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Trump caught ripping off his flock again. I can't say I'm even outraged or that I think he should apologize, there's nothing wrong with stealing from Trumpies.


Former President Donald Trump’s political operation has routed more than $3 million so far this year through a Delaware limited liability company whose owners are not publicly disclosed, according to campaign finance records — a strategy that mirrors past efforts to mask exactly how his campaign is spending donor cash.

The money has been paid to Launchpad Strategies LLC, a company that appears to have been incorporated in Delaware in November, according to state business records and lists a Raleigh, North Carolina, post office box as its address in campaign finance filings. Since it was formally incorporated, the company has received $3.1 million in payments from the Trump campaign and an affiliated joint fundraising committee.

The payments add up to make the company the second-largest vendor used this year by the Trump Save America Joint Fundraising Committee, which is a financial hub for Trump fundraising efforts, with contributions then divided between it and other committees based on a formula. In this case, the contributions are shared with the formal campaign and Save America, a committee that has helped pay millions of dollars in Trump legal bills.
The joint fundraising committee has spent nearly $2.8 million with Launchpad Strategies, according to campaign finance records current through April.

Little is known about Launchpad Strategies LLC beyond its existence and the millions of dollars it has taken in from a presidential campaign.

It has never done other political work for state-level or federal candidates, according to federal and state campaign finance disclosure filings. The first payment from the Trump operation was on Dec. 18, just over a month after the company appears to have been incorporated in Delaware.

The company’s website offers no information about services it offers or who runs it. A contact page that offers people a place to reach out and ask questions appears inactive, and multiple requests for comment NBC News tried to send through the site went unanswered.

While the company uses the Raleigh post office box as an address in federal campaign finance reports, state officials in North Carolina confirmed to NBC News last week that no company by that name is registered in the state.

“We don’t have a business entity by that name in our Business Registration database,” said Liz Proctor, a spokeswoman for the North Carolina secretary of state.

The Trump campaign would not discuss specifics other than to say it is focused on fundraising outreach.
inb4 another secret Chinese bank account
Why are you obsessed OP?
>No no! Stop paying attention to my favorite corrupt politician! Please guys!
I wonder why you don't want the news to report on Trump.
Just free speechin'. Relax chuddie

smells like rubles

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