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I wonder who long before the Lefties start claiming the guy was actually a Trump voting MAGA Republican?...

July 23, 2024

ATV driver accused of running over Michigan 80-year-old who was putting up Trump sign found dead

(CBS DETROIT) β€” A Michigan man who allegedly ran over an elderly man with an ATV and vandalized vehicles β€” in what police say were politically motivated incidents β€” has been found dead.

The Hancock Police Department was contacted by a man on Monday who said they wanted to "confess a crime involving an ATV driver within the last 24 hours." The man instructed police to "send someone to pick me up."

When Hancock police and deputies with the Houghton County Sheriff's Office arrived at the man's residence in Quincy Township in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, they found a 22-year-old man dead from a single self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Through a search warrant for the home, deputies retrieved several electronic devices and found the ATV that was used and the clothing the suspect wore during the incident.

On Sunday, Hancock police responded to three incidents that appeared to be politically motivated. Police say the victims displayed political yard signs for former President Donald Trump and law enforcement appreciation flags and stickers.

In two of the incidents, the suspect intentionally vandalized vehicles, according to a release from Hancock Police Chief Tami Sleeman.

Then, at 5:45 p.m., officers responded to the 1600 block of Anthony St. after the same suspect driving an ATV allegedly intentionally drove through a yard and ran over an 80-year-old man who was putting up a political sign in his front yard.

The 80-year-old was taken to a local hospital in critical condition.

The investigation is ongoing.
Leftists are really getting out of hand with their terrorism here.
>implying the 80 year old chud didn't deserve it
The US is way too divided and psyopped to recover at this point
Welp. It was an accident. Time to move on.
They can't keep getting away with it bros
At least this leftist terrorist offed himself afterwards
Left wing queeroid gets caught being violent and defenseless elderly man, promptly kills himself

What a good ending. All left wing queeroids should follow suit
This. I blame the internet, particularly social media
>I blame [tool], especially [tool]
not smart
If Trump hadn't been convicted of multiple felonies for raping and fraud maybe we wouldn't dislike him and his supporters so much
Trump has never been convicted of felony rape

You are again confusing civil court with criminal court, and are again confusing new age gender hokum with actual sexual assault
A judge literally ruled Trump was a rapist. I'm not making this up. Rape is a felony. Ergo, trump is a felony rapist, felony fraudster, and felony election interference. It's only a matter of time until he's a felony coup planner as well
>A civil court judge literally ruled Trump was a rapist.

>Rape is a felony.
That same judge explicitly stated Trump did not commit felony sexual assault/rape. She cited new age gender-hokum and said Trump publicly denying he raped someone was sexual assault.

>I'm not making this up.
Yes you are.
Do you have a source for any of your wild claims?
Hard mode: no faux news dailyfail or falon gong!
No sources!
I thought so!
>sealioning this hard

Amazing how were both referencing the same legal decision yet I somehow am the only one who actually knows what was in the decision
Didn't think so!
>β€œThe finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was 'raped' within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump 'raped' her as many people commonly understand the word 'rape"
Judges own words anon.

AKA- "no he didn't actually commit the crime as defined by the law, but as defined by new age gender-hokum where denying you raped someone is also raping them"
He's literally quoting the judge
Do you have a source to back that up??
No surprise, I didn't think you would have a source!
Awww, nice wittle blog you have there. Faggot!
> hurry, we need to derail the thread into irrelevancies, say something about Trump!
>AKA- "no he didn't actually commit the crime as defined by the law, but as defined by new age gender-hokum where denying you raped someone is also raping them"
Well, no. The jury found that he penetrated her vag with his fingers. It's kinda like when Slick Willy wasn't counting a blowjob as "sexual relations."
>Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll
Wait, 80 is elderly now?
I have something to tell you about your chosen presidential candidate...
Tox report? Criminal history? They were certainly no angel.
absolutely nothing of value was lost. some old fart who is collecting Social Security, and Medicare, and maybe a pension or two, and actively wants to prevent anyone else from having these benefits ... therefore voting for Trump. He probably has a "No Socialism" sign in his yard as well, even though he is living off social policies.
More old farts should be run over.
>Thinking the internet can be boiled down to the function of a "tool"
The only tool here is you. The internet is unprecedented. And you have no solutions anyway, just useless opposition.
>Defending murdering someone because of their political views
You deserve to have your Internet access revoked
Socialism is nothing more than a means of bringing about Fascism or Communism, through the destruction of what was. You want to believe in a utopia but your masters will always give you a dystopia. You little ones will never be in control as your masters kill you first. They want workers for the slave class, and we all know you hate work. More likely you do this knowing that as did this dirty little POS who took the bullet instead of standing up and speaking in a court. You hate the world and yourself equally.
It's an unprecedented tool.
It's still a tool. As such it can't be guilty of anything because it doesn't have a conscience.

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