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Franklin Zeigler, 29, of Cape May decapitated a seagull that tried to steal his daughter's French fries on an amusement pier on the Wildwood, NJ boardwalk.

He then asked the pier staff for a trash bag while holding the dead seagull. The police were called and he refused to cooperate with their investigation, leading to his arrest.

On July 18, he was charged with third-degree animal cruelty after officers obtained witness statements and photos, investigators said.

good sounds like a privileged whitey he deserves to lose an arm for this.
Just like you
feelgood story of the year
nah, you are one seething tranny
> kill a flying rat

Are Americans now going to get arrested for using a mouse trap?
LMAO, the spammer got banned

You aren't pulling a seagull's head off, the guy must have had a knife on him, which is probably why the police were actually brought in and he got all defensive.
Killing non-pet rats and mice with commercial traps on your property is carved out as a special exception in the statutes. It's silly like that.
America sucks, especially if the seagull was the one who couldve been attacking the people for the food, honestly the legal consequences of defending yourself, be it from animals or even other people, are so skewed due to how situational each case can be

Too many different factors lead up to this nee state in which someone woulc actually claim to be saving themselves from an animal attack and get arrested and some kid stepping on frogs to death will grow up and people will say 'oh boys will be boys'
trannies have no power over me, reddit spacer
>>guy slaughter a wild animal to eat, no probs
>>guy slaughter a wild animal to stop it eating his food, big probs.

Seagulls are flying disease breeding grounds that steal from everyone and everything and all other animals hate them.

Fuck seagulls, you pussy.

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