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Water is being pushed on conservative voters as “anti-woke” that is “unapologetic.”

“Freedom2o” is becoming all the rage for some right-wing voters and now Alex Clark, a MAGA-world talking head, is pitching the water in a cringeworthy ad during Turning Point’s People’s Convention over the weekend, according to Mediaite.

The label tells consumers that "this water isn't free, but your speech is" and its marketing seems to suggest that by simply drinking the special "anti-woke" water that consumers are engaging in an act of rebellion.

Clark pitches the product - where a 12-pack of 16.9oz bottles cost $21 - by insisting that every sip of the conservative water is “not just refreshing, it’s rebellious, and it’s unapologetic to drink this in public.”
“It’s a reminder that even the most ordinary acts, like taking a sip of water, can be infused with meaning and purpose by choosing to drink Freedom2o. You’re not just choosing the brand, you’re choosing to stand up for what you believe in,” Clark insists.

But, according to Clark, it’s really the thought that counts. She told the TPUSA audience that the product “isn’t just about what’s inside the bottle, it’s about the message it sends with every sip.”

It's never made clear why drinking Freedom2o in public would be rebellious, or how the water is anti-woke. On its website, an animated graphic invites consumers to "speak your thirst, protect the first," referencing the First Amendment. It is unclear what "speak your thirst" means or how it relates to firearms, however.

It also claims to "empower" drinkers to use their voices "without fear," though it provides not explanation of how in either instance.

The water also advertises it has a frequency of 432hz. Some New Age spiritualists believe that sounds tuned to the frequency can promote spiritual growth or healing or chakra alignment or any other number of beneficial effects.
Water isn’t the only product that has its own conservative-specific brand. One conservative entrepreneur tried to capitalize on the right-wing Bud Lite boycott by starting his own “Ultra-Right” beer company. While Budweiser is still going strong, Ultra-Right beer is having some issues.

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani – who is grappling with bankruptcy and a string of legal issues – recently launched his own coffee business.

Rudy Coffee offers three different bean styles, and assures consumers that they’re “not just treating yourself to exceptional coffee, you’re also supporting our cause.”And what cause is that?

“The cause of truth, justice, and American democracy,” of course.
The first brand of bottled water marketed was Evian.
...decades later, Repubicans are too retarded to know what the word 'Anagram' means, let alone what Evian is an anagram of.
It's because they're still asleep. The rest of we non-rightards are awake. 'Woke': only rightards use that word.
>While Budweiser is still going strong, Ultra-Right beer is having some issues
Trurnp owns $5 million in Anheuser-Busch stock. Thoughts, o rightists...?!
>it's another "brave leftist culture warriors crying over a right wing themed item" thread
>it's another supposed 'own the libs' thread, but righties are crying at the left pointing and laughing at them
>it's another "crying left wingers make a thread and blame it on right wingers after getting meme'd on, continue crying" thread
Health drink Lucozade, created in 1927 - £1.50 for 900ml in major supermarkets - is so valuable, it was bought by Japanese drinks company Suntory.
I've seen 500ml bottles of Prime for 39p at branches of Heron foods: probably offloaded as bankrupt stock elsewhere. Gee...:
...we wonder why? Something orange promoted on someone's podcast recently: tat which once promoted its own brand of bottled water which had the word 'Ice' in it's name. Some... thing failing. And Logan Paul.
>it's another crying right wingers malding about getting meme'd on by left wingers thread. continue crying, please. means more schadenfreude for the left
>it's another crying "left winger must keep responding for the last word because this is all he has to do with his life" thread
>it's another crying "right winger must keep responding for the last word because this is all he has to do with his life" thread
>rightard knows there's only one thing it can do to prove the above fact wrong: but we know it daren't. or it can prove me wrong by not replying in this or any other thread
>can't stop wont stop
>this is all it has to do with his life
>it can't stop won't stop in proving me right
>(and yes, I do know how to use '>>'. No (you) soup for you)
>keep proving me right. or it can prove me wrong: it knows what it'll be admitting when it doesn't, or daren't in continuing to prove that this is all he has to do with his life
It's his job. He has been assigned to disrupt the board as much as he can.
The demoncrats are a cult and Joe Briben is destroying our country. Glad I can finally stick it to the libtards with a real American product.
Is this supposed to be a parody?
Nothing like making money off of directionbrains. Just say you're on their team and they'll drain their wallets without a second thought
Cuntservatives are gullible rubes
I don't see a lot of libs getting conned at anywhere near the same level.
Might be related to Cuntservatives being proud that they're uneducated and dumb
Oh really? How about Pride month? Every corporation slaps a rainbow or pink or the gaudy progress flag onto their logo or their merch and lefties eat it up. Sometimes literally if it's a food company. Ah, but they don't do that for their offices or accounts centered in the middle east, I wonder why?
No matter, buy our rainbow bagels!

It's just as easy as fleecing Republicans with tattered American flag merch. Perhaps even easier.
>I don't see
Something tells me you only consume news or content from a particular viewpoint.
Not him but Pride Month is a poor example, since corporations ignored it or boycotted it for many years before finally embracing it. Most corporations were hostile to gay people until 20 years ago and some still are.
Yes and now that theyve embraced it, lefties are all too willing to pay for a rainbow version of whatever the thing is. Fucking Raytheon is in Pride parades now, right next to lefties and they don't seem to care, kek. Congratulations, your "acceptance" is only a way to increase value to their shareholders.
I don't respect any LGBTQ person that falls for that garbage. Just like I don't respect any supposed "nationalist" or "patriot" that pays for Chinese made American flags.
What evian is spelled backwards
Who has millions in stock in the company that makes Bud Light
Those that have fallen for what they consider 'garbage' but enable it by supporting that stock holder
So what is evian spelled backwards? It spells a backward bunch that fall for what they're supposed to be against
Why do you hate capitalism?
But hey, keep pretending the numbers are near the same magnitude on both sides.
Willful ignorance is your best and only tool to keep supporting the Republicunt cause
good the far-left called me a white supremecist for drinking milk they can't take water too.
>Congratulations, your "acceptance" is only a way to increase value to their shareholders.
Great. Then we can agree that all Americans, far left and far right, can bond over buying things from corporations and liking it when the things they consume mirror their values. Wow. What amazing news.
where did the "far left" do that?
I don't understand why people pretend to be retarded this hard. If you're a sports fan and you buy a jersey is it because you LOVE the clothing company that makes it so much or you just want something with your favorite team printed on it? When you buy a movie on DVD is it because you LOVE Paramount or Universal so much or do you just really like the movie? People buy stuff because its about them, anon. It has nothing to do with people loving corporations or because they've "fallen" for some propaganda.
>It has nothing to do with people loving corporations or because they've "fallen" for some propaganda.
..anon, lefties were openly supporting race riots in 2020 because a marxist black supremacy group was arguing that the police are inherently racist. Companies which didn't support BLM, or at least carry the iconography, were being blackballed by lefties. Because the argument was that if you didn't support "the movement", that meant you literally supported kneeling on the necks of overdosing black men.

You are not a rational consumer. You eat shit that the world tells you is gold and go along with whatever trends appeal to your worst impulses. You are living proof that the American empire is in decline and I highly doubt you qualify as a sentient being.
>Because the argument was that if you didn't support "the movement", that meant you literally supported kneeling on the necks of overdosing black men.
that's actually your argument. "if you kneel during the national anthem you don't support the troops"
You're retarded. Kneeling during the anthem has been a method of protesting American foreign policy since the 1910's.
so why does it upset you
1) It's un-American.
2) It's the product of corporate propaganda, just like every LGBT bumper sticker and BLM Ben & Jerry's icecream flavor.
you think ida b wells was lynched as a product of corporate interests?
>..anon, lefties were openly supporting race riots in 2020 because a marxist black supremacy group was arguing that the police are inherently racist. Companies which didn't support BLM, or at least carry the iconography, were being blackballed by lefties. Because the argument was that if you didn't support "the movement", that meant you literally supported kneeling on the necks of overdosing black men.
This neither address or refutes anything I said. Nothing you said at all proves this dumb argument that people consume products because they love the politics of the corporations who make them. Also, nobody gives a fuck what lefties want, especially corporations. I feel like you're using the term leftist and liberal interchangeably either on purpose to muddy the waters or accidentally because you don't know the difference.

>You are not a rational consumer. You eat shit that the world tells you is gold and go along with whatever trends appeal to your worst impulses. You are living proof that the American empire is in decline and I highly doubt you qualify as a sentient being.
You have no argument. I can tell you have no argument because you didn't engage with anything I said, you just immediately resorted to insults because you had no clue how to refute what I said.

>2) It's the product of corporate propaganda, just like every LGBT bumper sticker and BLM Ben & Jerry's icecream flavor.
And this is why nobody takes you seriously. "Anybody who thinks differently than I do only does because they're brainwashed" is the mindset of a toddler.
>It's un-American.
>Being this much a snowflake.
Someone was a snowflake about those who were un-American, until it blew up in its face. Someone else who wasn't a snowflake simply gave it enough political rope to hang itself then when it did, didn't so much as acknowledge its existence and let it die a pickled irrelevance.
Those who derided 'Tail Gunner Joe' or those who said 'I Like Ike'? An insult to the US Marines or the Supreme Commander of the Allies in Europe culminating in not only ultimate victory against a bunch of snowflakes but won two terms as President? Gee, in the not un-American stakes that one's a toughie...!
...and even Patton knelt.
Snowflakes pretend to be a part of The Revolution while simultaneously (and literally) bending the knee to corporations.

You are not unique or special. Your entire sense of self was created from a decades-long branding campaign to convince people like you that corporate advertisements are equivalent to cultural heritage. The same one that is trying to abolish our national identity, and that has convinced you that men can give birth.
>Anyone who thinks differently than me is brainwashed by corporations but not me! I'm a free thinker who isn't manipulated or coerced by anything!
Your mind is an endless wind tunnel of bullshit, anon. Its very telling that the only way your mind can't fathom the existence of someone who disagrees with you is through the lens of a corporate conspiracy.
>and that has convinced you that men can give birth
, thus >>1305126's definite need for something that won't sap and impurify its precious bodily fluids. But at least Gen. Jack D. Ripper collected rain water: which is free. But then, the snake oil being sold by and to conservatives makes frogs turn gay too. Speaking of those with single issue issues, >>1305126: Al Jones 2.0, folks. As another Al - Murray, the Pub Landlord - would say 'You're obsessed, you are!'
>Race riots
>Leftists having the ability to blackball anyone
nice revisionist history lmfao
As a moderate-center voter I can't really make up my mind.
Conservatives have branded water.
Liberals want to read gay porn to kids in school.
I'm not sure who's worse.
Not whataboutism, it's a comparison. Keep on using that buzzword though, I'm sure you think it makes you look smart. I'm not Republican by the way, but a direction brain like you only sees two sides and no subtlety.
I don't hate capitalism I just rightly see it for how cynical it can be.
Pretending to be retarded must be what you're doing because my point isn't hard to understand. Corporations CATER to Pride month as a TACTIC to make people think they are identifying with them. There would be no Pride merchandise if there was no money in it. Corporations are not about supporting people's identities as a default business model. They're about generating profits for their shareholders. People legitimately think that corporations care about more than that and that's almost universally not the case.
>Great. Then we can agree that all Americans, far left and far right, can bond over buying things from corporations and liking it when the things they consume mirror their values. Wow. What amazing news.
It's not about bonding you colossal fucking brainlet. It's about how easily both of the extremes are duped by something as simple as a rainbow on a Stanley Cup or a tattered American flag on a truck decal. The fact that you don't think that's a big deal shows what a fucking smug moron you are. It speaks to the average human's lack of capacity for consistency and attention and how that will affect their messaging.
I'm in the same boat as you, anon. I lean right economically and moderately left socially so I don't really have a major political party that I can put my trust in.
Something something gays guarding their weed farms with extended magazine rifles, basically.
Personally, I believe in watering the weed fields with the blood of dead fags.
>Liberals want to read gay porn to kids in school.
This is false and part of the Republican campaign to get rid of public schools in favor of a for-profit corporate education system.
That's why you people keep losing elections.
"Because gays" isn't why at all.
I think he means you keep losing elections because you can't help from showing everyone what a bunch of unhinged, violent, blood thirsty degenerates you are. You keep hoping the new generation is going to hop on board your platform of hate and mass slaughter and you keep being disappointed. Keep it up, though. You do more to convince people to vote blue then anything any liberal could possibly do.
>Liberals want to read gay porn to kids in school.
How did you get this indoctrinated?
How did you get this addicted to reading gay porn to elementary school children?
You mean that thing that only happens in your head? I don't know, anon. I don't really have any control over your delusions.
How did you get this woke?
Not being a paranoid schizophrenic who has delusions about gay porn in elementary schools is being woke?
In unrelated news, microplastics found in human penis for first time recently.
We're just talking about you. No need to get flustered
Then it's even more funny how bad she is at her job
>schizoid babble
I heard it was a micropenis found in a plastic bottle. Gonna need a source on your claim.
The song 'Stuck My Weenie In A Bottle' is about >>1305126 the snowflake that will never impregnate a woman
>Kneeling during the anthem has been a method of protesting American foreign policy since the 1910's.

the national anthem was rarely played before WWII in public settings. Sports didn't play it before games until after WWII as well. It just wasn't a thing until the UN was a thing. Like the pedge of allegiance, it was a result of McCarthyism.
>the national anthem was rarely played before WWII in public settings.
>Like the pedge of allegiance, it was a result of McCarthyism.
The pledge of allegiance was designed by a socialist fuckstick named Francis Bellamy and McCarthy was right.
Someone referred to McCarthyism as McCarthyWASm when that fuckstick destroyed itself, and Eisenhower was right.

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