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Amid Joe Biden ending his re-election campaign, rumors are emerging that Donald Trump is regretting his choice of running mate.

Biden endorsed Kamala Harris as his replacement on Sunday after he announced he would no longer be running as the Democratic party's nominee for President amid concerns over his health and age.

"My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it's been the best decision I've made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats—it's time to come together and beat Trump. Let's do this," he wrote in a post on X.

Following the announcement, Republicans, including House Speaker Mike Johnson, immediately seized on Democrats, claiming that the GOP would challenge the party's right to switch Joe Biden for Kamala Harris.

"I think they've got legal hurdles in some of these states," Johnson told CNN on Sunday. "And it'll be litigated, I would expect, on the ground there."

But a possible legal challenge is not the only sign that the Republicans may be nervous about Biden's decision.

Trump decried Biden's decision to drop out in a post on Truth Social on Sunday, writing that his team would have to "start all over again" and asking to be reimbursed for the cost.

Reports have also emerged that Trump regrets choosing J.D. Vance as his running mate as much of the former president's campaign, including the decision to tap the Ohio Senator as his Vice President, has been structured around attacks on Biden.

"Most striking thing I heard from Trump allies yesterday was the second-guessing of JD Vance—a selection, they acknowledged, that was borne of cockiness, meant to run up margins with the base in a blowout rather than persuade swing voters in a nail-biter," Atlantic staff writer Tim Alberta posted on X.

Alberta has over 173,000 followers, while the tweet has been viewed 2.9 million times.

In an Atlantic article written by Alberta, Trump campaign officials acknowledged that the former president selected the inexperienced Vance to boost support among their own base, not extend a hand to swing voters, because he was already certain that he was going to win against Biden, who was declining in the polls and facing calls from his own party to resign over his health.

But with Biden out as the candidate, Trump's strategy could fall on deaf ears.

In the days following Biden's announcement, Trump has defended his running mate, brushing off past criticism from Senator Vance in an interview.

"He didn't know me," he said on Vance, who was once an ardent critic of Trump, describing him as "America's Hitler."

"And then when we got to know each other, he liked me maybe more than anybody liked me," Trump said during the pretaped interview aired Monday night on Jesse Watters Primetime.

"And he would stick up for me. And he'd fight for the worker as much as I fight for the worker," the president added. "We just had an automatic chemistry."

Nonetheless, Trump's decision to run on a ticket with Vance could still earn him a blow to his campaign.

According to Politico, if Harris becomes the Democrats' nominee for President, "much of the subsequent election campaign is likely to domestically focus on abortion and women's rights," which could prove a problem for Trump after polls have consistently shown that the proportion of women planning to vote for him this November is smaller than those who did in 2020.
At least they got shitty mountain dew jokes out of Vance, what VP can Kamala pick that would have that?
LOL, there is no sane person would agree to be the VP of Furher Trump. He only cares about himself and his extreme greed of accumulation of wealth and power. Remeber what happend to Mike Pence, he will happily murder/jail/frame anybody who disagree with him, and he will sacrficie anybody else just to stay in power forever. Watch Furher Trump try to eliminate the 4 year term rule alongisde his corrupt handpicked supreme court judges if he is re-elected.
You're on 4chan. You're not scaring anyone else with this tripe but yourself.
Since January 2024, ALL of Trump's world has been collapsing, month after month. It's fascinating to watch:

>The multiple trials and their losses
>34 times found guilty
>Evidence that he participated in human trafficking
>evidence that he raped at least one child
>his assassination attempt, which no one cares about
>The disastrous RNC with a hasbeen wrestler, a pornstar, a fireman's uniform and nothing interesting.
>The choice of a VP with the charisma of an oyster.
>Biden who chooses his country over himself
>The new Democrat candidate is an intelligent, energetic young woman.
>The undoubtedly Democrat VP is a fucking astronaut and fighter pilot.
He's right you know
I'd disagree, everything was going in Trump's favor starting in June where the corrupt republican judges were ruling in his favor on everything, including the Republican Supreme Court declaring the president is a King who is a above the law. This along with Biden being exceptionally weak as a candidate and shitting the bed in the debate.
But Biden dropping out and Democrats getting a massive 2nd wind with Harris, and the VP probably going to be Kelly, while Trump is stuck with a certified fascist who magnifies all his worst policies as his VP completely turned the race on its head.
It's not too late. Drop the sunk cost Donnie.
2nd wind, like a big old fart.
>2nd wind, like a big old fart
Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahaha!
That's why I come to this board, the witty commentary!
So true!
He really should have picked Haley or Gabbard but got way too cocky expecting a blowout win against Biden. now it's a race again and he's stuck with someone with zero swing voter appeal. hell even RFK would have been better.
Are you guys here as part of ActBlue or are you doing this for free?
>Supreme Court declaring the president is a king who is above the law

You didn't even read the decision did you. Either you're stupid or willfully ignorant.
You know they didn't, facts are antithetical to leftist fearmongering
this, Trump is LITERALLY HITLER! We can't let him get the nuclear codes again, we all saw what happened the last time he did that.
Haha! Yeah, this is pretty accurate!
>Republican Fascists pretending that wasn't the ruling
Fuck off.
No one is believing it you guys
It's likely that the flip to Harris was the plan since the beginning of this whole election race. He should have picked Kennedy for his VP choice, that would have been a landslide victory.
Oh yeah. Every thread on this board since Sunday has been a mini temper tantrum. Trumpsters know they're gonna lose.
>panic'd leftoid shill posting continues
Anon, have you finally been unburdened by what has been?
You're clearly outnumbered, done sweating?
Lmao, anon what anime do you think you're in right now?
If he picked Haley bro would have been dead the second he won the election
That's our guy. He did the same thing when he was first president and finding nominees for his cabinet. One guy would be sucking him off and another guy would come in and do a better job, and the first guy wouldn't be the nominee anymore. Trump is the worst gay slut in presidential history. He went through four or five nominees for nearly every position.
Wouldn't be surprised if he tried to go with Matt Gaetz instead of Vance.
Anime website newfag
You should step out of your hugbox more often.
>imminent /pol/cel retort
gop shills can't even say anything besides "b-b-but you're wrong!!" as trump's campaign breaks down
>be wrong
>get called out for being wrong
>LOL all you can do is point out that I'm wrong!
You know if the Border Czar wins all you're going to do is keep complaining about how bad your life is while blaming everybody except yourself for what you voted for.
Hahahaha! So true!
>gop shills
how do you people always part with reality? just look at the thread
>Labour can blame Conservatives for the next 14 years
Democrats will be happy that MAGA will be dead. Trumptards will be reduced to being more irrelevant than Teabaggers up to late 2012 when their golden boy Mitt Romney failed.
Labour voters are happy they destroyed the terminal fuckups that were the Conservatives. Democrats will be happy that Trump will be electorally assassinated. As with what happened from 10PM on 4th July, I'll be glad to see the MAGA meltdown on 5th November.
Labour voters are glad that they got what they wanted, Democrat voters will be happy that Trumptards and their orange god won't get what they want. And that's all that matters.
Shareblue trooncells, being low-IQ individuals, are always emoting whats on their minds. So thanks for confirming the DNC is basically in total shambles rn. Youve played yourself.
>>be wrong
>>get called out for being wrong
I read the reply chain and I'm wondering where you think this happened.
no u broskie
He wanted to pick Doug Burgum who actually would've been a great choice but his retard son made him hedge his bets on the closet homo instead.
Trump can always run again in '28 and '32. He's still young.

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