only pretending to try to start a race war" . They must have given him a public defender.
>I lol'd. The best defense the lawyer can come up with is "He was only pretending to try to start a race war" . They must have given him a public defender.
He's been caught dead to rights, 'I was merely pretending' really is the best argument you could make in his sitution.
i'm sure the govt agents did nothing to encourage him and did not lead him on into saying things so they can arrest a boomer that they know would roll over without a fight. He doesn't even have an AR in those pictures. Try harder, grabbers.
I am also sure they didn't. Good point.
Why is it that every time a racist right-wing domestic terrorist gets thwarted, right-wingers jump to their defense and claim that the FBI was trying to entrap them?
schrodinger's antifa
>democrats are in favor of literal thoughtcrimes
He was cleaning up the neighborhood.
It's still incredible watching the far right's reaction to Trump's coup in real time where it just went from 'We're making history!' to 'This was Antifa's fault!' after it was clear the coup failed.
>man creates fictional plot
>nobody hurt, no proof of criminal intent beyond schizo larping
>the state punishes him anyways
This is what's known as a thoughtcrime.
you get paid when i respond right
It's not thoughtcrime when you have detailed plans of how to commit a crime. It's conspiracy.
>Prieto admitted to planning a mass casualty event in Atlanta
So he didn't do it, is what you're saying.
Conspiracy to commit a crime is still a crime
>thoughtcrimes are still crimes
Waddaya know?
>Arguing things you don't actually believe just for the sake of arguing on one of the slowest boards on 4chan
I don't care if you're a NEET living in your stepdad's basement, your time is more valuable than this
>implying implications
I take issue with the fact that you can literally commit a crime by thinking something up in your head and writing it down, without anybody actually being hurt.
I refuse to believe you genuinely think if authorities hear someone they know has a large arsenal of weapons say in no uncertain terms they are actively planning to commit a mass shooting, they should not be able to act until the person actually begins killing people.
I think it's much more likely you're arguing for the sake of arguing because you are bored.
And that's fine. But your time is more valuable than this.
>in no uncertain terms
He said it was a fantasy.
The whole "he was going to commit a massacre" shtick is a conclusion that was asserted by the federal government, not the guy being convicted for the thoughts he had.
>When one of the other two participants said they did not have an AR-15 rifle, which was the firearm Prieto wanted everyone to use, Prieto supplied them with one, prosecutors said.
Providing someone with the specific firearm you want to use in a mass shooting isn't just talking about a fantasy.
He's also not being prosecuted for having thoughts. He's being prosecuted for firearms trafficking, transfer of a firearm for use in a hate crime and possession of an unregistered firearm.
I understand that my engaging you is feeding into what you're looking for here so the very act of my responding to you is detrimental to my point.
But I'm certain you have genuine opinions on things we could argue about all day, if that is truly how you want to spend your time.
Again, I refuse to believe you genuinely believe what you are typing here. Arguing for the sake of arguing is a waste of your time.
>and possession of an unregistered firearm,
what? there literally is no such thing as a federal firearms registry. most states don't have any firearms registries. I live in an anti gun state and have 4 unregistered firearms and they were all legally acquired because there is no fucking registry
why did you post a link to the atlanta journal constitution, but then post the article text from huffington post?
>. A conviction for possession of an unregistered firearm carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison, the U.S. attorney’s office said.
there is no federal registry of guns. what the fuck statute is this retard talking about? the brady act literally bans the feds from making a registry of guns or gun owners
because it literally always turns out the feds were involved and telling him to do it. its just like how every mass shooting it gets revealed that the FBI knew the guy and had been to his house multiple times
>He's also not being prosecuted for having thoughts. He's being prosecuted for firearms trafficking, transfer of a firearm for use in a hate crime and possession of an unregistered firearm.
1) He was a registered firearms salesman with a legitimate FFL to operate at a gun show. That's where he was larping while selling firearms to undercover agents.
2) He was arrested in a state that doesn't require gun registry (most states don't and there is no federal gun registry regardless).
3) His last name is Prieto.
>and possession of an unregistered firearm.
what the fuck even is this? the brady bill bans a firearms registry. how the fuck can you get charged with federal "unregistered firearms" laws when no fucking statute exists?
there is no federal registry
georga doesn't have a registry
arazona doesn't have a registry
Feds charge civvies with bullshit all the time. Could be anything. Or the author simply doesn't understand how the law works.
well first off, the article text isn't from the article posted, its from the huffington post so it almost certainly was written by a retard who doesn't know gun laws and doesn't live in the US
secondly, idk how you charge someone for something when there is no statute
ok, found it. NBC buried in the last line it was an SBR, which
a. why the fuck did they say unregistered firearm instead of unregistered NFA firearm or unregistered short barreled rifle?
b. I bet you $20 its a pistol with a brace and not an SBR
>because it literally always turns out the feds were involved and telling him to do it
Good. One less psycho chud terrorist on the streets.
>why the fuck did they say unregistered firearm instead of unregistered NFA firearm or unregistered short barreled rifle?
White supremacy is the big boogeyman now. They were probably given a mandate from the WH to play up the situation as much as possible.
>idk how you charge someone for something when there is no statute
Prosecutors lie all the goddamned time.
he is jewish?
Probably a white chrisitan pedophile. Most pedophiles are.
nah, statistically most pedos are black. 99% of black boys were molested by older gang members
I disagree.
Of course they're not this stupid, anon. He's just concern trolling to avoid having to defend the logical conclusion of radical MAGA ideology - a bunch of violent bigots and racists attempting mass slaughter.
i actually want everybody fully armed at all times
a. this guy was selling guns. if you are a gun seller you are going to have guns
b. define "a large arsenal". I have 3 rifles, a shotgun and like 6,000 rounds of ammo and I'm sure you and the dems and the huffington post OP pasted from would call that an arsenal
>why do you have so much ammo
the same reason people go to costco, shit is cheaper in bulk and it doesn't go bad
I dunno if you meant to quote me but him being a gun seller or having a lot of guns has nothing to do with conspiracy to commit a crime being illegal.
I'm sure he did nothing wrong and the feds entrapped him
Sure, but to be clear, you've based this on absolutely nothing. You're just giving me your feelings. You don't like that he was arrested for conspiracy so you've assumed he did nothing because it makes you feel better. You don't have any evidence whatsoever he was entrapped.
Sure, but to be clear, you've based this on absolutely nothing. You're just giving me your feelings. You like that he was arrested for conspiracy so you've assumed he did something on his own because it makes you feel better. You don't have any evidence whatsoever he was independently planning to do a mass shooting
Are you having a meltie?
nah, but you clearly are. guy wasn't even convicted. I bet the feds entrapped him
>No argument
I accept your concession

>I bet the feds entrapped him
Based on like, a strong gut feeling. You don't actually have any evidence whatsoever.
>Based on like, a strong gut feeling. You don't actually have any evidence whatsoever.
weird, that is the evidence you have that he was planning on doing a mass shooting
>that is the evidence you have that he was planning on doing a mass shooting
That and his confession, you moron.
He openly admits to planning a mass casualty event, but he and his lawyer said it was just larping.
>Mark Adams Prieto ?
LoL "prieto" literally means nigger
>That and his confession, you moron.
what confession? the lawyer said he was shitposting. he said something to federal agents who were entrapping him, that isn't a confession
because they have less accountability than a bipolar girlfriend
So according to /pol/ logic
>If a guy is caught amassing 200 guns with the clear intention of committing a massacre to set off a race war
It's a thought crime, you can't charge unless he actually does it.

>If said guy commits a massacre with his amassed 200 guns.
He was a false flagging fed.
>In an interview with federal agents, Prieto admitted to planning a mass casualty event in Atlanta but said that it was only a “fantasy” and something he never would have actually done.
>A judge disagreed and ordered Prieto to remain jailed, citing the “strong” weight of the evidence against him and the lengthy prison sentence he faces if convicted.
wouldn't it be funny if i went to atlanta and shot a bunch of people

but just like as a joke or something haha
>reddit spacing
go back, faggot. Also he was literally a gun seller. Do you say the dildo seller you buy dildos from is amassed 200 dildos because its his inventory?
doesn't sound like a confession if he said he would never have done it and sounds like the judge is a jewish democrat
The duality of living in a corrupt shadow government totalitarian police state that subjects its citizens to black budget psyops
How is that funny?

>A judge disagreed
>the judge is a jewish democrat
Not just a regular democrat?
Only racist demoKKKrats are approved to incite race wars.
So, when you see a confederate flag in someone's yard, do you think they have Biden/Harris sign in their yard too?
IDK how they do it in your shithole third world country faggot, but in the US a judge doesn't decide guilt, a jury does. a judge agreeing means literally nothing
most dems are cryptojews
>/pol/ppet projecting this hard
lol you got btfo'd and have no argument and no dick
why do you feel the need to protect someone that was planning a terrorist attack?
he's a bored nerd on the internet who wants something to happen
Why are you obsessed with dicks and dildos?
Done projecting?
>that he hoped to “kill as many people as possible” and leave Confederate flags, Ku Klux Klan propaganda and other “offensive rhetoric” at the scene of the shooting in order to incite retaliation and start a race war.
I'm not buying this. It's either exaggerated or this is an alphabet agency plant
Your selection bias is showing. You're completely ignoring all of the nigger gang shootings and left wing cartels that are smuggling drugs that get stopped on a daily basis
Why can't I post images?
Go back to /pol/
>Arizona Republican and gun fetishist Indicted After Plotting Mass Shooting To ‘Incite Race War’
>A federal grand jury has indicted an Arizona gun vendor for allegedly selling firearms to be used in a mass shooting he was planning in hopes of inciting a “race war” ahead of the 2024 presidential election
In Soviet Arizona, acceleration hits you.
>In an interview with federal agents, Prieto admitted to planning a mass casualty event in Atlanta but said that it was only a “fantasy” and something he never would have actually done
>said that it was only a “fantasy”
...welp: there's the '...in Minecraft' excuse destroyed, should something similar come to court and that is part of the evidence used against them by prosecutors.
>but said that it was only a “fantasy”
No Excuses Allowed. No 'Memes' Allowed. No Opinions Allowed. No Fun Allowed. Good.
Prieto-boy here is about to have his pretty lily white butt more than spanked in prison: by the very people he wanted to 'Accelerate' against. Better accelerate towards the exit when you drop the soap, pretty white boi.
...oh wait: there are no exits for you in the cell block: and you can't escape more than just that prison, just as Tyrone & his pals can't.
Moral for those with the same '...in Minecraft' excuses: as this case demonstrates, you no longer have the right to those excuses. Thus No Opinions Allowed. Good. Did Prieto-boi's 'excuses' save him...?!
I also hope the rightoid terrorist gets raped in prison.
That does sound like something a crazy person would believe so yes I agree
I mean, if you want to start a race war, that seems a reasonable way to try. I dont think there's a single way to start a race war that you wouldnt say is either exaggerated or an alphabet agency plant
To be fair, there's nothing any right winger can do that other right wingers won't try to explain away with an alphabet agency conspiracy.
>Thinking 'I was merely pretending' is an excuse when you clearly weren't.
>White rightists accelerating
Yes. Their own destruction. White (Right) Replacement. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
It was the sbrs and fun switches
They just never take responsibility when something they do blows up in their face.
Remember how Trump's failed coup is now the fault of antifa?
>left wing cartels that are smuggling drugs that get stopped on a daily basis
He's talking about the cartel supported Democrats in California.
You've never heard of the mafia? You must be foreign.
It's well established that the mafia was driven out of Las Vegas, Nevada and relocated to California. Taking note of that illegal activities are becoming more and more difficult, they entered politics to ensure their actions were permitted under the law.
Man, where have you been?
Adding to what the other anon said, the CIA is complicit in a tremendous amount of human trafficking and opioid smuggling throughout the United States. They have what's known as a "black budget", used to spend on all sorts of shenanigans, which is funded through the above activities.
Many politicians are involved in this too. The netflix series 'The Ozarks' is basically a biography of the Clinton's rise to power, with names changed for obvious reasons.
anon, those happen on a daily basis. Doesn't look like they're stopping very many of them.
>The netflix series 'The Ozarks' is basically a biography of the Clinton's rise to power, with names changed for obvious reasons.
I didn't realize Bill Clinton was a financial advisor who gets caught up laundering money for the Mexican cartels because his business partner gets murdered for skimming money from them and he has to make up the debt.
Bill Clinton was working with the cartel to smuggle drugs into Arizona, both before and during his time as Governor. The Clinton Foundation itself is basically one big money laundering organization.
Bruh your photoshop skills are really bad. You made the 4 foot.
he wasn't it was entrapment
done seething?
jan 6 wasn't a coup. if it was politicians would have died.
the cartels in mexico literally murdered every mexican running for president other than a jewish communist

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