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Half of voters quizzed think president, 81, will forget where he is, while 40pc predict he will have problems standing up at June 27 event
Joe Biden will make more gaffes than Donald Trump in live TV debate
Half of US voters think that Joe Biden will forget where he is in this month’s televised presidential debate, a poll has found.

In the latest sign that voters do not have confidence in the US president’s mental state, a survey found many expect him to commit more gaffes on stage with Donald Trump on June 27.

The research, by the pollster JL Partners, found that 49 per cent think Mr Biden, 81, is likely to forget where he is, 41 per cent think he will walk the wrong way off the debate stage and 40 per cent think he will have problems standing up.

Mr Biden’s age has come under fresh scrutiny this week after he was filmed appearing to freeze during a Juneteenth celebration at the White House, while others danced around him.

At the G7 summit in Puglia, Italy, on Thursday, he appeared to walk away from world leaders and be brought back to the group by Giorgia Meloni, the Italian prime minister.

The debate, to be held in Atlanta, will be the first time Mr Biden and Trump have gone head-to-head in this election campaign.

Mr Biden agreed to participate in the event on the condition that there was no live studio audience, and that the host CNN uses microphones that automatically shut off when each candidate’s allotted time is complete.

The poll nevertheless found that 79 per cent of voters think Trump will talk over Mr Biden, following a heated debate during the 2020 campaign in which the Republican contender repeatedly interrupted him.

A separate survey found the words voters most associate with Biden are “old”, “incompetent”, “senile” and “bad”, Trump is most associated with words “criminal”, “smart” and “American”.
I think both Biden and Trump are senile
He's clearly senile in the videos.
Biden is still the better candidate. I'll take slow and senile Biden over a narcissistic megalomaniac like Trump any day of the week.
>Half of voters quizzed think president, 81, will forget where he is, while 40pc predict he will have problems standing up
>he will have problems standing up
The thing you're missing is they will still vote for him anyway.
I never thought they wouldn't, his base is mostly NPCs and bots
>not wanting a convicted felon for a President makes you a bot
>supporting an administration that puts their political opponents in jail
Imagine being unironically okay with third world levels of corruption
it's actually very first world behavior to treat criminals like criminals, but I get you're not from here
poor persecuted orange man
>supporting an administration that puts criminals in jail
Fix'd. The fact that he's also a political opponent is incidental.
They tried with all of their might, absolutely anything and everything conceivable to man, to try to get Trump convicted. It was the furthest thing from a just and fair trial
Trump has been a white collar criminal for 50 years and he finally got in trouble once. Stop crying
He was convicted by a jury of his peers in his home town, where he also committed the crime
To be honest, I think what trump did paying a porn star to not talk about a consensual sexual encounter is much more ethical than what Joe+hunter have done with burisma and Zlochevsky
Too bad there was proof of the former claim and no proof of the latter.
What makes you think Donald Trump is a "narcissistic megalomaniac"?
His actions over the last 25 years demonstrate it. But don't take my word for it.
>Donald Trump: textbook narcissist

Sander Thomaes, a developmental psychologist at Utrecht University, is happy with Donald Trump. "I often use him during my classes. My research is primarily focused on narcissism. There is no better example than Trump: he is a prototypical narcissist." This narcissism expert can make a wager on what will happen if Trump wins the election like no-one else can. Or even more interesting: what will happen to Trump if he loses?

>Thomaes serves up some characteristics of a classical narcissist. A grandiose self image. A very inflated ego. A continuous need for attention. A big urge to be admired. And if that admiration is lacking or the narcissist is criticized, which is even worse, he lashes out recklessly.
>Stylistically, Trump is notably different from his predecessors. But his naked megalomania continues and crystallizes a long-term trend blessed by both major parties.
>non-US article
>doesn't quote poll
Why do I care what a bunch of british boomers think?
Conservatives are desperately grasping at straws for anything that validates their increasingly shrinking world view
Sorry chuds, Trump is a felon and a rapist, and America don't have no time for those.
>Why do I care what a bunch of british boomers think?
Try reading, retard. Brits weren't the ones polled.
>poll run by british boomers
You can't read, faggot
The poll wasn't linked, but you can look it up on their website
>sample size: 500
>mostly boomers polled
Shitty poll, shitty results. I don't care what a bunch of british boomers think.
Wow, do you make up stuff and lie often on the Internet? First sentence says it's US voters.

Also, you seem to know an awful lot about a poll you claim in the same sentence you can't even find
It's like you made up numbers

Typical DNC shillbot activity.
How does biden's knob taste after polishing it so fervently?
You don't have to be a Biden knob-polisher to point out how flawed the british poll is.
Senile status quo or Narcissist who shits in a golden toilet and has delusions of absolute power to seek revenge on all his perceived enemies… those choices suck but I’ll take senile status quo all day.
Just listening to his own words for a couple of minutes is enough. Gotta limit your exposure, though, it's a cognitohazard.
This story is fake
No it isn't.
The article says:
>At the G7 summit in Puglia, Italy, on Thursday, he appeared to walk away from world leaders and be brought back to the group by Giorgia Meloni, the Italian prime minister.
And that's exactly what happened.
piss poor damage control
You must be a bot or you don't have eyeballs because those are clearly completely different videos.

This is real.
You may continue to cope and lie, you sad, sorry little shillbot
>The poll nevertheless found that 79 per cent of voters think Trump will talk over Mr Biden

Trump really needs to STFU during the debates and let Alzheimer Joe Biden dig his own hole.
>Most people think Trump is senile
Good post
Pure fantasy
Good post
Pure fantasy
Dumb post.
Dumber post.
That's not even the same footage. There are so many videos of Biden being senile libtards lost track of them lol
Good post
Retarded post
This is why I'm voting, to cancel out that Biden's sycophants.

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