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Former President Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. spoke multiple times in the span of a few days this month, multiple people familiar with the conversations told ABC News, including an in-person meeting in Milwaukee during the Republican National Convention where the two presidential candidates discussed ways Kennedy could be involved in a second Trump administration.

At least one idea floated, according to two people with knowledge of the talks, was for Kennedy, a vaccine skeptic who speaks often about the perils of chronic disease, to oversee the Health and Human Services Department under a possible Trump administration.

According to one source, the in-person meeting, which took place the Monday of the convention, never reached a point where Trump and Kennedy had a deal in place for Kennedy to exit the race and endorse the former president in exchange for a role in the administration. Rather, it was an "informal," "free flowing" conversation, the source said.

The two men initially spoke by phone on the evening Trump survived an assassination attempt at a Pennsylvania rally, one source told ABC News, adding that they agreed on that phone call to meet in Milwaukee the next week.
The Washington Post first reported the existence of the conversations.

Two people familiar with Kennedy's thinking told ABC News that the agreement to meet with Trump stemmed from Kennedy's desire for national unity.

According to one of the sources, Kennedy has tried to connect with Democratic leaders regularly for roughly a year to try to discuss ways to "bring the party back to its roots," but has not succeeded in having those conversations.

Kennedy, who initially ran for the Democratic nomination last year, pivoted to an independent run in October.

"President Trump met with RFK and they had a conversation about the issues just as he does regularly with important figures in business and politics because they all recognize he will be the next President of the United States," Trump spokeswoman Danielle Alvarez told ABC News in a statement.

A spokeswoman for Kennedy did not respond to a request for comment.

Nicole Shanahan, Kennedy's running mate, told ABC News in a statement that she was aware of Kennedy's dialogue with Trump this month, and was supportive.

"I was aware of it and support American Unity and health. We are willing to speak with anyone on unwinding the corporate capture of our agencies," she said.
Trump and his campaign are a caricature of evil. It's a distillation of all the biggest conspiracies that have ever existed (destroying healthcare, protecting the elite, alliance with the worst tyrants on Earth, enriching the richest and impoverishing the people, in bed with the biggest corporations on Earth, etc.).

Fortunately, this nightmare will end this fall with the election of Kamala Harris and Mark Kelly.
>It's a distillation of all the biggest conspiracies that have ever existed
Because none of them are true

>with the election of Kamala Harris and Mark Kelly.
Cacklin Kamala aint winning anon, she's vastly unpopular and the Dem infighting over choosing a candidate no one likes or actually voted for is not going away anytime soon. Sorry.
This is true!
>samefagging across multiple threads
Agreed. Well said.
You're not fooling anyone, samefag
first post best post
This is what right wing misinformation victims actually believe
Is this part of your "everyone to the left of Steve Bannon is the same person" routine?
ActBlue is not sending their best
>You're not fooling anyone, samefag
Neither are you, subhuman hypocrite samefag that perhaps is glad that one of its previous threads was removed: >>1318407
However, you should be glad I saved that particular thread that is pure samefagging on your part, thus the hypocrisy of a subhuman that doesn't have the right to have opinions - as demonstrated by that and so many other posts/threads being removed - is proven:
ActBlue isn't sending anyone at all. This is a dead board. You have been indoctrinated to see ActBlue everywhere they aren't.
>hit ActBlue dogs will holler
Call out lists are absolutely an ActBlue tactic, it's a shame that it doesn't work on an anonymous image board with anonymous posts made by anonymous posters

If only we had like, you know, post IDs so we could actually deal with spamming. But we all know why ActBlue doesn't want that.
>wants to make every board like /pol/
Go back to your containment hole.
Exactly my point. Any and all measures that could be taken to deal with spamming and samefagging are shouted down as /pol/

Anyone who cries about spamming and samefagging yet is against Post ID's is acting in bad faith and is only mad that their own spamming and samefagging is getting competition.

Either you support spamming and samefagging, or you support Post IDs. There is no argument against this.
Gee I wonder why you don't want post IDs, samefag
>hit subhuman hypocrite called out hollers
Hypocrisy is absolutely a subhuman rightard tactic: 'Rules for thee, but not for me'.
It's a shame that as I said in another thread - fortunately for it, it was removed: or does it want that which I saved screencapped & catbox-linked here too? - 'I would be extremely happy if not only flags but post IDs were implemented in /news/: something else would be more than happy with that too if it didn't have a problem with that or it would agree. Seems something doesn't want that. We wonder why?'
We wonder why it couldn't reply to that or 'how about implementing post IDs and flags in /news/? I'm all for that. What say you, mods?'
Post IDs as per /pol/ and flags as per /sp/. I'm all for that being implemented in /news/.
But we all know why 1320432 doesn't want that: and not only destroying the right of retards to accuse others of 'samefagging', as per a catbox-linked pic which calls out a subhuman hypocrite's own samefagging.
If you don't want to be accused of being /pol/ then try not sounding exactly like a /pol/tard
It's because no one wants or needs post IDs but /pol/fags.
Gee I wonder why you don't like being called out (https://files.catbox.moe/u7tdp8.png) on your own samefagging hypocrisy, subhuman that thinks it has the right to accuse others of 'samefagging', samefag
Other people don't have a problem distinguishing between different posters. That's just you.
This, also a reminder, you don't need ID's to call out a samefag.

Case in point the /pol/tard who was spamming threads for the past week got almost all his threads deleted.
Good to see you have >>1318407 on that list too.
Fortunately that thread is screencapped and saved to prove its hypocrisy: https://files.catbox.moe/u7tdp8.png
Curious how the few threads that weren't removed were those with replies in single figures. Rather like its IQ.
We must call out the rights fascism at every turn! An injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere!
Anything to prevent discussion of Trump trying to bribe RFK Jr for an endorsement with a cabinet position, which is the point of this thread.
Are you the "I'M OUTRAGED" poster?
>2nd Trump administration
Pretty sure he won't be running in 2028. He's already too old to run currently. Oldest presidential nominee in history. Republicans really are desperate.
kek rekt
nobody was talking about fascism. They were talking about the schizo redditor who has been spamming this board for 3+ years.
he cant run in 2028 because hes only allowed two terms
He ain't beating Kamala. You see her rallies? She's the people choice, not drumph.
Trump has already said on multiple occasions he won't leave if he grabs power again.
And after what the republican supreme court just did in declaring the President is above the law and can commit crimes at will, expect him to have the full backing of them and Republicans to just either cancel or ignore election results.
Nice blog, faggot.
Very informative post
So true! This is often swept under the rug by the conservative-biased media in the US!
Diet Reddit isn't all that appealing, sorry.
>Cacklin Kamala aint winning anon, she's vastly unpopular and the Dem infighting over choosing a candidate no one likes or actually voted for is not going away anytime soon. Sorry.
This. All Dems are cultists who only turn out for Sleepy Jo Biddy.
I've been thinking of writing in RFK. If Trump present a plan to include him in a meaningful position in his cabinet that that would get me to vote for him again.
>2nd Trump administration
Wait till magatards find out RFK's policies.
They must be squirming right now it's so uncomfortable!
So what causes right wingers to be such schizoids?
>That screencap
More proof that removing the IP counter was a mistake and it was only done because Republicans bribed gook moot so they could samefag harder.
Ivermectin and daily bleach injections while giving all their money to trump

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