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Womp wompity fuckin womp
Hunter Biden drops his laptop lawsuit.
If you weren't aware, hunter Biden is as much of a scumbag as his father, and was lying and suing everyone claiming the laptop was fake, while simultaneously suing the laptop repairman claiming that the work order hunter signed was illegitimate because of where the signature line was.
Hunter just dropped his lawsuit against Giuliani.
Hunter Biden dropping laptop lawsuit against Giuliani

Hunter Biden’s attorneys moved to dismiss a lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani and his former lawyer Thursday, dropping claims that the pair invaded the president’s son’s privacy by distributing private information found on a laptop.

Biden had accused Giuliani and Robert Costello of being “primarily responsible” for the “total annihilation” of his digital privacy.

The suit sought $75,000 in damages. Attorneys for all three parties signed the dismissal, which stipulates that each must pay their own legal fees.

Giuliani spokesperson said the dismissal is a victory for the former NYC mayor, that Biden’s claims have now “been withdrawn and proven to be entirely false.”

“This should serve as a reminder to people that — despite the unrelenting attacks by partisan Democrats and their allies in the permanent Washington political class — Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s integrity and commitment to the truth is unwavering."

The dismissal comes the same week Biden was convicted of three felony counts related to illegally purchasing a firearm. He could face up to 25 years in prison for the charges.

The laptop at the center of the suit contained Biden’s personal information, used as a campaign issue after it was disseminated to the public.

A computer repair shop owner said Biden dropped the laptop off at his store in April 2019 and never returned to pick it up.
Another L for the Biden Crime Family
shall be infringed, amirite
Personally I don't think crack addicts should be in possession of a firearm
neither do i. at least i'm consistent
Conservicunts can ignore that Rudy has been reamed completely in other cases, and has no money to go after. There's no point in moving forward with the case even if Hunter had a guaranteed victory.
I remember when you fags cheered this shit on like it was going to go somewhere and was somehow evidence that the laptop was fake.

You people are dumb.
The laptop is fake. The external hard drive is real.
>The laptop is fake. The external hard drive is real.
What do you think he was using to access data on the external HDD you dribbling leftist pro-establishment pissbaby faggot fuck retard? A telegraph?
Where do you rudy shills come from and how did you find this place?
>Where do you Biden shills come from and how did you find this place?
>The laptop is fake
And that, friends, is what mental illness looks like
The actual laptop and original hard drive are both in possession of the FBI. You know this though, and I've cited it so many times to you faggots you should either a) stop shilling and sealioning or b) kill yourself
The FBI dropped it in 2020 before Biden took office because there was nothing incriminating on there. They never said it was real or fake. You knew that though, and have made a career out of misleading people.
You aren't magically going to make the laptop real by insulting people who know better than you do.
hunter is literally snorting crack and fucking a child in the pictures
Tell me more about how the photos outraged you.
>nothing incriminating
>using a controlled substance and fucking a child are somehow not a crime if you are a democrat
You don't have to lie anon
there are literally photos of him doing both things and you claim there is nothing incriminating
don't forget about the photos of him doing the holocaust
The Holocaust is fake just like hunters laptop
a picture of someone snorting a substance is not proof of what it is. it would never pass a jury as guilty as we dont know for certain without any doubt what it is. this is you injecting your narrative and/or being of low intelligence.

I saw the pictures of the females. you know for certain without question they are underage? [you dont] this is you injecting your narrative and/or being of low intelligence.
>yeah how could the FBI ever possibly investigate who the girl was or what powder someone who admitted to and was found guilty of being a crack addict was snorting
keep sucking biden's cock
I thought the FBI was corrupt and weaponized by Biden for raiding Maralargo to get classified documents Trump refused to return. Which is it? And be careful with your reply as you and your narrative are now out for display for mockery.
the fbi clearly is corrupt since they lied that the laptop wasn't hunters and then refused to investigate the drugs he was doing and the kids he was raping. you are a biden bootlicker and cock holster
if they're corrupt then why would you want them to investigate this stuff? once it doesn't fit your narrative you'll discredit it anyways.
its their fucking job to investigate. they were shown to be corrupt by lying and saying it wasn't hunters and then refusing to do their job. they should have announced in october 2020 they were investigating hunter for having sex with children
so all 40000 people that work for the fbi are against trump. next you'll say the 10000 people at nasa were all in on lying about the moon landing.
>here is a totally unrelated conspiracy theory
also it wouldn't take all of them, just a few higher ups who 100% have their positions due to politics, just like the higher ups at any company. its not like every FBI member is working on every case
there were literally anti trump communists in the FBI who got caught
>a few higher ups
You've trapped yourself again. Explain the structure of the FBI and use your words carefully as you're about to get owned.
Lmao fuck off sealion
You people have been getting demolished at every turn.
How about about you address the source he posted rather than continuing to sealion like a faggoty retard
>two FBI agents sent mean texts
Not him but no one believes your disingenuous pearl clutching over them stating out loud what most Americans think of Trump
You tell us how it works, but then can't. It's amazing.
This thread is about hunter Biden dropping his frivolous lawsuit where he sued people over releasing his laptop you people think is fake

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