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Most Americans approve of DEI, according to Post-Ipsos poll
Despite rising tensions over diversity, equity and inclusion programs, about 6 in 10 Americans said they are a “good thing” for companies to adopt.

By Taylor Telford, Emmanuel Felton and Emily Guskin
June 18, 2024 at 6:00 a.m. EDT


A Supreme Court decision last year striking down affirmative action in college admissions unleashed a broad conservative attack on corporate efforts to achieve diversity.

Dozens of companies, including giants like Meta and Pfizer, are fighting lawsuits over their corporate diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI, programs, many of them brought by conservative activists. Republican-led state legislatures across the country are considering scores of anti-DEI bills, and such efforts are poised to become a wedge issue in this year’s presidential election.

Despite those conservative attacks, most Americans approve of companies taking steps to address the historic inequalities in their ranks, according to a poll from The Washington Post and Ipsos. Roughly 6 in 10 Americans said that diversity, equity and inclusion programs are “a good thing” — and support was even higher for specific programs such as internships for underrepresented groups and anti-bias trainings. The level of support differed among racial groups, and one effort was universally unpopular: financial incentives for managers who achieve diversity goals.
The poll of 2,274 Americans, including 1,371 workers, highlights the disparity between the generally positive public perception of corporate DEI programs and their status as a political target at a moment when companies are quietly reassessing their policies and shifting their approaches to DEI with a focus on limiting legal risk.

The public’s support for programs used to increase racial diversity in the workplace remained steady over the past year, despite the legal onslaught such programs are facing. Last year, 62 percent of Americans said efforts to increase racial diversity in workplaces were a good thing, according to a Post-Ipsos poll.

“I do believe that the vast majority of peoples’ values align with what this work actually entails,” Joelle Emerson, chief executive of DEI Consultancy Paradigm, said. But the concept of DEI might need some rebranding, she said.

“The DEI acronym does have a lot of baggage with it,” Emerson said.

Many Americans don’t fully understand the broader implications of the practice, said Ryan P. Williams, president of the Claremont Institute, a conservative think thank that has helped organize the national campaign against DEI.

“Most people generically aren’t against diversity, equity and inclusion,” said Williams. But he said there needs to a bigger conversation about how to achieve a more equal society as well as the ideology behind DEI initiatives.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the poll and where DEI programs stand across the country.
When DEI is well-defined, approval rises
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When asked about whether “diversity, equity and inclusion programs,” are a good or bad thing, 61 percent said such efforts were good. But more, 69 percent, said they were good when given a more detailed definition: “programs to hire more employees from groups that are underrepresented in their workforce, such as racial and ethnic minorities and people with disabilities and to promote equity in the workplace.” Poll respondents were randomly assigned one version of the question to accurately measure their response to the wording.

White Americans were far more likely to say DEI programs are “a good thing” when given the more precise definition. Fifty-one percent of White people said corporate DEI programs were good; when given more detail, 64 percent of White people said they were good.

There probably aren’t enough DEI programs, said Nicole Good, 54, who is White.

“If you’re an outlier of any kind, then you are more subject to discrimination and misrepresentation and a lack of resources,” said Good, who lives in Michigan and works as a personal assistant. She added that she thinks it is “in the best interest of the population to include everyone.”

Black Americans were among the most supportive of DEI programs: 83 percent said they approved of DEI programs but slightly more said DEI was a good thing when given the more specific definition (88 percent).
Americans feel like DEI benefits minorities most
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Some conservatives have called DEI programs inherently discriminatory because of their emphasis on elevating groups that have been historically marginalized. Billionaires like Bill Ackman of Pershing Square and Tesla’s Elon Musk have decried such programs as discriminatory. Musk has said DEI is “another word for racism,” and Ackman has argued DEI programs give minorities unfair advantages in work and education.

But most Americans say DEI programs have a positive or neutral impact rather than a harmful one, according to The Post’s poll.

Fifty-seven percent of Americans overall said DEI programs neither help or hurt them personally, while 25 percent said they personally benefit from such efforts and 14 percent said DEI personally hurts them.

Overall, 63 percent of Americans said DEI helps workers with disabilities, 58 percent said they help Black workers and 55 percent said they help Hispanic workers. Another 54 percent said DEI helps LGBTQ workers, and a little more than half said that DEI helps female workers (52 percent).

White people were more likely to say DEI programs hurt White workers (34 percent), although 45 percent say they neither help nor hurt White workers. Fewer Black people (7 percent) and Hispanic people (16 percent) said DEI programs negatively impact White workers.

The prominence of DEI casts a shadow over how some people and their professional accomplishments are viewed, said Marcus Whittley, who is Black.

“DEI may not have played a role in their hiring, but because DEI is so pervasive in this world right now, it’s at the forefront, and people make that assumption,” Whittley said. “It’s just morphed into something that needs to be removed.”
Efforts to improve representation are popular
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The poll also asked about specific types of DEI programs, including anti-bias trainings, employee resource groups, recruiting efforts, internships and mentorship geared toward people of underrepresented backgrounds and executive bonuses for diversity goals

Black people generally expressed greater support for these types of programs than White people. But a majority of Americans across racial and ethnic groups approved of most measures.

Mentorship opportunities for underrepresented groups were one of the most popular programs, which 75 percent of Americans supported. Nearly 9 in 10 Black people, roughly 8 in 10 Hispanic people and about 7 in 10 White people supported these programs.

Support is similarly high for anti-bias trainings, with 75 percent of Americans including about as many White people in support of, along with 82 percent of Black people and 78 percent of Hispanic people.

There’s also majority support for internships for underrepresented groups (70 percent), recruiting underrepresented groups (67 percent) and employee resource or affinity groups for underrepresented groups (64 percent).

But bonuses for executives who hit diversity targets were unpopular: three-quarters of Americans disapproved of these policies, including majorities across racial and ethnic groups.
Opinion of DEI is split across political lines
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There is also a stark partisan divide over DEI.

More than 8 in 10 Democrats (84 percent) said DEI efforts were good for companies compared with 34 percent of Republicans. (Including the definition of DEI, this increased to 91 percent among Democrats and 49 percent of Republicans.)

These figures reflect the broader schism over DEI, which has seen the fiercest criticism come from conservatives. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has declared war on DEI in his state, banning these efforts at public colleges and universities. America First Legal, a group backed by former Trump adviser Stephen Miller, has filed legal complaints over diversity practices at scores of companies, including United Airlines, Kellogg’s, Nike, and organizations such as the FBI, National Football League and Major League Baseball.

“In a nation that is increasingly diverse yet still very, very economically unbalanced in terms of wealth and access to opportunity this just makes sense,” said Renee Griffin, who is Black and identifies as an independent. “This isn’t about White men losing anything, this is about their gains just being more proportional.”
Does race affect how people are treated in the U.S.? Depends on who you ask
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One of the underlying issues at the heart of the DEI debate is whether minorities still face discrimination and on that issue, Americans differ along racial lines.

The majority of Black people, 85 percent, said that more needs to be done for the United States to make up for past discrimination against Black Americans, compared to 12 percent who said it has done enough. Hispanics were roughly split on this question, with 50 percent indicating the United States needs to do more and 46 percent saying it has done enough. A 64 percent majority of White people said the United States has done enough to make up for past discrimination against Black Americans while 32 percent said it needs to do more.

More than 8 in 10 Black Americans said that someone’s race or skin color affects how they are treated in society “a great deal” or “a good amount,” compared with over 6 in 10 Hispanic Americans and half of White Americans.

The poll asked respondents to consider whether the country has made progress since the dawn of the civil rights era in treating people equally regardless of their race or skin color. More than 8 in 10 Americans overall said they believe the country has made progress on that front since the 1950s, but perceived progress differs by racial and ethnic groups.

Black people were the least likely to say that the United States has made progress since treating people equally regardless of their race or skin color, with 65 percent saying this, compared to 74 percent of Hispanic people and 89 percent of White people.

More than one-third of White people said the United States has made “a lot” of progress (36 percent), compared with 22 percent of Hispanic people and 10 percent of Black people.
This Post-Ipsos poll was conducted April 9 to 16 among a random national sample of 1,029 U.S. adults with a partially overlapping sample of 1,331 non-Hispanic Black adults through the Ipsos KnowledgePanel. Overall results and the sample of Black Americans have a margin of error of plus or minus 3.2 percentage points and error margins are larger among subsamples.
>More humans are pro-DEI
Bigots' opinions are DOA
>washington post readers
wow a poll of washington post readers that was published by jeff bezos, a massive jew,'s personal blog. its fucking nothing. remember whole food's internal documents, something else bezos owns. specifically instructs stores to hire for diversity because diverse workforces don't unionize
Why would it matter what “the majority” thinks? The majority are sheep. “The majority” opposed globohomo for millions of years, didn’t stop it from happening. Now if a “majority” supports globohomo frat U.S. nothing to do with it continuing either.
*frat U.S. should be “that has”. Autocorrect is fucking retarded
>White Americans were far more likely to say DEI programs are “a good thing” when given the more precise definition. Fifty-one percent of White people said corporate DEI programs were good; when given more detail, 64 percent of White people said they were good.

Pretty standard. Conservicunts have been programmed to hate at the buzzwords that right wing media uses, but when you explain those programs without using the names suddenly they seem like good ideas.
this has been known since the FDR era. modern republicans are really 100 years behind the times
>sucking bezos's cock
a true leftist
more like the poll questions are asked in such a way to get a specific answer. I know I once took a poll for a union I was in and when I went through and said I was against all the social shit they were pushing that was not directly related to me and my coworkers having more compensation or better working conditions I said I was against it, it then tried to reask the question by explaining it and then a third time asked me if I would change my mind now that they were "explained".
you also have this shit with
>even NRA members want universal background checks/gun control
except all NRA internal polling shows the opposite and whenever polls actually include language showing the actual laws being proposed instead of "explaining what they mean" the support pretty much all dries up.
like go look at polls where it says universal background checks/all gun sales need a background check vs the ballot measures for actual laws.
in anti gun democrat nevada 86% of those polled supported "universal background checks", but the ballot initiative to ban private sales only passed with 50.45% of the vote. In 2016 83% of main residents polled said they supported universal background checks. that same year a ballot initiative for UBC was voted down by 52% of residents. Washington state and california both saw their ubc ballot measures underperform polls by over 20%.
I guarantee if actual DEI policies were shown in the poll they would have sub 50% approval with white people
>I guarantee if actual DEI policies were shown in the poll they would have sub 50% approval with white people
Facts don't care about your feelings, faggot
At the end all you have is a 'I hope'
And conservicunts are notoriously stupid about who they think support them. See: Everytime they rage when another celebrity/band/famous person ends up being liberal.
>despite the massive social pressure to answer "yes" to these questions, they barely manage to get half of white people to agree that these programs are good
How many of those 51% white "yes" answers were the result of fear rather than honesty?
jews are white
get jeff bezos's cock out of your mouth for 2 seconds faggot. you are going with a poll done by jeff bezos, a jew who pushes DEI to prevent unionization. I'm sure the entire goal of this poll was to push bezos's agenda. the jews were incredibly afraid of getting hanged in the late 2000s early 2010s so they invented DEI, trannies and homosexuals to get the communists to defend them from the right wingers
this too
lol no
holy buzzwords batman. you talk like a faggot
>I feel this poll is politically motivated
lmao, what a faggot
your feelings are irrelevant, get them off this board
the only "buzzword" I used was DEI which is in the OP and article. you are a jewish tranny shill who doesn't have an argument
I never said that. you are strawmanning and have no argument. how do bezos's boots taste? ready to give bezos his daily sloppy toppy?
no you used almost all your favorites: bezos, trannies, communists, jews. it must have released a lot of endorphins for you
I think people are nice right? They read this and go ohhh I guess that sounds good...
If you say should we replace all the workers at NASA with blacks then you get different answers.

Also Whites are 51% but its still 61% with all the other races who would benefit, goes to show we gotta protect our necks.
poltards such as yourself aren't nice. plenty of people are though
its the whole
>there are so few blacks in baseball because of racism
>blacks make up the majority of the nba and nfl because they are the ubermench
I remember retards like a decade ago arguing one of the NBA teams was racist and "not diverse" because it was 71% black instead of 92% black like the league average
he owns the washington post, its literally his personal blog
> In October 2013, the Graham family sold the newspaper to Nash Holdings, a holding company owned by Jeff Bezos, for $250 million.[7]
> trannies,
troons only got pushed by the media after occupy wallstreet and the clinton housing bubble collapse
how else would you describe ows members who now defend banks and billionaires?
who controls the banks and the media?
again, you don't have an argument because you are a bezos cockholster
You need medication
he'll just die alone like the other poltards
He will now accuse the two of you (and this post too) of samefagging.
imagine unironically condemning Bezos for owning the post and pretending its his personal blog and ignoring that Murdoch was literally caught admitting that he uses his news service as a blog and being forced to pay millions in damages (so far) because he lied repeatedly to con cons into giving him money.

That sort of projection actually sounds like something a conservicunt would do. Carry on.
>lose argument
>say meds and then samefag
this thread isn't about murdoch, its about bezos. the washington post is bezos's personal blog. that is why they always have op eds being anti wealth tax. this article was a blog article and poll by bezos because as leaked whole food's internal documents show, DEI prevents unions from being formed and allows the jews to fuck over the workers.
you are a bezos bootlicker. you lick his boots, suck his cock and rim him daily
There he goes talking about dicks again
>this thread isn't about murdoch, its about bezos
It actually isn't about bezos. You made it about Bezos because you won't stop schizoposting about him and jews and dicks and communists.
this thread is about a propaganda poll done by a company owned by bezos that bezos has editorial control over. If fox released a poll saying in a poll Americans hate illegals you would be flipping the fuck out because its fox
you fags say republicans deep throat trump. cope
>in a far left blue state ran by racists padding their pockets
Yes DEI good racism bad, how much funding from sucka i mean taxpayers do we get for that?
Racism bad
trump 2024
Hunter Biden laptop
You triggered yet libshit?

nice what aboutism, now please go ahead and buy some rope off amazon. retardedly hypocrite leftist literally has no comeback they say muh muh murdoch did it!!! out of no where god go take a bath with a toaster
>this thread is about a propaganda poll done by a company owned by bezos that bezos has editorial control over
No, that isn't what the thread about either. This is the conspiracy you made up in your head and are now schizoposting about because you've been completely indoctrinated by right wing propaganda.
You're actually psychotic, anon. I don't even know what the fuck this sentence you just typed is supposed to mean. Something about Murdoch and Amazon and Bezos - none of which has anything to do with the the poll.
...and because he needs to talk about dicks. Nobody else did before >>1305327, certainly >>1305334 & >>1305377. Says so much about more than just rightist indoctrination, eh?
>jewboi seething because now he can't call someone a trump dickrider
the article and poll were from the washington post. the washingtion post is the personal blog of jeff bezos. jeff bezos has 100% control over the editorial of the washington post. jeff bezos is relevent to everything the washingon post publishes. you just deep throat his cock and balls daily because you love the taste of billionaire cock
How did you get this confused? Also jews are white.
...and there he goes talking about dicks again
jews are not white, they founded the naacp
you dems were calling trump a cock holster in 2016 and you constantly say people suck trump's cock

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