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Wow, what a shithole
I would say paste the article faggot but tstory doesn't exist
Our apologies, the content you requested cannot be found'
This just in: Retard's latest attempt at pushing its retarded opinions fails: just as it always does by attempting to push its retarded opinions. Experts say this is why it is a tryhard at being an attention whore: mental retardation.
In summation: /news/' non-article posting tard fucks up big time.
Film at 11
Here's the video, sorry for the xitter link
here is the fixed link, moshi
>faggot takes extra time to get his deepfake together for his latest polshit on /news/
no thanks
>local fox affiliate is a deep fake
you are mad and not American
>It's all fake! Nobody commits crime in California!
Shut up retard
This just in: retard is baited by events that it actually doesn't care about.
Film at 11.
you really do seem baited
>thinks others started a thread that it did
it really is retarded
>faggot takes extra effort to post his deepfake together for his latest polshit on /news/
no thanks
I blame democrats and Hunter Biden for this
what causes a tranny to seethe this hard over a news report?
>tranny seething this hard over an event
What causes this?
OP is a faggot
Hormone replacement therapy
>what cures >>1304793 >>1304903 seething
Meds therapy
>tranny be mad as fuck
tranny needing meds therapy be seething as it will never fuck
yeah, the tranny upset that this thread exists will never fuck and is seething
>schizoposter talking to himself about his favorite topic
I see nothing wrong with this, carry on gentlemanly criminals.
> The robbers eventually abandoned the car and ran across the freeway and into a nearby industrial area, according to the agency. With the help of a police dog, officers arrested Tonga Latu, Tavake Esafe, Ofa Ahomana, Kilifi Leaaetoa and Afuhia Lavakeiaho.

Those darn Rightwing MAGA types are at it again!...
Crazy how NBC news generated this deepfaked scene at a different angle, and then reported it in a broadcast! The police even caught some of the deepfaked suspects, which must involve some crazy new deepfake hologram AI technology.


Tell your handler or whomever is paying you to post that y'all are dumb as a brick. "It's a deepfake" isn't going to work for events that can be corroborated by multiple sources.
>Tell your handler or whomever is paying you to post that y'all are dumb as a brick. "It's a deepfake" isn't going to work for events that can be corroborated by multiple sources.
The libshits on this board are especially retarded, it's true

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