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For a felonious rapist, Trump sure hangs out with a bunch of pedophiles too.


Dallas-area megachurch pastor Robert Morris admitted to “inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady” in the 1980s after a woman accused him of molesting her when she was 12 years old, according to a statement obtained by CNN affiliate WFAA.

The woman, Cindy Clemishire, told WFAA the abuse started on Christmas Day in 1982 and continued until 1987, when she told her parents. The Wartburg Watch, a church watchdog blog, first reported her account Friday.

Morris, a senior pastor at Gateway Church and a member of then-candidate Donald Trump’s Evangelical Executive Advisory Board during the 2016 campaign, did not mention the name or age of the girl in his statement but said the inappropriate behavior lasted several years.

“When I was in my early twenties, I was involved in inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady in a home where I was staying. It was kissing and petting and not intercourse, but it was wrong. This behavior happened on several occasions over the next few years,” the pastor said in his statement.

Morris’ behavior was “brought to light” in 1987 while he was a pastor at Shady Grove Church in Grand Prairie, which has since become one of Gateway Church’s 11 locations, WFAA reported.

“In March of 1987, this situation was brought to light, and it was confessed and repented of. I submitted myself to the Elders of Shady Grove Church and the young lady’s father. They asked me to step out of ministry and receive counseling and freedom ministry, which I did. Since that time, I have walked in purity and accountability in this area,” Morris said in his statement, adding he and his wife met with the survivor and her family in 1989.
I really don't fucking care anymore. No attempts will be made to clean up the churches or the schools because retards from both sides will just whataboutism any accusations laid against either institutions.
Enjoy your sick world, partisan scum.
>Another of Trumps hand picked men exposed as a pedophile
Color us unsurprised. But then in Soviet Russia...:
'Pedophilia is announced as a normal thing in the West'
-Vladimir Putin
...pedophilia is a normal thing with you.
Pedo monkey, pedo organ grinder: and not only Trump & Morris.
>I really don't fucking care anymore
...about Trump the pedo. Let it be socio-politically destroyed.
Look at how the Trumpists daren't show themselves in this thread. Stevie Wonder can see why.
still not a drag queen. it's almost as though every Republican accusation is a confession
They're too busy clowning on you in other threads and making you desperately respond for the last word
Trumpists daren't show themselves here because they're getting meme'd on in other threads and they're not getting the last word. That, and they know this thread proves they're all pedos that project more than IMAX.
You already know why
>pegged Trump and Epstein as friends
>pegged Trump
Oh yes
Weird that Trump hangs out with so many pedophiles and sex pests.
"kissing and petting" is absolutely NOTHING like the horrific torture and murderthat the democrats do. don't even try to compare them you piece of shit.
You're mom certainly can can-can.

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