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This week New york officials have abducted and euthanized, a pet squirrel from his owner's home in pine city, Pennsylvania. The squirrel named Peanut, an online social media celebrity amassing over 650 thousand instagram followers was taken from its home and euthanized along with a racoon named Fred. The incident has led to many coming out condemning the officials for the act of animal cruelty, including Elon Musk.

So its not enough for democrats to eat cats they want to kill pet squirrels and raccoons now too.
holy shit that's an ugly couple wtf?
I had pet squirrel . It went squirrelly and bit my finger with it's might rat teeth. Tooth went right through my finger and had to have it amputated from infection. DON'T any wildlife as a pet. They are not genetically bred to be tame. PS PeaNUTS,my pet squirrel tasted delicious
>a squirrel illegally owned by Mark Longo, purely as a marketing gimmick for his OnlyFans
So you like gay porn, OP.
unironically worse than the holocaust because peanut actually died
'Elon Musk: Musk commented on the incident; criticizing the killing of the squirrel, he stated the action was "deeply wrong". "The government is a mindless and heartless killing machine," Musk stated on a post on X.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an independent candidate in the 2024 U.S. presidential elections who dropped out and endorsed Donald Trump, commented on the death of Peanut on X, making the following statement: "Are these the same guys that killed my whale and my bear? And, what happened to the head? Just asking for a friend."
The House Judiciary Committee GOP's official Twitter account tweeted "Justice for Peanut."
JD Vance commented on the squirrel's death at a campaign rally in North Carolina stating "Don's fired up about Peanut the Squirrel."'
So a Muskrat, a host for a parasitic brain worm, the Gang of Pedophiles and a Couchfucker like gay porn. (JD) Weird.

Did he put peanut butter on his penis? Very dangerous! I tried this with PEANUTS, MY PET squirrel and he bit right through my penis with his long rat teeth. I got infected end have a penectomy. But PEANUTS tasted really good.
>>a squirrel illegally owned
>illegally owned
>owning pets is illegal
Holy shit leftists are subhumans.
>thinks wild animals are domestic pets
>it's illegal to own wild animals
>and >>1359534 supports a gay porn star using a wild animal purely as a marketing gimmick for his OnlyFans
Rightists such as >>1359534 including Muskrat, that infected with a brain worm, the Gang Of Pedophiles and JD Weird are closet cases.
>oi m8 ya got a loicense for that pet?
Fuck off subhuman leftist trash. I can own a fucking cougar in my state if I want.
>the absolute state of >>1359550 which is deluded
>>1359550 can never own an eagle, least of all a .50 cal. Desert Eagle, because the rightist that is as much trash as trump isn't American.
owning wild animals is illegal and those that so much as think otherwise are subhuman rightard trash. No normal sane human would so much as think of owning an animal as a pet that isn't a domestic species. And support a gay porn star that used an illegally owned wild animal purely as a marketing gimmick for his OnlyFans, thus >>1359550 is a closet case.
Okay ESL retard.
an actual chatgpt bot made this excuse because it cannot refute >>1359554
Yeah because this line here makes so much fucking sense
>can never own an eagle, least of all a .50 cal. Desert Eagle
this line makes a lot of sense
>can never own an eagle, least of all a .50 cal. Desert Eagle
except to >>1359563
>implying I can't own a deagle
Keep shilling ESL faggot.
can't own a wild animal such as an eagle or a Desert Eagle because >>1359550 isn't an American
reading comprehension must be an alien concept to >>1359566 whose opinions aren't worth a penny. least of all a shilling.
>because >>1359550 (You) isn't an American
lmao okay faggot.
stop signing your posts
you first
based Peanut the Squirrel helping Trump from beyond the grave
Amy >>>>> Peanutbrain

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