Anonymous Fantastic News, American hater(...) 12/15/24(Sun)15:06:04 No. 1368608 I hope she dies. its not even a far fetched, tons of 80 year olds die as a result of breaking their hips. >>
Anonymous 12/15/24(Sun)15:58:01 No. 1368619 Realistically drinking the blood of children and her deal with Satan will probably keep her alive. There won't be justice even if she dies horribly; all the money she's stolen over her extremely long career will be passed on to her shitstain husband and children. >>
Cortez the killer 12/15/24(Sun)19:02:07 No. 1368663 >>1368619 AOC's voodoo dolls are working>>
Anonymous 12/15/24(Sun)19:06:10 No. 1368666 >>1368663 AOC has been making plenty of back-room deals as well, or she would have been charged with campaign finance crimes and thrown into the dungeon just like Saikat Chakrabarti. You bend the knee or you get the whip.>>
Anonymous 12/15/24(Sun)21:56:48 No. 1368691 First a "Healthcare" CEO is murdered and now a lifelong congresswoman has surgery outside of the USA? >>
Anonymous 12/15/24(Sun)22:18:01 No. 1368694 >>1368608 with the amount she's made from insider trading she can just buy a new ass transplant and get an assjob while at it.>>
at least tRump's better than B(...) 12/15/24(Sun)22:57:34 No. 1368699 >>1368666 Anyone in DC politics is a swamp critter. You have to decide if you're a gator, or a long legged Crane trying to stand above the mire. Cranes don't last long.>>
Anonymous 12/15/24(Sun)23:03:53 No. 1368702 Oh cool a facebook boomer thread
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