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>Meyden laced fruit smoothies with a sleeping medication, authorities said. Two of the friends drank the smoothies and eventually passed out. A third girl didn’t want the drink and alerted a family friend by text message after she saw Meyden return to make sure the girls were asleep. He moved the arm of one girl and the body of another and put his finger under one’s nose to see if she was asleep.
>The family friend picked up the girl and woke her parents, who then contacted the families of the other girls.
>The girls tested positive at a local hospital for benzodiazepine, used to treat insomnia and anxiety. Prosecutors said Meyden’s daughter also tested positive.

Man read too many loli hentai doujins and now he goes to jail for a couple of years
Dude wanted them to go to sleep, according to the article. They were up past their bedtimes.

Dudes a legit retard be he didn't try to molest anyone
LGBTQ strikes again. Thankfully this one was denied his prey.
Its a miracle how all these white conservative chuds suddenly come out of the closet after they're convicted of rape.
Maybe those white men are worth watching if they love to rape and murder so much.
paste the article text in full
Yeah, yeah and Michael Jackson was a white right wing chud too, right?
I'm gonna paste my nuts to your cheek in full if you don't quit bitching about it.
Proof that the GOPedos aren't sending their best
>>1304415's 'claims': nothing more than a meme.
Well, facts about rightist pedos destroy this retard's 'meme'. One example which destroys said 'meme': the previous vociferously anti-LGBTQ member of the anti-LGBTQ Family Research Council, itself, now doing 12 years in a federal prison for doing the very things the retard accuses others not exactly like itself. The thing exactly like >>1304415: Josh Duggar. So indeed: Accusations are Admissions. Duggar. GOPedos. The likes of >>1304415. QED.
Reality strikes again. Certainly destroying 'memes'. And white bigots' opinions.
If all those not exactly like the retard are pedos, so are all those exactly like >>1304415
: No Exceptions. That's how it works, you see.
Moral: Hypocrites - such as Duggar and >>1304415 >>1304435 - don't have the right to have opinions: least of all about those not exactly like >>1304415
Duggar will never have the right to have opinions, certainly after its 12-stretch for being exactly what it accused others of being. Accusations ARE Admissions. Motes and Beams, little subhuman Christain pedo. Also, Matthew 7:1. You need Jesus, hypocrites. Oh, wait: your King has a special millstone just for hypocrites - especially Josh the White Right Pedo - that never had the right to have opinions about those not exactly like them.
>”I just wanted them to go to sleep because I was tired”
Yeah, sure. He wanted some 12yo to feel up (or worse) while they were unconscious. Luckily the third girl was smarter than that. Obviously she got weird vibes from the dad all along because it seems like she purposely didn’t drink the smoothie. He was probably a creeper freak.
xanax is pretty heavy-handed for that purpose. either way, its illegal to drug someone without their knowledge
you would probably believe a child molester if they claimed to be the vagina inspector
Take meds, pedo
It was inevitable that the GOPedo enabler which makes IMAX obsolete would show its subhuman face here again
>take meds
>the only reply the pedo has, other than respond to the proven fact that all inferior subhuman bigots are hypocrites that don't have the right to have opinions about anyone not exactly like them: because they are the very thing they accuse those not exactly like them of being, thus making IMAX obsolete. One example of such being Josh Duggar, therefore all bigots never had the right to have opinions about anyone not exactly like them
>take meds
>the only reply by >>1304664 the meds-needing projecting pedo
I accept your concession.
...oh, and you need meds >>1304664 & all rightard pedos. We - all those not exactly like you who aren't pedos - don't.
>the inevitable 'no u' reply by the GOPedo enabling retard. That, and anything else it can post
...the only reply it has, other than respond to the proven facts about white conservative pedos: hypocrites all. Including >>1304664, of course. Which again needs meds. Of course if it continues to say 'You need/take meds', 'no u' etc , it'll have struck out.
Im not even a leftoid but you're really retarded. he didnt drug boys
How the fuck is this /news/worthy? Should I also post articles from my local newspaper about someone getting mugged next to the grocery store?

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