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let's hear the wokefags defend disney this time
what wokefags?
>Don't pay your employees minimum wage
>Gets sued because you're paying them less than what is legally required
>Pay more money than if you just paid them properly
If anything this is punishing them for not being woke.
paste the article text
OP is a Commie Nazi who supports the WORKERS aka the PROLETARIAT aka Labour Unions. Business owners should pay workers what the market demands. I effing hate these populist socialists like the OP that try to overthrow our tried & true Capitalist ways. Move to chyyNa

topkek. wokekefags don't even defend their slop machine anymore.
Define "woke"
The really hilarious thing is your mental illness led you to believe there were wokefags on this board.
It's woke because the replaced a witch with a negroid, and Snow White has brown eyes.
I like how "wokeness" is whatever makes chuds and nazis mad now.
This. I don't come here to give random sites clicks. If you don't post the text of the article I will assume it's just random troll bait.

Also, Disney is a massive corporation who's sole goal is to make money for investors. Anything "woke" you think they are doing is just them rolling the dice on what will turn the most profit. At no time have they ever made content decisions based on what they think is moral or not, just what will sell to their target demographics.
You are living in a bubble.
You have been misled.
Naah thats what incels are called who are permamad about jews, black people, and commies. Those are the only people who care about "woke".
We all are, moron. That includes you.
LOL, nobody sane and aware will actually think Disney as being really woke.

All big corproations with billions of dollars are all anti-woke. As they are all actually evil orthodox conservatives in action, all are vying to become the next evil ultra-rich king/emperor/tyrant ruler.
Ok weirdo
not in the rules, tranni boi
Disney's jewish CEO literally said in an investors meeting that pushing the woke agenda was more important than making money
It doesn't have to be in the rules. You're obviously a paid shill here to get clicks. Go lick boots somewhere else.
Don't bullshit; you know damn well what it is.
I do. I don't think OP does.
definition: (You)
>ad hom
i think you proved the opposite, tranny.
Always has been, queer.
Nazis put people in death camps dipshit. Stop using this word lightly.
Anything that rightwingers don't like.
Ugly-positive, misandry, promoting white replacement...
Could you cite some real world examples of each?
Snow White was replaced by Snow Brown, she's uglier than the jealous step-mom, the 7 midgets were replaced normal-sized mixed race dudes, she makes veiled remarks about something akin to patrirchy in an interview etc.
i won't list all the games and movies that flopped because of this shit because everybody reading this thread already knows.
>When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression

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