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A witness said he was 'disgusted' at seeing the police ram a terrified calf with their squad car as people call for the officers to be sacked.

Kai Bennetts, 22, said the young cow was left with an 'open gash' and 'loads of grazes where the skin had come off' after it was hit by the police car and thrown several metres down the road.

He said that the first strike, the cow 'tried to get back up, and then they (the police) pushed it back over and blocked it by its neck and top half of his body and so it couldn't get up.' Mr Bennetts added: 'Inhumane is all I can say.'

Calls are growing for the 'monsters' who rammed the calf to be sacked after a new video showed the bovine calmly wandering down the street before officers swooped in who said they had to knock the animal down to keep the public safe.

Shocking footage shows police brutally smashing into the calf twice after it escaped from its enclosure as a nearby member of the public in Staines-upon-Thames, west London, shouts: 'What are you doing that for?'.

Wildlife TV presenter Chris Packham, Home Secretary James Cleverly and Deborah Meaden were among those condemning the 'brutal' actions of the police force.

Mr Packham wrote on X: 'I don't know where to start with this. But it's surely illegal and must be investigated and prosecuted. What sort of monster rams a calf? Twice?'

Home Secretary James Cleverly also asked for a 'full, urgent explanation' as to why officers appeared to use a police car to hit an escaped cow. He said the police action seemed 'unnecessarily heavy handed'.

The RSPCA described the footage as 'upsetting and distressing' and said the police 'action appears disproportionate to the situation'.

The UK is freaking out about this but will ignore or dismiss investigations of abuse in the industry.
here is the BBC version of this story for the daily mail haters on this board
Surrey Police said it will refer itself to the police complaints watchdog following an incident in which a cow was deliberately struck twice by a response vehicle.

The force said in a statement that after attempts to safely capture the cow “over a period of a number of hours” failed, “the decision was made to stop it using a police car”.

Home Secretary James Cleverly said he would be asking for an urgent explanation, describing the actions as "heavy handed".

The RSPCA said the police response, which saw the animal hit twice by a marked vehicle in Staines-on-Thames, "appears disproportionate".

Footage shared online shows a marked vehicle ramming into the cow, which appears to be stunned and tries to get to its feet, before being hit a second time.

In the 26-second video, bystanders can be heard reacting in shock as the cow is struck by the vehicle.

An eyewitness told BBC News the incident was "distressing for everyone" who saw it.

Adrian Pearson said: "I think it could have been handled better. It's quite extreme the way the police dealt with it.

"I think it could have been dealt with a lot more humanely. I think it was quite distressing for everyone."

The animal has been seen by a vet and is receiving treatment for a large cut to its leg, Surrey Police said.

“This matter has been referred to our professional standards department.

"The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) has been notified and a voluntary referral will be made in due course,” the force said in a statement.

Ch Insp Tatton Sam Adcock added: “The decision to use the police car is one that was only taken after other methods to stop the cow had failed."
The force confirmed the incident took place in Staines-upon-Thames shortly before 21:00 BST on Friday evening.

It said: “The cow ran onto a number of main roads and caused traffic disruption within the local area.

"Whilst attempting to move the cow to safety, it became increasingly distressed and was injured.”

It said officers responding "were extremely concerned about the public’s safety, and over a period of a number of hours tried a number of options to safely capture the cow".

The RSPCA said: "Surrey Police has referred themselves to their own professional standards department and to the Independent Office for Police Conduct.

"We support this as the action appears disproportionate to the situation. We are happy to assist in any investigations carried out."
'Urgent explanation'

Mr Cleverly, writing on X, said: "I can think of no reasonable need for this action.

"I’ve asked for a full, urgent explanation for this.

"It appears to be unnecessarily heavy handed."

Wildlife activist and presenter Chris Packham said: "I don’t know where to start with this.

"But it’s surely illegal and must be investigated and prosecuted.

"What sort of monster rams a calf? Twice?"
>The UK is freaking out about this but will ignore or dismiss investigations of abuse in the industry.
A real classic, people only think about what's right in front of them and not the underlying systems of the world.
Bull lives matter!
1) don't let your cows out.
2) the cow survived.
3) there is nothing to this.
4) repeat step 1).
>>The RSPCA described the footage as 'upsetting and distressing'

Fucking kill yourselves faggots, I'm sick of you cunts getting your way because you're weak. I hope someone kills these bastards.
This but unironically.

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